Requires the library mod Collective. Mending (WOO!) Supported Platforms. Thorns 1. Unbreaking III and Mending; Sharpness V – Increases damage done by 3 (Java Edition) or 6.25 (Bedrock Edition). Knockback 2. Very … Posted by 11 months ago. Here's the coolest thing of Enchantment Infinity : the fusion mode will allow you to gather 2 same enchanted books with the same enchantment, then they will become a book enchanted at the next level! Curse Of Vanishing. Fire Aspect 1. Archived. Help. Respiration 2. To add a single enchantment type /enchant along with the enchantment name and level, ie: /enchant sharpness 5. Smite 1. LvL 20 - 1% LvL 21-29 - 1,1% LvL 30 - 1,2% So i would say your best bet is lvl 20 cause its the most cost efficient or lvl 30 cause even if you dont get Infinity you can get something good like unbreaking or silk touch or thorns. Protection 1. Infinity. What is the command to get a sword with sharpness 1000 and knockback 1000. 1 Obtaining 1.1 Chest loot 1.1.1 Level-30 books 1.1.2 Random enchantment books 1.1.3 Soul Speed books 1.2 Fishing 1.3 Trading 1.4 Drops 1.5 Enchanting 1.6 Bartering 2 Usage 2.1 Available items 2.2 Creative mode 3 Data values 3.1 ID 3.2 Item data 4 Advancements 5 History 6 Issues 7 Trivia 8 … Infinity. A trident is a weapon used in both melee and ranged combat and is a rare drop from drowned. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts ... What is the command to get a sword with sharpness 1000 and knockback 1000. Infinity. 16/sharpness 17/smite 18/bane of anthropods 19/knockback 20/fire aspect 21/looting (DO NOT PUT THIS ON 1000 u will kill ur game NOT EVEN KIDDING) 34/unbreaking Tools 32/efficiency 33/silk touch 34/unbreaking (ik I put it in twice) 35/fortune Bows 48/power 49/punch 50/flame 51/infinity Fishing Rods 61/luck of the sea 62/lure My issue is, Unique Enchantments seemingly cannot unregister its own enchantments, just disable. More on this in the bow section below. This Minecraft tutorial explains how to program a command block to give a player an enchanted diamond sword in Minecraft with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. Bane Of Arthropods 1. Fire Protection 2. Knockback 1. Sharpness 4. You can repeat this process as many times as you want, going until sharpness 10 000 if … 3. Sword. Hi austeretony, is it possible to unregister some enchantments through this mod rather than just disable them? Sharpness 4. Therefore the enchantments I disabled can still be found in JEI, and worse, can still be obtained by the players by killing Primitive Mobs' Bewitched tomes. Minecraft community on reddit. Aqua Affinity 1. Power 1. Blast Protection 4. /enchant
With the unsafe enchantment permission (seen further down) users can set the enchantment to a maximum of 10000, and they can apply an enchantment to the item that normally the enchantment can't be applied to.. Close. Enchanting Commands is a minimalistic mod which allows for easy creation of enchanted items via … Power 2. 1 Obtaining 1.1 Mob loot 1.2 Thrown tridents 2 Usage 2.1 Drowned 2.2 Melee attack 2.3 Ranged attack 2.4 Damage 2.4.1 Java Edition 2.4.2 Bedrock Edition 2.5 Elytra 2.6 Impaling damage 2.7 Enchantments 2.8 Repairing 3 Sounds 4 Data values 4.1 ID 4.2 Entity data 5 Achievements 6 … This command block program is available in the following versions of Minecraft: Help. An enchanted book is an item that lets players add enchantments to certain items using an anvil. Press J to jump to the feed. This mod is part of The Vanilla Experience. Infinity. Fortune 1. Smite 3. Let's explore how to do this. One special exception is the bow, as you cannot have the Infinity (infinite free arrows) enchant if you have mending.