Quo vadis, Aida? U središtu ovog pakla našla se Aida, nastavnica engleskog jezika koja ratne godine provodi radeći kao prevoditeljica za UN-ove misionare i vojnike. ★★★★★ The 1995 Srebrenica massacre might sound like devastating subject matter but this is a truly beautiful piece of filmmaking that's well worth braving. Quo vadis, Aida? The massacre happened on the watch of the international community and the UN, who supposedly were protecting the Bosniak civilians. Bosnia, July 1995. Buy an Official Selection Pass on Leeds Film Player for £60. Eddig 719 alkalommal nézték meg. The true story of a translator attempting to save the lives of her husband and sons during the Bosnian genocide. Aida is a translator for the UN in the small town of Srebrenica. Yet watch “Quo Vadis, Aida?” and it becomes clear why Variety, a Hollywood trade magazine, considers it a serious contender. Đuričić is extraordinary as the titular character, exhibiting a compelling combination of compassion, diplomatic savvy and atavistic maternal impulse, as Aida struggles to stay one step ahead of a rapidly deteriorating situation. its runtime is 101 Min. Quo Vadis, Aida? 0 . review – shattering return to Srebrenica | Film” There’s a real tragic power in this almost unbearably brutal and shocking movie from writer-director Jasmila Žbanić about the Srebrenica massacre in 1995 during the Bosnian war, in which more than 8,000 unarmed Bosnian Muslims sheltering in … Quo Vadis, Aida? Jasmila Zbanic, who writes and directs, tells the story of Aida… Quo Vadis, Aida is available to stream on Curzon Home Cinema on 22nd January. gravely If you are Tired of looking for a good place to download Quo vadis, Aida? Aida is a translator for the UN in the small town of Srebrenica. When the Serbian army takes over the town, her family is among the thousands of citizens looking for shelter in the UN camp. As an insider to the negotiations Aida has access to crucial information that she needs to interpret. (2020) Torrent Got Released On Sep. 03, 2020 & hold Drama - War - Category, Rated 5.7 On IMDB With Over 243 votes / 6 votes ON The Movie Database. „Quo vadis, Aida?“ je priča o stravičnoj i krvavoj sudbini Srebrenice i hiljada ljudi koji su bili izdani i ostavljeni sami sebi. 2 . (2020) Torrent Movie In HD. A(z) "Quo vadis, Aida?" David Willoughby ... Watch now on Netflix. Watch it now on Leeds Film Player for £6. Deftly balancing an intimate personal story and a large-scale dramatisation of a historical tragedy, Jasmila Zbanic has made one of the best films of the year with the riveting Quo Vadis, Aida? Download Quo vadis, Aida? című videót "majigig" nevű felhasználó töltötte fel a(z) "film/animáció" kategóriába. In Quo Vadis, Aida?’s devastating retelling of the atrocity, Sarajevo-born director Jasmila Zbanic captures the genocidal horror and the absurd international indifference that allowed it to happen. Join Soundtrack Stream to Research the article “Quo Vadis, Aida? Share: Share on Facebook. (2020) Torrent Movie In HD, you are in the best place. (2020) ... Streaming Date: Unknown ; Add Added to watchlist Seen it Not Streaming in India 6 . 0 . Bosnia, July 1995.