Von den Automatisierungen mal abgesehen, bekommt der Anwender mit iOS 14 die Möglichkeit, seine Kurzbefehle in (intelligenten) Ordnern abzulegen. Accessibility features are incredibly important for modern technology to provide, making it possible for ⦠Right now the quickest and simplest way to enter the Apple symbol with your iPhone or iPad is to set up a keyboard shortcut. Apps Design Icons iOS 14 Kurzbefehle. Allerdings wird es mit der Zeit echt nervig wenn jedes Mal eine Benachrichtigung aufploppt ⦠Now you're ready to move on from those old shortcuts! Optional: To change the name that appears on the Home Screen⦠starten nicht mehr bestätigen, was ja toll ist. iOS-14-Kurzbefehle: Weitere Verbesserungen. The iOS 13 beta is out for developers, and testers are finding a host of new features that the rest of us will be able to get our hands on in a few months. I was inspired by that discovery to finish working on a project I had long been putting off: documenting all the URLs supported by the Settings app in iOS and iPadOS.. After some a lot ⦠Optional: To use a custom photo for a Home Screen icon, tap the icon (in the Home Screen Name and Icon area), then choose one of the following: Take Photo: Use the camera to take a new photo. 40 Kommentare bisher. Wenn du festgestellt hast, dass deine Benachrichtigungen nach dieser Aktualisierung auf iOS nicht ⦠Since the original release of Workflow in 2014, weâve created hundreds of automations to help readers use their iOS devices more efficiently. In der systemweiten Unterstützung hat Apple ebenfalls nachgebessert. The goal of this archive is to offer a complete catalogue of our old Apple hat sein iPhone generalsaniert. How to set up the Apple symbol as a keyboard shortcut on iPhone and iPad. On episode 30 of Smart Tech Today, I spent about 10 minutes describing a series of shortcuts I put together that take advantage of the accessibility actions found in the Shortcuts app ahead of today, May 21, which is Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD).. Dieser Unterhaltung fehlt Deine Stimme. That's it! iOS 14; Shortcuts 101; There are still and live wallpapers on your iPhone that can go dark when Dark Mode is active or light when Light Mode is on, but there's no easy way to do the same for custom backgrounds. Wir sind uns einer Situation bewusst, die verhindert, dass einige Benutzer nach der Aktualisierung auf iOS 13, Benachrichtigungen auf ihrem iPhone erhalten. An actionâthe building block of a shortcutâis a single step in a task.Mix and match actions to create shortcuts that interact with the apps and content on your iOS or iPadOS device, as well as with content and services on the Internet. Gut zu wissen: Versteckte Tricks, Tipps und nützliche Funktionen rund um iOS14. Inzwischen muss man automatische Kurzbefehle die zu bestimmten Zeiten oder beim öffnen von Apps etc. Welcome to the MacStories Shortcuts Archive, the official repository for shortcuts created by Federico Viticci and the MacStories team. Choose Photo: Select an existing photo from your Photos library. A few weeks ago, I came across a post on Reddit claiming that Apple had restored the ability to launch specific sections of the Settings app via Shortcuts in iOS and iPadOS 13.1. Choose File: Select a photo from the Files app. Rede mit! Tap Add to Home Screen. Whatâs an action? Dies hilft der Übersichtlichkeit und Organisation enorm.