For the methods to update graphics driver, you can refer to this post: How to Update Graphics Card Drivers (NVIDIA/AMD/Intel)? It makes V-Sync input lag much more tolerable than if you leave it set to default. If this feature is already disabled, then turn it on, restart your game and turn it off again. The graphics driver is very important for video games and it can enhance your PC gaming experience. I also have to latest NVIDIA driver installed, but I didn't made any changes in the Control Panel out of game. If no single drive has enough free space, you can alternatively choose to extend the original drive by taking space from another drive. So, if you are playing the game in fullscreen mode when you get GTA 5 lagging or stuttering issue, go to disable it. It was just very smooth overall. A Complete Guide to Fix GTA 5 Stuttering Issue [2021 Updated], Fix 3: Close Unnecessary Processes Running in the Background, Fix 5: Enlarge the Drive Where GTA 5 Is Installed, Frames Per Second: How to Increase FPS Windows 10 [2020 Updated], 3 Methods to Help You Move Steam Games to Another Drive. Therefore, you might need to take actions to enlarge the storage drive of the game. I set up a page file with a specific range (400 - 12000) and adjusted many different settings in Nvidia control panel, but the stuttering is still there. Albeit, it is a huge improvement, but it's still there. With my new GTX 1660 though, I’m getting about 90 - 160 fps on ultra settings (Vsync off, Frame cap at 300), but also extreme stutter whenever the … I closed the game, restarted my PC, updated my video drivers, made sure it wasn't Windows 10 updating without my consent or anything else, tried running … The very second your frame-rate goes above this number, something bad happens in the engine that causes it to stutter horribly. If you still get stuttering or lagging issue during gameplay, then try the following effective methods. But unfortunately, it has been proven that the GTA 5 stuttering PC issue is associated with fullscreen in some cases. I only use it for mass storage. This cpu issue the number one cause of stuttering in GTAV. ), while the average remained in the 120-140 FPS range. In some cases, this feature will lead to stuttering issue in gameplay. Step 4: Click Apply button to execute the operation. Even if the game is so CPU intensive. GTA 5 PC Low FPS/Stuttering, some users are complaining about low FPS, 30-50 fps on Maximum Settings and for others the FPS just drops very low sometimes. To be honest with you, I can't see the difference when my FPS drops in busy areas because everything look so smooth. GTA 5. My point is, it shouldn't stutter like hell so that I hardly even can move my camera when it's off. Launch MiniTool Partition Wizard. But you don’t need to worry if you are struggling with the GTA 5 stuttering issue. I set up a page file with a specific range (400 - 12000) and adjusted many different settings in Nvidia control panel, but the stuttering is still there. I'm home now tweaking the settings, I'll see how it goes. Anyways, whenever the FPS was lower than that, let's say around 100 fps, there was no more stuttering. “So I meet the recommended specs for Grand Theft Auto V, I’m not sure if it’s a bug or its just my computer, but I asked around and people say they have the same issue. I've freshly installed the game yesterday, and the game set almost everything to ultra (grass is like high only, msaa is 2x, advanced graphics are off and the other filter on 16x which I forgot how it's called) on the first launch. By Amanda | Follow | Last Updated January 04, 2021. GTA V has a hard capped fps limit of 187.5. I don't know what's the problem, and why I get that level of stuttering, the game is impossible to play without enabling V-Sync. Along with a lot of bugs. Similarly, GTA 5 needs the administrator access to its related game files on the system. If GTA V stuttering issue persists, you can move on to the next solution. I get an average of 130 FPS both in-game and benchmarks (sometimes it drops to high 110's in busy areas and max out at around 150). According to the reports from players, GTA V often gets stuttering or lagging in the middle of the game. When I had a similar problem - I disabled the Razer surround sound driver (don't know why I had it). I have been trying to deal with stuttering in GTA 5 for 2 years now and have only JUST recently got it down to just a micro stutter. You can also click the End task button at the bottom right corner of the window after selecting the process. Well, it might be hard for you to figure out where the problem lies. Sometimes, you may have some other processes running in the background when you are playing the game. Close. What do you mean by the HDD? Prior to the Ryzen launch, we discovered an issue with GTA V testing that would cause high-speed CPUs of a particular variety to stutter when achieving high framerates. My point is, that I didn't mean everything maxed out by this, because that would be absurd. Take a look at this - However, people have reported problems of GTA 5 Lag ever since the game was released. Also i kind of have a hard time believeing those 120-150fps average. GTA V has a hard capped fps limit of 187.5. UPDATE: See my problem here: Before you replace the original HDD, you need to transfer your data to the new SSD. To get rid of the issue in this case, you should lower down the mentioned graphics settings and make sure they are Normal. Another option that has solved the GTA V stuttering problem for many users is the Maximum processor state. 1. Receive help with your Rockstar Games technical issues – Use our Knowledge Base Articles and receive assistance via Callback, Chat, Email, and our Player Supported Community I ran several test runs, but X2 wasn't enough FPS killer unfortunately, I still got stuttering in less busy areas in the city with that lower setting. You don't even need to play without vsync so why bother? Step 2: Select the original disk and choose Copy Disk from the left pane. MiniTool Partition Wizard is recommended here for you, and you can extend the drive with the utility by following the steps below. My monitoring counters are showing me 120-150 FPS all the time. Close unnecessary processes running in the background, Enlarge the drive where GTA 5 is installed. I got the stuttering issues mostly when I got above 150 FPS, then it got worse and worse as my FPS rise. I have the non-Steam version of the game. I believe it was a video by Digital Foundry. I was downloading stuff overnight, so I changed the power plan during that time, because sleep mode would pause it. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Please feel free to share your experience and ideas in the following comment zone. As a result, you might encounter GTA 5 stuttering issue. I have done a fresh installed on windows. Thanks for your input guys, I very appreciate it, and have a nice day for all of you! I have a 144hz monitor, and I set the screen refresh rate to 144hz in the game and Windows desktop. Thanks. It doesn’t mean that you can play the game smoothly when there are exactly 65 GB available on the drive where the game is installed. Specs: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 6-core 3.4Ghz AMD RX470 4GB GTA 5 seem to stutter when driving so much it makes it hard to drive. This is a risky operation and you need to use a reliable third-party program. Step 4: Read the information on how to boot from the new disk and click Finish. Albeit, it is a huge improvement, but it's still there. Distance is also on maximum if I remember correctly. Bam, stutter heaven. My GPU settings are on adaptive (200-300mhz on desktop, 1920mhz in game), but I did forgot to change back my windows power setting to balanced. To do that, you need to navigate to GTA 5 SETTINGS > Graphics > Refresh Rate and set it to 60 Hz or lower. This is for the people who have a extreme low pc This settings can add more time to get in GTA Online but this settings will help you to increase your fps (ex. Do you want to boost FPS to improve gaming experience on computer? Step 1: Prepare a nice SSD for gaming and connect it to your computer. Albeit, it is a huge improvement, but it's still there. Step 2: Under Processes tab, right-click the process you want to close and choose End task. If you want to play Grand Theft Auto V on your computer, the following recommended system requirements to run the game should be satisfied: Many game lovers are in favor of this action-adventure game, but the gaming experience is not always fantastic in GTA 5. To run GTA 5, your computer needs to meet the system requirements of the game. Then last morning I tried to play GTA again and suddenly my game was stuttering like hell, completely unplayable. Straight to the point, I get extreme level of stuttering when I'm trying to play with V-Sync off in-game, and I don't know how to fix it. FinnGamer June 9, 2018, 5:16am #5 Yup, I’ve noticed in my server when I have almost no scripts at all, im running on like 125fps very high settings 1440p (Msaa disabled) But when I have alot (over 100 totally) of scripts my fps can drop down to 16. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Step 4: Under LOCAL FILES tab, click MOVE INSTALL FOLDER. Recently I bought acer nitro 5...ryzen 5 model with amd rx 560x. Some problems have been reported with the GTA 5 game, and GTA 5 stuttering issue is one of them. Let me know if this worked My FPS went from 20-60 to 70-105 *Remember to Disable V-Sync to see the difference! You should know that most installed programs require administrator privileges for proper functioning on your computer. Basically, this setting forces the game engine to only pre-render 1 frame at a time. Posted by 2 hours ago. Have you tried different 3d settings? There are no programs or anything installed to it, so it shouldn't mean a difference. The outdated or corrupted graphics driver could also lead to GTA V stuttering issue on your computer. Actually, the FPS of 60 Hz is fine for GTA 5 and higher FPS might cause GTA 5 lagging or stuttering issue. Processor - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8300H CPU @ 2.30GHZ 2.30 GHZ. Just open the Properties of GTA 5, check Disable fullscreen optimizations under Compatibility tab, and apply the change. This post displays a list of methods to increase FPS and gives detailed instructions. please dear god don't set your system to high performance, that just runs your cpu at 100% speed at all times. To run GTA V better on a low-end computer, you can turn down the graphics settings in GTA V. Besides, you can use certain GTA V mods that can help the game run better. Just check your computer specs and upgrade your hardware to satisfy Grand Theft Auto V PC system requirements at first. If you have any problems using MiniTool Partition Wizard program, you can ask for technical support by sending a message to [email protected]. Another usual cultpit is "shader cache" setting which helps a ton to disable in some situations - give both options a shot! Then, hit Apply button to execute operations. The game is very sharp and looks beautiful. Vsync off means the GPU goes full load trying to generate frames, which means cpu load increases, and when the cpu maxes out it will cause stuttering. Thus, you should reduce FPS in the game if you are using higher FPS. First of all, I'm pretty much new on this subreddit, so sorry if my question is a bit out of place. This problem can be caused by hardware issues, improper in-game settings, corrupted graphics driver, and so on. If the issue disappears, follow the steps below to set to launch the game as administrator every time. GTA 5 has been incredibly popular ever since its release and with the game being the only major release for quite a while now, there are a lot of people playing the game to date. In the game I maintain frame rate above 60 fps but for some reason when driving it get stuttering. Even aiming is perfect, I can notice any input lag because of running V-Sync on. Hi, in my experience stuttering sometimes is caused by Steam Big picture mode with steam controller, it's fixed now for me but thats one. In order to provide more useful tips and information, she is still committed to expand her technical knowledge. They suspected it had to do with the game engine since it was a port. I'm trying to stay away from the Steam platform as much as I can. Other than that can be your HDD, getting more resources because more frames equals assests refreshed more times? At 60hz, this is 16.67ms latency. Right-click GTA 5 and select Properties. The experiment was as follow (vsync off):1. start driving2. There is just no hardware/rig that can max out EVERY setting and maintain like constant 144 FPS, as far as I know. I have been trying to deal with stuttering in GTA 5 for 2 years now and have only JUST recently got it down to just a micro stutter. What's happening is your system is just so beast and the settings you're using are so undemanding of it that you are hitting 188+ fps and in these moments, it's halting. The fullscreen mode gives the game complete ownership of the display and allocation of resources of your graphics card. Apart from the above settings, you also need to pay attention to the following items which are often set to higher than Normal: According to the reports, these in-game graphics settings could also trigger GTA 5 lagging or stuttering issue. Albeit, it is a huge improvement, but it's still there. GTA 5 or GTA V stands for the game Grand Theft Auto V. It was developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. Also try to disable NVIDIA HD Audio drivers. You can refer to the simple guide displayed below: Step 1: Open Steam, go to Settings > Downloads > Steam Library Folders, and click ADD LIBRARY FOLDER in the pop-up window. However, not all the games are suitable for high FPS and GTA 5 is one of them. You can register to MiniTool Partition Wizard Pro Ultimate edition to achieve that. As you have already mentioned below, the game engine has some kind of a "bug", where if you have more than the tolerated FPS, the game becomes unstable and hell of a stuttering fest. Try using a 3rd party program to cap your framerate and see if it helps. Denn ich habe schon viel Unfug gelesen, meine sämtlichen Grafikoptionen nach erhältlichen Guides angepasst und GTA 5 sah dabei immer schlechter und schlechter aus. Step 8: Play GTA 5 without any lag. GTA 5 or GTA V stands for the game Grand Theft Auto V. It was developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. Two nights ago I was playing GTA V on my PC as I usually do, FPS was like 40-60 all the time, nothing wrong. Vsync is feature that synchronize the frame rate with the monitor refresh rate to reduce screen tearing in some 3D PC games. pause with ESC3. Here is something you can do with the in-game settings. Therefore, you’d better close all the unnecessary processes that are running in the background to free up more resources for your GTA 5. GTA V stuttering on my rig constantly GTA V stuttering on my rig constantly. Step 2: Go to Compatibility tab and check Run this program as an administrator option. I have been trying to deal with stuttering in GTA 5 for 2 years now and have only JUST recently got it down to just a micro stutter.