Großherzog der Toskana / Леопольд II великий герцог Тосканский / Leopold II groothertog van Toscane / Leopoldo II Gran Duque de Toscana / Léopold II Grand-duc de Toscane / LEOPOLDO II, 1824-1859, 1/2 PAOLO, Issue: 1857, Zecca di Firenze / Mint of Florence (Florenz / Флоре́нция / Florencia), Rif. Leopold II (Peter Leopold Josef Anton Joachim Pius Gotthard; 5 May 1747 – 1 March 1792) was Holy Roman Emperor and King of Hungary and Bohemia from 1790 to 1792, Archduke of Austria and Grand Duke of Tuscany from 1765 to 1790. die böhmische Kammerherrschaft Brandeis (Brandýs). By the latter, he begat his eventual successor, Ferdinand. referencedIn: Tatzer, Leopold. Er hatte neun Geschwister und drei Halbgeschwister (aus erster Ehe des Vaters). Jeho rodiči byli Leopold II. Dezember 2020 um 18:44 Uhr bearbeitet. The Tuscan contingent fought bravely, though unsuccessfully, at Curtatone and Montanara. Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1747-1792 Leopold II., römisch-deutscher Kaiser 1747-1792 Leopold 1747-1792 Holy Roman Emperor II Léopold II, 1747-1792, empereur germanique Leopoldo II d'Asburgo-Lorena Granduca di Toscana, Imperatore del Sacro Romano Impero e Re d'Ungheria e di Boemia Leopold II. Ihr Briefwechsel (Vienna, 1873); and Leopold II., Franz II. Pierpont Morgan Library. Damit war er ein Enkel von Kaiser Leopold II. The Grand Duke was deposed briefly by a provisional government in 1849, only to be restored the same year with the assistance of Austrian troops, who occupied the state until 1855. Mai 1747 in Wien; 1. Großherzog von Toskana, 1824 - 1859. Ehefrau Maria Anna von Sachsen (1799–1832), 2. Max von Portheim - Bibliograph einer Epoche : typescript, ca. Auf Schloss Brandeis lebte er äußerst zurückgezogen. 2 1780-1792 Jahrhundert), Träger des k.u. Media in category "Portrait paintings of Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany" The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total. Grand Duchy of Tuscany / Großherzogtum Toskana 1/2 PAOLO 1857 Florence Leopold II Grand Duke of Tuscany EF (55/70) Had he not joined the conclave of autocrats at Gaeta, and, above all, had he not summoned Austrian assistance while denying that he had done so, in 1849, he might yet have preserved his throne, and even changed the course of Italian history. He feebly asked Austria if he might maintain the constitution, and the Austrian premier, Prince Felix of Schwarzenberg, advised him to consult the pope, the king of Naples and the dukes of Parma and Modena. Im März 1799 marschierten die Truppen des revolutionären Frankreich in die Toskana ein, was die großherzogliche Familie zur Emigration nach Wien zwang. (Großherzog von Toscana), Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich,, Familienmitglied des Hauses Habsburg-Lothringen (Linie Österreich-Toskana), Ritter des Ordens vom Goldenen Vlies (Österreich, 19. 1859 bezog die großherzogliche Familie in Schloss Schlackenwerth bei Karlsbad Quartier. Na die dood van Frans I se tweede seun is daar besluit dat Leopold II hom sal opvolg as die Groothertog van Toskana. Auch das wegen Baufälligkeit geschlossene Museum wurde wieder eröffnet. Tuscany was occupied by soldiers of Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia for the duration of the conflict. Stanford University. The uprisings in Milan and in Vienna aroused patriotic enthusiasm in Tuscany, where war against Austria was demanded; Leopold, yielding to popular pressure, sent a force of regulars and volunteers to co-operate with Piedmont in the Lombard campaign. Annunziata, the first female boarding school in Florence established to educate aristocratic and noble young ladies. Deel van die ooreemkoms was dat hy met Maria Louisa van Spanje trou. Leopold and his wife were second cousins as they were both great-grandchildren of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria. Im Jahr 1866 vernichtete ein Brand beinahe sein Werk. Porträtminiatur Leopold II von Toskana.png 2,380 × 2,423; 5.76 MB. In der Würzburger Zeit war der ehemalige Benediktinerpater Aegidius Jais sein Prinzenerzieher. Leopold II. Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1797 - 1870), Grand Duke of Tuscany between 1824-1859 Archduchess Maria Luisa Giuseppa Cristina Rosa (Florence, 30 August 1799 - Florence, 15 June 1857) Archduchess Maria Teresa (21 March 1801 - 12 January 1855). und Catharina. Auf seinen Wunsch konnten nun auch Kinder mittelloser Eltern die Schule besuchen. It was only with Austrian assistance that Leopold could return to Florence. Leopold II lent his support to the Kingdom of Sardinia in the Austro-Sardinian War. He succeeded his father on 18 June 1824. Leopold attempted a policy of neutrality with regard to the Second Italian War of Independence, but was expelled by a bloodless coup on 27 April 1859, just before the beginning of the war. The popular demands presented by Corsini were for the abdication of Leopold in favour of his son, an alliance with Piedmont and the reorganisation of Tuscany in accordance with the eventual and definite reorganisation of Italy. Leopold II dari Toskana (Italia: Leopoldo Giovanni Giuseppe Francesco Ferdinando Carlo, Jerman: Leopold Johann Joseph Franz Ferdinand Karl; 3 Oktober 1797 – 29 Januari 1870) adalah Adipati Agung Toskana (1824–1859). Hy regeer Toskana vir 25 jaar (1765 tot 1790) en bring voorspoed nadat die land feitlik vernietig is deur die laaste van die Medici-familie. Leopold II. But when during the early 1840s unrest spread throughout Italy, even in Tuscany demands for a constitution and other political reforms were advanced; in 1845 and 1846 riots occurred in various parts of the country, and Leopold granted a number of administrative reforms. Großherzog der Toskana good VF (45/70) A provisional republic was established in his stead. Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor, 1747-1792. -1987 Bibliographic records gegenüber Österreich zur Neutralität verpflichtet hatte, verließ er am 27. Großherzog der Toskana / Леопольд II великий герцог Тосканский / Leopold II groothertog van Toscane / Leopoldo II Gran Duque de Toscana / Léopold II Grand-duc de Toscane / LEOPOLDO II DI LORENA, 1824-1859, FRANCESCONE DA 4 FIORINI, Issue: 1859, Zecca di Firenze / Mint of Florence (Florenz / Флоре́нция / Florencia), Rif. und dessen erster Gemahlin Luisa Maria von Neapel-Sizilien in Florenz, Palazzo Pitti geboren. Long live Italian independence!" Finally an agreement was arrived at between the aristocratic constitutionalists and the popular party, as a result of which the grand-duke's participation in the war was formally demanded. On 27 April there was great excitement in Florence, Italian colours appeared everywhere, but order was maintained, and the grand-duke and his family departed for Bologna undisturbed. bibl. Grand Duchy of Tuscany / Großherzogtum Toskana FRANCESCONE DA 4 FIORINI 1856 Leopold II. There was talk of instituting a central Italian kingdom with Leopold as king, to form part of a larger Italian federation, but in the meanwhile the grand-duke, alarmed at the revolutionary and republican agitations in Tuscany and encouraged by the success of the Austrian troops, was, according to Montanelli, negotiating with Field-Marshal Radetzky and with Pius IX, who had now abandoned his liberal tendencies, and fled to Gaeta. thesaurus/cnp02140490 Leopold, II, Kaiser des Römisch-deutschen Reiches Leopold, II, Kaiser des Römisch-deutschen Reiches Record ID cnp02140490 Seit 1817 mit der Prinzessin Maria Anna von Sachsen vermählt, trat er am 18. 1799 begleitete er als Zweijähriger seinen Vater ins Exil n… und Kaunitz. [according to whom?] Leopold of Tuscany was a well-meaning, not unkindly man, and fonder of his subjects than were the other Italian despots, but he was weak, and too closely bound by family ties and Habsburg traditions ever to become a real Liberal. Some of the Liberals, however, still believed in the possibility of a constitutional grand-duke who could be induced for a second time to join Piedmont in a war against Austria, whereas the popular party headed by Ferdinando Bartolommei and Giuseppe Dolfi realised that only by the expulsion of Leopold could the national aspirations be realised. (* 3. Along with his wife he was the founding patron of L'Istituto Statale della Ss. Leopold accepted, although he said nothing about the foreign invasion, and on 1 May sent Count Luigi Serristori to Tuscany with full powers. Januar 1870 starb. aus zweiter Ehe ab. Peter Leopold Valentijn Jozef Anton Joachim Pius van Oostenrijk 1747-1792. Die Revolutionen von 1847/1848 im Rahmen des Risorgimentos bewogen ihn, am 15. On 18 February 1849 a republic was proclaimed and on that same day Leopold sailed for Gaeta. Ihr Briefwechsel (Vienna, 1866), both edited by A. Ritter von Arneth; Joseph II., Leopold II. The preliminary peace of Villafranca, agreed to between Napoleon III of France and Franz Joseph of Austria on 11 July, provided for the return of the Lorraines to Florence, but Leopold himself was considered too unpopular to be accepted, so on 21 July 1859 he abdicated the throne in favour of his son, Ferdinand. On their advice he formally revoked the constitution (1852). Ehefrau Maria Antonia von Neapel-Sizilien (1814–1898), Exilwohnstatt 1859 Schloss Schlackenwerth/Ostrov nahe Karlsbad, Exilwohnstatt ab 1860 Schloss Brandeis/Brandýs nad Labem (Böhmen, Tschechien), Kapuzinerkirche mit Kaisergruft in Wien mit Wiener Toskanergruft, Eine in seinem Namen als Großherzog von Toskana geprägte Silbermünze: Fiorino 1856, Ref. Ia menikah sebanyak dua kali; pertama dengan Maria Anna dari Saxony, dan setelah kematiannya pada 1832, dengan Maria Antonia dari Dua Sisilia. Leopold II (Peter Leopold Joseph Anton Joachim Pius Gotthard; 5 May 1747 – 1 March 1792) was Holy Roman Emperor, King of Hungary and Bohemia, and Archduke of Austria from 1790 to 1792, and Grand Duke of Tuscany from 1765 to 1790. Unter seiner Ägide wurde die Stadt an vielen Stellen verschönert und erneuert. He was a son of Emperor Francis I and his wife, Empress Maria Theresa, thus the brother of Marie Antoinette. In February 1849, Leopold II had to abandon Tuscany to Republicans and sought refuge in the Neapolitan city of Gaeta. Leopold hesitated and finally rejected the proposals as derogatory to his dignity. But there was great discontent, and the defeat of Charles Albert at Novara caused consternation among the Liberals. Maria Antonia gebar innerhalb von achtzehn Jahren zehn Kinder, sechs davon erreichten das Erwachsenenalter, zwei Töchter und vier Söhne. Leopold II. : C# 72a. Peter Leopold [Toskana, Großherzog, I.] In Dresden on 28 October 1817 by proxy and in Florence on 16 November 1817 in person, Leopold married Princess Maria Anna of Saxony, born in Dresden on 15 November 1799. Februar 1848 eine Verfassung zu erlassen. He spent his last years in Austria, and died in Rome. Salvator von Toskana (108) / 113 years ago, Ferdinand IV. oder Peter Leopold (1747 - 1792 ), aus dem Geschlecht Habsburg-Lothringen, Erzherzog von Österreich, Großherzog der Toskana, Kaiser des Heiligen Römischen Reiches, König von Böhmen, Kroatien und Ungarn, Kupferstich, 18. But Austrian influence prevented him from doing more, even had he wished to do so. Born in Florence, Leopold II was the son of Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany and Princess Luisa Maria Amelia Teresa of the Two Sicilies, who were double first cousins. 1970. Leopold II dari Toskana (Italia: Leopoldo Giovanni Giuseppe Francesco Ferdinando Carlo, Jerman: Leopold Johann Joseph Franz Ferdinand Karl; 3 Oktober 1797 – 29 Januari 1870) adalah Adipati Agung (1824–1859). New elections in the autumn of 1848 returned a constitutional majority, but it ended by voting in favour of a constituent assembly. Her maternal grandparents were Ferdinand, Duke of Parma and Archduchess Maria Amalia of Austria. Oktober 1797 in Florenz; † 29. und Marie Christine : ihr Briefwechsel (1781-1792) by Leopold ( Book ) Francesco Maria Gianni dalla burocrazia alla politica sotto ... Peter Leopold [Toskana, Großherzog] Peter Leopold Toskana, Großherzog 1747-1792. Nach dem Tod seiner geliebten ersten Frau Maria Anna heiratete der Großherzog am 7. Among these are: Joseph II. (* 5. verließ daraufhin im Februar 1849 das Land und eine provisorische republikanische Regierung wurde gebildet, die sich kurzzeitig mit der zur selben Zeit im Kirchenstaat etwa fünf Monate lang bestehenden revolutionären Römischen Republik verbündete. 1799 begleitete er als Zweijähriger seinen Vater ins Exil nach Wien, Salzburg und Würzburg und kehrte mit ihm nach Fall Napoleons 1814 als 17-Jähriger in die Toskana zurück. Leopold II. Juni 1824 die Nachfolge seines verstorbenen Vaters in der Regierung an. Nachdem sich die politische Situation in Italien einigermaßen beruhigt hatte, reiste er im November 1869 mit seiner Gattin auf einer Wallfahrt nach Rom, wo er in der Nacht zum 29. Thus the revolution was accomplished without blood being shed, and after a period of provisional government Tuscany was incorporated in the kingdom of Italy. Als Enkel von Kaiser Leopold II. Instead, the provisional government proclaimed the deposition of the House of Habsburg (16 August). Biografi. Aus erster Ehe mit Maria Anna von Sachsen (1799–1832), Tochter von Prinz Maximilian von Sachsen (1759–1838), Aus zweiter Ehe mit Maria Antonia von Neapel-Sizilien (1814–1898), Tochter von König Franz I. beider Sizilien (1777–1830), Habsburg, Leopold II. Ia menikah sebanyak dua kali; pertama dengan , dan setelah kematiannya pada 1832, dengan . Ihr Briefwechsel 1781–1790 (Vienna, 1872), and Marie Antoinette, Joseph II. Ferdinand regierte das Großherzogtum jedoch nicht mehr, da sich die Toskana nach einer Volksabstimmung 1860 dem Königreich Sardinien anschloss und damit die Herrschaft des Hauses Habsburg-Lothringen-Toskana endete.[1]. Leopold ordered the construction of La Botte, a water tunnel under the Arno River, which allowed for the final drainage of the Lago di Bientina, which had previously been the largest lake in Tuscany. Leopold was recognised contemporarily as a liberal monarch, authorising the Tuscan Constitution of 1848, and allowing a degree of free press. The utmost confusion prevailed in Florence and other parts of Tuscany. The election of Pope Pius IX gave fresh encouragement to Liberalism, and on 4 September 1847 Leopold instituted the National Guard – a preparation for a constitution; soon afterward the marchese Cosimo Ridolfi was appointed prime minister. On 7 June 1833 in Naples, Leopold married secondly Maria Antonietta of the Two Sicilies (Palermo, 19 December 1814 – Orth, 7 November 1898). und dessen erster Gemahlin Luisa Maria von Neapel-Sizilien in Florenz, Palazzo Pitti geboren. 1860 ersteigerte Leopold II. Erst mit der Geburt des späteren Kaisers Franz Joseph I. im Jahr 1830 fiel er in dieser Rangordnung zurück. During the first twenty years of his reign he devoted himself to the internal development of the state. On 26 June, the first Tuscan parliament assembled but the disturbances consequent on the failure of the campaign in Lombardy resulted in the resignation of the Ridolfi ministry, which was succeeded by that of Gino Capponi.