Energon cartoon. The Autobots form an alliance with Alpha Q, who is already working with Rodimus and his crew, and learn his origin and his motives for stealing Energon - he seeks to use it to recreate that which Unicron has destroyed. Kukistuneena Unicron lepäsi avaruudessa muodostuen itse maapallon ytimeksi. The Omnicons are Transformers who were created to process raw Energon which other Transformers can't touch. This award was only given to a select few Autobots, allowing them to combine with other select Autobots. The Decepticons return, their leader Megatron now in control of Unicron's remains and housed inside a powerful new body. Transformers Energon Dark Unicron Black Variant Version Rare New ... Transformers Prime Dark Energon Deluxe Knock Out Figure NEW KnockOut Figure. NTF-Archive die Nummer #1 in Sachen Transformers von Fans für Fans! Comment. Unicron in Transformers Prime. Tłoczenie się w Unicron w przepaść, Galvatron zakończony nienawiść, a także w potężny błysk, Unicron zniknęła bez śladu. O [×] Omnicons‎ (7 P) Pages in category "Energon Autobots" The following 69 pages are in this category, out of 69 total. X-Spanse! Little is known about the intended personas of Energon Grimlock and Swoop. By Devin Meenan Published Dec 14, 2020. Decepticonit voidakseen käyttää häntä Autobottien tuhoamiseen ja Alpha Q voidaakseen palauttaa ennalleen kotimaailmansa, jotka Unicron oli tuhonnut. He is a giant cosmic Cybertronian god who serves as a multiversal singularity desiring to find peace by consuming and destroying all reality around him, as well as the twin brother and arch-nemesis of Primus, the creator of the Transformers. In 2008, the entire series was released as Transformers: Energon - The Ultimate Collection.In 2013, Shout! 0. This appears to be 100% new mold. Combats virtuels (Distribution alias Must Watch! Hot Shot is more mature than he used to be, but he's still short tempered. Years after "Transformers Armada", the Autobots continue to battle the Decepticons to prevent the resurrection of Unicron. He is a giant cosmic Cybertronian god who serves as a multiversal singularity desiring to find peace by consuming and destroying all reality around him, as well as the twin brother and arch-nemesis of Primus, the creator of the Transformers. Subcategories. In the opening mini-series of Transformers: Prime, "Darkness Rising," Megatron merges his spark with a shard of Dark Energon, Unicron's life-blood. With Garry Chalk, David Kaye, Matt Hill, Brad Swaile. Watch Transformers Energon Free Online. Transformers - Energon Unicron bei Amazon.de | Günstiger Preis | Kostenloser Versand ab 29€ für ausgewählte Artikel Thus, in the epilogue movie Predacons Rising, Unicron, in need of a corporeal form in order to bring about Cybertron's destruction, reanimates and reformats the husk of Megatron, who'd been slain by Bumblebee in the season 3 finale "Deadlock." Go! Seller 100% positive. The Transformers' homeworld riddled with Energon towers, fired, leaving Unicron badly damaged. Re: First Haslab Transformers Unicron Video Review Posted by TOO MUCH ENERGON! Transformers Energon [editar | editar código] Algunos años después de la derrota de Unicron, Optimus Prime regresa del exilio a un nuevo y unificado Cybertron donde Autobots y Decepticons viven lado a lado en paz. The Autobots form an alliance with Alpha Q, who is already working with Rodimus and his crew, and learn his origin and his motives for stealing Energon: he seeks to use it to recreate that which Unicron has destroyed. $15.37 + $2.78 shipping. Scorponok and the Terrorcons attack Earth, seeking the newly-discovered power source called Energon in order to revive Unicron. This category has only the following subcategory. The Terrorcons were created out of Unicron's body by Alpha Q; they were the reconstituted form of Planet Q's soldier army, consumed by Unicron. A pesar de que ya no puede combinarce con su remolque, se combina ahora con el Equipo Prime. Grimlock: Strength: 10 Intelligence: 7 Speed: 3 Unicron is the overarching antagonist of the Transformers franchise. The sequel to Transformers Armada and the second installment of the Unicron Trilogy, Transformers Energon (Transformers Superlink in Japan) was concerned with the search for energon, the source of both Cybertronian factions' power. But it was not to last. Although previous series had followed the integral plot of Autobots and Decepticons searching for energy, Energon was quite heavily obsessed with it. Home » Teletraan Board Quick links: Springe zum Inhaltsbereich der Seite , Springe zur Seitennavigation , Springe zur Suche . Sarjassa Transformers: Prime Unicron on muinainen paha olento, jonka 13 alkuperäistä Primea kukistivat kauan sitten. Transformers: Energon is part 2 of the "Unicron trilogy," which also includes Transformers: Armada and Transformers: Cybertron.The entire series was first released on DVD in the United States, from 2004 to 2005, in 8 installments. Transformers: Every Servant Of Unicron, Explained. This a very nice and promising take on Energon Optimus Prime. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! With the destruction of Unicron in Transformers: Armada a new age of peace began. Ambition Revived!!) Energon [edytuj | edytuj kod] Ważnym zdarzeniem w życiu Unicrona (dzieje się w serii Transformers: Wojna o Energon) było pożarcie planety Alpha Q, gdzie wówczas żył on, Scorpinok i Terrorcony. The Decepticons may be the most frequent antagonists in the Transformers franchise, but there is often an even greater … $34.99 + shipping. Popular features include daily news, toy galleries, a message board, a … Autobot ... After fighting bravely in the Unicron Battles, Hot Shot was rewarded with the Spark of Combination. From Transformers Wiki. Jump to: navigation, search. Transformers: Energon. Transformers: Energon (llamada Transformers: Superlink en Japón (トランスフォーマー スーパーリンク Toransufōmā: Sūpārinku), es una serie creada por Hasbro y Takara.Es la continuación de la serie Transformers: Armada y se sitúa temporalmente 10 años después. La fin de Miranda 2 (Galvatron! Category:Energon Autobots. L'empoignade (Break Through alias Go! Transformers: Energon (oorspronkelijk in Japan geproduceerd als Transformer: Superlink (トランスフォーマー スーパーリンク , , Toransufōmā: Sūpārinku)) is een Japanse animatieserie gebaseerd op de Transformers-franchise.De serie is een vervolg op Transformers: Armada en daarmee de tweede serie in de Unicron Trilogie. A series of natural disasters soon followed as Unicron was emerging from slumber. Seller 100% positive. When the time of the planetary alignment was coming, Megatron saw an image of Unicron's fate which guided Megatron to an Earth volcano where he battled Optimus Prime until the volcano was erupting Dark Energon. He became Galvatron again when exposed to Super Energon. | Full season and episodes - free online streaming fast high quality legal movies and TV television shows The Transformers' homeworld riddled with Energon towers, fired, leaving Unicron badly damaged. Transformers Energon Hot Shot. The latest #Transformers Collaborative with 80’s cartoon X-MEN I thought I heard somewhere that this toy had shared engineering or was based on the recent Studio Series Jetfire, that turns into a real-life SR71 Blackbird. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für Transformers Energon: die komplette Serie bei eBay. Most people think the Decepticons are the big bad of the Transformers franchise, but hardcore fans know that the real threat is Unicron. Hänen verestään syntyi pimeä energon, jota Decepticonit alkoivat käyttää aseenaan. Transformers Energon- Megatron Leader Class 2004 complete. Transformers Energon Jetfire missile - J96. Seibertron.com is a massive website about Transformers toys, cartoons, comics, and movies. Share Share Tweet Email. $45.00 + shipping. NO, I don’t think so. They served as his near-mindless agents of energon collection, gathering more of the magical substance to help repair Unicron. Transformer Energon ... La fin d'Unicron (Unicron Perishes alias Destruction of Unicron!!) Third party company Fans Hobby, via their Facebook account, have uploaded new images of the prototype of their upcoming MB-18 Energon Optimus Prime.. Unicron-trilogiassa energonilla oli suurin merkitys sarjassa Transformers: Energon, jossa sekä Decepticonit että Alpha Q:n johtamat Terrorconit yrittivät kumpikin kerätä sitä elvyttääkseen maailmojen tuhoajan, Unicronin. De serie is een coproductie tussen Hasbro en Takara. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t see any of the same parts on both toys. Whether you see them as related to the G1 versions or those of any other Transformers generation, likely depends upon whether you see the Unicron Trilogy Series (Energon) as connected with any other Transformers continuity. Ambition (Ambition alias Galvatron! alias Miranda II Destroyed!) A. Airazor (Armada) Alpha Trion (Energon) Autobot nurse; Avalon (Energon) B. Beachcomber (Energon) Bulkhead (Energon… Unicron is the overarching antagonist of the Transformers franchise. Years after "Transformers: Armada", the Autobots continue to battle the Decepticons, but this time they must also prevent the resurrection of Unicron. on February 7th, 2021 @ 12:53pm CST Is this only available to backers, or will it hit mass retail as well? Omnicons!! ) Seller 100% positive . 10 ans après sa destruction dans Armada, Alpha-Q et Scorponok utilisent de l'énergon pour le faire renaître, mais trop tard, car Mégatron, qui est ressuscité, arrête la réparation et prend le contrôle d'Unicron. Arcee(Erial) Voiced by ... became fused with Unicron's tissue forming a protective casing so he could make a new body from both in by siphoning Unicron's Energon, like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Le Super Energon (Wishes alias Superion's Hope!) An updated design featuring better proportions and poseability in robot mode with a new modular system trailer which allows you different configurations for better playability.