! THIS PACK … Description: Hello this is my first new texture pack and its come from Minecraft Java Concept, is usefull for your build is more like java look like and its totaly work in all device (i think…) ALL IN … MC: Connected Glass [Texture Pack] Category:Minecraft PE Texture Packs Viewed: 225 - Published at: 3 months ago. Clear Glass with Connected Textures Resource pack for Minecraft 1.13.1/1.12.2 and 1.11.2 is a texture pack created by DnatorGames. 252 21 3. This pack will work for all 1.16.x versions :D. © 2010 - 2021 Planetminecraft.com. Thank you. Its ok but i hope in future actual connected glass will be possible. In this video I reviewed a connected glass texture pack for mcpe with some shaders. This is what you may think. Join us! This is a standalone pack aside from Tweaked Texture for those who just want to use the connected glass feature 12/30/19 - THIS PACK IS NO LONGER BEING SUPPORTED AND UPDATED. So it’ll remove the border on the edge of the block. basically, if u remove the pack you will get a glass panel made of like 12 different colored glass, Yes its false when HAHAHA when i check the files the blocks are the same however the java connected texture of glass has so many files HAHAHAH this is so funny , It’s a great concept, i hope in the future we can do this in a future with BE, Please dont rate before actually seeing the pack. PLEASE SEE THE UPDATED THREAD AT THE TOP OF THIS POST BY XAPHEXX. (trying to think of what the issue might be :D). Its textures … KimmeRs, we tried again this package and we could not create what you get. Feel free to delete the folder of any glass that you would like to replace with a different glass texture pack! You ruined it. !Do Not Repost In Any Link Expect This MCPEDL LINK!! All kinds of Minecraft PE texture packs and resource packs, to change the look of Minecraft PE in your game. Most Glass Packs don't include connected textures. Yousyeet Texture Pack. Bytheway thank you for making this?❤️, © 2014-2021 MCPEDL.com.We are not affiliated with Mojang AB.Privacy PolicySubscriptionsContact UsAbout Us, The Frosted Expansion Pack | The Lost Settlement Update v1.2, Chiseled Plastic Blocks (CPB) [OUT OF BETA], More Tools Addon (Armor Durability Fixed). I made it jappa style! Published on October 20, 2020 (Updated on October 20, 2020), Hello this is my first new texture pack and its come from Minecraft Java Concept, is usefull for your build is more like java look like and its totaly work in all device, ALL IN THIS SCREESHOT IS TOTALY WORK IN BEDROCK. Thoughts that will transcend oneself to liberation. Today we create HD glass textures as part of the texture pack tutorial series! No "Invisible Walls" to bump into for large windows. Karloc's Clear Glass 1,418; 1; Like; This resource pack adds high-resolution textures which remove the frame for the glass textures. We're a community of creatives sharing everything Minecraft! All lines in the glass and also in ice textures are … Karloc's clear glass resource packs. Omg Thanks for making this texture pack I was kinda jealous of YouTubers have this type glass VERY AWESOME TEXTURE PACK. 16x 1.16.4 Texture Pack 6 2 VIEW. Follow 1. I wish you would have said that it was not true connected glass. Connected Glass is a texture pack created by the Ender Phoenix Group. Have fun! This includes regular, clear and the old glass textures! DISCLAIMER: To access Connected Textures you must have Optifine installed. Using the ConnectedTexturesMod and its … The latest glass with Connected Textures! Btw its free to use for you art any way and im sorry for the comfort BUT.. Well… it works, but it removes stained glass. And sometimes the resolution was just wrong. It’s really cool and … Many players seek connected texture resource packs on the popular Minecraft: Java Edition. Connected Glass 32x. Supports Connected Textures Minecraft 1.0 - 1.16 Download Screenshots: Help Sign In ... since its clear i tend to think i jumped off the void and my heart jumps to my throat so yea xD please add a unclear connected glass texture pack. This is false advertising, the pack isn’t what it appears to be. What this texture pack do is clearing off all lines in glasses and lines of connected glasses. Mom: we have optifine connected glass at home, Its not really “connected” glass as shown in the post, I think this from java right? Dynamic lighting, some glowing mobs and more, this add-on has it all. Clear Glass with Connected Textures Resource pack for Minecraft 1.13.1/1.12.2 and 1.11.2 is a texture pack created by DnatorGames. Even the regular glass block has … : kovaszos_uborka Connected Glass. Some glass packs used the wrong colors, other ones didn’t have feature of connected texture support and in some texture packs the resolution wasn’t correct. All rights reserved. Clear Glass - Clear versions of the regular glass textures! Mr Butternuss … Clear glass with connected textures for minecraft. Connected Glass [Texture Pack] Hello this is my first new texture pack and its come from Minecraft Java Concept, is useful for your build is more like … THIS PACK INCLUDES: Regular Glass with Connected Textures (Fancy) All Stained Glass Varieties with Connected Textures (Fancy) If you use, be sure to credit and link back to here so others can use it for their packs too :D If you want you can drop a comment so I can see :D Solo funciona con los cristales normal o también con los cristales de colores. The result is glass which looks as if it is connected as there are no outer borders disconnecting the blocks. this is not a connected glass texture pack that you think it is it makes the stained glass different textures so you can combine different glass to make it look like it’s connected but it is great for creative builders so i like the concept, Finally, Good Connected Glass Look Like Optifine Java And I Not Needed Stained Glass, I Love Classic Glass Thx, Pensaba que era real tenia mucho tiempo buscando algo asi que estafa, Retextured stained glass its fine for maps but lame for enything else It would be awesome if you could update it to 1.16.4, I've been looking for it everywhere and I'd like to use it on my realm! Does not work. Connected Glass [Texture Pack] - Minecraft PE Texture Packs. All are optifine connected texture compatible - For the connected texture feature you have to use optifine. By Rlukman45 Double Glass Pack [1.8 -1.16] 16x 1.16 Texture Pack 70 3 VIEW. So, the glass in Minecraft is not visible anymore, it is completely clean and fully transparent. Browse Get Desktop Feedback Knowledge Base Discord Twitter Reddit News Minecraft Forums Author Forums Browse Get Desktop Feedback Knowledge Base Discord Twitter Reddit News Minecraft … Support Tickets … If you use, be sure to credit and link back to here so others can use it for their packs too :D If you want you can drop a comment so I can see :D, Sorry just saw this, do you have OPTIFINE installed? False advertising it’s just different glass textured as different connections. Its … by. Minecraft PE Realistic texture ADA Connected Glass Resource Pack [64×64] Published Aug 19, 2019. … The connected glass will make glass blocks look more natural when they are put beside one another. Browse and download Minecraft Connected Texture Packs by the Planet Minecraft community. The new updated Connected Glass 1.16.4/1.15.2/1.12.2 is an old mod that adds some types of the latest glass by using some connecting textures! [16x] Resource Packs 239,593 Downloads Last Updated: Aug 25, 2020 Game … WHY THIS CLEAR GLASS PACK? All kinds of Minecraft PE texture packs and resource packs, to change the look of Minecraft PE in your game. 0/10, You got my hopes up as I wanted the connected glass thing for a long time on bedrock. 100% accuracy to Vanilla's Stained Glass color. Be warned it may butcher the texture a bit (hey it's hard to turn 14 pixels into 16 pixels and make it look good!) Don’t waste your time. However, I've taken advantage of Optifine's extended CTM since Minecraft's 1.2.5 patch using A Texture Artist's Guide to MCPatcher Features as a guideline as to how to set up the .properties files. Connected Glass adds new types of glass with connecting textures! Try out the Latest Official Minecraft Resource Pack [1.14] And be sure to leave your thoughts about the latest textures! HeyitsRepaid. Clear Glass with Connected Textures Resource pack for Minecraft 1.13.1/1.12.2 and 1.11.2 is a texture pack created by DnatorGames. Content: Connecting Glass - The regular glass textures, but touching blocks connect! It’s retextured stained glass. Everything I've done has worked like randomization, horizontal, vertical and the original basic CTM. Nice idea, but its just an “old” addon, use a new addons maker (i dont know which of all of the playstore) and create more blocks, dont replace them, make an effort to do it to all of the stained glasses too. Please try it out before rating it 5 stars because it is a SCAM. Can you please fix that? Connected glass:https://mcpedl.com/connected-glass-pack/?cookie_check=1#Connectedglass #minecraftpe #reflections #RTX #texturepack Other times the pack lacked connected texture support. (I use BSL shaders in the image) (Pack include: normal glass (colored variants are upload later)) OPTIFINE REQUIRED for connected glass! Enjoy your reported “comments” spam rating eww, ATTENTION ALL! 7/18/16 - 64x64 Clear Glass uploaded. It’s fake the glass were just normal when I activate the texture pack and I don’t why youtubers are even promoting this fake useless texture pack ? All creations copyright of the creators. Its a scam and wtf are you talking about?? Take a look at … As I lack the knowledge/expertise to make a pack myself, has anyone made a resource pack that adds dynamic lighting … Strawberry cake with light pink frosting! All kinds of Minecraft texture packs and resource packs, to change the look of Minecraft in your game. Resource Packs 413 Downloads Last Updated: Jan 22, 2021 Game Version: 1.16.5 ... Sandstones and all Glass Quark - Polished Stones Atmospheric - Arid Sandstones Currently having issues with Glass Panes, in contact with CTM devs to help fix Creates connected textures for all the above blocks ^^ QnA: How is this done? Alright, so it turns out a bunch of people really like the clear glass textures. Menu Home; About Me; Contact Me Minecraft PE Texture Packs; Subscribe Subscribe to notifications. 3 clear glass texture packs available for download now from the download page. How horrible can this pack get, THIS IS NOT CONNECTED GLASS JUST RETEXTURES! Resource Packs 2,798 Downloads Last Updated: Oct 12, 2019 Game Version: 1 ... 1.14 Style glass texture in a 32x format. nightoxygen •07/16/2020. That's So cool, nice work on this pack! Includes clear glass and stained glass. Connected Glass is a texture pack created by the Ender Phoenix Group.Many players seek connected texture resource packs on the popular Minecraft: Java Edition. Hi! Me: mom, can we have optifine connected glass at home? Connected Glass is a texture pack created by the Ender Phoenix Group to make glass blocks look more natural when placed beside one another.This is done by removing the border on the edge of the block. Ultra Clear Glass i s a addon for minecraft vanilla Texture pack with connected glass texture and also other texture pack! Does it work with another glass texture pack? I can see clearly now the lines are gone! Directional lighting! [16x] Resource Packs 347,585 Downloads Last Updated: Aug 25, 2020 Game Version: 1.16.4 FAQ 1.14 Style glass texture in a 32x format . All my hopes have just been crushed… ? Jappa's Twitter: @JasperBoerstra . UCG is a *128x128 resolution texture that changes glass blocks and glass panels to look more realistic by connecting each frame of the glass, and removes some classic elements and adds more natural colors (color differences can be very different from … By Rlukman45 Published on October 20, 2020 (Updated on October 20, 2020) Connected Glass [Texture Pack] Hello this is my first new texture pack and its come from Minecraft Java Concept, is usefull for your build is more like java look like and its totaly work in all device (i think…) ALL IN THIS … A common reason to have one of these packs is to make blocks such as glass look more natural when placed side-by-side, All the glass blocks have been changed to look like that. This is a remake of default glass. It’s not working for me on windows 10, the glass just looks normal…. danielberrry •01/16/2021. Yea same, made me feel soooo bad, I always wanted it. The “connected” glass is juat stained glass, retextured to look like that. I checked the texture folder and I saw the answer is no. The first download link does not apply special textures, making it the best option if you plan to use it with a texture pack (or if you just prefer the 1.14 glass texture). Cre: noahcdn, Twitter. this doesn’t f-ing help creators but the opposite, at least other people that uploads connected glass texture packs post real photos, unlike this guy that gives false pics. Sometimes I would find a glass pack that used the wrong colors. This pack perfectly recreates connected textures in vanilla style for all the glass colors, perfect if you want to have connected glass in your texture pack. Scratched Glass - The old programmer art glass textures! So I got to work and made my own! Mirage Moments. https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400%2C400i%2C700%2C700i|Material+Icons&display=swap,//www.planetminecraft.com/css/images.css?v=X8d1foD-ZRaPJzIzBs23MUUwsM4Yj1ZI59sFFUmMyBWVeqVf,//www.planetminecraft.com/css/style.css?v=vrQLbVgGZKciGmUnNNXtLwvGGw_Ynf1cv9aNb2_eEIXaCzRg,//www.planetminecraft.com/css/editor.css?v=Ddj_SShLbnpGbJ0vG_Jstn5SwgEIUgKjeCM7CrsdvIYj3y5g, OPTIFINE Connected Glass Vanilla Style Minecraft Texture Pack. Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours. Clear Glass with Connected Textures! Remove those pesky streaks in the glass and ice … LOl i wondered if u even tried his connected glass texture pack. This pack perfectly recreates connected textures in vanilla style for all the glass colors, perfect if you want to have connected glass in your texture pack.