by Joseph Kisiday March 11, 2017, 10:10 am 154.2k Views 135 Comments. BuzzFeed Staff. Create a link to these questions for Which Transformers: G1 Character are you? 5 Questions | By The Matrix550 | Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 | Total Attempts: 8732. (e) Quiz And, more than that, there's probably one to represent just about everyone, too. by Nora Dominick. Youâre trustworthy and easy to hang out with, especially when the activity involves rule ⦠Facebook Twitter Subscribe ---- -----Share the quiz to show your results ! Youâre Wendy Corduroy! For that, learn your in-universe character twin and learn from their mistakes. What is your favorite color? Are you a bad boy, like Zuko? The Autobots have been kicking Decepticon butt, and we hope that it stays that way. You hear about a plot to destroy the earth, your reaction is. Wich transformers (cyberverse) character are you. Find out which of your favorite characters in the film would you be in this quiz!!! They seem to ⦠Quiz: Which âHeathersâ Character Are You? Here, you will uncover your secret twin, your soulmate, your reincarnation in the fictional world where Demogorgons exist. BuzzFeed Quiz Party! Honorable Dreadwing or silent Soundwave? What are your school reports like? test. "Helping the humans will only result in more tragedy." Jun 20, 2017 - QUIZ: Which Transformers The Last Knight Character are you? 1. Questions and Answers. *scoffs* "Run!!!!!" You got Cruz Ramirez! SHARES. Remove Excerpt. Find out which Character you represent from the original 1984 transformers cartoon Take this quiz! Image by Disney Pixar. Share this Quiz. The ultra-popular "Transformers" movies have been around since 2007, and the toys and cartoons a lot longer. Take this quiz to find out which Transformer character you are. Find in this quiz! Well, now you can find out, based completely on personality and interest with very few "obvious answers". by Whitney Jefferson. Quiz: Which Care Bear Are You? Which Transformers G1 Character Are You? Once you have, come back and take this very necessary quiz to find out which of the main characters you are. There are so many characters in "Star Wars," that there's likely one to appeal to every taste. You're more than meets the eye, as this quiz will soon demonstrate. I have already done one transformers personality test about Transformers (cyberverse) now i am doing Animated so are you ready to RUMBLE soon i will do other tests but make sure it says made by Tabish. See the poll based on this selector. Find out here! This quiz does not contain any spoilers for the series at all, and is meant to be a fun test of whose role youâd take on if you were an actual character of the show. Are you the sneaky Starscream or the ruthless Megatron? If you saw your leader hurt what would you do? 1. A Selector by Alex Lothos Take this quiz to find out which Beast Wars character you are. Take our quiz to find out which Bridgerton character you are â are you the Duke or Daphne? ! 4.9k. 127533 Both 127534 Movies 127535 Comics 127536 Neither 3. is related to Which 'Bumblebee' Character Are You? . There are 7 Comments on this Quiz (View Comments) 1. So you are wondering which autobot are you you have come to the right place Which one of the autobots are you take this test and find out which auobot are you. . Test your knowledge on this entertainment quiz and compare your score to others. Discover which Disney legend you're most like by taking this personality quiz! How many 'Transformers' movies have you seen? Quiz by pawshur This savvy examinator writes his knowledge from a place of passion - he made it to the final round in a quiz show as a child, and his love of the question-answer format was born. Well, now you can find out, based completely on personality and interest with very few "obvious answers". Take our quiz to find out. Take this personality quiz and find out which Avenger you are most like. Are you like Olaf or Edna Mode? Take this quiz to see which popular character you identify with most. About This Quiz. Out of these choices, what do you value most? When you get to the results page, click the link of your #1 BWTF, and you'll go to a page that will give you a picture and description of the fraggle you're most like. 1/10. Brave, rebellious, and occasionally work-averse, you enjoy spending time with your friends and partying. Do you ⦠We have prepared a Stranger Things quiz for this very purpose! But which character from the good guy team would you be? This quiz will tell you what awesomely awesome transformer you are. No Jedi mind tricks, just a quiz! Out of these choices, what color do you prefer? Take this quiz to find out if you're Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Ironhide, Bumblebee, Ultra Magnus, or Hotrod/Rodimus Prime? I hope you like your results. You love using the latest technology to help others, and are always up to take on a new challenge. Quiz: Which Transformers Character Are You? Skip to Main Content is a free online quiz making tool. Generate leads, increase sales and drive traffic to your blog or website. â« It's the Care Bear countdown - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 â«. It's time to find out! Have you ever wondered what character you are from The Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye/Lost Light? Items from you might like. Share on Facebook. What is your favorite Transformers movie? Take this personality quiz to find out which Avenger fits you best! personality test. How would your friends and/or family describe you? Maybe youâre the more playful type, like Aang. Report Quiz. Share on Twitter. Are you Optimus or Megatron? Facebook. Youâre independent and like to go at your own speed. What Disney Character Are You Quiz? Make quizzes, send them viral. also and share with your friends. This test was created by getting volunteers to rate the perceived personality of a variety of characters (currently 1,600). Youâre the coolest person in Gravity Falls. Facebook. (Autobots) Hello! With pics. Which member of the dysfunctional Decepticon family are you? What side are you on? Which character are you You can be an Autobot or Decepticon Here you can create your own quiz and questions like How many 'Transformers' movies have you seen? Which Victorious character are you? Share on Pinterest. Fandango Screen Reader Users: To optimize your experience with your screen reading software, please use our website, which has the same tickets as our and websites. Are you more like Stefan or Damon Salvatore? Out of these choices, what is your greatest weakness? Wich transformers (ANIMATED) character are you. Which "The Vampire Diaries" Character Matches Your Personality? Which Transformers Prime character are you? Whatâs *your* damage? Then this is the quiz for you! BuzzFeed Staff. "That's my plan." This is my first quiz so don´t hate if its bad or wrong. Or someone else entirely? Quiz. 127529 Transformers 127530 Revenge of the Fallen 127531 Age of... 2. Which Transformers Prime Character are you? Are you a fan of the comics or the movies? So the question has to be, which one of these incredible characters is, deep down inside, the same as you? Which Transformers Armada character are you quiz. Quiz Writer Kyle. These questions will build your knowledge and your own create quiz will build yours and others people knowledge. Well... You can find out who you are now =) BumbleBeeTF900 published on January 23, 2017 16 responses 0. from a social network: 10 Questions - Developed by: SSdogsrule - Developed on: 2020-07-14 - 6,193 taken - 21 people like it Find out who you are from Victorious Or maybe, just maybe, you're the Queen herself. Find out now! If youâve never cracked open a quiz by Kyle, youâre missing out. So for the longest time this website had not one character match personality quiz, but I guess it was inevitable because here is an attempt at a slightly more scientific, but still silly, "Which Character Are You?" Can you name the Can you name all the Transformers Prime characters?? Take this quiz! Feb 11, 2019 - Have you ever wondered what character you are from The Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye/Lost Light? If you embark on this journey, you should come up with the best strategy!