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Boulder consequently got to carry Mrs. Neederlander and her cat around as he and Graham tried to wrangle snakes. The New Recruits While Salvage helped out Boulder and Graham with creating and installing ERVIS, Blurr proved less helpful, resulting in Boulder having to save a human after Blurr botched a rescue. Descubra a melhor forma de comprar online. Contact with Optimus gave them a mission to construct a new mainland base, so Boulder started working with Doc Greene and Graham to realize the plan, however work was delayed by an invasion by the Velgrox which resulted in the Rescue Bots being forced to reveal their secret to the townsfolk. Seller 100% positive. When the team later turned up to a break-in at the Hall, he, Blades, and Heatwave were shrunk to the size of ants by the device and ended up in the sewer. How to Draw Boulder from Transformers Rescue Bots - An easy, step by step drawing lesson for kids. Camp Cody, Investigating some mysteriously falling Spruces resulted in Chase, Boulder, Chief and Graham temporarily getting lost in the woods. The pair cooperated in an attempt to stop the space slime and eventually worked out that they had to shock it with alternating current. While he directed a rescue operation for Chase, Boulder looked on in his dinosaur mode. £9.99. What Rises Above, The Rescue Bots had to bring out their spaceship for another mission to save Graham and Doc Greene after the space elevator they were on was hit by an asteroid. After Boulder and Graham did so, saving those it had swallowed, Graham decided not to go to Gremsky Tech after all. Return of the Dino Bot When Doctor Morocco turned up with his MorBot and threatened to overshadow the Rescue Bots, the team was forced to compete with the doctor's invention to prove themselves worthy. Chase the Police-Bot, Heatwave the Fire-Bot, Blades the Flight-Bot, Boulder the Construction-Bot, and the new recruits are given an important mission by their leader, Optimus Prime: protect and learn about mankind. Boulder and the team were later saved from a gas leak by the quintet of Kades. The original main group of Autobots who take part in Rescue Bots are Chase, Heatwave, Blades and Boulder. Wild Ghost Chase Boulder and the recruits visited dwarf planets in the outer reaches of the solar system to retrieve soil samples. We may receive commission if your application for credit is successful. Afterwards Optimus promptly reassigned them, with Boulder and Blurr being Chase's team protecting Professor Baranova's laboratory on the west coast. Bots and Robbers Following the rescue of a dog, the Rescue Bots were joined in their work by Noble, at least until the dogs real owner turned up to claim him. 13 Plan Bee Boulder had Hoist fix the launch tube system. The Island of Misfit Tech The town's new central computer Vigil was unable to control the four Rescue Bots, so when it attempted to take control of Griffin Rock, the Bots were able to get the rest of the team into its vault to stop it. This tutorial shows the sketching and drawing steps from start to finish. When one of his snowballs sent the machine out of control, he and the other Rescue Bots swung into action. Product Title Playskool Heroes Transformers Rescue Bots Boulder Co ... Average rating: 0 out of 5 stars, based on 0 reviews. Enemy of My Enemy Boulder helped Chase run for mayor by campaigning, however when Chase actually took office, the changes he made interfered with the team's ability to do their job. The four of them later made it to the fire station, where Walker joined the team as Boulder's partner. After a freak wave washed away Chase and Hunter, Boulder managed to beat them downstream by taking the direct route, and felled a tree for Chase to grab on to. Manufactured under license from TOMY Company, Ltd. Transformers Rescue Bots is a trademark and copyright of Hasbro. There's another side to Boulder, however — his gentle nature and fascination by everything he encounters on planet Earth. It was not long after that the team encountered a new Rescue Bot named Quickshadow. Unlike the other bots in his franchise, Boulder's visor is simply a color change of optics. Dig Fest, When Boulder took the recruits on a space mission to repair a satellite, he was disappointed to discover that they'd ejected their trash into space, causing an unexpected hazard that jeopardized the mission. The pair continued to try to debug the system until a suggestion from Cody led them to discover that CeCe's imprint had been added to the computer's personality by accident. Their attempts to build him shelter and gather food were less than successful, but they did manage to find traces of the Oaken Crow, which led to them finding the ship and getting off the island. The townsfolk, meanwhile, voted to keep the Rescue Bots' secret. Tip of the Iceberg When Griffin Rock was hit by a major snow storm, Boulder took part in rescuing a trapped skier from Mount Griffin. A follow-up series known as Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy began airing in December 2018. by Boulder Media Studios. Transformers Playskool Heroes Transformers Rescue Bots Flip Racers Blurr Reverse . Also the mayor got a pod of dolphins stuck in the wetlands, much to Boulder's disgust. Jahr: 2020 Produktart: Actionfigur. Transformers Rescue Bots Chase Police Toy Car - Size 11x5x6.5cm Hasbro DAMAGED. After Huxley Prescott caused a massive panic, Boulder and Graham visited Mr. Perkins's farm to check for aliens, only to find cows instead. $16.80. The team had to deal with the fallout when the device exploded and froze a five-mile section of ocean. Switcheroo Boulder and the rest of the team were shrunken down to microscopic size so they could enter Kade's body and retrieve the scrubmites he'd accidentally ingested. Actionfigur Hasbro Playskool Transformers Heroes Rescue Bots Boulder Rettungs Roboter Schneemobil. The eye–hand coordination becomes better and your kid will begin to know what colors to use. Marke: Hasbro. After Mount Magma started spewing lava and threatening the island, Cody managed to get the pair communicating so they could locate the artificial mountain's release control. It transpired that the "Magic Meat" that Mayor Luskey had been selling was Fo-Foo, an experimental food with lycanthropic side effects, and the team had to track down Luskey and Graham who were both infected. Boulder (Rescue Bots). Boulder mistook a street sweeper for an elephant and trashed it. When Heatwave subsequently restricted the team to their official duties, Boulder contemplated setting up a book club at the fire house. The Construction-Bot Boulder is a huge fan of Earth, human culture, and his partner Graham Burns. Thomas und seine Freunde: Magische Gleise, Transformers Rescue Bots: Heldenabenteuer, Richtlinien für Rezensionen und Informationen zu Rezensionen, Kleinere Verbesserungen. £18.74. Once Upon a Time When the Mini-Con Bounce escaped to Griffin Rock, the team helped Sideswipe recapture him. A series of clues led the team to an island where Boulder unearthed a pirate ship containing the treasure and they were able to persuade the mayor to reinstate them. His questions prompted Cody to get Doc Greene to set up a weather machine, and Boulder got to experience snow, though he proved inept at aiming snowballs. Upgrades The team came back from a hike to discover that Morocco was still around and had taken over the Training Center. Luckily Heatwave caught it. Little Bot Peep Boulder took the recruits on a special mission to the planet Parvus to rescue the Galax, since the cave it was in was too small for him to safely enter. The original main group of Autobots who take part in Rescue Bots are Chase, Heatwave, Blades and Boulder. Boulder had trouble bringing the dome down after Vigil locked it in place, and pursued the rogue AI, only to end up buried under old cars in the scrapyard. School is in session at the Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy, and Griffin … Transformations, Following the restoration of Cybertron from the Great War, Boulder was one of the many Autobots blacklisted by the new High Council for being a supporter of Optimus Prime. All Spark Day When the town's communications tower required replacing, the team took on second jobs — Boulder attempted landscaping and garbage collection. After the caveman proved to still be alive, the team tried to help him acclimatize to the modern world, and Boulder particularly empathized with "Ira", feeling a tinge of homesickness himself. Favorite Refresh. Flobsters on Parade, After saving a truck from falling off a cliff, Boulder and the other Rescue Bots were subjected to a movie entitled The Natives of Tatooie, which he didn't enjoy very much. The two humans were spirited away by an excavator, and Boulder had to join the rest of the team in finding them in a cavern deep underground and rescuing them from giant spiders. That night, Cody Burns discovered the Rescue Bots' secret, and after they helped stop a rogue robot Tyrannosaurus rex, Chief Burns revealed the truth to the rest of the team. Free shipping. Transformers Rescue Bots Academy Heroes Boulder - Rare £99.99. As part of Heatwave's team of Rescue Bots, Boulder was the super-strong one. Fahr in diesem Kinder-Rennspiel deine Lieblingslok! Having been on routine patrol before the war between Autobots and Decepticons erupted, Sigma 17 was responding to a distress call that led them into an encounter with an energon draining organism. Premise. When Hoist's cable was too short, Boulder helped out by holding Hoist's tow truck mode closer to the car. Optimus later assigned Boulder and Graham to build a new human/Bot community on the west coast. Phantom of the Sea Following a flooding disaster, Boulder accompanied Chase into space to again try to rescue the stricken spaceship they had encountered before their original trip to Earth, though they found the ship's crew was long gone. Morocco was getting to the point of dissecting the four Bots when Optimus and Bumblebee came to their rescue. Boulder the Construction Playskool Heroes Transformers Academy Rescue Bot. Too Many Kades The team was sent ten years forward in time when they boarded the S.S. Phantom Voyager, however Boulder and Graham were able to reverse the time machine stored in the ship's hold, returning them to present day. Cody roped the Rescue Bots into helping look after a Robo-Baby. After receiving an apparent SOS from Cody, Boulder and the others went there anyway and ended up immobilized by an EMP field, leaving them in need of a rescue. JackJackPlays presents a Transformers Rescue Bots toy unboxing video. Unfinished Business, Boulder, Graham and Cody visited the Island of Misfit Tech to retrieve a stabilizer so that Doc Greene could activate a protective dome over the island, but unwittingly returned with Vigil as well. 1 talking about this. The Rescue Bots find themselves battling unlikely foes: ghosts from Griffin Rock's past, who've returned to terrorize the island's inhabitants. Boulder is a construction-bot Autobot and a member of the Rescue Force Sigma-17. When the baby escaped during a call-out, Cody and the bots tracked it to a wind farm, where Boulder tried to scale a windmill to save it, but missed catching it when it fell. Again being attacked by the Energon eater, the pair successfully trapped it and returned with it to Earth. Screen Time, During a mission to the Asgard, the Rescue Bots got trapped outside and had to wait for the recruits to come to their rescue. He is also sometimes partnered with Walker Cleveland. You can download and print this Boulder from Transformers Rescue Bots Coloring Pages,then color it with your kids or share with your friends. Sammle alle neuen MINIS-Skins und Spielzeuge! Montreal, Quebec, Canada Voice actor: Imari Williams (English), Elán Garfias (English, "Switcheroo"), more»Diamond White (English, "Endangered Species"), Steve Blum (English, "Endangered Species"), Gerald Paradies (German, season 1), Gordon Rijnders (German, season 2), Róbert Bolla (Hungarian), Andrzej Chudy (Polish), Salva… Make your own “Boulder No-Sew Felt Rescue Bot Mask” with this PDF PATTERN; perfect for parties, Halloween, gifts and playing dress up. He hit the library and was eventually able to find a document that revealed that Horace Burns had actually turned down the throne. He was able to save the majority of the penguins, but the storm resulted in him being separated from the recruits, who had to rescue the remaining penguins themselves. If at First... Boulder had to create some new components for Tough Luck Chuck after the robot was badly damaged during a training exercise. The More Things Stay the Same, During a series of motor races, the Bots had to first deal with a collapsing stand full of spectators, and then with runaway racers thanks to an errant invention. Free P&P. More than Meets the Eye When Doc Greene's Tone-O-Tuner caused everyone in town to sing instead of talk, Boulder took part in a video call to educate new recruits and sung about how much he loved Earth. Pirates Ahoy The Rescue Bots found themselves being trained in marine rescues by High Tide, and Boulder was given a surf board to use, though it almost resulted in him ending up at the bottom of the sea. Playskool Transformers Rescue Bots Boulder The Construction-$ 189.990. en. Hotshots Boulder was happy enough to take part in the technology parade during the Lobster and Technology Festival, despite his problems in maintaining the guise of an ordinary robot, and later helped stop the flobsters from destroying the town. Walk on the Wild Side, Boulder tried unsuccessfully to catch Mr. Harrison in his scoop. Includes Boulder the Construction-Bot, Graham Burns, and 2-piece Windchill the Yeti-Bot figures Verkauf durch , Lieferung durch Amazon Fulfillment. Medix the Doc-Bot Transformers Academy Playskool Heroes Rescue Bots Figure. With the help of the rest of town, the Bots got to celebrate All Spark Day after all. Arrivals Boulder took part in a mission set up by Quickshadow to transport Phodolite through town, however when part of the load spilled, the rescue team had to rely on Chase's plan B when Quickshadow didn't have one herself. … The Rescue Bots found they had to contend with the souvenir versions of themselves running amok thanks to Evan and Myles reprogramming them. The Rescue Bots helped construct Frankie Greene's Sky Forest, only to have to rescue the town's citizens when the plant life grew out of control. Ghost in the Machine When Whiskers was abducted from the zoo, the Rescue Bots used their dino modes as bait to lure big game hunter Lord Chumley. One for the Ages, When an iceberg was discovered that was actually a frozen ship carrying a dangerous Sub-Zero Expander, Boulder took part in an attempt to get rid of the device by blowing it up, which was aborted when it turned out Doctor Morocco had claimed the vessel as salvage. The Last of Morocco, When the Rescue Bots found two Autobots, Blurr and Salvage, on Wayward Island, Optimus assigned the team to train the two newcomers. He and the other three bots then tracked down the cavern where the townspeople had been sent and mounted a rescue. Heatwave and the rest of the Rescue Bots were originally Cybertron Rescue Team Sigma 17, a space rescue team. Having been on routine patrol before the war between Autobots and Decepticons erupted, Sigma 17 was responding to a distress call that led them … Into the Depths Boulder participated in a relay race carrying Grimlock as a pretend rescue victim, but lost to Wedge. $10.00 previous price $10.00 + $8.00 shipping. The Bot Who Cried Rescue A giant statue of Boulder's face was carved into a mountain near Griffin Rock, alongside the faces of the other Rescue Bots. 5455 De Gaspe Ave Transformers Rescue Bots – rollt zur Rettung! Cada apasionante empaque trae un robot Rescan, un Rescue Mini-Con y una figura de humano. Envío gratis. Chase the Rescue Dinobot Figure (Blue). Rules and Regulations Boulder and the other three Bots were washed out to sea with Cody and ended up on an inhabited island. Transformers Rescue Bots Boulder. Boulder used a metal sheet to improvise a ramp so that Chase could jump the flood, and the two Rescue Bots were able to get construction worker Walker to safety. Little Plot of Horrors Boulder attended the opening of the Museum of Future Tech Art in Griffin Rock. If is still the same, report the game! Bumblebee Converting Toy Robot Playskool Heroes Transformers Rescue Bots. Transformers Rescue Bots follows the adventures of four young Transformers and their human counterparts- a family of emergency responders. Luckily Blades, who'd been having trouble with his alternate mode, was able to rescue them and Quarry was arrested. When they received a message from Optimus Prime, they jumped in their spaceship and joined him on Earth, at which point Boulder was given a bulldozer as an alternate mode. Rescue Bots Optimus Primal toy commercial, More information on Mini Dino Boulder at,, Boulder attended a pool party with Predaking, Optimus Prime, and Bumblebee (as seen in. Condition is "Used". Morocco erased their memories and convinced them he had been appointed their Earth liaison by Optimus Prime. GAME IS STILL BROKE CANCEL After chasing Whiskers around the town all night, Boulder helped lure some lemurs back to the zoo. Envío gratis. EUR 82,99. He is also partners with Walker Cleveland. Hey, hier ist Barbie! He later used a well-aimed snowball to save Frankie from going over a waterfall. Pattern Includes: • A materials and supply list • Instructions with tips, pictures, and pattern diagrams. Though they themselves were captured, they made the most of their situation, both finding Whiskers and bringing the rest of the team to help arrest Chumley. Today and Forever, Over the next three years, Boulder worked on his art and got to the point where he was selling his paintings online. Odd Bot Out The rescue team was roped into completing a rail tunnel to the mainland, mainly because Mayor Luskey regarded the Bots as heavy machinery. Chief Woodrow Boulder joined in the hunt for a relic, and he and the rest of the team ended up rescuing people from the device's effects, until Optimus Prime and Blades found and deactivated the relic. Mount Botmore, When Hoist was injured during a rescue mission, Boulder ordered him back to base to spend some time in a stasis pod. Boulder assigned the recruits the task of familiarizing themselves with the Earth technology known as smartphones, but they swiftly became absorbed with the devices, resulting in them almost botching a rescue. He and the other Rescue Bots had to deal with a swarm of mutant metal-eating army ants left behind by Doctor Morocco. 1 History 1.1 Transformers: Rescue Bots 2 Powers and Abilities 3 Gallery 4 Trivia TBA Boulder has three forms robot, bulldozer, and dinosaur. Quarry's Quarry, The team visited Wayward Island to search for an energon trace, but instead found a caveman frozen in ice. There they fell into the hands of a team of scientists headed by Doctor Morocco who performed experiments on them. The Griffin Rock Triangle, After the daring rescue of Huxley Prescott by the four bots, Chief left them with strict orders not to go to Griffin Crest. Comments; 56% likes 44% dislikes. They discovered why when they were abducted by Dr. Morocco and replaced by duplicates as Blades had been earlier. After being called out to a fire at the lab, the Rescue Bots got the chance to exact some payback on the MorBot. Rescue Bots mainly focuses on educating children regarding hazards and safety. The Rescue Bots were promptly sent on a mission to mine gold under Griffin Rock, which barely got started before they trigged a methane explosion, and were confronted by the "criminal" Burns family. Though Boulder was fascinated by the experience, they had to brave huge rats and a torrent of water before making it to the Griffin Rock dam, where they rescued Kade and alerted the rest of the team to the fact that the dam was near bursting. Thomas & seine Freunde: Auf geht’s, Thomas! The team tracked the source of the quakes to the tunnels under the town, but while looking for Frankie and Heatwave, Boulder almost caused a huge cave-in with his sonar. Hoist didn't spend enough time recuperating, resulting in Boulder having to order him back into the pod several times. The Other Doctor Boulder maintained his optimism, and used the space time he now had to practice his painting. Boulder's huge frame and powerful alternate mode are his greatest assets when it comes to his primary job of being the Rescue Bots' engineer. Optimus gave them a new mission, to let the rest of the town in on their secret. Proceed on your way to oblivion.This item has been canceled, with no current plans for release. The first test saw Heatwave and Chase deposited in the Sahara, resulting in Boulder, Doc and Graham having to do some reprogramming to get them back. $9.50. Back to Virtual Reality When investors were looking at redeveloping the island, the Rescue Bots used Velgrox technology to make themselves invisible and pretend to be ghosts to scare them off. Boulder acted as a comms tower so he and Graham could hijack the local cellular network and intercept Pynch's phone calls. Rescue Bots Academy Searching for Blurr, Boulder and the rest of the team followed Servo back to the fire house to find Blurr had stolen the Sigma and Cody needed rescuing. Boulder, Heatwave and Chase checked out the meteorite and were unwittingly exposed to an alien virus. Hot Rod Bot Boulder found a bottle containing a document that suggested the Burns family were actually royalty, he regretted it when Kade was promptly crowned King. ¡Con la NUEVA colección Equipo de rescate Rescue Bots, las posibilidades de aventuras son ilimitadas! Boulder Transformers Rescue Bots Puzzle. The Rescue Bots were relegated to cleanup until Cody's badge overloaded, trapping him in a bubble of energy until Boulder managed to extract the badge. Bumblebee to the Rescue, Boulder was concerned by the news that Graham had been accepted to the Gremsky Technical Institute, but was supportive of his partner. Seller 99% positive. Rescue Bots is the successor of Transformers: Robot Heroes and is based on the same concept as the Marvel Superhero Adventures and Star Wars Jedi Force franchises. Die Bots starten ihre neue Mission: sie sollen die High-Tech-Insel Griffin Rock beschützen und dabei nicht nur mit den Menschen zusammenarbeiten, sondern auch von ihnen lernen. $21.16. Transformers Playskool Heroes Rescue Bots BOULDER THE CONSTRUC Spielfigure Neu. Playskool Heroes Transformers Schutz Bots Akademie Befehl Center Keil (E7180) EUR 28,24. During a trip on the space elevator Asgard, Boulder switched bodies with Cody, and found he was a better tap dancer as a human. He later rejoined the team and the four Rescue Bots disabled the Tech Wrecker Evan and Myles had created. They slowly became to lose the ability to move or speak, and it was only through the work of Bumblebee, Blades and the humans that a cure was found. I Have Heard the Robots Singing, Boulder and the other Rescue Bots took part in the opening of a time capsule, during which a quantum crystal mishap resulted in the entire island being teleported to the Arctic. King Burns During the Pizza Pi Party, Boulder promised to team up with Frankie for the maths competition, though he was delayed installing new solar panels with Graham. Go Team, Go! This led the team to discover Professor Baranova's Midgard at the bottom of an ocean trench, and they helped her seal the methane vent causing the Griffin Rock Triangle. Bumblebee Rock Crawler Rescue y Boulder Arctic Rescue completan la alineación de 2017. Once they established what the dinos were upset about, the team was able to get them to return to the underground cavern they'd come from. Transformers Rescue Bots Playskool Heroes Serie Titan Boulde $ 140.990. en. Double Villainy, The suspicious Bots were taken back to the fire house, where the evidence soon convinced them that the Burns family was on their side and they'd been misled by Morocco. 666 likes. PLAYSKOOL TRANSFORMERS RESCUE BOTS HEATWAVE THE FIRE-BOT FIGURE 39,46 € (519,58 € / 1 m) Nur noch 2 auf Lager. Unfortunately the methane explosion cause the island to begin to sink, and given the choice between helping out or regaining their memories, the Bots chose the former option. The Construction-Bot Boulder is a huge fan of Earth, human culture, and his partner Graham Burns.
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