Free & Open Source Modern URL Shortener. should link to … Lessn More. The opinions expressed on this website are those of each author, not of the author's employer or of Red Hat. Learn more.. Open with GitHub Desktop Download ZIP ClickMeter. Yay! We got to the top of HN! I've written one in Go which has some great graphs showing the times and days your shortened link was clicked on: * I was trying to figure out what to do with long URLs in a magazine I'm the art director of and started researching link-shorteners just this week. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine uShort. YOURLS, short for Your Own URL Shortener, is the option I am most familiar with. Log in / Sign up. Take a look around the Internet and you can find several other choices: shuri, Nimbus, Lstu, and many others. Raspberry Pi tinkerer. Lessn More is a personal URL shortener, built in PHP and forked off of an older project called Buttered URLs, which itself was derived from a fork of a project called Lessn. CC BY-SA 2.0. Report. Open-source URL shortener for teams (go links) up in minutes. Subscribe to the YOURLS User Newsletter(infrequent, low volume) Bitly allows users to shorten URLs, share, and track links. Total Score: 46/60. Running your own URL shortener is fun, geeky and useful: you own your data and don't depend on third-party services. You also own your own data. Fortunately, there are many open source options out there if you want to build the next,, or yourself. Vavag is a complete suite for create a url shortener service Node.js. Well, usually, long and boring URLs are tough to remember and difficult to recall. It is a free, open-source set of PHP scripts that lets you create and run your own custom link shortener. Browse The Most Popular 38 Url Shortener Open Source Projects. Eventually, Twitter added a built-in URL shortener ( ). GitHub. Kutt your links shorter. You can find the source code for YOURLS on GitHub under an MIT license. They're hard to decipher. They can bring a consistent branding to a social media account. Show advanced options. Productivity + 3. Here are a few you might consider. The plug-in I'm using is URL Shortener by MyThemeShop for WordPress. The 140-character limit meant that URLs might consume most (or all) of a tweet, so people turned to URL shorteners. Prestashop module. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to HIVE URL Shortener so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. Polr is an Open-Source PHP URL Shortener Vavag url shortener. Check it out! URL shortener web application based on the Laravel PHP Framework. This is a minimal URL shortener that can be entirely hosted on GitHub pages. I use technology to make the world more open. Report. Includes images, videos, code, text, markdown rendering, password protected uploads, logging via discord, administration through Discord, url shortening, and a full front end. Your Business Needs a URL Shortener. A fast and powerful URL Shortener built with Laravel, VueJS, and Tailwind CSS. But, I did start exploring the options you detail here, too. GitHub Pages URL Shortener. Polr describes itself as a "modern, powerful, and robust URL shortener." Use standalone or via reverse proxy, A library for node.js - This project is looking for a new maintainer. Alamofire is an elegant, open source HTTP networking library written in Swift. Awesome Open Source. It also has an API, making it easy to create other programs which interface with it. It's yours to own and operate as you please. Track your links. It not … GitHub. A go links app you can use at or self-host. You can configure it to be publicly usable by anyone, or only allow certain users to use it. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of files to many supported destinations you can choose from. Here are a few you might consider. The source code for Polr can be found on GitHub under a GPLv2 license. You are responsible for ensuring that you have the necessary permission to reuse any work on this site. Awesome Open Source. This URL shortener PHP script is the finest script with features like … More importantly, they let small businesses track marketing campaigns and other incoming traffic. The sexiest pastebin and url shortener ever. Published: Jan 22, 2019. ClickMeter, which is a sister company to Rebrandly, so take this with … Kutt is a free and open source URL shortener with custom domains and stats. It supports custom URLs, comes with a bookmarklet to make sharing easy, has pretty robust built-in stats, and supports a pluggable architecture to allow others to add to it. And beyond the options already available, building a link shortener is a good first programming project to get to know a new language or web framework. Polr is a quick, modern, and open-source link shortener. View on Github. Work fast with our official CLI. Combined Topics. Data analysis and visualization geek. AKA ShareS - Feature full & Stable ShareX and file server in node. It has worked well, and I highly recommend it if you want to manage your own shortened URLs. And here what a URL shortener comes in. For more discussion on open source and the role of the CIO in the enterprise, join us at The Show advanced options. Go links let you take back time spent hunting down links, for yourself or a teammate. Your Own Url Shortner Without any fancy server side processing and support for custom url , which can even be hosted on GitHub Pages, A simple, light and standalone pastebin, URL shortener and file-sharing service. Self-Hosted. * Free and open-source software. Character count isn't as important now, but there are still other reasons to shorten links. Map/geospatial nerd. 05 Best Open-Source URL Shortener To Use In 2020. And on GitHub trending! Bitly's url and link shortener helps you with industry-leading features like custom domains, branded link and link redirects. Red Hat and the Red Hat logo are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. In short: control. Linux desktop enthusiast. Tinre is an Open Source project released under MIT license. Thanks. Shorten.REST The Most Flexible, Robust, Scale-able, Transactional, URL Shortening RESTful API. A simple short URL redirect service built on top of Google Sheets, and runs for cheap on Google Cloud Run serverless. They can make it much easier to type, or remember, an otherwise lengthy bare URL. Minimal URL shortener that can be entirely hosted on GitHub pages. A modern, powerful, and robust URL shortener. is the original URL shortener that shortens your unwieldly links into more manageable and useable URLs. Written in PHP, YOURLS is a pretty feature-rich option that works well out of the box. They make it possible to provide a consistent entryway to a URL that may change frequently on the other side. The application is written in PHP and powered by the Lumen microframework. But despite these challenges, URL shorteners aren't going anywhere anytime soon. aspires to publish all content under a Creative Commons license but may not be able to do so in all cases. Free & Open Source Modern URL Shortener. Lessn More provides most of the features you would expect … Don't like any of these options? Use it to affiliate programs, ads, social websites, emails, text messages, flyers with QR code. Try now! YOURLS Features. Script para modificar el formato de las URL en un blog de Blogger. The Top 38 Url Shortener Open Source Projects. Shorten and replace long URL to short link. I tweeted a week or two ago about Kent Dodd's a great URL shortener you can use via Netlify. Lessn More provides its source code on GitHub under a 3-clause BSD license. is a free and open source URL shortener with custom domains and stats. Modified by Log in / Sign up. Other interesting HIVE URL Shortener alternatives are (Freemium), Polr (Free, Open Source), TinyURL (Free) and Lstu (Free, Open Source). Report. Open Source. Bitly helps you create and share branded links with custom domains at scale. It does not need the maintenance of any servers or databases and can be hosted entirely on GitHub for free! Make Extra Cash By Sharing Shortened Links (Free). The modern, privacy-aware URL Shortener built in PHP. Open Source URL Shortener Alternatives. Using YOURLS’ open-source custom URL shortener, you can add your own link management services such as branded links and traffic statistics without paying a third-party. Today, people use link shorteners for a slew of reasons. Why to use Tinre? They make it challenging to figure out where a link is actually taking you before you click, and they're vulnerable to linkrot, should the service providing the short URL for you ever disappear. Yourls for a highly customizable self-hosted URL shortener. Firefox Extensions. ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. Paul Lewin. YOURLS stands for Your Own URL Shortener. With a self-hosted service, you decide how long your service operates for. It has a fairly straight-forward but modern interface, and like our other options detailed here comes with an API to allow you to use it from within other programs. Of the three presented here, it's the lightest on features, but if you're looking for a simple but functional option it may be a good choice for you. While some services will let you pick your own domain to use, sometimes, that's about the level of customization you're going to get. It gives you an elegant interface on top of Apple’s URL loading system provided by the Foundation framework. Do you have ever tried posting any URL to a social media site or anywhere else and then totally got frustrated with how long the link was? An open-source, feature rich & extensible url-shortener + analytics written in Python . This override module allows to remove IDs from URLs, A URL shortening service built using Flask and MySQL, A React-based client application for Shlink, Web application that will help you in shortening your url, An anonymous URL-shortener that blocks bots and removes referers, ℹ️ Small R package for no-API-required URL expansion, Make your URLs shorter (smaller) and more memorable in Go. Lessn More provides most of the features you would expect from a URL shortener: API and bookmarklet support, custom URLs, etc. Lessn More is a personal URL shortener, built in PHP and forked off of an older project called Buttered URLs, which itself was derived from a fork of a project called Lessn. Civic tech and open government booster. url-shortener x. Manage links, set custom domains and … It uses Blade templating with MVC architecture and Eloquent ORM (MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite). Some helpful features that set Lessn More apart are the ability to use a banned-words list to avoid creating an accidentally-inappropriate URL, the ability to avoid "lookalike" characters to make URLs more readable, the ability to choose whether or not to use mixed-case characters, and a few other helpful features. an URL Shortener using PHP and MySQL. Fortunately, there are many open source options out there if you want to build the next,, or yourself. Bitly's function can be accessed … Drupal is used where I work, however. Shorti - An Open Source Rails URL Shortener. I tried a WordPress plug-in for my own WordPress site and it worked great. Bitly API. Users can quickly shorten URL and create custom links with just a … 6 open source tools for staying organized. Create and manage shortened URLs with GitHub pages. Chrome Extensions. Open Source URL Shortener. ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. But sometimes, between a deep directory structure on a site, plus a large number of parameters tacked on to the end, URLs just begin to get unwieldy. Do you have a favorite we didn't list here? You're in control of app data, no third-party access. Free custom URL Shortener and branded URLs with advanced links tracking and Link Management Platform & API. Mighty URL Shortener Script. Kutt your links shorter. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. The list of alternatives was last updated Jan 28, 2021 Cloud nativist. Minimal URL - Modern URL shortener with support for custom alias & can be hosted even in GitHub pages [DEPRECATED], Yet Another URL Shortening Service in Golang, A sleek and simple frontend & backend theme for YOURLS. In full disclosure, I ran it for several years in production on a personal site, and was very happy with its capabilities. You decide who has access to your analytics. Shorten, create and share trusted, powerful links for your business. AdFly is a free URL shortening tool. It's also a great way to add branding to your short URLs, instead of using the same public URL shortener everyone uses. Manage links, set custom domains and view stats. The most popular alternative is Polr, which is both free and Open Source.If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to URL Shortener so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement. In this episode, Frank Boucher joins Scott Hanselman to explain how to get it, why it's inexpensive, and explores the source code. Free URL shortener to create perfect URLs for your business. Let us know in the comments below. There are some challenges to URL shorteners, to be sure. Meet El Chapo - an open source & serverless URL shortener If you work on a product that sends notifications to people and if those notifications may contain links, there is a high likelihood that you use a URL shortener so that the text in the link is formatted and easy to read. Wow, you must be a mind-reader! URL Shortener is a free and open source URL shortener with custom domains and stats. AzUrlShortener is an open source, budget-friendly URL shortener you can deploy directly from GitHub with one click into your Azure subscription. You decide what format your URLs take. URL Shortener 5 REST v1.0 The API provides a free URL shortener API service without registration. URL shortening is a technique on the World Wide Web in which a URL may be … Kutt. After all, the core functionality is very simple: Take a URL as input, and issue a redirect to another URL. AdFly. Beyond that, it's up to you what bells and whistles to add. They make it easier to perform analytics across a group of URLs. Occasional coder. undefined is a free and open source URL shortener with custom domains and stats. URL Shortener written in Golang using Bolt DB or Redis. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of files to many supported destinations you can choose from. Get the highlights in your inbox every week. And back in the days before Twitter added their own link shortener to their service, a long URL meant taking precious characters away from your tweets. It allows you to host your own URL shortener, to brand your URLs, and to gain control over your data. URL shorteners spit out links that are easier to share. But with so many free link shortening services out there, why roll your own? It wraps the URLSession API among others in an easy-to-use interface and provides additional functionality required of modern application development using HTTP networking. Report. Check out the online demo before you download. FBoucher/AzUrlShortener GitHub project; AzUrlShortener: How It Works ‍ Demo. Provides features such as Deletion, Expiration, OAuth and is of course Dockerizable.