docker run -dit --name zabbix-agent --net zabbix-net centos:7 3.2 客户端安装zabbix-agent But if you want to expose zabbix agent to external, you can add zbx_net_frontend: under zabbix-agent service, the port will be shown in docker container ls output. Compose does not support 'deploy' configuration - use `docker stack deploy` to deploy to a swarm. Все вопросы Все теги Пользователи Хабр q&a — вопросы и ответы для it-специалистов 3.1. PS: 在实际应用的中还需要增加挂载等 Repositories. All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up Sign in Sign up {{ message }} Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Log in using Zabbix’s default user and password user: Admin password:zabbix After that, you will see the dashboard . Dockbix Agent XXL - Zabbix Agent with Docker and OS Linux host monitoring support Deploy zabbix using docker-compose. … 在需要被监控客户端节点安装Docker Compose,参考《009.Docker Compose基础使用》。 3.3 创建Docker Compose docker logs -f zabbix-agent. zabbix_agent部署: 建议:zabbix_agent使用docker-compose方式 单独 部署. Zabbix agent docker compose. 8) OPCIONAL – Inicie o conteiner docker do Zabbix-Proxy. chagridsada / zabbix-agent.yml. No post de hoje apresentaremos um arquivo docker-compose.yml criado por nós, da CarryOn Tech, que permite que o Zabbix 5 e o Grafana sejam instalados rapidamente por meio do Docker Compose.. O Zabbix é um software de código aberto que permite realizar o monitoramento de hardwares, softwares, serviços, desempenho de aplicações, desempenho da rede, dentre outras coisas. Is there a way to monitor the server using the Zabbix service I'm running inside the container? When I don't start the agent in Dockerfile, i can start it without killing nginx, with docker exec Here is my docker-compose : # docker-compose -f docker-compose_v3_alpine_pgsql_latest.yaml ps WARNING: Some services (zabbix-agent, zabbix-java-gateway, zabbix-proxy-mysql, zabbix-proxy-sqlite3, zabbix-server, zabbix-snmptraps, zabbix-web-apache-pgsql, zabbix-web-nginx-pgsql) use the 'deploy' key, which will be ignored. 3、配置zabbix-agent端. $ docker-compose up -d Creating network "zabbix3_default" with the default driver Creating volume "zabbix3_zabbix-db-storage" with local driver Creating volume "zabbix3_backups" with local driver Creating zabbix3_zabbix-db_1 Creating zabbix3_zabbix-server_1 I'm running Zabbix service and a Drupal site inside the container. How should I configure the zabbix agent so that it monitors the server from inside the container? Hello, I'd like to monitor a basic docker container with nginx but when I start the zabbix_agentd, my nginx service stop, and I don't understand why ... Can you help me or explain me the problem ? Когда в контейнере выполняю zabbix_get -s zabbix-agent -k то в ответ получаю 1 но когда смотрю docker logs zabbix-docker_zabbix-agent_1 то получаю no active checks on server [zabbix-server:10051]: host [f1780f5dda59] not found в ENV файле агента прописано только ZBX_SERVER_HOST=zabbix-server This doesn't use any external scripts or modules to collect data, the only dependencies are curl and read access to docker's API. To monitor the zabbix agent just change on the zabbix web from to one of the aliases (eg. That's the Docker Compose file I use. Riga, Latvia / Tokyo, Japan / New York, USA. Zabbix 5.x docker template for Zabbix Agent ver.1, with containers and images LLD This is only tested on Zabbix 5.0. On host Nginx I do proxy to the frontend. 需要被监控客户端节点安装Docker,参考《002.Docker版本及安装》。 3.2 安装Docker Compose. Joined May 25, 2015. 启动方式: 1、run方式启动. Wait 2 minutes for the database initialization to complete . I have an external zabbix server that I would like to get an agent container talking to. Official Zabbix Dockerfiles. 概要. 三 构建Zabbix Agent 3.1 安装Docker. 一 前期规划 1.1 Zabbix架构图 1.2 其他规划 组件 类型 版本 备注 Zabbix Web zabbix-web-apache-mysql镜像 wordpress:latest 也可采用 011.Docker Compose部署Zabbix实战 - 木二 - 博客园 Star 0 Fork 0; Star Zabbix 5.x docker template for Zabbix Agent ver.1, with containers and images LLD This is only tested on Zabbix 5.0. 启动容器. Skip to content. I'm new to Docker and Zabbix… web管理界面点击: 配置=》主机=》zabbix-server, agent代理程序的接口选项: DNS名称:zabbix-agent,并选择 DNS; 勾选: 已启用; 点击:更新; 最终效果: 被监控端 zabbix agent 安装 环境 OS:CentOS 7 x86_64 Docker: docker-ce-18.09.0 Docker-compose:docker-compose version 1.23.1 docker-compose是docker推出的一款编排工具,由于zabbix有很多组件,zabbix server,zabbix-web,zabbix-proxy,db等组件,通过docker-compose的配置文件,可以统一编排,做到一键启动一套Zabbix … web访问地址:<> (Admin/zabbix) 5. Contribute to zabbix/zabbix-docker development by creating an account on GitHub. Create docker-compose.yml file Start by creating a docker-compose.yml file that uses docker-compose to organize containers. Zabbix has some instructional materials at Download and install Zabbix for Containers to help you install Zabbix in a Docker container, but I had trouble getting a working system using these materials. Altere os dados em negrito e em vermelho conforme as necessidades do seu ambiente. 文章目录docker-compose 部署 zabbix-server 5.0 LTS前期准备工作下载 zabbix-docker修改 docker-compose_v3_alpine_mysql_5.0.yaml部署服务nginx 反向代理,ssl证书服务防火墙配置测试 zabbix docker-compose 部署 zabbix-server 5.0 LTS 前期准备工作 # centos 7.x 环境 yum update -y yum install deltarpm -y # Warning: フォアグラウンドで起動したものをCtrl-Cで落としたり、 Skip to content. docker run --rm --network zabbix --name zabbix_agent--link zabbix_server:zabbix-server -e ZBX_HOSTNAME="mythird" -e ZBX_SERVER_PORT="10051" -e ZBX_SERVER_HOST="" -p 3998:10050 -d zabbix/zabbix-agent:alpine-3.0-latest 1. Instalar o Zabbix em containers com Docker compose - carryontech/zabbix-docker-compose Zabbix 4.2 をサクッと動かすには、公式 docker-compose を使うのが簡単早いんですが、やってみると下記問題があったため、対処方法をまとめておきます。 日本語表示にするとグラフの日本語部分が豆腐に文字化けする; GUIで表示される時刻がラトビア時間になっている This doesn't use any external scripts or modules to collect data, the only dependencies are curl and read access to docker's API. Zabbixを使ったDockerコンテナのモニタリングを試してみました。 Zabbix Docker Monitoringとは? Monitoring Artist社にてZabbix Docker Monitoringが開発されています。Zabbix Docker Monitoringのコンテナを起動するだけでDockerコンテナのモニタリングができます。 All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up Sign in Sign up {{ message }} Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Zabbix Server自身にはAgentがいないので、 以下のようにAgentのNICをDNSで zabbix_agent を見るように変更します。 後は有効化して使います。 5.主なdocker-composeコマンド. 网上看到一堆使用docker-compose 运行zabbix ,都不台好用,或者因为版本问题,以下是一个整理的 docker-compose ,可以参考 docker-compose version 通过docker内置zabbix-agent服务监控zabbix-server自身. Install Zabbix with MySQL as containers using docker-compose - 修改为中文点击update即可. zabbix-agent), that should resolve the issue. $ docker-compose up -d WARNING: Some services (zabbix-agent, zabbix-java-gateway, zabbix-proxy-mysql, zabbix-proxy-sqlite3, zabbix-server, zabbix-snmptraps, zabbix-web-apache-mysql, zabbix-web-nginx-mysql) use the 'deploy' key, which will be ignored. The difference here is that I use web frontend container instead of using host's Apache. In this article I have the intent to expose a simple way to install and use Created Mar 3, 2016. Displaying 13 of 13 repositories This doesn't use any external scripts or modules to collect data, the only dependencies are curl and read access to docker's API. 启动docker-compose: docker-compose up 启动zabbix agent: docker run --name zabbix-agent -e ZBX_HOSTNAME='Zabbix server' -e ZBX_SERVER_HOST=zabbix-server --network root_zbx-net -d zabbix/zabbix-agent. Zabbix 5.x docker template for Zabbix Agent ver.1, with containers and images LLD This is only tested on Zabbix 5.0. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Next, open your web browser and go to your server using the port 80. zabbix login. $ mkdri /zabbix #Create a zabbix file in the root directory $ cd /zabbix $ touch docker-compose.yml #Create yml container marshalling file 2.