A ship's steward (Bob Crane) is reunited with his long lost daughter (Dori Brenner). / Der Streik / Sonderkurier, (Dear Beverly / The strike / Special delivery). Zusammenschnitt aus zwei verschiedenen Originalfolgen, (The New Love Boat – The Newlyweds / The Exchange / Cleo’s First Voyage), Der Captain und die Lady / Hochzeit auf Raten / Das Poster des Monats, (Captain and the lady / One if by land / Centerford), Oh Dale! Spielfilmreihe (1659 Serien) TV-Mehrteiler / Dokumentationsreihe ... Love Boat ( Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika 1977-1990 ) Love Boat Schlagwort/Tag: Thriller Newlyweds (Richard Kline, Jennifer Salt) discover her ex (Lyle Waggoner) is also on the cruise and wants to win her back. Popularity / Help, murder, The joker is mild / First time out / Take my granddaughter, please, The jinx / Julie’s old flame / The identical problem, The understudy / Married singles / Lost and found, The captain’s captain / A dog’s life / Romance roulette, Dear Beverly / The strike / Special delivery, Lonely at the top / Silent night / Divorce me, please, The old man and the runaway / A fine romance / The painters, Family reunion / Too hot to handle / Cinderella story, Isaac’s double standard / One more time / Chimpanzeeshines, Hollywood royalty / Masquerade / The caper / The eyes of love (1), Hollywood royalty / Masquerade / The caper / The eyes of love (2), The congressman was indiscreet / Isaac’s history lesson / Winner take love, The last of the Stubings / The million dollar man / The sisters, The inspector / A very special girl / Until the last goodbye, Computerman / Parlez vous / Memories of you, Taking sides / Going by the book / A friendly little game, Parents know best / A selfless love / The nubile nurse, This business of love / Crash diet crisis / I’ll never fall in love again, Gopher the rebel / Cabin fever / Pacific Princess overture, Marooned / The search / Isaac’s holiday (1), Marooned / The search / Isaac’s holiday (2), The man who loved women / A different girl / Oh, my aching brother, Where is it written? Wealthy Swedish actress Helga Bjorsson (Priscilla Barnes) captivates Gopher. A young actress comes on board and makes a fool of Vicki. Guest Stars: Phylicia Rashad as Lonette Becker (credited as Phylicia Ayers Allen), Conrad Bain as Charles Custers, Diane Ladd as Christa Johanson, John Ratzenberger as Marty Elder, Gordon Thomson as Nick Durrell, Ava Cadell as Dee Dee Winters (listed in final credits as Didi Winters), and Steven M. Gagnon as Paul (credited as Steve Gagnon). Will she leave the ship for Alaska? Doc meets a woman (Susan Blakely), who's traveling with her brother (Ken Olandt), who doesn't warm up to Doc. Staffel der Serie Love Boat. Other Guests: Carrell Myers as Denise, Toni Hudson as Rita, Christie Claridge as Sherry, Don Bovingloh as Howard, Joe Renteria as Ramon, Rose Parrah as Chi Chi, and Anthony Barton as Dean. The cruise begins in the US Virgin Islands and ends in Los Angeles. Love Boat Staffel 6 Episodenguide. Episodenguide. Newlyweds (Mary Cadorette and Dean Butler) realize that they have nothing in common besides sex. Isaac worries that a young woman on probation (Debbi Morgan), working in the gift shop, has stolen some jewelry. The Love Boat Season 1 Episode 2. / Sergeant Bull / Miss Mother), Vater und Sohn auf Freiersfüßen / Gesucht wird: Das ideale Paar / Gopher, der Drogenhändler (1), (The family plan / The promoter / May the best man win / The judges / Forever engaged (1)), Vater und Sohn auf Freiersfüßen / Gesucht wird: Das ideale Paar / Gopher, der Drogenhändler (2), (The family plan / The promoter / May the best man win / The judges / Forever engaged (2)), Ein Dreiecksverhältnis / Mister Fleers Ballettratten / Zwei Brüder: ein seltsames Brautpaar, (The major’s wife / The oilman cometh / Target Gopher / Strange honeymoon), (The mallory quest / The offer / Julie, the vamp (1)), (The mallory quest / The offer / Julie, the vamp (2)), Ehekrach wegen Jessica / Die unnahbare Diva / Julie und der Playboy / Ein Pferd namens Captain Stubing, (The horse lover / Secretary to the stars / Julie’s decision / Gopher and Isaac buy a horse), Sag ihr, sie ist die Schönste / Wer hat hier wen verführt? / No More Alimony / Authoress! A man (Patrick Wayne) is displaced after his furious girlfriend (Trish Stewart) discovers they were to share quarters. Aber seine Patienten folgen ihm auf das Schiff. / Story of the century, Watching the master / Starting over / The last heist, By hook or by crook / Don’t get mad, get even / Revenge with the proper stranger, My mother, my chaperone / The death and life of Sir Alfred Demerest / The present / Welcome aboard (1), My mother, my chaperone / The death and life of Sir Alfred Demerest / The present / Welcome aboard (2), Paying the piper / Baby sister / Help wanted, Frat brothers forever / A matter of taste / Country blues, Santa, Santa, Santa / Another dog gone Christmas / Noel’s Christmas carol, Ace takes the test / The odd triple / The counterfeit couple, Love on the line / Don’t call me Gopher / Her honor, the mayor, Girl of the midnight sun / There’ll be some changes made / Too many Isaacs / Mr. Smith goes to Stockholm (1), Girl of the midnight sun / There’ll be some changes made / Too many Isaacs / Mr. Smith goes to Stockholm (2), The Courier / Ace takes a holiday / The runaway, The Captain wears Pantyhose / Getting started / Daughter’s dilemma, Vicki’s gentleman caller / The perfect arrangment / Partners to the end, Judy hits a low note / Love times two / The problem with papa, Ashes to ashes / Charmed, I’m sure / No dad of mine, Call me grandma / A gentleman of discrimination / The perfect divorce / Letting go (1), Call me grandma / A gentleman of discrimination / The perfect divorce / Letting go (2), Temptations / Your money or your wife / Joint custody, Picture from the past / Hidden treasure / Ace’s salary, The accident / The racer’s edge / The villa / All for one (1), The accident / The racer’s edge / The villa / All for one (2), Soap Star / The iron man / Good time girls, Trouble in paradise / No more Mister Nice Guy / The mermaid and the con, Out of the blue / Roommates / Heartbreaker, The father of the bride / The best man / Members of the wedding, Hippies and Yuppies / Frat wars / Return of the lambdas, Who’s the champ / Miss Mom / Gopher’s delusion, Hello, Emily / The tour guide / The winning number, The second time around / Runaway, go home / Hello, Spencer, The art lover / Couples / Made for each other, What goes around comes around / The prodigy / Second banana, Whatever happened to Crazy Joe Flash? A man (David Doyle) makes a move on and falls in love with three passengers (Cathryn Damon, Brett Somers, Jo Ann Pflug), whom he doesn't know are traveling together. Authoress! The Captain and the Lady/One If by Land/Centerfold. A magician's assistant is upset when he sends his brother to replace him in the act. Episode 6 The New Love Boat - The Newlyweds/The Exchange/Cleo's First Voyage . / Ein Militarist wird schwach / Vater werden ist nicht schwer, (Friends and lovers? Tomboy Rosemary Rocky .\r\rThe Love Boat Season 2 … Note: John Mills, Hayley Mills, and Juliet Mills were real-life father and daughters. The captain, Doc, Julie, Gopher, and some of the guests visit an island near Cabo San Lucas. Ace is attracted by the bride that ran away, and the groom is getting closer to her sister. An author (James Coco) and a censor (Dody Goodman) fall in love, unaware they are sharing the same cabin. Guest Stars: Marion Ross as Emily Stubing, Lloyd Bochner as George Tillman, Arlene Dahl as Jessica York, Peter Graves as Leonard Culver, Julie Harris as Irene Culver, Jenilee Harrison as Sarah York, Roger E. Mosley as Jeffrey T. Gilbert, John Rubinstein as Allan Davis, Connie Stevens as Margret Grant, Alan Thicke as Robert McBride, Jayne Meadows as Jayne Meadows (credited as Jayne Meadows Allen), Steve Allen as Steve Allen, Army Archerd as Himself, Selma Archerd as Selma Archerd, Barbi Benton as Barbi Benton, Milton Berle as Himself, Barbara Billingsley as June Cleaver, Tom Bosley as Howard Pfister, Ruth Buzzi as Ruth Buzzi, Carol Channing as Tante Sylvia, Charo as April Lopez, Bert Convy as Bert Convy (credited as Bert Convey), Elinor Donahue as Betty Anderson, Tony Dow as Wally Cleaver, Florence Henderson as Carol Brady, Gordon Jump as Maître d, Don Knotts as Don Knotts, Judy Landers as Judy Landers, Tina Louise as Tina Louise, Patti MacLeod as Patti MacLeod, Robert Mandan Robert Mandan, Jerry Mathers as Beaver Cleaver, Christopher Norris as Herself, Louis Nye as Louis Nye, Tom Poston as Tom Poston, Juliet Prowse as Juliet Prowse, Robert Reed as Mike Brady, Charles Siebert as Dr. Stanley Riverside, Gale Storm as Gale Storm, Vic Tayback as Vic Tayback, Charlene Tilton as Secretary, Leslie Uggams as Leslie Uggams, Jo Anne Worley as Jo Anne Worley, and Jane Wyatt as Margaret Anderson. A stowaway (Meeno Peluce) convinces the crew that a playboy passenger (Dirk Benedict) is his father. Love Boat (Originaltitel: The Love Boat) ist eine US-amerikanische Fernsehserie, die zunächst von Aaron Spelling Productions, dann von der Douglas S. Cramer Company und schließlich von der The Love Boat Company von 1977 bis 1986 produziert wurde. Other Guests: Marla Adams as Arlene Simpson. Note: This is Michelle Johnson's last episode as Kim. Guest Stars: Bob Crane as Edward 'Teddy' Anderson, Rosemary DeCamp as Cynthia Loudon, Don DeFore as Everett Loudon, Robert Hays as Sam Bradley, John Rubinstein as George Allison, Bruce Solomon as Bill Edwards, David White as Greg Beatty, John Rubinstein as George Allison, and Kathy Bates as Sally Allison. Episode: Staffel: 14, Episode: 4 (NCIS 14x04): Titel der Episode im Original: Love Boat: Erstausstrahlung der Episode in USA: Dienstag, 11.Oktober 2016 (CBS)Erstausstrahlung der … Miss America (Vanessa Williams) dazzles Isaac; A woman (Audrey Landers) seeks a date for her mother; A butler complicates Ace's job. Guest Stars: Edie Adams as Maureen Buell, John Astin as David P. Crothers, Barbi Benton as Kiki Atwood, David Birney as Mike Adler, Norm Crosby as Wally the Bartender, Donna Mills as Jeannie Carter, Laraine Day as Vera Simpson, Lola Falana as Mara Carroll, Audra Lindley as Mrs. Worth, Dick Martin as Deputy Captain Cunningham, and Avery Schreiber as Everett Buell. CBS is A liberal no moral no family production low class at that now a days. Part 1 of 2. Two sets of parents (Farley Granger, Joan Lorring, Terry Moore and Troy Donahue) go overboard trying to spark a romance between their respective children (Lorenzo Lamas and Melissa Sue Anderson). Delilah Fielding ist Mitarbeiterin im Verteidigungsministerium. Ein ganz krummes Ding / Der edle Spender / Wer sagt zuerst Scheidung? The Love Boat sailed into its “graveyard” time slot, pulling Fantasy Island in its wake, and made Saturday nights the hot night for TV in the late 1970s and early '80s. Other Guests: Sam Scarber as Bubba Powell. Doc tries to help her by calling his bluff but discovers he actually truly is sick. Farnsworth's secretary and niece, Eloise (Beth Howland) gets him a replacement valet, Wayne (Jim Nabors) who's not exactly what he is used to. / Seoul mates), Und führe mich nicht in Versuchung! With Gavin MacLeod, Bernie Kopell, Fred Grandy, Ted Lange. / Der Rausschmiß / Leere Scheidungsversprechen, (Gopher the rebel / Cabin fever / Pacific Princess overture), Die „einsame“ Insel / Mutter oder Schwiegermutter / Isaac macht Urlaub (1), (Marooned / The search / Isaac’s holiday (1)), Die „einsame“ Insel / Mutter oder Schwiegermutter / Isaac macht Urlaub (2), (Marooned / The search / Isaac’s holiday (2)), (The man who loved women / A different girl / Oh, my aching brother), (Where is it written? Other Guests: Priscilla Barnes as Jeanette Arnold (credited as Jeanette), Maria O'Brien as Rita Almerez (credited as Rita), Melissa Tennille as Alma Hodges (credited as Alma), and Marianne Marks as Teresa Chen (credited as Teresa). "A Time for Everything" reunites Captain Stubing with Dolores (Sandra Deel), whose sister Georgina was an old flame of Stubing's and died eight months earlier, leaving Georgina's daughter Vicki (Jill Whelan) in Dolores' care. F 02 The Love Boat II: Acapulco Bound; 3. Inexperienced young Abby Foster (Mary Beth McDonough) wants to have her first time with a man and meets handsome fellow passenger Neil Holmes (Brodie Greer). However, he really wants to see who among them he should keep in his will. A terrier "protects" its mistress from the advances of a gentleman; a waitress inherits a fortune and finds her new life, and her former fiancé's renewed interest, a big adjustment; Isaac laments his ill-fated love affairs. Guest Stars: Pamela Franklin as Gail Smith, Eva Gabor as Beverly Blanchard, Al Molinaro as Chef Antonio Borga, Leslie Nielsen as Russ Blanchard, and Robert Urich as Jeff Smith (credited as Bob Urich). A dowager is attracted to a cabin steward. Alle 29 Episoden von Love Boat ... Captain and the Kid/The Dean and the Flunkee/Isaac's Aegean Affair (2)" ist die 19. / Politik ist ein grausames Geschäft / Daddy, ich bin doch schon 28, (Jackpot / Country blues / Daddy’s little girl), (New beginnings / Chef’s special / Kleinschmidt), Ein italienischer Gigolo / Die Geisterstunde der Phantombraut / Mit 17 schon erwachsen, (The lady from Laramie / Phantom bride / Vicki swings), (Farnsworth’s fling / I remember Helen / Merrill, Melanie and Melanesia / Gopher Farnsworth Smith / Three in bed (1)), (Farnsworth’s fling / I remember Helen / Merrill, Melanie and Melanesia / Gopher Farnsworth Smith / Three in bed (2)), Eine nicht ganz alltägliche Liebe / Isaac, der Rundfunkempfänger / Heirat im zweiten Anlauf, (Gladys and Agnes / Radioactive Isaac / Love, honor and obey), Docs eifersüchtiger Bruder / Zwei blinde Passagiere / Auch Liebe will gelernt sein, (He’s my brother / Zeke and Zelda / Teach me tonight), Mann, faß’ mich nicht an / Die lustigen Witwen / Mrs. Stubing zum Diktat, (The joy of celibacy / The floating bridge game / Take a letter, Vicki), Doc und seine fünfte Ehefrau / Sidney, ist das nicht zu gefährlich / Liebe ist doch kein Geschäft, (Doc takes the fifth / Safety last / A business affair), (The Captain’s Portrait / Good neighbors / Familiar faces), Freund oder Freundin / Ich werde nie mehr spielen können / Willkommen im Simulanten-Club, (Gopher’s roommate / I don’t play anymore / Crazy for you), Ich liebe dich seit 100 Jahren / Es grünt so grün / Ein Junge sucht seinen Vater, (Past perfect love / Green, but not jolly / Instant family), Captain Stubing auf Freiersfüßen / Finger weg von meiner Braut / Was hat er, was ich nicht habe, (Return of the Captain’s lady / Love ain’t illegal / The irresistible man), Miss Simpson – sie sind entlassen / Jim – bitte hilf mir! April Lopez (Charo) comes aboard as the ship's new aerobics instructor. A widow (Vernee Watson-Johnson) who still hasn't gotten over her husband's death is followed by her husband's ghost (Jimmie Walker), who tries to fix her up with another passenger (Greg Morris). Guest Stars: Noah Beery Jr. as Daryl Wilcox, Teri Copley as Donna Louise Bedford, Virginia Mayo as Virginia Wilcox, Marion Ross as Emily Haywood and Barry Van Dyke as Brandon Cobb. A man and a woman (Vic Tayback and Jo Ann Pflug) who were on the same deadlocked jury meet again. A contest is held on board to determine which dog will be on the cover of dog food containers: Guest stars: Chuck McCann, Moore's Mongrel Revue. Der Love Boat Episodenguide bietet dir eine Liste aller 249 Episoden von Love Boat in der Übersicht. Vicki gives her dog (Tundra the Wonder Dog) to a lonely comic (Howard Morris). A widow (Marion Ross) has her eyes on the Captain. Their choreographer is Phylicia Ayers-Allen (a.k.a. Guest Stars: Vernee Watson-Johnson as Ellen Garner (credited as Vernee Watson), Jimmie Walker as The Late Mickey Garner, Greg Morris as Greg Elkins, Conrad Bain as Les, Jamie Lee Curtis as Linda, Janet Leigh as Gail, and Melissa Sue Anderson as Jennifer 'Chubs' Smith. ‘’Guest Stars:’’ Scatman Crothers as Malcolm, Shea Farrell as Noel Kane, Anne Francis as Mrs. Kelsey (credited as Anne Lloyd Francis), Michelle Johnson as Kim Carlisle, Kim Lankford as Carol Kelsey, Howard Morris as Billy Banks, Avery Schreiber as Patrick Turney, Tundra the Wonder Dog as Tundra (as Tundra), and Ray Walston as Max Phelps. A friend of Julie's is romanced by both Doc and the Captain; Isaac and Gopher take sides and even bet their last $100 on the outcome. Julie is making a decision about accepting Jack's (. (Doc, be patient / Dance with me / Going my way), Skandal um einen geheimnisvollen Liebhaber / Captain Stubing, ein Steuersünder / Flitterwochen zu dritt, (The audit couple / The scoop / My boyfriend’s back), Gophers große Supershow / Der Ehemann ist zuviel an Bord / Täglich eine rote Rose, (Gopher’s greatest hits / The vacation / One rose a day), Heirat war nicht geplant / Isaac, der Schriftsteller / Mein Kind braucht einen Vater, (The reunion / Crew confessions / Haven’t I seen you? A group of aging crooks meet to plan one last heist (Jack Gilford played a similar character in the 1967 film Who's Minding the Mint?, for which R.S. Guest Stars: Thom Bray as Lowell Mandell, CJ the Orangutan as Tanny the Orangutan, Patti Davis as Brenda (credited as Patricia Davis), Gloria DeHaven as Mary Halbert, Nancy Dussault as Dr. Dorothee Davis, and Donald O'Connor as Leo Halbert. College pals bet on whether virginal Dan (Robert Hegyes) changes his status before the cruise ends. Gopher loses his job because the promoter becomes jealous when the cheerleader that he is interested in likes Gopher and not him. A tycoon hires a detective (Dennis Cole) to find out if his wife (Jaclyn Smith) is cheating. Julie falls for an older man while an adolescent boy falls for her; two rival publishers clash while their children become romantic; the crew's plans for a present for their captain's anniversary keep hitting a huge snag. Cruising the Nile - the Captain and his friend's widow (Jean Stapleton) share memories; A producer (John Astin) wants a starlet (Deborah Adair) to play Cleopatra; A woman (Catherine Oxenberg) eyes the gold ankh which Doc was given at a bazaar; A busy man (James Sloyan) may lose his schoolteacher wife (Valerie Harper) to a former student. Love Boat Episodenliste Auswahl: Episodenliste (Überblick) Filme Staffel 1 Staffel 2 Staffel 3 Staffel 4 Staffel 5 Staffel 6 Staffel 7 Staffel 8 … Twins (Cyb Barnstable, Trish Barnstable), unhappy with their perspective spouses (David Nelson, Fred Travalena), switch places. Notes: This is a 90-minute episode. Amazon.de - Kaufen Sie The Love Boat - Staffel 2: Episode 25-49 günstig ein. Mrs. Rhodes (Marian Mercer) is afraid of growing old, so her daughter Jenny (Audrey Landers) tries to fix her up with eligible men, by recruiting Gopher to pose as an Eastern Indian named Punjab Singh. / Seoul mates, Another time, another play / Doctor Who / Gopher’s engagement, Dumb luck / Tres amigos / Hey, jealous lover, Celebration / Captain Papa / Honeymoon pressure, Vicki’s first love / Accident prone / The high cost of loving, Invisible maniac / September song / Peekaboo, No girls for Doc / The caller / Witness for the prosecution / Marriage of convenience, Friends and lovers? Love, `exciting and new,' kept this campy anthology series afloat for nine seasons. Jim and Dianne reconsider their relationship. The boyfriend (Peter Lupus) of another member of the quest (Connie Stevens) is suspicious of Mallory's motives. ", "The Joker Is Mild / Take My Granddaughter, Please / First Time Out", Richard Kinon (The Joker is Mild & Take My Granddaughter, Please), David Ketchum & Tony Dimarco (The Joker is Mild), "Julie's Old Flame / The Jinx / The Identical Problem", "Lost and Found / The Understudy / Married Singles", "The Captain's Captain / Romance Roulette / Hounded", Ann Gibbs & Joel Kimmel (The Captain's Captain), "Dear Beverly / The Strike / Special Delivery", "Lonely at the Top / Silent Night / Divorce Me, Please", Gordon Farr & Lynne Farr (Lonely at the Top), "The Old Man and the Runaway / The Painters / A Fine Romance", Stuart Margolin (The Old Man and the Runaway), Howard Albrecht & Sol Weinstein (The Old Man and the Runaway), "Too Hot to Handle / Family Reunion / Cinderella Story", Bruce Shelly (Cinderella Story & Family Reunion), "Isaac's Double Standard / One More Time / Chimpanzeeshines", "The Eyes of Love / Masquerade / Hollywood Royalty / The Caper: Parts 1 & 2", "Winner Take Love / The Congressman Was Indiscreet / Isaac's History Lesson", "Last of the Stubings / Million Dollar Man / The Sisters", "A Very Special Girl / Until the Last Goodbye / The Inspector", "Memories of You / Computerman / Parlez Vous? Gopher's widowed mother (Ethel Merman) tries to hide her grief from her son; a comic (Johnny Yune) falls for a reporter (Momo Yashima) doing a story on him; a waiter (Nicholas Hammond) pretends to be a banker to win over a jet-setter (Hayley Mills). Staffel der Serie Love Boat. Phylicia Rashad). At Christmas, a lonely Captain Stubing alienates the crew by his lack of Christmas spirit. The man whose wife is too busy for him finds another love (Susan Oliver). 307. Modern Love Episodenguide, Streams und News zur Seri . He on the other hand mistakes Julie's attempts to fix him up with the lady as affection for him and feels uncomfortable with too young an admirer. And when two of them (Elaine Joyce and Jerry Van Dyke) get attracted to each other, they don't know what to do. Others: Lawrence Moran as Jimmy (uncredited). Identical twins (Diana Canova in a dual role) bewilder a smitten Doc. ‘‘Other Guests:’’ Annrae Waterhouse as Ashley Chenault (credited as Ashley) and Melora Hardin as Courtney Chenault (credited as Courtney). Julie learns her recently divorced friend Wendy is on the cruise because unknown admirer has sent her the cruise ticket. / Der Captain und das Top-Modell / Modespionage (1), (Original sin / A model marriage / Vogue rogue / This year’s model / Too clothes for comfort (2)), Wer wird Miss Paris? Three college girls (Carrell Myers, Toni Hudson and Christie Claridge) are mistaken for prostitutes; fitness expert and health book author Andy (Charles Frank) suffers fainting spells during triathlon training; Judy's (Pat Klous) soap opera star aunt Sylvia's (Carol Channing) jealous friend Betsy (Betty White) auditions for a new part on their soap opera with Sylvia's lecherous co-star Roger (Louis Nye). The manager of the gift shop has her hands full with all three of her fiancés on board. Merrill falls for faded star Angela Lovett (Alexis Smith), while Vicki is enamored of Johnny Lovett (Jimmy Osmond), a rock star who has never acted before, is very apprehensive about his debut, and takes it out on Vicki by being rude to her.