Meaning of the houses. Venus In 8th House: Positive Traits. You know what people like and how to please them. A recipe for spice: your mutual willingness to respectfully disagree, chase dragons, and take on challenges, together. This is seen as the holy grail in composite chart readings. Finally, I would like to make mention of Chiron in aspect to Venus, because here there is a psychic correlation between the principle of love and attraction and our deepest insecurity, sensitivity and inner hurt. Mars Fourth House. 2nd House : Deals with the possessions and ownings of the couple, the ability to share with each other. We talk a lot and we have fun communicating, that’s for sure. Chiron in aspect to Venus. Cash comes in an unpredictable way, sporadically, and there may be sudden legacies, losses, or a partner’s financial situation altering. They may spend a great deal of time together on shared hobbies, socializing with others, or attending parties, movies, parties, or other entertaining activities. Sex will be intense, passionate and emotionally fulfilling. This house … planet sign degree. Sun in Aries/First House: The relationship is fueled by activity and fire. Free Online Astrology, Natal Birth Chart Meanings and Interpretations. Mainly because both people usually feel this immense feeling within them, that they found their true love. This is the " Just Do it Sign" which is very action oriented but can be considered compulsive. Venus Twelfth House. Venus in your partner's 8th house When your Venus is in your partner's 8th house intimacy is deep, and sharing comes easily and naturally. Vicky’s 8th house cusp is 15˚ Scorpio, with Anaretic Sun Scorpio exactly conjunct Jupiter. Composite Venus in the 8th House. Power: beauty, charm, bringer of peace & harmony. Sun Libra 1°19'05 in house 8. Here's our composite positions if it helps: Composite Horoscope midpoint method Planetary Positions. Sold Out! This will help you understand the essence of your relationship. Your secret power lies in relationships and your obvious charm or beauty. On the surface, it’s about our style of sharing–how we use what we own as a unit. There will be a mutual interest in taboo subjects, the occult, mysteries, sex, and secrets. The Composite Sun Through the Signs/Houses. VENUS IN THE 8TH HOUSE / 8TH HOUSE IN LIBRA. Venus and Mars get along quite well and he is comfortable in this house. The entire house is about merged energies, whether they be sexual or financial. The affection and love between you are not light and airy by any means. But this placement could also mean either one or both could be the other’s therapists. If your Venus is in your partner’s seventh house of a synastry overlay, you see them as a perfect type of partner. Things just seem to happen in this house, and they are often heavy things like divorce, death or large financial gains and losses. The Sun person has been captivated by the eighth house person. Venus and Mercury in 3rd. Sun in 8th House Synastry Overlay. These are synastry overlay interpretations for Venus in the partner’s 7th, 8th, and 9th houses. they always say it's also the house of open enemies so if you are good, you are good. But do check out which sign he is occupying and he is placed here as the ruler of which houses of the chart (i.e.where are… As a rule, it is generally the house person who feels the energies the most. The twelve houses of astrology are a wheel that represents twelve parts of human life. Venus Eleventh House. Venus in 7th House Synastry Overlay. Your Venus in your partner’s 1 st house: Mars wants to fight. Mercury Virgo 29°05'45 in house 8. Mars First House. The 8th House: The eighth house is the most natural house to experience in a composite. Mars Leo 4°42'14 in house 6. Venus placed in the 8th house. My Virgo friend who I met only 3 years ago, our composite Sun is in 8th house. This is a reasonably favourable placement but a bit typical. Mars Fifth House. This synastry overlay creates a bond between you that is more like a chain with a spiked collar around both of your necks. Venus 13 Gemini Mars 20 Gemini Jupiter 0 Virgo Saturn 25 Libra Uranus 25 Virgo Neptune 24 Scorpio Pluto 22 Virgo. Transit Venus in the 8th House Meaning, Transit Birth Chart, Venus Astrology Free Interpretations. Venus in the composite 8th house is such a romantic, passionate placement. This is very important to you, for you need to be with someone genuine … It enjoys battling for what it wants. You get together by sharing your deepest darkest secrets *evil laugh* Issues of commitment and “ownership” are addressed in these houses. Moon Virgo 20°03'12 in house 8. March 4th ONLY 1/2 Hour Skype Session $ 55.55; Sold Out! Venus represents our attractions and therefore is one of the first planets to look at when you're asking questions regarding love The 8th House is very misunderstood, as it represents "death", but Products. Hello there, our composite chart showed sun, mercury and venus in 8th and moon in 12th house. Composite Venus By Sign. The 8th house also deals with death, sexuality, psychology, shared resources, taxes and legacies. Jupiter Virgo 22°35'11 in house 8. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, romance, values, and finances. With a Sun in 12th House placement, this is considered one of the most difficult placements for a composite chart. The Eighth House Meaning. Composite Planets in Houses - Library of Astrology. Venus represents our relating style, what we like, what pleases us, what we find attractive and how we show our affection. This isn’t always the case Scorpio sun and the 8th house holds so much more weight than just sex. Tax and property problems could occur, for Uranus in the 8th house is commonly known for sudden reversals of fortune. Where your Venus falls in your partner’s chart shows where you bring these energies into their life. You will feel both emotionally and psychically bonded. And there is a certain compulsive quality to the friendship. Composite Venus in Aries This is a hot and passionate placement for Venus, it does indicate that the two of you will approach matters of heart and money with little thought prior but more direct action. Composite Venus in the 5th House -Composite Venus in the 5th house can indicate that this is a couple who really likes one another and enjoys each others company. It is expected for them to be always DTF, and into whips and chains. (See instead: Venus overlays in 1st–3rd houses, or 4th–6th houses, or 10th–12th houses.) The essence is exploration and adventure. Venus in the 8th house in the composite: well, the obvious: sex. Venus Libra 20°43'24 in house 9. Mars has difficulty accepting the finality of this house. Transits to Venus and the ruler of your 7 th house Venus is the planet of love and affection, and has a direct link to relationships and especially soulmates! In astrology, the 8th house rules other people’s money, joint resources, and finances. Any aspect will be difficult in that it will sensitize the affections, creating a difficulty in love. What it is like to have the composite Sun in the eighth house of transformation and crisis in a couple's composite chart The Composite Sun in the Eighth House: Couples with the composite Sun in the Eighth House will experience profound inner transformation together, either through intimacy or through experiences which will challenge the very existence of the partnership. Posts about 8th house composite written by starsmoonandsun. Venus in 8th House - Seek and meet people born on the same date as you. The 8th house in composites usually speak to two people who really have no clue why they’re together, which I will address when I get to that composite Sun; but other planets, not just the Sun, in the composite 8th house are usually buried, since the two are trying to live their lives, not deeply psychoanalyze each other. These houses, and in particular the eighth house, have to do with power, including the giving away of … In astrology, the planet Venus corresponds to love, beauty, pleasure, and harmony. The individuals with the Sun in the 8th house may benefit from inheritance or the desire of others to help them in some way. Read the description for both the sign and the house placement of your composite Sun. VENUS IN HOUSE FIVE Venus in the 5th house foster’s a playful nature and a special love for the Arts, entertainment and frivolous activities. The eighth house is difficult to define, but usually here there is a desire to expand limitations through union with another. I feel like those are very challenging aspects since those houses are related to death, abuse, imprisonment, etc. Venus in 8th house meaning shows that while you keep your thoughts and feelings hidden deep within, other people are as transparent to you as glass. The second and eighth houses in the composite chart deal with the couple’s ability to share with each other and to share each other. AstroSeek, Free Horoscopes and charts 2021 Because of this, transits to Venus are some of the best indicators of finding the “one”. Venus Tenth House. We play with words and engage in witty laughs. The […] March … that's being said venus conjunct mercury in 8th house looks quite deep especially in the communication department i'm not good at reading composite charts but that 7th house sun trines moon looks quite good. When Venus inhabits the fifth house, the result is a special emphasis and fondness for fun and games. Fatedness, if … You are the embodiment of an especially seductive Venus that can make people easily fall at your feet. Neptune, Uranus and Pluto are difficult placements for the Composite 1st house. For majority of composite cases this happens between people in affairs but also in soul mate relationships. She has a very strong sense of self, with ego to spare. Mars Second House. Venus Ninth House. Planets in 12th House have traditionally been given a bad rep because of the seemingly difficult energies associated with the House of dreams, illusions, spirituality, karma and self-undoing in general. Obviously with a Sun/Venus/Mercury/Mars conjunction in the eighth house, this is a Composite that denotes a significant relationship. Depending on the time and location of your birth, your astrological signs and planets will be in different houses, indicating the part of your life that sign has the strongest effect on. This is because you stimulate strong feelings in each other. Natives with planets in the 8th house automatically get this oversexed ass reputation. Obviously, the symbolic form of this desire is the union of two bodies sexually. The Sun in the partner’s eighth house of a synastry overlay is not for the faint of heart. A really good way to understand how the composite Moon in the 8th house is operating when it is below the surface level of life is to observe what happens when a transit aspects the composite Moon. 1st House : Planets in 1st are directly felt by the couple, it shows how the couple is with one another and how other people see them. and there is a sun conjunct mars in 7th house. Astrology February 2021 ... Venus Eighth House. It runs deep, and your first reactions to one another could have just as easily been intense attraction as hatred! Mars Sixth House. Their 8th house cusps widely square each other, so they come into their 8th house Composite relationship already at … Mars Third House. Venus in Aries: This relationship needs more than a bit of spice to passionately thrive.