He stops attacking Hot Rod, and returns the Matrix. Gerrutcamaro.nl » Collecties » Unicron Trilogy » Armada » Armada - Optimus Prime, Powerlinx MISB ZOEK... E-mailadres. Optimus grabs the chain, pulling Megatron in closer, and, with the Allspark clutched in his fist, delivers a punch through Megatron's spark, killing him. In the animated series, Optimus is able to fire short-range optic blasts, project holographic maps, and deploy hydro-foils, designed by Wheeljack, to traverse bodies of water with ease. It was designed by the creative design team of Hiroyuki Obara, Shoji Kawamori, famous for his work in Macross, and Kohjin Ohno. Optimus then returns to an intel role as he guides Bumblebee in his mission to retrieve the Allspark from Hoover Dam. Optimus appears again in the 2011 film Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Pages Navigation. kkingkk. Long-nose truck, Cybertronic short-nose truck, Heavily-armed fire truck. Reassuming leadership of the Autobots, Optimus Prime establishes a dialogue with the Earth governments with the help of his human friends. His arsenal includes a grappler, fire extinguisher and a negative friction spray. He intended to leave the Decepticons to their own devices, but a battle with Megatron beneath the planet's surface, accompanied by visions from the Matrix, stirred him on to fight for the safety of his homeworld. When the Optimus Prime of the Armada universe disappeared, pulled into another dimension by the power of Unicron, the Chaos-Bringer sent something back in his stead: a nearly dead Optimus Prime from that universe, who warned the Transformers of Unicron's coming into their universe before dying. This led to a battle between Galvatron and Optimus Prime of an epic scale, which ended when Galvatron chose to enter Primus' Super Energon sun willingly rather than allow the evil of Unicron within him to control him further. Though Prime's ultimate fate is unknown, in a story entitled "The Last Days of Optimus Prime", also from Transforce, Prime laments the new Transformers age without war and passes on to a Transformers afterlife, referred to as "J'nwan". His nemesis then makes the decision to sacrifice his life, giving Prime a final victory, so that Unicron may be destroyed and their race will survive. Fandoms: RWBY, Transformers: Prime, The Transformers (IDW Generation One), Transformers (Unicron Trilogy), Transformers Generation One Teen And Up Audiences Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Having been frozen in the vacuum of space, Optimus has been drifting on the far reaches of Earth's solar system for some time. Well, do you, punk? Prime's death completed the process, and the two minds and souls became one. Soon they discovered their old Mini-Con partners. A terrorist organization, run by the enigmatic Lazarus, was able to seize control of several of the Transformers that fell back to Earth while the U.S. military was occupied with locating Prime's body. Later, Prime would make a final and permanent return in the Japanese Transformers continuity, Battlestars: Return of Convoy. Cybertron City, "Okay, I am done with it. It soon became apparent, however, that the consequences of releasing the energy of the Matrix to cure the Hate Plague were more far-reaching than Optimus had anticipated. Unicron.com. This origin is the most consistent between the various incarnations. The term "Unicron Trilogy" was first mentioned by Aaron Archer at BotCon 2005. However, he only ended up changing history for the better. Following the battle, Prime began to experience subconscious urgings, leading both the Autobots and the Decepticons to the Arctic Circle. Several statues and busts of Optimus Prime as well as Optimus Prime themed objects have been released by various companies since the return of Transformers to prominence, such as the "Optimus Prime Oral Care Station". Prime, Prime, and Prime. In the Escalation miniseries, Megatron engages Prime and, boosted by Ore-13, overcomes him. Continuity: He gave the Rescue Bots their mission and mainly appeared via a view-screen, appearing physically in the first episode and then in the first-season finale, where his truck mode was seen for the first time on screen. Rallying Transformers across Cybertron to the cause, Prime faced Shockwave, but was defeated and had the Matrix ripped from him and used to activate Vector Sigma. The story ends with Optimus and the Autobots choosing to remain on Earth, proclaiming it as their new home. Orion's hacking did not go unnoticed by Megatron, who knew he would learn the truth sooner or later. Optimus Primal, leader of the Maximal faction in the Beast Wars animated series, and toy line, is not Optimus Prime. Teletraan I: The Transformers Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Plagued by nightmarish visions of a life-destroying entity called "the Swarm", Prime looked into Cybertron's past and discovered that Jhiaxus and his kind were the result of an unintentional Transformer reproduction. He has led the search for the Mini-Cons, faced the resurrection of a dark god, and now aims to stop Megatron from obtaining the Cyber Planet Keys. [51] A commercial for the Discovery Channel featured Optimus Prime singing part of a promotional song. However, Ultra Magnus pulls some strings so that Optimus Prime could be captain of a strange Space Bridge repair crew composed of a war vet named Ratchet, a fledgling cadet named Bumblebee, and his fellow cadet Bulkhead. ", A forty-foot (12.2 m) statue of Optimus Prime exists in, A figure in the form of Optimus Prime appears in a pattern of windows and other markings on the background of the game, Optimus Prime was parodied in several episodes of, In conjunction with the release of the 2007 live-action film, Hasbro released a. The "Unicron Trilogy" version of Optimus Prime (based on the character of the same name) is a fictional character and the main protagonist of this branch of Transformers lore.Appearing in "Transformers: Armada", "Transformers: Energon" and "Transformers: Cybertron" (known as the aforementioned trilogy), Optimus is the leader of the heroic Autobots.. Although the mission was successful, during the aftermath of this mission, the Ark was attacked by Decepticons hoping to overpower their weakened foes. Orion was chosen by the High Council and became "Optimus Prime", upon being entrusted with the Matrix of Leadership by Primus himself. All memory of his past life gone, he took the name "Orion Pax" and sought his way like any other robot on the new world becoming Optimus Prime once more when receiving the Matrix of Leadership when Cybertron faced a new enemy in his former friend, Megatron and his army of followers, the Decepticons. The Matrix later fell into the hands of Galvatron, a recreated Megatron, and was finally taken back by the young Autobot Hot Rod, who became Rodimus Prime after bearing the Matrix. Functional again, Prime used the Matrix to reactivate more of his fallen comrades, and then faced off against Megatron in San Francisco. Iustitia Prime/Respect Unicron Trilogy Optimus Prime & Megatron Iustitia Prime/The Casual's Guide To Multiversal Singularities Iustitia Prime/G1 IDW feat: Optimus Prime smashed by Trypticon This article was nominated for deletion on 7 January 2011 (UTC). Optimus Prime returns in Transformers: The Last Knight, which is set three years after the events of the previous film. [26] The toy's characteristics, such as the head design and the use of the cab front as the upper torso, have become design elements in nearly every incarnation and variant of Optimus Prime. He and the Transformers found themselves caught in the schemes of a new generation of Cybertronians, led by the icy Jhiaxus, who were colonizing and cyber-forming other worlds. He frees all the other prisoners, and defeats Soundwave and his minions Frenzy, Rumble, and Laserbeak, but he is too late to save Zeta Prime. In the animated series, Optimus was also given the ability to retract his right-hand unit and replace it with a glowing axe. Events happen similar to … [24] Optimus Prime is one of the Autobots featured in Transformers: The Ride at Universal Studios theme parks. He is the supreme leader of the Autobots and the arch-enemy of Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons. Status: Nieuw. Optimus Prime appears among the characters in Re-Unification, the 2010 TFCon voice actor play prelude comic.[15]. There, they discover that Optimus Prime was somehow resurrected. The ladder/hose section houses Prime's Power Stream water cannon, capable of shooting freezing streams of water, called his Blizzard Storm attack. While retaining the original concept of a transforming semi-trailer truck, this die-cast figure incorporated modern toy manufacturing techniques for improved detail and articulation, while, at the same time, captured the look of the cartoon character. According to Bob Budiansky, co-writer of the Transformers series, Dennis O'Neil was responsible for his name. The "Unicron Trilogy" version of Optimus Prime is a fictional character of this branch of Transformers lore. With the plague spreading rapidly, even Rodimus Prime was soon infected, requiring the Autobot Skylinx to rescue a Quintesson in the hope that it would be able to bring Optimus back to life to lead the remaining uninfected against the plague victims. After being unable to obtain the Planet Cup from Override herself, Optimus Prime endorsed Hot Shot's plan to win the cup in a race with the aide of the other Autobots. The "Unicron Trilogy" is Hasbro's designation for the continuity family consisting of Armada, Energon, and Cybertron.The Unicron Trilogy continuity family includes these individual continuities: Cartoon continuity; A continuity composed of the Armada, Energon, and Cybertron television series and its related material, such as the Fun Publications Cybertron comic. Optimus then receives a distress call from Zeta Prime. The scale chart released for the series indicates Optimus Prime stands about 22 feet tall.[14]. Megatron led the Decepticons in civil war, which was bolstered due tothe Mini-Cons.The Mini-Cons made a pact with the Autobots to leave the planet in astarship,but Megatron struck as the tiny 'bots were leaving, and the damaged Mini-Con shipcrash-landed on the planetEarth. This would have made this version of Optimus Prime an earlier version of the film character. Although Optimus manages to injure Starscream and kill Grindor, he is eventually impaled and killed by Megatron. He thinks if he's not red and blue, nobody will recognize him. Armada Leader Optimus Prime with Sparkplug (2002) Came with the Mini-Con Sparkplug. During the final battle with Megatron's new form, Galvatron, the two brothers finally reconciled. The Maximals were occupied throughout the remainder of the series protecting Prime and the other Transformers aboard the crashed Ark until the Predacons were defeated. Though Prime was eventually consumed by the abomination and destroyed, he was able to unleash the energies of the Matrix into the Swarm, purifying it. Finding no life on Mars, his unit then moves to Earth, where he saves Kicker and Ocean City from an attack by the same creatures. Animated Optimus Prime is one of the playable characters in the 2008 Transformers Animated video game for the Nintendo DS.[25]. Optimus Prime is among the three Autobot figures available to play in the Monopoly Transformers Collectors Edition game. The Autobots are constantly waging civil war against a rival faction of transforming robots called Decepticons. Eventually the Decepticon leader called for a strategic retreat. After warping to Earth, Optimus saves three human children from the Decepticon leader, Megatron, who arrived on the alien world first. For the Generation 2 toy line, the original Optimus Prime toy was altered somewhat and an electronic sound maker was added. The vibrations from that landslide knocked Prime into the path of the computer's restoration beam, restoring him to life, thus beginning the war anew on Earth. Fighting each other to a standstill, both are surprised when Unicron suddenly comes back to life, feeding off their hate for each other. It was later revealed that a group of humans had actually managed to retrieve Optimus's body prior to the destruction of the ship, but he was now contaminated by strange particles released in the explosion. In Transformers: Armada and Transformers: Energon, Optimus Prime shares the role of main protagonist with Rad, Alexis, Carlos, Starscream and Hot Shot. He often converted to his super combat mode. While the other Autobots searched for the Matrix on Earth, Optimus Prime searched for Vector Sigma, guided through the dangers of the planet's catacombs by the spirit of Alpha Trion. He intends to destroy it, even if it means sacrificing himself, before the Decepticons can use it to create a new army to conquer the universe. Ransack and Crumplezone tricked Hot Shot and Dirt Boss into believing that a race between them would determine which of them would be allowed to race Override for the Planet Cup. Animated Optimus Prime, in an Earth-based fire truck mode, appears as a hidden character in the Transformers Netjet video game by Hasbro. He has a telescopic vision and turns into a long-nose semi-trailer truck. Unlike in all the previous series, his face can almost always be seen, because his mouthplate is retractable like in the 2007 live-action film. He is then fused with the dead body of Jetfire, giving him an extremely powerful upgraded mode. Megatron steals cyber key map. Simon Furman's "Alignment", a text story available through Transforce, a British Transformers convention, mentions Prime falling during what was intended to be the final conflict with the Decepticons at Pinea Omicron, long after the events of the Generation 2 comic book. Function: Optimus Prime is a leader in the best sense of the word, taking point on every mission and never sending his team into any situation he wouldn't go himself. When Unicron threatened Earth, Optimus Prime had no choice but to surrender the Matrix of Leadership in order to stop Unicron. [32] Also straying from the G1 design, Prime's vehicle mode is now decorated with red flames painted onto a blue body à la Rodimus Prime, his Generation 1 successor. Arriving in the Amazon, he familiarized himself with the territory before going and recovering the first Mini-Con Panel. Nov 3, 2013 - Optimus Prime fights for truth, justice, and the Autobot way. At that moment, Hot Rod arrived with the Matrix, the same with which Alpha Trion merged, re-energizing it. Optimus has been voiced by a number of other voice actors in other series such as Neil Kaplan, Garry Chalk, and David Kaye in the series Transformers: Robots in Disguise, the Unicron Trilogy, and Transformers Animated, respectively. The Unicron Singularity. Optimus reflects on the losses and rewards of this battle, as the Autobots have a new home, but many were killed in the battle. Sep 19, 2017 - Explore Super Ginrai's board "Unicron Trilogy" on Pinterest. This distraction gives Optimus the opportunity to activate the Mini-Con panel, revealing that its occupant is Sparkplug, Optimus Prime's old Mini-Con partner and friend. Optimus is easily subdued by Quintessa, who convinces him that he destroyed Cybertron and reveals that the Earth is actually Cybertron's "ancient enemy" Unicron. When Roller is deployed, Optimus can see and hear what Roller sees and hears. Many Autobots and former Decepticons joined in the project. Prowl's spirit pulls Optimus from the bubble just as the clone self-destructs with Megatron still trapped inside. In a possible future, Megatron was threatened by the existence of the Aerialbots and had Shockwave build a time machine to send them back in time to get rid of them. In this universe, Optimus Prime transforms into a fire engine. Vector Prime withdraws from the linear universe, observing the passage of time across the multiverse from outside of the timeline. Through treachery by Megatron's second-in-command, Starscream, Megatron was fragged and the Autobots crashed on Earth in the early 21st century. He became the leader of the Autobots after Sentinel Zeta Prime fell in battle, but is not certain he wants the responsibility. Unicron Trilogy It was only his vision and courage that allowed the Thirteen to finally defeat Unicron. 251 notes. Optimus and the remaining Autobots volunteer to stay and defend Cybertron from Megatron for as long as possible while the rest evacuate the planet. Sentinel doesn't forgive him for losing her and Optimus takes full responsibility for Elita's demise. Optimus sends Jazz on a high-speed destruction distraction mission, then sends Ironhide to rescue Jazz from a double-threat posed by the government agents and various Decepticon scouts. Appearing in " Transformers: Armada ", " Transformers: Energon " and " Transformers: Cybertron " (known as the aforementioned trilogy), Optimus is the leader of the heroic Autobots. Starscream is a copy of the original Starscream, created by Alpha Q, and is a recurring antagonist in Energon and Cybertron.While the original Starscream was somewhat anti-heroic in Armada, in Energon and Cybertron he becomes a straight-up villain, serving as a secondary antagonist. Starscream discovered Thundercracker had tried to lure the Autobots to him with a huge spotlight. Optimus Prime is notified by Hot Shot that the Decepticons are attacking Mini-Con villages. Optimus proclaims that they sacrificed their lives to protect the Allspark, and their sacrifice will not be in vain. : cars and other objects), a synergistic blend of biological evolution and technological engineering. The cab of his truck mode detaches to form Optimus himself, while the trailer transforms into a battle station mode operable by Optimus and several Mini-Cons. galvatron, formerly megatron, refined, focused general of decepticons. Optimus fights Megatron, but Megatron gains the upper-hand. As the Autobots battle it out with the Decepticons to protect Sam and the Allspark, things seem to take a turn for the worse as Megatron finally arrives. The sequel series, Transformers: Robots in Disguise saw Optimus contacting Bumblebee to warn him of danger on Earth—a prison ship's complement of Decepticon prisoners escaping upon the ship crashing and appearing briefly in physical form to help Bumblebee's unlikely new team defeat the Decepticon Underbite. After rescuing Omega Supreme, Optimus, Ironhide, and Prowl fight their way to the core, but it's too late. 2012. In Fallen, a further ten years later, the energon sun collapsed into a black hole, and Megatron was freed, having transformed Unicron's remains into a suit of armor that greatly magnified his already-impressive power.