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The movie was a box office success, grossing over $1.104 billion worldwide on a $210 million budget, making it the highest-grossing film of 2014, the 10th-highest-grossing film of all time, and the only film in 2014 to gross over $1 billion. Fallen Comrades, Soon after, Dinobot and Primal were investigating a second stasis pod when they were suddenly ambushed by Predacons. (August 2016) Reviews Issue #1 ComicList Review: 4/5 Issue #2 ComicList Review: 4/5 When it became apparent that the aliens themselves would visit them imminently, the Predacons surprisingly called for a truce. Seller 100% positive. Either way, the Dinobots are guaranteed to be great fun! After a heated space battle over a mysterious planet, both ships were damaged, and they fell blazing towards the ground below. Forced out of their base, Optimus Primal surrendered the Maximals to Starscream, under the condition that Dinobot be repaired. a Target Plus™ partner. Yes. War of the Dinobots The Dinobots' role was simply to pulverize anyone or anything that was too strong for the Autobots to handle on their own. After all, he was a criminal even in Predacon terms, and he had no hope for a warm Maximal reception. After that clash subsided, Dinobot helped the Maximals, leading them to a victory against Megatron when he tried to obtain the bounty of a mountain-sized cache of natural energon. Beast Wars: Transformers, Dinobot was part of Megatron's forces when a huge earthquake uncovered Energon. Feral Scream Part 1, Later, to convince Rattrap to let him search for ex-Predacon Blackarachnia, Silverbolt reminded him he'd trusted the original Dinobot. Between that and sleep deprivation from persistent Predacon attacks, their innate beast instincts began to take over, and the Maximals went feral. Find out for yourself with six of the greatest Dinobot adventures of all time, right here in one special single-disc collection! Also he appeared to have at least two raptor clones backing him up. The other-dimensional Transformers eventually returned to their place of origin and the Beast Wars continued as they were. It does not feature the original human cast from the previous three films, and instead introduces a new human cast and many new Transformers, including the Dinobots. Blackarachnia banged him up with her machine guns until Dinobot used Inferno himself as a shield, after which he blew away both Predacons with the ant-bot's own gun. The Razor's Edge, In one splinter timeline of Primax 496.22 Alpha, minor atmospheric perturbations caused Silverbolt's stasis pod to crash on the far side of Earth, and absent his presence, Megatron slaughtered all the remaining Maximals except Tigatron and Airazor. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it. He failed to notice the approaching guard until Dinobot dispatched him with his sword and insisted they speed up the operation. $83.99. Thus, any playable Maximal can fill the role of protagonist in Maximal Mode, and any playable Predacon can fill the role of protagonist in Predacon Mode. After another battle with the Predacons at the Standing Stones, the aliens returned Primal to them, with no explanations. Megatron had discovered a mountain whose image was recorded on the disk, and he had Rampage destroy the peak. Transformers Kingdom Dinobot and Inferno found in US and Canadian Walmarts Posted 2 minutes ago TFSource News - PX Peklenc, MP41 Dinobot, Sentinel, Joy Toy, MMC Sphinx Cel, 52Toys Preorders + more When Terrorsaur used this to infiltrate the Maximal base, Dinobot feigned a desire to team up with him and overthrow Megatron. Primal rejected Dinobot's lack of sympathy. Transformers Best Of UK Dinobots #4 Cover B IDW Comics High Grade. As Dinobot disabled the former, he protested Megatron's apparent cowardice and dishonorable tactics. 4.3 out of 5 stars 10. Other Voices, Part 1 The Maximals returned to find them both welded to the ceiling by cyberwebs. The enemy was, after all, minus both Tarantulas and Blackarachnia, while they were only down one member. The Predacons defeated the two and secured the pod for themselves, bringing Blackarachnia online. He has threatened to use any and all of these on Rattrap, with whom he has an intense rivalry. Optimus Primal showed up and, swearing to avenge Dinobot's death, killed Jaguar in battle. Dinobot bio. TRANSFORMERS #4 CGC 9.8 1ST APP SHOCKWAVE DINOBOTS CAMEO . After Terrorsaur buried Dinobot in a cave, Megatron unleashed a clone of Dinobot on the unsuspecting Maximals. 1. When Galvatron's new Decepticons shot down their ship, Optimus went to recruit the Dinobots for their aid. $20.95 $ 20. Shell Game #1, While Megatron was being guided through the afterlife by Rhinox, he beheld a vision of himself slaughtering his allies and foes alike, Dinobot among them. Beast Wars (Part 2), Dinobot provided not only brute force but an understanding of the enemy. Bonus Edition Vol. When he powers it … But it turns out that they are aided by another alien robot who is searching for Optimus Prime. Dinobot explained that either way, he would fight Megatron, prompting Primal to forgive Dinobot his treacherous actions. The backfire sent the warrior flying with severe damage, and Quickstrike was eager to add to his pain. transformer dinosaur transformers dinobots transformers toys Prologue, Dinobot was an employee of Axalon Trading Company whose solution to most problems was to eat them. Optimus was nevertheless amazed that the \"legend\" existed, and freed Grimlock and his men. When Dinobot received a transmission indicating the Maximals were having difficulties, he awoke Primal's core consciousness to consult him. Dinobot and the other Maximals were rallied by Optimus Primal to this site, where they confronted the Predacons. Optimus Primal waited for this to backfire on them, and when their plot began to unravel, Dinobot joined the Maximals in infiltrating the Predacon base and retrieving their kidnapped comrade. The tall stature of Dinobot and the other Axalon employees was another source of grief for Rattrap, who disliked his small size. Earthrise episode 6, Upon arriving on "Planet Energon", the dangers of Energon radiation forced the six surviving Maximals and their Predacon adversaries to take on beast alternate forms. 1. As the protohuman's bonds dissolved, Megatron dropped the disk, allowing Dinobot to shatter it with his last bit of energy. $31.99 $ 31. Dinobot loosened a large boulder out of place, allowing it to crush both Tarantulas and Blackarachnia. $10.00. After seeing Hot Shot perform a series of clever moves, Dinobot suggested the two battle for leadership. Bonus Edition Vol. Dinobot clawed his way up to the top through victory after victory. He gathered with representatives of the other three tribes in Talon Valley, in front of a spacebridge portal, to discuss the Cybertronian combiners who had invaded three weeks prior. Cade Yeager, a "robotics expert", buys an old truck and upon examining it, he thinks it's a Transformer. Optimus Power Up!? Before the fight could begin, the alien site activated again, creating a massive Metal Hunter, and blasted everyone in the area. Having already been blindsided by Tarantulas (and having squashed him under a rock in retaliation), he ambushed Inferno, burying his sword in the latter's chest. However, with Primal dead, Rhinox was not in any mood to tolerate Dinobot's outburst and shut him up forcefully. The Two's Recent Encounter, Dinobot made fun of Rattrap for collecting children's toys, but a defensive Rattrap argued that Transformers could be really difficult to transform and challenged him to transform a Mach Kick. Returning Transformers include Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Brains, and Megatron (now known as Galvatron). Sold and shipped by TFSource. Subsequently, Dinobot joined an assault on the Metal Hunter itself, a cover for Tarantulas's entry. Dinobot clawed his way up to the top through victory after victory. As Primal considered this a lesson in respect learned, he found himself attacked by one of Scorponok's cyberbees. But Megatron accepted the prodigal son anyway, as long as he returned the original Golden Disk. Early on, Cheetor was ordered to his quarters for fumbling the test of an energon monitoring device, and Dinobot suggested to the young Maximal that he secretly test the device himself. 99. Once welcomed back, Dinobot told Primal of Megatron's ultimate designs for the disks' information. Optimus considers him a natural when it comes to combat expertise. Item Information. Grimlock was a prisoner aboard Lockdown's ship until the Autobots detached that section and flew it to China, though Optimus did not inform his troops of their presence. Dinobot broke into the Predacon base and stole Megatron's golden disks. In exchange, Starscream ordered the Maximals to attack Megatron. $29.99 $ 29. The Axalon and the Chromia 10 gave chase, though the latter was destroyed by unknown assailants. Coming of the Fuzors (Part 1), Their efforts, though seemingly doomed, were not for naught. Dinobot and the other Maximals fled the Axalon, while Rattrap stayed inside to combat Sentinel himself. 99. Wheeljack's Bizarre Invention! It injected him with a virus that was intended to make him a coward, but instead removed all his inhibitions. Dinobot had himself a hearty laugh when Megatron attempted to replicate Optimus Prime's new clear-torso'd power-up via a see-through negligee. Dinobot grabbed what weaponry he could, and with the other two Maximals engaged the Predacons far from the ship, in hopes that they could keep the Predacons away from whatever Rhinox was trying to accomplish. Tigatron was called to sneak into the Predacon base and find out what had captured Megatron's attention, and Dinobot and the other Maximals staged a non-lethal battle to cover Tigatron's exit, upholding their end of the truce. 4.6 out of 5 stars 34. He took part in an ambush of the Maximals, so that the Predacons could gain control of this new resource. Megatron did not care and shot them both. No Interest if paid in full in 6 mo on $99+Opens in a new window or tab* No Interest if paid in full in 6 months on $99+. Proving Grounds, Thanks to the destruction of Rampage, the Dinobot clone's spark-brother, Dinobot's consciousness was able to take hold of the clone and make him regain a sense of honour. Dinobot assured him that it was merely his shift, and not indicative of his feelings towards Primal—despite having placed a beautiful plant in Primal's quarters. For over a year, we've been speculating that Bay could easily incorporate both the Dinobots and Galvatron - with a longterm goal of introducing planet-sized villain Unicron (who was voiced by Orson Welles in 1986's Transformers: The Movie). 2 #6, Dinobot begrudgingly (and adorably) gave a gift to his Fur Walker rival Cheetor on Chosen One Day. He ate him. He was given a hero's funeral, with his body cremated as the Maximal fliers executed a Missing man formation. You can help by adding to it. On a hot day he demanded Rattrap bring him an popsicle, only to receive a plastic Gari Robo-kun transforming popsicle instead. As befits a warrior of his stature, Dinobot is skilled in all forms of combat. After he failed to solve the problem with the Predacons diplomatically, as Primal would have wanted, it was decided to let the new violent Primal be the new violent Primal. Dinobot is a Predacon ruled by his sense of honor. Transformers: Battle Tactics, Dinobot was one of many warriors pulled from his universe to fight for the Quintessons. Transformers. He admitted to himself that by helping Megatron he might be sacrificing his own race, but he had to discover whether his actions were his own or predestined. Deluxe Class Dinobot Strafe | Transformers 4 AOE Age of Extinction Action figures. Thus, he resubmitted himself to Megatron's command, but the Maximals' influence still showed itself. While Rattrap and Cheetor were sent outside to deal with Waspinator and a newly Transmetalled Megatron, Rhinox and Dinobot were stuck with the task of restoring their security systems. Dinobot was all too happy to destroy the alleged turncoat despite the potential hypocrisy of that act. Transformers. Velocirazor, takes the form of a Velociraptor (Labelled as a dinobot, but is also a mini-con) 4. He knew that they contained information about the future, and this cut to the core of his being: "If the future is indeed immutably foretold, then my demise is but moments from that confirmation, for I could not live if not the master of my fate." Dinobot was one of a group of rogue Predacons and was party to their theft of the Maximal relic, the Golden Disk. Some praise was given for the editing. When the Predacons launched an attack on a tribe of protohumans, attempting to destroy the future human race and alter the course of the Autobot/Decepticon war, Dinobot singlehandedly took on all of them. Dinobot, cheated and humbled, took his efforts elsewhere. Windblade vol. Dinobots Set of 5 G1 Color Version set of 5 | Transformers Age of Extinction Platinum Edition Action figures. Tricerashot, takes the form a Triceratops (… Most notable was his reaction to Tigatron's pacifism: When the tiger tried to leave the Maximals in grief over the accidental death of his best friend, Dinobot argued vociferously with the "coward". EX He was among the employees present for the inauguration of the new Autobot-Axalon office building, in actuality a new Battleship Maximus. As the Mini Vehicles wondered if Dinobot were an Autobot, he woke up angrily, and began to attack the others, hoping to find a worthy foe, until finally Hot Shot (and his Mini-Con, Jolt) faced Dinobot in battle. He explained to Tigatron a bit of his motives for turning against Megatron: He feared that if Megatron used Earth's energon supply to wage a new war, Cybertron would burn as a result. Dinobot was able to grab him just as Megatron arrived, and claimed the spider as a hostage. When he was pitted in a death match against Quickstrike in a bizarre test of loyalty, Dinobot subdued his foe but refused to kill him, offering to train him instead. The Web, However, though he was an asset against the Predacons, Dinobot sowed discontent amongst the Maximals' own ranks. Only 2 left in stock - order soon. This ended in potential disaster when Cheetor unwittingly created an instant-transport stream between the two bases. After a clash with Megatron and Waspinator, the monument came to life and Optimus Primal disappeared before their eyes. This auction is for The Transformers #4 by Marvel Comics. The Low Road, Despite his increasing loyalty to the team, Dinobot's violent heart occasionally created rifts. When Optimus Primal noted that Tigatron was the victim of an aerial attack, Dinobot identified the culprits as Waspinator and Terrorsaur. The Probe The issue was raised again when the Maximals thought that the Predacons had been destroyed. Details about TRANSFORMERS #4 CGC 9.8 1ST APP SHOCKWAVE DINOBOTS CAMEO . Transformers Hero Mashers Dinobot Slug Figure. He was unable to make heads or tails of the toy, so in the end he gave up and simply ate it, to Rattrap's horror. As they were making their getaway, Dinobot threw the Data-Con to Dirge (who was unaware of a switch on Megatron's part) before battling a squadron of Maximal Security Troopers, ending with a close combat duel with 9K using his then energy-based sword. Frustrated by the Dinobots' success, Megatron learned Grimlock desired to be Autobot leader and tried to trick the Dinobots into serving him, but Optimus's selflessness convinced Grimlock otherwise. Free shipping. He tracked Megatron down and found him testing the original disk which Dinobot had returned. The Dinobots are legendary warriors who traveled the vastness of space and time in the Knights' Temenos. Beast Wars: Transformers video game advertising comic, Dinobot had a slightly different deco than the final toy, Botcon 2004 Interview with Vinnie D'Alleva, Inspired by dinosaur fossils, Wheeljack and Ratchet built Grimlock, Slag and Sludge, who promptly went on a rampage. They did not account for Inferno, who had also infiltrated the Axalon. This character article is a stub and is missing information on their fictional appearances. Their carelessness indirectly caused Rhinox to be infected with a virus that caused him to eject energy involuntarily, via hiccups or sneezes or...other means. Since Transformers 4: Age of Extinction aired their first teaser during the Super Bowl this past year, bit by bit we’ve gotten more and more info about the film debut of the Dinobots. Theft of the Golden Disk. After the battle between the Autobots and Decepticons that levelled Chicago, humanity thinks that all alien robots are a threat. The 2010 Transformers Hall of Fame profile for Dinobot stated that the original's spirit had somehow returned from beyond to influence his clone. It would be an uneasy alliance, fraught with turns of loyalty and turns of Shakespearean phrase. Before the Storm As expected, the aliens arrived. Megatron used the alien disk to activate the Metal Hunter, and the Maximals gained an unlikely ally: Tarantulas. More Than Meets The Eye #8, While traveling back to Cybertron at the conclusion of the Beast Wars, Optimus Primal reflected on past battles, including those in which Dinobot fought. Dinobot proceeded to bombard Rampage from above until Waspinator shot him down (and caused him to land on top of the luckless flier); when Rampage tried to retaliate in tank mode, Dinobot shoved the downed Waspinator into the mad experiment's cannon, causing Rampage to blow himself apart. There was also an unproduced episode of, Due to the nature of this game, a player may select various individual characters to perform the feats required in every level, and complete the game's narrative. After contemplating suicide and enduring Rattrap's continuing recriminations, Dinobot decided to set things right. However, they lost control of their ship after it was taken over by the mercenary bounty hunter Lockdown. Ultimately, Primal acquired the antidote and woke up with Dinobot standing watch over him. The launching pad was destroyed by Airazor just as Dinobot arrived. In Dinobot's case, Velociraptor remains buried deep within the volcanic soil of their crash site became the basis for his new form. After Rattrap returned to Cybertron with intel, a week later, official representatives from offworld arrived on Eukaris through the portal. Megatron and Dinobot joined Scorponok in escaping the archives with the Golden Disk, avoiding patrolmen Unit 1 and Unit 2. EPISODES: S.O.S. Beast Wars Metals #1, Dinobot eventually got in contact with his Maximal comrades and revealed he was recovering in a protohuman village. $218.99 $ 218. The Transformation Gap When he was introduced to the new junior employee, Rattrap, the first thing Dinobot did was try to eat him. The Trigger, Part 1 Dinobot remained at base with Rhinox while the others searched for Tigatron on a mysterious flying island. This issue features the first appearance of Shockwave and a cameo appearance by the Dinobots. Grimlock, Slag, and Sludge were built first. The Trigger, Part 2 Dinobot suffered along with his teammates when the energon dampener was stolen from the Axalon, requiring him and the others to stay in beast mode to avoid energon surges. Somewhat fortunately for Dinobot's potential fate, their attempts to catch the attention of the probe failed when Tarantulas invented the transformation lock lens. 4.7 out of 5 stars 762. 99. Ratchet. When the Axalon caught up with the Predacons, Dinobot balked at the idea of fleeing again and managed to fire a few shots at the Axalon. Wheeljack's Bizarre Invention! Beast Wars (Part 1), He and Optimus Primal began their fight. Law of the Jungle, The alien mystery that surrounded the planet soon came to a head. Dinobots War Of The Dinobots Heavy Metal War Desertion Of The Dinobots, Part 1 Desertion Of The Dinobots, Part 2 Grimlock’s New Brain Since his legs form his, From the size to the proportions to the complete lack of feathers, Dinobot's, In an interview on Madman's Season 3 DVDs, Scott McNeil revealed that he created the Dinobot voice by using his previous experience mimicking, Likewise, fans refer to Dinobot as having a "rigid grill structure", an injoke that came into being because of an. Skilled in many forms of Cybertronian martial arts, his warrior's code of honor is sharply defined, and he treats his opponents with the greatest of respect - … Despite their predictably dull colour schemes in the movie, most of their toys are drasticallymore colourful. Tigatron joined the team. Dinobot lives to die gloriously in battle! Rhinox was able to calm him and the others and slowly lead them back to base, using their other senses. This left Dinobot vulnerable, leading him to be assassinated by a Predacon agent. Originally only Grimlock (T-Rex) and Strafe (2 Headed Pterosaur) were confirmed for the film, but images from the 2014 International Toy Fair in New York City revealed several more possible Dinobots. Transformers: Age of Extinction is a 2014 American science fiction action film based on the Transformers toy line. Henkei! Dinobot's future was his own...but Megatron had virtually limitless power to change it. His thirst for battle is unquenchable. Leader of the Dinobots, the only Dinobot whose name doesn't start with the letter S. Of all the Dinobots, he is the most fearsome and powerful one. Mostly depowered, severely outmatched, and refusing to quit, Dinobot jammed a rock through a stick and attacked with the makeshift hammer. He then imprisoned them in their own ship. Transformers Platinum Edition Dinobots 5 Pack G1 Head Grimlock Slug Slog Set of 5. After the artifact was back in Megatron's hands, Rattrap attacked and was quickly immobilized. Victory, After Dinobot and the other Maximals were saved from a Predacon attack by Rhinox's ingenuity, Rhinox was abducted by the Predacons and reprogrammed into one of them. The rest of the Maximals arrived to drive Megatron off, but it was too late for their comrade. Rattrap subsequently defected, and in the ensuing battle, was ordered by Megatron to shoot Dinobot, his frequent rival. However, just as Dinobot wandered off to explore the world that had become his, he stumbled across the not-so-dead Predacons, who attacked the Axalon and grounded the Maximals once again. Condition:--not specified. His thirst for battle is unquenchable. $9.99. A dinosaur's entry into the Maximals was justified by pointing out that the, Some fans are inclined to yank off Dinobot's mutant mask pieces, since he doesn't have them on the television show, they get in the way during transformation, and they're easily removable. Ages: 14 years and up. Rhinox and Dinobot stayed behind at the Axalon while the others investigated, but were too engaged by the planet's second moon shifting its shape into a horrible Planet Buster weapon to notice their base had been compromised. Dinobot, like his fellow Maximals, greeted the Predacon turncoat with bared weapons and only reluctantly allowed Tarantulas to aid them. Last one. It was only through the instruction of Tigatron that they were able to defeat the Predacons and retrieve the dampener. Transformers: Age of Extinction received negative reviews from critics for its runtime, performances, screenplay, and direction. Like its predecessors, it was directed by Michael Bay and written by Ehren Kruger, with Steven Spielberg and Bay as executive producers. Ultimately, Dinobot broke free and returned to the Axalon, where he confronted his clone and ate him. As Dinobot ventured outside the base, he blamed Megatron for this error and announced his intention to take over the Predacons himself. You can help Transformers Wiki by expanding it. He was a Super Rare character who could be recruited by collecting 250 units of Cybermetal, 75 units of Transmetal, and 10 cores of this character. As Primal and Cheetor left to find Silverbolt, Dinobot turned to one of the Axalon's consoles and began downloading into its database. This book is in extremely nice condition. I am a warrior... let the battle be joined. This character article is a stub and is missing information on their video game appearances. Optimus Primal ordered the bickering pair to hunt down Tarantulas in his lair and obtain the antidote, figuring they'd either learn to work together or everyone would be destroyed. So Harold Attinger, a CIA agent, establishes a unit whose sole purpose is to hunt down all of them. In response to Dinobot's death, Optimus Primal launched an unsuccessful attempt on the Predacon ship, which ultimately led to the Maximals' undoing. Derailment Eventually, Dynobot was captured and placed in the maximum security level of the Ferromax Detention Center. It is the fourth installment of the live-action Transformers film series and the sequel to Dark of the Moon (2011), taking place five years after its events. But Primal interrupted before any damage was done, and Tigatron later came back to battle to save Dinobot from a Predacon attack, making the whole point moot. Grimlock Slug Strafe Scorn Slash (sometimes) Slog (sometimes) Snarl (sometimes) Mini Dinobots Mini Grimlock Mini Slug Mini Strafe When Dinobot woke up, he was in the Maximal CR chamber, as he'd been found stripped down and abandoned outside the base by unknown hands. Mocking the weakened Dinobot, Megatron tallied the score firmly in his own favor: He had unimaginable power via the Golden Disk, he held a lone protohuman hostage, and the severely damaged Dinobot was the only obstacle in his reality-warping plan. In the present day, the Autobot Mini Vehicles dug up the bodies of Hot Shot and Dinobot from deep within the earth. The color is bright and the pages are a creamy white. Choose Me, Thrashclaw had a mentor who was a "brown and blue, thick-headed, dynamic" bot who went off with a "purple lunatic". His legacy remained even with the anthropoids, who found his hammer and used it as a weapon. FREE Shipping by Amazon. Primal put Rattrap in charge, and the remaining Maximals mounted a plan to extract Primal from the alien construct. 95 $24.94 $24.94. Transformers #0-45 **25 MIXED ISSUE LOT** (IDW 2009) Variant Copies - NM. Other Voices, Part 2, When Dinobot awoke, Optimus Primal was dead, having sacrificed himself to destroy the Planet Buster with a transwarp explosion, and Cheetor and Rattrap had been altered into Transmetal forms by the resulting quantum surge. Ask Vector Prime, 07/08/2015, Following the Quantum surge, Dinobot, as well as many other Maximals, became separated from the rest of the team and left stranded somewhere on Energoa. But the levels of energon were just one problem—this planet looked nothing like Earth, their target destination! While declaring he would defend his planet from any invaders, no matter the cost, a traveler from offworld arrived through the portal: Rattrap. When Predacon installations were placed in a Voyager-disk-like pattern, Dinobot remarked that Megatron's plan proceeded even without the disk's information. The Metal Hunter was destroyed. Worse yet, Megatron had introduced two new Fuzors to his team, Silverbolt and Quickstrike. However, Hot Shot declined Dinobot's offer and suggested instead they team up and make peace. After some hesitation, Rattrap shot Terrorsaur instead and revealed that the entire situation was a ruse by Optimus Primal to detect the real source of the information leak: stolen Maximal codes. Dinobot complied. Aftermath, With the destruction of the planet's second moon and the stabilization of the planet's natural energon reserves, it became apparent to Dinobot that Megatron was right all along; this was indeed Earth, though in the distant past. Cold, merciless, but a valiant warrior. The entire planet was saturated with energon, so much so that Dinobot and the other Predacons required protection. Dinobot stayed behind with Primal while the others made a play for the pod on foot. They stole a ship and traveled through a transwarp portal, with the Maximal ship Axalon not far behind.
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