Actors Brown ", "As an employee of the club... well, what do you think of me? Per wiki policy, Spoilers Off applies here and all spoilers are unmarked. Yakuza 0 - Substory and Friendship Guide A ... Prerequisites: This substory triggers automatically once you complete all of Yuki's special training. Yuki has a naive and gullible personality; she describes her ideal man as a typical high-fantasy prince, and believes in the possible existence of cryptids (specifically the Tsuchinoko). He was heavily involved in the power struggle for the Empty Lot in Yakuza 0. I say "the two of you", but how well she does is pretty much entirely on Majima. Yuki first appears as the Number One girl of Club Sunshine, a cabaret club in Sotenbori, which is later managed by Goro Majima in order to assist in defeating their five rival Cabaret Clubs. gibbed - .par unpacker. The following is IGN's guide to Yuki Special Training in Yakuza 0.. Makeovers I won't go into too much detail, but the basic idea is to buy your hostess new outfits or accessories in order to modify her "Looks" (Sexy, Beauty, Cute, Funny). Occupation … This thread is archived. Kazuma Kiryu voiced by Takaya Kuroda . Customer Service Training; Summary “So are you gay?” She said. So far I have the Standard Darts and the Sniper Darts, two other seem to be missing. Yukiユキ (Yuki?) Yakuza 0 — Guide and ... going for a Rival Battle in an area that has a specific type. Tanaka-kun! Age General Heat Actions don't necessarily require you to use Thug Style, but it tends to be the easiest to use them with. Despite their concern, Yuki shows throughout her story that she is independent and can make decisions on her own. While she hasn't aged dramatically in the eighteen years since Yakuza 0, she now wears glasses in order to see. best. SSR Yuki (Summer Holidays) This Yakuza Kiwami 2 Dating Guide will tell you how to answer all of the questions in dates with hostesses so you can maximize the benefits from each date, level them up faster and access some Substories. ", "I-I-I've gone out with plenty of guys! Version: 1.3 | Updated: 08/18/2018 FAQ of the Month Winner: March 2017. Dragon and tiger. I did get one form another side quests but i wasnt aware i needed it for something else so i just got rid of it. She was the top hostess at Club Venus. She came to work at Sunshine because Youda happened to find her alone and dejected at a park, and hired her on the spot; probably out of pity or desperation, as her timid personality and shyness around men are not traits one would typically look for in a hostess. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ", "Uh, umm... Majima-san, wh-what kind of sushi do you like? He's the man tasked with keeping the clan together after the murder of Sohei Dojima. level 1. ", "Well, since it came up, I've been wondering if my issues talking to customers might be holding everyone else back, and I wouldn't want that...", "Every date would be a struggle for the right clothes and make-up, and even then, I can't begin to imagine what I'd be able to talk about with him. As you use a Hostess their conditi… Other Yeah, I seem to recall yours was...", "But, this club is a comfortable place to be, and I learn so much every day. Whilst it’s merely a mini-game distraction from the main story in the game, there’s quite a bit of depth in what you can accomplish here to raise cash and take out rival businesses. … Majima Construction Theme (Yakuza Kiwami 2) GET TO THE TOP! 5 comments. ", "Hmm, what does Yuki-chan think of me... hmmmmmmm...", "That's right... he is... important to me. I've tried googling but not even the guides I could find had this information. 1965-1967 The woman in white - Yakuza 0 In the Yakuza 0 substory " Gandhara Clerk ," a store clerk tells you an urban legend concerning a young woman dressed all in … Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza 0 (Video Game) (110) Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza 0 (Video Game) Spoilers (66) Angst (26) Canon-Typical Violence (24) Fluff (20) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (18) Anal Sex (16) Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza 1 (Video Game) Spoilers (14) Hurt/Comfort (12) Oral Sex (12) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. Because of this, both Goro Majima and Youda feel protective of her, and often treat her like a child. She was once a hostess of legendary stature in the business, has retired, and instead owns Four Shine. Yuki's superiors frequently ignore or insult her in a teasing manner, and she often gets into petty, childlike arguments with Majima. hide. Yuki is the top hostess at Club Sunshine. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Eye color 100% Upvoted. The better the two of you perform during this training, the more experience she'll get. How to Unlock Gandhara Videos. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. These are your superstars that have the potential to go sky-high in their earnings. Usually, one will be increased and another will decrease depending on the item. To that end, there are two things you can do with them: Special Training and Makeovers. Need it for a side quest in yakuza 0. Doing training means you can spend a conversation with one of your platinum hostesses. Here are all the trainings, sorted by hostess: As a quick note, if you're late in the game and all you have left to do is finish Special Training, and you don't care about money or Hostess levels at this point, I suggest going to Mars Area, staffing one cheap hostess, and just sitting there for the three minutes and not doing anything. For example, in the Jupiter area, you'll realize that Yuki has an "X" on Sexy, but the customers really like Sexy, so get some accessories to push that look. Yakuza 0 allows players to undertake many things including running your own cabaret clubs and managing the staff. Many of these are available at the outset, but some in the Styles section are locked abilities or require training to access. Yuki (ユキ) is a hostess at Club Sunshine in Yakuza 0, later returning as the owner of Club Four Shine in Yakuza Kiwami 2. ", "Before you came in, this place was practically deserted. It’s end. When running the Cabaret Club Czar, you have the option to give your Platinum Hostess special training.Below is …, "Oh, just boring stuff like what happened today, what I should make for dinner, how my bonsai plant's growing... that kinda thing. As the Four Shine storyline progresses, she eventually rejoins the hostesses, becoming the lone Diamond-class on the roster. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. ", "He should be kind, tall, and handsome, with flowing hair! I hope “Yakuza 0: Hostess Recruiting, Training and Makeover Guide” helps you. It's because I'm not good at it! Hostess at Club Sunshine (formerly)Owner of Club Four Shine Story plot inspired by Y0. Yuki returns as the owner of a different club, Four Shine. Other trainings include singing Karaoke or going to the Disco. This is similar to conversation in previous Yakuza games where you were the customer speaking to the hostess. Yakuza 0 is an action-adventure video game developed and published by Sega.It is the sixth main entry in the Yakuza series and a prequel to the original game.It was released for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 in Japan in March 2015, and in North America and Europe for PlayStation 4 in January 2017. Set 1 (Double Circle at Beauty, Cute and Funny), Set 2 (Double Circle at Beauty, Cute and Funny). Would you like me to make you some meat and potatoes stew or something? Nationality Reward: Yuki Natsume's Gandhara Video. Series. report. She takes the teasing in stride, however, switching between acting annoyed, laughing it off, or retaliating with her own sassy remark, depending on the situation. Affiliation Does anyone know which those are and where to get them? I don't have a clue what I should talk to them about! Yuki first appears as the Number One girl of Club Sunshine, a cabaret club in Sotenbori, which is later managed by Goro Majimain order to assist in defeating their five rival Cabaret Clubs. Despite being the top girl at the club, Yuki is still new to the business, but grows to become a highly skilled hostess with the help of Majima, the club's owner Youda, and the other hostesses on staff. Yakuza 0 - Cabaret Club Hand Signals Guide. In Yakuza 0, Yuki has difficulty in finding a job, despite the booming economy, as her reserved and honest nature does not lend itself well to job interviews. When running the Cabaret Club Czar, you have the option to give your Platinum Hostess special training.Below is … 143 People Used More Courses ›› View Course The Hostess Brigade - Yakuza 0 Walkthrough & Guide - GameFAQs Shintaro Kazama voiced by Tetsuya Watari . For the remainder, you have to be using the style in question. This time, Kazuma Kiryu is asked to oversee the club, in a replacement of the original hostess club management mission on Yakuza 2, which took place in Kamurocho. Edit: Of course I find the answer to this shortly after posting this. Alive save. Masaru Sera is the Third Chairman of the Tojo Clan in the Yakuza series. Appearance 0 0 0 Sunshine cast members are ranked (in order) Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum; Yuki (who you start with) and the five girls you gain from beating each area are the only Platinum cast members. Makeup is just for looks; accessories, hair and dress change their stats. The following is IGN's guide to Yuki Special Training in Yakuza 0.. Goro Majima voiced by Hidenari Ugaki . Sega - Finally porting Yakuza 0 to the master race. He'd really respect me, and he would look good riding a white horse, y'know!? Japanese 2. Chapter 2: The Real Estate Broker in the Shadows. More Yakuza 0 Trainers. What should I do if it gets quiet? YK2 They come in different qualities, from Bronze up to Platinum. Relationships After completing Yuki's customer service final, this substory will trigger. Akira Nishikiyama voiced by Kazuhiro Nakaya . It'll become more important as you rely more on your Platinums. Feel free to contribute the topic. Facial Hair from Kiwami 1 characters with majima training yakuza 0 own moral codes WHO are grappling difficult., glamor, and unbridled decadence of the 80s are back in Yakuza ai. It is unlocked upon … 21 (Yakuza 0)39 (Yakuza Kiwami 2) Japanese The first time the series has come to the max 's in the midst of an economic.! Biographical information Because Yakuza 0 takes place in 1988, I've developed this weird theory that Yuki represents Sega's SG-1000 console (white with a blue stripe), Majima in his straight-laced tuxedo is the Mega Drive/Genesis, and the rest of the platinum cabaret girls are different 3rd party developers that Sega was trying to bring on board for their new console release. If you want my suggestion, I would only rely on this if you're going for a Rival Battle in an area that has a specific type. So I'm thinking maybe I should grow up a little more here before I start looking again. Despite being the top girl at the club, Yuki is still new to the business, but grows to become a highly skilled hostess with th… Brown The first series of trainings are always "Customer Service". Completion of Yuki's training unlocks the substory Paternal Instincts. Most of the conversation will happen automatically, but at four points, you will be asked a question, with two or three answers. ", Yuki's age is inconsistent between games; she states that she is 23 in, Yuki's dad is mistakenly thought as her boyfriend twice, first time is in substory. A lot's changed since then. Club Sunshine (formerly)Four Shine 1 year ago. Chika is one of the characters in Yakuza 0. This is a non canon AU story that is set in the 90s but in the same universe as Yakuza 0. Manami Sugihira Platinum Hostessesare the best, they have higher stats, can be trained to improve level and can be used in makeovers to improve the looks section. I've said it before, but your Platinums are your aces in the hole. Majima substories Guide to Yuki Special training in Yakuza 0 Goro Majima Guide! The maximum level for cast members is 40, and they gain experience by working at Sunshine and completing their individual training sessions. Yakuza 0Yakuza Kiwami 2Ryu ga Gotoku Online Hostesses & Hostess Stats There are a number of Hostesses that you can recruit. Associations Sohei Dojima voiced by Hisao Egawa . I thought I could get used to talking to men by working here! Subject . You'll get a menu of things to buy and as you hover over them, you'll learn how her Looks will be modified. Your name (Login to post using username, leave blank to post as Anonymous) Your name . Hair color CyricZ started writing to get all the thoughts in his head about video games onto paper and it got out of hand. Paternal Instincts is the 69th substory in Yakuza 0. For example, in the Jupiter area, you'll realize that Yuki has an "X" on Sexy, but the customers really like Sexy, so get some accessories to push that look. Y0 There are several elements of a Hostess you need to pay close attention to. With that in mind, I've documented how to perform "Perfect Lessons" on all the Platinums. Some are given at the beginning, others are unlocked through Substories and a few can be found when exploring the city. Yakuza 0 Secret Options and Audio Fix; Yakuza 0 Licensed Music Restoration Patch; Yakuza 0 Modding Guide; Note: Be sure that the “Tips” option is turned on in the settings, to receive an indication that a video is now available in Gandhara. Quite simply, you'll start talking, eventually you'll have two or three things to choose from, and you'll have to pick the right thing to say so her Heart Gauge fills. In Yakuza Kiwami 2, she is the manager of club Four Shine. Jeffery W. (Intel) - .DDS plug-in Ai Uehara - Jav Model Emily Okazaki -Jav Model Haruki Sato - Jav Model Hibiki Otsuki - Jav Model Kotomi Asakura - Jav Model Kyoko Maki - Jav Model Luka Kanae - Jav Model Maika - … ", "Hobbies? © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. A page for describing Funny: Yakuza 0. (Yakuza: Dead Souls) Karaoke Classics adds the following classic karaoke songs (full versions): Shine X3 (Yuki) Ring (Yuki) Rain Drops (Hana) Asura Komachi (Ishin / "Hana") Kokyo ni Nishiki wo Kazarubeshi (Ishin/ "Saejima") Bakamitai (Saejima) Show More If you have also comments or suggestions, comment us. Date of birth Of course! ", "But, if you're always eating out or eating junk food, you won't have a balanced diet. Yakuza 0 Cast . I'm... o-older people do tend to like me...", "Um, that's, uh... it's because... oh, I know! RGGO card For the sake of brevity, I've distilled everything down to the four responses you have to give (a much easier thing to navigate than what I did for my Yakuza 5 guide). You don't really lose because of it, and you can expedite the training. Special Training, on the other hand, is worth going into detail, and is basically going one-on-one with the hostess to give her more experience, which is applied directly to her Level as if she had just worked a shift. Dates, important questions, a minefield of mistakes waiting to happen. Yakuza 0 v20180813 (+26 Trainer) [FLiNG] Yakuza 0 v20190311 (+26 Trainer) [FLiNG] Add new comment; Add new comment. These simply require you to perform well in these minigames to get a Perfect Lession out of them. share. Status You can get a Platinum hostess up to having 3 double circles and one X if you really min-max equipment. It'll become more important as you rely more on your Platinums. Osamu Kashiwagi voiced by Shunsuke Sakuya . Youda (boss at Club Sunshine)Goro Majima (manager at Club Sunshine)Koyuki (employee at Four Shine)Kazuma Kiryu (manager at Four Shine) Sort by. Appears in Comment * user name .