Let's find out! Okay so This quiz is an awesome Hogwarts Love story FOR GIRLS ONLY, it's just one of those regular love stories, but this one is based on Harry Potter … Harry Potter … 8. When you need to you become a strong and powerful leader. Kommentarfunktion ohne das RPG / FF / Quiz, Zur meiner Liste "Quizzes über mich" zufügen, Wish U were here! House: Hufflepuff Age: Year younger than trio Status: Mudblood Friends: Luna, Harry… Go behind the scenes and see the making of all things Harry Potter. Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you went to Hogwarts! Well, now, you'll be able to know what the Harry Potter crew thinks of you, and you will know what … Add to library Discussion 9. Red. Oh, if only our Hogwarts letters had shown up. Who is your least favorite character? Liebeskummer lohnt sich nicht in Hogwarts Oh no ♥ Mal wieder ein Liebestest von Harry Potter. Which wizard (Harry, Ron, Seamus, Draco, or Neville) will steal your heart? Find out which potter girl you are most like. Das Brechen der Regeln kann zu Konsequenzen führen. Discover your Harry Potter universe love triangle now! - Entwickelt am: 26.05.2015 - 39.203 mal aufgerufen - User-Bewertung: 4,3 von 5 - 21 Stimmen - mit langer Auswertung - 6 Personen … (Harry-Potter-Lovestory), Liebesgeschichten in den Hogwartsgemäuern. Harry Potter Love Quiz 10 Fragen - Erstellt von: Warrior cats fan 2 - Entwickelt am: 02.03.2016 - 24.957 mal aufgerufen Wolltest du schon immer wissen, welcher Typ aus Harry Potter am … Harry Potter- Your Love in Hogwarts 12 Fragen - Erstellt von: Chaan - Aktualisiert am: 15.12.2011 - Entwickelt am: 03.12.2011 - 119.597 mal aufgerufen - User-Bewertung: 4,5 von 5 - 76 … When they weren’t running for their lives, Harry and his friends Ron and Hermoine were being fun-loving kids who kept us smiling from time to time. Watch this Harry Potter video, Harry and Ginny- All time love, on Fanpop and browse other Harry Potter videos. Kommentarfunktion ohne das RPG / FF / Quiz, Zur meiner Liste "Quizzes über mich" zufügen, Wish U were here! For all the wonderful witchcraft and wizardry, it’s really the characters who make it work. one chapter long; others are multi-chaptered. Fox. Fred or George Weasly. While I’m by no means an expert on the fandom, I love everything about the Harry Potter universe. We feel as though we have grown up with these characters which made it all the more difficult when they were taken away from us. Mit dir hört sich lebenslang plötzlich sehr erträglich an. So, nun zur Harry Potter - Welt: Du gehst mit deiner Freundin (sie kommt auch nach Hogwarts) in die Winkelgasse und ihr kommt gerade aus einem Geschäft als ein Junge deine Freundin umrempelt. Some are one-shots, i.e. Harry Potter Lovestory 10 Fragen - Erstellt von: Kuddelpunk - Entwickelt am: 22.06.2020 - 18.029 mal aufgerufen - User-Bewertung: 4,2 von 5 - 5 Stimmen - mit langer Auswertung - 11 Personen … Harry Potter Love Quiz 10 Fragen - Erstellt von: Harry-Potter-Best-Friends - Entwickelt am: 05.02.2016 - 64.162 mal aufgerufen - User-Bewertung: 3,6 von 5 - 8 Stimmen - mit langer Auswertung Hey und willkommen zu einem neuem Harry Potter … Find out by taking the ultimate Draco Malfoy quiz! Pig. We've Gathered 50 Of The Best Harry Potter Quotes From Hermione, Ron Weasley, Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Hagrid And Lord Voldemort. Harry Potter is undoubtedly the best wizard to have ever gone to Hogwarts. Yeah, but don't act like a clown. All the movies, fan-made movies & series set in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Universe, in order of release. An Awesome Hogwarts Love Story! What would you want your patronus to be? There are picks for all ages, beginning with middle grade and ending with adult. Harry Potter House Test! Due to the power of love, Harry … We're glad you're here! Little did we know that when an unknown author started a series of books about a boy wizard, that the world of literature would never be the same! … 0 . These best Harry Potter gifts of 2020 will enchant readers of all ages. Your soulmate should be a match for both your inner and outer self. Das Brechen der Regeln kann zu Konsequenzen führen. 1. Harry Potter: Deine Hogwarts Lovestory! View all cards in Harry Potter (5) View all cards in quizzes (68) We welcome your respectful and on-topic comments and questions in this limited public forum. So are you meant for Harry or do you match with either Draco, Harry, Ron, Fred or George? Neville Longbottom. The Love Chamber was a room in the Department of Mysteries devoted to the study of love. Below, we've gathered the best books that combine Harry Potter's genre with its immersive quality. Harry Potter Love Test - Lange Auswertung 10 Fragen - Erstellt von: Zauberwesen - Entwickelt am: 17.07.2020 - 17.202 mal aufgerufen - mit langer Auswertung - 22 Personen gefällt es In diesem Harry Potter Love Test erwarten dich drei unterschiedliche Männer! 0 . Bitte beachte die nun folgenden Anweisungen, um das von uns verachtete Verhalten zu unterlassen. Sea Lion. That love is studied by learned witches and wizards shows it is more than sentiment that brings Dumbledore back to the subject. There were plenty more, so take this quiz to find out which character from the "Harry Potter" book/movie series would have been your boyfriend if you were a student at Hogwarts! Harry Potter Love Test XL 10 Fragen - Erstellt von: Ladida - Entwickelt am: 01.10.2012 - 154.185 mal aufgerufen - User-Bewertung: 4,2 von 5 - 78 Stimmen - mit langer Auswertung - 10 … And you will be, too, when you see the cool Harry Potter character and personality quizzes you can take in this section. Harry Potter Love 10 Fragen - Erstellt von: Nott - Entwickelt am: 05.10.2015 - 20.218 mal aufgerufen - mit langer Auswertung - 3 Personen gefällt es Heute hab ich für euch eine … Who Is Your Harry Potter Crush? Discover your Harry Potter universe love triangle now! 10 Fragen - Erstellt von: Even - Entwickelt am: 16.04.2019 - 6.248 mal aufgerufen Deine Liebe in Harry Potter. Answer a few simple questions to find out who is your Hogwarts best friend. 0%. Harry Potter: Deine Hogwarts Lovestory! Answer some questions and I'll tell you which Harry Potter character your amortentia smells like. Have you ever wondered which Harry Potter boy would fall madly in love with you? Page 2 — Harry Potter and the Power of Love (see HP4, 653).2 The Dark Lord wields wholesale death upon others in his quest to be immortal. Harry Potter. New Harry Potter … Welchem Jungen aus Hogwarts gehört dein Herz? In order for the protection to form, the victim must be given the option to live, but consciously choose death. Ever wonder if you were a witch in hogwarts or the wizarding world, what guy would love you the most? Harry Potter. Welcher Harry Potter Charakter ist dein Lover? You have just entered the realm of the obsessed Harry Potter fan. (Harry-Potter-Lovestory), Liebesgeschichten in den Hogwartsgemäuern. If anything, evil would come at you, you would be sure he would protect you from harm. genannten Anweisungen Folge zu leisten. Luna Lovegood. But it isn’t just being loved that protected Harry, Dumbledore insisted to Harry in Half-Blood Prince: ‘You are protected, in short, by your ability to love!’ Take this test and find your Harry Potter love … You'll need a nip of Felix Felicis for luck if you hope to get full marks on this ultimate Harry Potter quiz. Full disclosure, I do not own any of the images used in the quiz. 11 Fragen - Erstellt von: Harry Potter Fan xoxo - Aktualisiert am: 19.11.2019 - Entwickelt am: 06.08.2019 - 39.912 mal aufgerufen - User … Harry lost both of his parents as a baby to Lord Voldemort (he who must not be named). Welchem Jungen aus Hogwarts gehört dein Herz? Deine Liebe in Harry Potter. … Doe. Harry Potter Lovetest 17 Fragen - Erstellt von: Shaaronn - Entwickelt am: 31.08.2019 - 12.675 mal aufgerufen - mit langer Auswertung - 7 Personen gefällt es Ein Harry Potter Lovetest mit fünf … Purple. ... testedich… Harry was best known for being brave, loyal, and selfless, as he showed throughout the series. Love plays a crucial role in "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," as well as all of the remaining books in the series.Rowling demonstrates the power of love from the very beginning of the narrative by explaining that Harry's ability to survive Voldemort's killing curse is a direct result of his mother's love. Harry Potter- Love and life 10 Fragen - Erstellt von: Sergeant Pepper - Entwickelt am: 01.09.2011 - 71.215 mal aufgerufen - User-Bewertung: 4,1 von 5 - 78 Stimmen - mit langer Auswertung … Orange. 0 . In Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Dumbledore told Harry: ‘to have been loved so deeply, even though the person who loved us is gone, will give us some protection for ever’. From 2001 to -. Get practicing all of these Harry Potter spells — make sure you’re prepared to traverse the Wizarding World! Albus Dumbledore is of a different mind. ... Love a bit of sport! All rights go to J.K. Rowling and all … English Grammar: Ar Test Answers For Harry Potter from lh5.googleusercontent.com Dieses quiz ist eine herausforderung, auch für gestandene fans. J.K. Rowling has blessed us with a magical set of characters in Harry Potter that we have grown to love and cherish dearly over time. Harry was the caring and courageous one while Ron was the sweet and clumsy one. I never really see any of these types of quizzes for Harry Potter so I made my own. Lord Voldemort . (Photo by Warner Bros./courtesy Everett Collection) All Harry Potter Movies Ranked by Tomatometer The Harry Potter film franchise ruled the box office for a decade, but it also managed the uncommon feat of earning Certified Fresh status for every single one of its installments. Calling all Witches and Wizards!Find out whether you belong with Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, or Draco Malfoy, once and for all!Think you already know which wizard you'll get? Mit dir hört sich lebenslang plötzlich sehr erträglich an. Green. Mach den Test und finde hier heraus, wer am besten zu dir passt. Love. Bist du dir sicher, dass du diesen Kommentar löschen möchtest? Welcher Junge aus Harry Potter passt am besten zu dir? I love beating my opponents. Harry Potter Love Story 10 Fragen - Erstellt von: Cadastier - Entwickelt am: 02.06.2015 - 30.584 mal aufgerufen - 2 Personen gefällt es Ein kurzer Test mit 10 Fragen und einer kleinen … Let's find out if you're a quizzard or a Dursley with this ultimate Harry Potter quiz! How much do you know about Harry Potter's enemy? Sei dir bewusst, dass dies eine Quizseite ist und keine Datingseite. If you think you’re a wizard when it comes to knowledge of Harry Potter, this website will test your skills with a Harry Potter trivia quiz for people of all knowledge levels. What dress would you were to the Yule Ball? Go Ravenclaw! From viewing the model of Hogwarts up-close to riding a broomstick, your Harry Potter obsession will be taken to new levels. According to the Washington Post , Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is one of the top ten most checked out books in New York Public Library, who have recently released their list based on their staggering 125-year history. Full disclosure, I do not own any of the images used in the quiz. 0%. Results include: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Draco Malfoy, … As a major Potter Nerd myself, I wanted to be able to create a place where fans could test their knowledge. Liebeskummer lohnt sich nicht in Hogwarts Oh no ♥ Mal wieder ein Liebestest von Harry Potter. Hallo leute heute gibt es ein etwas anderes video heute etwas mit harry potter ich hoffe es gefällt euch und viel spaß . He clearly gives to death the status of great power. genannten Anweisungen Folge zu leisten. Vermeide perverse oder gewaltverherrlichende Inhalte. Harry Potter is all about people. Which Hogwarts student makes your stomach do somersaults? Bitte beachte die nun folgenden Anweisungen, um das von uns verachtete Verhalten zu unterlassen. 11 Fragen - Erstellt von: Harry Potter Fan xoxo - Aktualisiert am: 19.11.2019 - Entwickelt am: 06.08.2019 - 40.009 mal aufgerufen - User-Bewertung: 2,8 von 5 - 12 Stimmen - mit langer Auswertung - 20 Personen gefällt es Sei dir bewusst, dass dies eine Quizseite ist und keine Datingseite. It's time to find out! Rianna Scarlett. Harry Potter was introduced to the world more … Harry Potter, also known as the boy who lived was born on July 31st in the year 1980. To find out more, please see Appropriate Use When Posting Content . In all likelihood, whenever a Muggle is searching for a book like Harry Potter, they really just want a read that feels like Harry Potter. Start here and take all our Harry Potter … All rights go to J.K. Rowling and all … 0%. The Harry Potter series was not short on the male eye candy! You are kind and love to play with mysterious creatures. 0%. -» Harry Potter 10 Questions - Developed by: Catherine - Developed on: 2016-01-24 - 77,917 taken - User Rating: 4.2 of 5 - 5 votes - 23 people like it Determine if Harry, Ron, Draco, or Neville is … Silver. Have you ever wondered which Harry Potter boy would fall madly in love with you? 19 Comments. well today is your lucky day! I never really see any of these types of quizzes for Harry Potter so I made my own. For us 90’s kids, Harry Potter reminds us of simpler times, of discovering a love for reading and of wishing we were a witch/wizard. The Harry Potter series is one of those sagas that manages to be filled with romance, life-threatening adventures, and comedy all at once. Hier kannst du deine Liebe zu Harry Potter … You showed the closest resemblance to Harry Potter. -» Harry Potter 10 Questions - Developed by: Pansy - Developed on: 2005-08-15 - 124,222 taken - User Rating: 2.8 of 5 - 12 votes - 28 people like it Is your soul mate Draco Malfoy? It's no surprise that love and romance, for better or for worse, were wrapped up within the themes. It remains one of the most successful movie sagas of all time, and it’s even spawned a spinoff series. Harry Potter - Love. Some are finished; others are still works in progress. Harry Potter Liebestest. Which wizard (Harry, Ron, Seamus, Draco, or Neville) will steal your heart? He would often go to great lengths in order to help his loved ones and always put the needs of others first. He with the help of his friends defeated the evil Voldemort. Find out by taking this quiz! To celebrate, here’s some more Harry Potter love we’ve spotted recently from around the globe. In the wizarding world, love has literal magical properties, and these keep Harry safe – time and time again. Hey, Muggle: Think you know all there is to know about Harry Potter? Here’s a collection of all the stories that have stayed with me over the last decade of my fan fiction explorations. So if you consider yourself an expert on all things Harry Potter (including the really weird stuff that only obsessive fans know) then see how you get on with our 50 question quiz. Bist du dir sicher, dass du diesen Kommentar löschen möchtest? 0 . Crab or Goyle. Harry Potter Liebestest. Harry Potter - All You Need is Love 10 Fragen - Erstellt von: S.Malfoy - Entwickelt am: 01.08.2011 - 80.119 mal aufgerufen - User-Bewertung: 3,4 von 5 - 41 Stimmen - mit langer Auswertung - 4 … Lets get this one over with. And if you've made your way through the films more times than you can count and are seeking more magic to tide you over, look no further. testedich.de ... Love in Harry Potter. That's the year J.K. Rowling published Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone, and introduced us to Hogwarts, Hedwig and Hermione Granger.But you're a Harry Potter wiz, so you knew that already, right? Also, where they can find out things that they didn’t know about the movies, books, characters, and more. Many fans love the series' mix of fantasy, magic, and mystery that's all contained inside of a well-established universe. It just seems like there’s a magical individual Rowling wrote just for you. Vermeide perverse oder gewaltverherrlichende Inhalte. Mit dem Bestätigen erklärst du dich bereit, den oben Director: Alfonso Cuarón | Stars: … Shop our best gift ideas to wish Harry Potter fans a "Happy Christmas" this year, from jewelry to kitchenware and more. The Harry Potter series was an incredibly complex story about many facets of coming of age, living within war, and dealing with discrimination and supremacism.. Some people found Harry to be arrogant and he could be impulsive at times. The world hasn't been the same since 1997. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Welcher Junge aus Harry Potter passt am besten zu dir? It's time to find out! 12 Questions - Developed by: John - Updated on: 2020-02-20 - Developed on: 2009-12-15 - 525,410 taken - User Rating: 3.5 of 5 - 318 votes - 1113 people like it Hey, all you Harry Potter fans out there who want to know what your Hogwarts house is, this is the quiz for you! Add to library 10 Discussion 21. Some of us love Harry Potter himself, who embodies strength, loyalty, and the difficulties of wearing glasses. If you want to warm up with some relatively straightforward Harry Potter questions, try our General Harry Potter Trivia Quiz . Mit dem Bestätigen erklärst du dich bereit, den oben Welcher Harry Potter Charakter wäre dein Freund? The main male characters were all good looking and had unique personalities. He accords the higher station and power to love. We are a website that is dedicated to providing you with fun Harry Potter trivia and quiz games. Harry Potter. Your Harry Potter … Dolphin. Here are 10 things to watch if you love the "Harry Potter" series. This is why James Potter's death didn't confer magical protection on Lily and Harry in 1981; as Which Harry Potter Character Is In Love With You? What's your favourite colour out of these. 3/10. Zum Beispiel, welchen Beruf du nach deiner Schulzeit in Hogwarts annehmen würdest, welches Tier du als Animagus wärst, welcher Zauberstab dich aussuchen würde und wer deine Freunde wären. 1/10 Wie heißt … Harry Potter Love 11 Fragen - Erstellt von: Ginny_W. Do you like someone with a good sense of humour? Is Ginny, Hermione, Cho, Luna or one of the endless others who live in JK's fantastical world. Harry Potter, Ron and Hermione return to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for their third year of study, where they delve into the mystery surrounding an escaped prisoner who poses a dangerous threat to the young wizard. Phoenix. Welcher Harry Potter Charakter ist dein Lover? Well think again!