The Elvenar are very satisfied that their descendants finally seem to focus on their own matters. The settlement for the Constructs chapter includes: The full settlement size then will come to 464 tiles / 18.6 Expansions, making it similar in size or smaller than recent chapters. Elvenar Chapter 16 – Research Preview. However, no-one ever came. Once you complete the first research of the chapter, “Port of the Central Island,” you will get two pop-up windows. They seem to be friendly and introduce themselves as the Constructs, living beings made by the Elvenar, which they call the High Men, consisting out of all kinds of materials. At first, people are very scared and imagine how this island could destroy your town if it were to crash to the ground. It will simply allow for the trading of S3 goods, and add an S3 wholesaler option once the production boost is unlocked. Traders of Unur. The new quests of this Chapter and Expansions may be released with a slight delay, shortly after the new Chapter becomes available. by | Jan 18, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Jan 18, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments As with your Magical Goods you will get a boost according to the number of Relics you have in store for the respective Good. by | Jan 18, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments | Jan 18, 2021 | Uncategorized | 0 comments A unique empire-building simulation! This question remained unanswered. As with the Amuni chapter, even Magic Buildings cannot be upgraded until the technology is unlocked for the first upgrade level of the applicable building type. Each of these layouts were created with Elven Architect. Provinces for Tournament Since I didn’t find it easy to find the provinces for the Tournament I created a template for them in Google Sheets: If you want to download this go the link then … So when the drought took over and the Elvenar High Men were close to extinction, they sent the Constructs to the skies where they should safely evolve over time until, one day, when their construction would be auto-completed, they would come back down to Unur to start with the task they had been created for. Once you have produced a good amount, then start producing some of each of the other types. I currently have 6 between chapters … Start out producing lots of these! I am unclear how it works. Port upgrades require Elvenarin and Nutrients. Tournament driven players looking for a 10-chest focused group can find one in Fellows & Fellowships: 10-Chests Edition . Post in Fellows & Fellowships in Gems of Elvenar! New posts Search forums. Gamers Gems of Knowledge © All rights reserved. Portal upgrades require Elvarium and Humanium (in addition to Divine Seeds and S3 goods.). What the Elvenar didn't expect was that another flying ship quietly followed the Constructs on their journey from Unur, all the … So meine … 3 Units get an upgrade to their 3rd and final level this chapter. They call the Elvenar the High Men, who created the Constructs from of all kinds of materials. Ok, I opened up my Chapter 17 city on mobile and I see the tab you are referring to. Check out this video from Elvenar all about the Constructs chapter: We get the third and final tier for Sentient Goods (S3 goods) this chapter. Constructs: 360 Next Chapter: 400? Your new Sentient Goods are Magical Goods. Just like with previous chapters, we will unlock a production boost and want to build at least one manufactory for our standard boosted good type +1. Once upgraded to level 24, the production options change. Construisez la plus belle ville qui soit et établissez le système économique le plus efficace de tous les temps ! 4) The coin payout may make the 1-day production item quests seem tempting, but be careful not to be lured by them too much. Select Page. We will continue to add more details as we play more through the chapter and gather more players’ feedback. elvenar gems of knowledge. Tools City Planner Battle Simulator Research Calculator Training Calculator Knowledge Points Calculator. They seem to be friendly and introduce themselves as the Constructs. Unofficial Fan Site. Connecting blocks like a rail to reach the goal, and you will win. Wiki and gemsofknowledge doesn’t say anything about it! All 5 technologies must be researched in order to access Ports of the Production Islands. This question remained unanswered. Then mysterious beings appear, sent from the island. Compare buildings that produce mana, ranked in order of tile efficiency. Stay tuned for updates and drop us a review! Only the Trader must be researched to reach the Residence upgrades. These are very similar, so it makes sense to look at … Contents. Your Elvenar Team Help Constructs ... Help Constructs chapter. In Elvenar, you can get your hands on these relics by either trading some with the province owners or fighting for them against savage creatures! 2 new Main Hall levels are added. 1,385 views. They see their creators in you and are at least as surprised about you not recognizing them, as you are about their sudden appearance. Still, none of the mighty races that lived on Unur before the big drought reappeared. It is possible to arrange the 16 Ports in a way where each and every one of them earns the maximum link bonus. Nov 5, 2020 #1 Just starting the Constructs chapter, can I sell the goldsmiths, traps and the portal buildings? Dans Elvenar, vous construirez une ville florissante et vous découvrirez un monde magique rempli de mystères. OK, so what do we have here? Elvenar Players - Get Daily ... EPL Notes - Orcs & Goblins chapter - Duration: 16:16. They seem to be friendly and introduce themselves as the Constructs. Reactions: Golden Awaken, DeletedUser2320, Alcaro and 2 others. Spoiler: like this . It will require as usual a significant amount of Mana, and now Divine Seeds as well. The 1-day and 2-day production options are replaced with Sentient 3hr and 9hr productions. Confirm selling of streets. At first, people are very scared and imagine how this island could destroy your town if it were to crash to the ground. The new quests of this Chapter and Expansions may be released with a slight delay, shortly after the new Chapter becomes available. Feb 3, 2019 #5 Karvest said: elixir is … You will need the goods it produces in order to produce the other goods you need in the ports. Feb 10, 2021 - This is a fantasy city building game and I am an Elf in an Elf world with neighbors & fellowship to share the experience with. Elementals: 456 tiles / 18.3 expansions for full settlement based on quest requirements. We're making changes in Chapter 1's technologies and general balancing to allow for a smoother progression through this Chapter, as well as improve guidance via its quests. Use it to plan your own layout in your own city! Here are just a few of several ways the ports can be laid out to achieve the maximum link bonus on each building. 3 new squad size upgrades, with one optional, No new Barracks or Mercenary Camp upgrades, Enhances Sentient Relic boost (like Mountain Halls for Standard goods), Reduces amount of time between tournament rounds. Failed to load Try again Create … Already played and enjoyed the game? There is a new Advanced Trader upgrade, to L6. Each level requires a separate technology to be unlocked. The new quests of this Chapter and Expansions may be released with a slight delay, shortly after the new Chapter becomes available. This is the Platinum Leaf information sheet a But an additional elvenar hack use for orc assets Elvenar Hack that I haven't observed so significantly would be map negotiation. Erbaue deine magische Stadt in dem online Aufbauspiel Elvenar. When they arrived at your continent, they detected the desert that started growing out of your city and also life forms that resembled those of the High Men. Wähle zwischen Elfen und Menschen und entdecke eine zauberhafte Welt. Your Boosted Good is your Boosted Magical Good +1. Yep, let’s continue previewing Elvenar Embassies chapter. Thanks for the help! Your Elvenar Team Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that there can always be differences in layouts, balancing and prizes between Beta and Live release. Confirm selling of buildings. Loading Leave . Orc Warrior II becomes “Gruff Orc Warrior” when its technology is unlocked about mid-way through the chapter. Upgrading the trader does not have any effect on the production of Divine Seeds. 16:16. If your boosted Magical Good is Elixir, your boosted Sentient Good is Alloy Shrooms (Magic Dust), for Magic Dust it will be Cosmic Bismuth (Gems) and for Gems it will be Silly Soap (Elixir). ELVENAR CHITECT. elvenar gems of knowledge. Upgrading the portal will increase the production amount of the constructs, as well as add a production bonus to the ports and increase capacity for the research goods. Chapter 7: Fairies The Quest List is at the end of the page Quest List for Fairies Delete Dwarven Portal quest is declinable Sell your Dwarven Portal Site (declinable) Train 30 Priests / Sorceresses Research Fairy Portal Have the Fairy Portal Site Gain 200 Elixirs Produce 10 … At first, people are very scared and imagine how this island could destroy your town if it were to crash to the ground. Constructs (Preview) The Elvenar (Preview) Ancient Wonders About Ancient Wonders; Wonder Details; Comparison Guide ; KP Bonus Charts; Wonder Society KP Pool; Quests Events General Event Tips; Elvarian Carnival 2021; Winter Magic 2020; The Misty Forest; Autumn Zodiac 2020; The Sorcerers' Pilgrimage; Air Traders’ Voyage; May Celebrations; Phoenix 2020; Elvarian … We get the third and final tier for Sentient Goods (S3 goods) this Sentient goods are the only requirements for research this chapter, in addition of course to the Guest Race research goods, and in some rather decent quanities. Storyline quests tell the story of Elvenar and guide you through the research for each chapter. Likewise, the Elvenar Trader Center produces 1382 seeds daily at level 1 (2782 at level 6). The information on this site is intended to help and encourage Elvenar players. Unfortunately, this last creation wasn’t finished completely when the drought arrived in the cities of the High Men. Wiki and gemsofknowledge doesn’t say anything about it! The hypothesis I present is that we can ditch our Tier 1-3 manufactories, focus on optimizing the sentient good productions and live off the decay rate. When the big drought destroyed Unur and the culture of the Elvenar went down, all that remained was small communities of scared and disoriented people. Each port produces Elvenarin, two of four types of Nutrients, and either Elvarium or Humanium. Return to Homepage | Join Us on Facebook. Here are some of the things that pop up. 2 new Residence levels are added. The Sunset Towers produces 1566 seeds daily at level 1 (3130 at level 6). Load Import Leave . The final transition to … The settlement for the Constructs chapter includes: 1 x Portal: D000-b “Core” (7×8 at level 1, and does not grow as it is upgraded) 16 x Ports. Clearly, this isn't anywhere near enough. Rather, the Constructs tell you that the Elvenar were a race that was both human and elvish, able to combine the powers of both races. Orc Strategist II becomes “Senior Orc Strategist” when its technology is unlocked towards the end the chapter. Nutrients, along with some more constructs, are required to produce the level 4 research goods. In Elvenar you can upgrade almost every building, improving the productivity and the look of your city. Once you have the Production Islands, you can begin to produce Elvenarin, Electric Shocks, Rain Jellyfish, Protein Bars, Air Filters and, untimately, Elvarium and Humanium. Chapter 14 / Constructs, for the S3 trading upgrade I think? Version:1.1.0. Whoa! Read below for a preview/summary of everything we can see about the Constructs so far with just some beginning pieces of research completed. Following the trend which began in Elementals and continued in Amuni, we see upgrade levels split into multiple technologies for even more building types: Luckily, the increased need for Divine Seeds that comes with now a third Sentient good Manufactory has been offset by the fact that none of the technologies this chapter will require Divine Seeds. The Constructs were created to be self-sustaining and ever-evolving, just following the orders of the High Men but ultimately leading independent lives. You have a queue of 5 slots; you can choose which goods to fill those slots with. Your Elvenar Team Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that there can always be differences in layouts, balancing and prizes between Beta and Live release. All original photos, images and articles are copyright to their respective owners and no copyright infringement is intended. Here are each of the new culture items the Constructs Chapter brings us. However, no-one ever came. 3) As in chapter 1, when you are going to be away from the game for a while, before you log out, set your builders, and then cycle to a quest to complete an upgrade to have some extra coins and supplies waiting for you when you return. Elvenar Chapter 17+ – Dust Manufactories Upgrades . Select Page. Choose your race Humans Elves. Cher lecteur du forum, Afin de pouvoir participer activement au forum en rejoignant des discussions ou en créant les vôtres pour découvrir les secrets d'Elvenar, vous aurez besoin d'un compte jeu dont le mail est validé. There is no change in size or shape for the Main Hall. Likewise, the Elvenar Trader Center produces 1382 seeds daily at level 1 (2782 at level 6). If you’d like a copy of your own city, don’t forget you can create one with the Magic Button! Only the Production Boost must be researched to reach the Workshop upgrade, or the Squad Size upgrade. We're making these changes to aid our newly joining players find their feet in the world of Elvenar … Your Elvenar Team Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that there can always be differences in layouts, balancing and prizes between Beta and Live release. It is a good idea to build the portal right after unlocking the research. Inno muss sich schon einfallen wie es mit "Grenze" weitergeht, bevor Next Chapter draußen kommt, da bisher schon immer 3 Kapitel zusammengehören, was Manufaktur-Ausbau anging (1. die T1, 2. die T2 und 3. TomatoeHu Well-Known … Sentient goods will be required in larger quantity than Standard goods going forward, so you can afford to replace a Standard Tier 3 (T3) with your new S3, rather than add to your total number of Manufactories. The more unique Port types each one makes contact with, the larger production boost you get, on top of any applicable Portal production boost. Now when I have concluded the Elvenar Woodelves chapter, I added some suggestions from when it was regarded how all this arranging turned out 😉 These responses are highlighted. You may want to start with out Research Preview, but today we will be talking about guest race production setup.So let’s take a look at what is known so far – … Each chapter has some footnotes regarding the past time and ancient ways of creating magic. 3.9 "Connect3D" is a difficult Block Puzzle Game. The Constructs were once developed by the “High Men” to make infertile land fertile again – a countermeasure to the rise of the Amuni. The way you arrange the ports will have a significant impact on your ability to produce a great enough amount of goods to progress through the chapter at a reasonable rate. Hover over the link bonus icon at the top of any production window to see what bonus is applying. I have not work into this however, but the subsequent … They see their creators in you and are at least as surprised about you not recognizing them as you are about their sudden appearance. 1 The Arrival 2 Evolving 3 Ascending Magic 4 Wisdom and Wonders 5 A Path to Heritage 6 Dwarves 7 Fairies 8 Orcs and Goblins 9 Woodelves 10 Sorcerers and Dragons 11 Halflings 12 Elementals 13 Amuni … Their creators were nowhere to be found - extinct or disappeared? When the Constructs returned to Unur, there was only desert as far as they could see. This page was last edited on 19 February 2019, at 15:10. Menu. Elvenar Players - Get Daily Gameplay Tips & News on Facebook! Your Elvenar Team Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that there can always be differences in layouts, balancing and prizes between Beta and Live release. Elvenar is a trademark of InnoGames GmbH. This site is not affiliated or associated with InnoGames or Elvenar in any way. Check back often for updates! The Elvenar are very satisfied that their descendants finally seem to focus on their own matters. The Constructs were created to be self-sustaining and ever-evolving, just following the orders of the High Men but ultimately leading independent lives. Each Tier 3 Manufactory type is 5×5 at level 24. The Sunset Towers produces 1566 seeds daily at level 1 (3130 at level 6). The Main Hall will show you the changes as you research the new Sentient Goods. The last time we upgraded these was in Constructs! If you are one who likes to push higher production, and are already producing more than the average amount of seeds, then you might consider building 2. Nov 5, 2020 #1 Just starting the Constructs chapter, can I sell the goldsmiths, traps and the portal buildings? 1 Guest Races. Could they finally have found their creators? These last two, along with Sentient Goods, are required to research technologies. Your Elvenar Team Help Constructs ... Help Constructs chapter. Each manufactory type grows to 5×5. Elvenar est un jeu gratuit disponible sur navigateur Web. I opened up my Chapter 17 city on mobile and I see the tab you are referring to. This precious resource is brought directly from Unur, where the Constructs produce this invention-inspiring material in their main settlement. Unfortunately, this last creation wasn't finished completely when the drought arrived in the cities of the High Men. MinMaxGamer's city has 18 highest level Festival Merchants. Soon after the Amuni have left your town, a giant floating island appears above your town and stays there as if waiting for something to happen. Then, we get to choose much earlier than usual if we’d like to upgrade manufactories, trader, or production boost. You will need some of your boosted S3 goods and some Divine Seeds in order to build the portal. The Ports work like Set Buildings. MinMaxGamer's city has 18 highest level Festival Merchants. Then click “calculate”. This is because new this chapter, our portal not only stores goods, but it produces some as well. The two new Ancient Wonders for the chapter are: We hope you enjoyed this preview of the Constructs chapter! 2 new Workshop levels are added. This precious resource is brought directly from Unur, where the Constructs produce this invention-inspiring material in their main settlement. Forums. So, the Constructs started to extend their search further, using their most evolved floating islands to look beyond the borders of Unur, and finally crossed the great ocean to find another continent – the continent you call Elvenar. When they arrived at your continent, they detected the desert that started growing out of your city and also life forms that resembled those of the High Men. The order you choose to research these may depend on how quickly you wish to get to the first upgrades. Festival Merchants, as high a level as you can get, are the best option here. Constructs. Their creators were nowhere to be found – extinct or disappeared? Keep in mind that producing sentient goods will require Divine Seeds. The world of Elvenar is divided into chapters that tell you a story about this wonderful new world! 1.1 Purpose; 1.2 Requirements; 2 Settlements; Guest Races. Chapter 16 – whaaat, again?! Cuando la sequía arrasó a los Elvenar/ los Hombres Altos viendo aproximarse su extinción enviaron a los Constructores a los cielos para que pudieran evolucionar sin problemas durante el tiempo necesario, para que un día, cuando su construcción esté completa, pudiesen volver a Unur para empezar la tarea para la que habían sido creados. So, the Constructs started to extend their search further, using their most evolved floating islands to look beyond the borders of Unur, and finally crossed the great ocean to find another continent - the continent you call Elvenar. Then Chapter: 440? Connect3D Mod APK. "This fascinating Manufactory created by the Constructs cracks up giant spheres that contain huge amounts of Gems and Cosmic Bismuth" And it's the only one that looks way different than in previous chapters. Note that upgrading the portal will increase the number of Constructs you can produce in a one-hour production slot, but the production ratio remains 1:1 for basic to other at each level. Constructs are created in the Central Island Produce tab: Constructs comprise (from left to right): Basic, Breeze, Blossom, Mechatron, Shepherd. Upgrade details and building styles are the same for both Humans and Elves. Through the chapters you will be able to better know the race you have chosen and in the future you will be able to call on the ancient and forgotten races of the old world. The last time we’ve seen those was… I don’t even remember when. Elvenar Chapter 17+ – T3 Manufactories Upgrades – 3h Production. Then mysterious beings appear, sent from the island. The first congratulates you for unlocking the portal, and the second officially welcomes you to the chapter, presenting 4 new portrait options. Once you have the Production Islands, you can begin to produce Elvenarin, Electric Shocks, Rain Jellyfish, Protein Bars, Air Filters and, untimately, Elvarium and Humanium. So, the Constructs, sad at heart but determined to fulfill their destiny, started to bring back fertility to Unur, silently hoping that once their work was done, their creators would return. Still, none of the mighty races that lived on Unur before the big drought reappeared. To support your development, they call the Constructs and request an upgrade for the Trader to import Unurium. The Training Grounds grows from 5×4 to 4×6. Constructs are created in the Central Island Produce tab: Constructs comprise (from left to right): Basic, Breeze, Blossom, Mechatron, Shepherd. The only thing I can do on that page is switch between seed production or unurium production by selecting the radio button for either one. 1 new Magic Residence level is added. A fair amount of population and culture will be required. Elvenar Chapter 17+ – Gems Manufactories Upgrades. 1 new Magic Workshop level is added. To support your development, they call the Constructs and request an upgrade for the Trader to import Unurium. The seeds and unurium will still be produced as normal, like a residence, and be hovering over the top of the Trader for collection when available. So, the Constructs, sad at heart but determined to fulfill their destiny, started to bring back fertility to Unur, silently hoping that once their work was done, their creators would return. The new chapter XI Guest Race, 'The Elementals' arrived on the EN / International server today. We’ll also continue to update more here as we play through the chapter and gather feedback about it from other players,so check back often! The hypothesis I present is that we can ditch our Tier 1-3 manufactories, focus on optimizing the sentient good productions and live off the decay rate. Culture Comparison. Finally Chapter: 480? Download Apk. Find out how much your research will cost you, including guest race buildings needed for that chapter. It is important to complete each chapters' quests before researching too far into the next chapter, or before selling guest race buildings when in later chapters. The ports can be built with Divine Seeds and your non-boosted S3 goods. They see their creators in you and are at leas… Click each building type for more details. The Elvenar. Between Chapter 16 and Chapter 20 training size grows from 500 to 800 (only 1.6x increase) and orc production grows from 1600 to 2700 per 12h (about the same, but let’s say 1.7x increase). Race: Choose … Humans Elves Chapter: Choose … The Arrival Evolving Ascending Magic Wisdom and Wonders A Path to Heritage Dwarves Fairies Orcs and Goblins Woodelves Sorcerers and Dragons Halflings Elementals Amuni Constructs Elvenar Embassies … The goods production for this chapter is very complex; more complex than any previous chapter. This precious resource is brought directly from Unur, where the Constructs produce this invention-inspiring material in their main settlement. Elvenar … I'm about to enter Chapter 14 (Constructs) at which point we unlock Tier 6 goods. To support your development, they call the Constructs and request an upgrade for the Trader to import Unurium. Embassies. Your friendly neighborhood. Mana Comparison. The Residences evolve from 4×4 to 5×3, meaning we gain 1 tile of space per upgrade. 1 Sentient-boosted Manufactorywill be sufficient for the average player. There are no roads to connect Ports to the Portal; you connect them simply by placing them so that they make contact with either the Portal, or any other connected Port. Soon after the Amuni have left your town, a giant floating island appears above your town and stays there as if waiting for something to happen. So far, the most complex chapters have only involved 3 layers of goods. The first research we complete unlocks the Portal. Soon, … And you, as a human or elf, simply lack the other part of the Elvenar's soul. When the Central Island has landed in your city you can begin to create the initial resources known as Constructs. Clearly, this isn't anywhere near enough. Report Settings. Elvenar takes you to a magical journey. Each of the following building type upgrades are available during the Constructs chapter. You are not alone in Elvenar, the fantasy city builder game. Blossom Mage II becomes “Blossom Princess” when its technology is unlocked about mid-way through the chapter. But total pop requirements go from 6.6K up to almost 20K (3x increase), and culture from 20K up to a whopping 43K (>2x increase). They see their creators in you and are at least as surprised about you not recognizing them as you are about their sudden appearance. Buildings All ... Show street chapters. To support your development, they call the Constructs and request an upgrade for the Trader to import Unurium.