We will never spam you. Really, you cn use whatever you want. Accuracy. 30.00. 1.1. Recommended … The weapon has access to the following ammo types: Note that specialized ammo types retain the standard capacity of 8 shells, although overall capacity is reduced to 160 shells. A unique quality attributed to the shotgun is that is fires several projectiles at once, and at close range two accurate spreads will destroy most non-bulletproof vehicles. Interestingly, the weapon features a charging handle, which is a common feature on semi-automatic shotguns, despite being limited to pump-action mode. Converted From (Base) Pump Shotgun ( $3,500 ) Purchase Price $82,500 Modifications Can be modified Based on (Real Life) Mossberg 590 Only one thing pumps more action than a pump action: watch out, the recoil is almost as deadly as the shot. teaching tips and resources for mathematics teachers in elementary and middle school Gun Large Clip Size. The website takes a lot of work and time, so that’s why we have to rely on ads. Stay informed about the latest on GTA V, GTA 6, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Rockstar Games, as well as new MyBase features! The Vom Feuer Pump Shotgun Mk II is a weapon that appears in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the Doomsday Heist update. Retrieved from "https://wiki.gtanet.work/index.php?title=Weapons_Models&oldid=27244" In alternative, we created a VIP Membership that allows you to browse the site without ads and get some extra features, for a small price. GTA Online: Best single player game evah! 2 years ago. It features a rail accessory similar to a Black Aces Tactical Quad Rail, a pump handle similar to a Magpul M-LOK Forend, and an AR-15 stock, which is identical to a Magpul UBR collapsible stock. Highly recommend at least switching the scope to the provided on in black (MK2 medium scope) Install path on readme Firing mode Type Weapon Animation Just a very simple edit to the Vanilla Carbine Rifle, adding a proper buffer tube and collapsible stock from the vanilla pump shotgun. Comes with a few MK2 parts as optionals. 67.00. No. By MMMAP007. All Rights Reserved. In Grand Theft Auto III, the shotgun's in-game model is a Remington 870, with a Police Folding Stock. Pump Shotgun Mk II VIP Members don't see Ads. PS4. Note: Please remember to follow our image policy in naming and licensing before adding images. The shotgun pellets can also knock down enemies. Weapon origin(s) Don't like Ads? wow, didn't know Pump Shotgun Mk2 is so powerful (video) By duskpanthers, January 10, 2018 in GTA Online. By Nee__ Shotgun; 5.0 328 20 M870 Shotgun. Pump-Action For Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (wher… Pump Shotgun Explosive ammo is too expensive to worry about, I'd rather have the high damage penetrating shots. 8 shells Shotguns 0. Custom Pump-Action Shotgun Vom Feuer save. The weapon can be fitted with either a Holographic Sight, a Small Scope or a Medium Scope, which slightly improves zoom level, making it useful for long-range attacks. Fire Rate. Close. 5 comments. Stay informed about the latest on GTA V, GTA 6, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Rockstar Games, as well as new MyBase features! The Pump Shotgun Mk II slightly improves over the regular Pump Shotgun in damage (from 29 to 32) with a -50% malus against vehicles like every buckshot-shooting shotgun, with the same rate of fire and still firing 8 pellets. Archived. The weapon is the Mark II version of the Pump Shotgun, which turns into a custom Remington 870 as opposed to a Mossberg 590. Weapon class 12 gauge 20.00. Another advantage is that it can be purchased at most Ammu-Nationstores for a cheap price, or found in police cars, making it one of the more powerful yet inexpensive weapons. Please enable the javascript to submit this form. Explosive ammo have a further reduced capacity of 40 shells. Shotgun Do NOT post them here or advertise them, as per the forum rules. 1. GTA 5 Cheats Melee Handgun SMG PDW Shotgun Assault Rifle Sniper Rifle Heavy Thrown Weapon Texture Sound Config Since: All Time Yesterday Last Week Last Month All Time Sort by: Latest Versions Latest Versions Latest Uploads Most Liked Most Downloaded Highest Rated Shotgun; 5.0 1,658 33 Bean Bag Shotgun. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Appearance(s) Exclusive Enhanced Version Content in GTA V, https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Pump_Shotgun_Mk_II?oldid=1284450. The Pump Shotgun Mk II in Grand Theft Auto Online. Posted by. A large disadvantage with this shotgun is that … Ammunition capacity New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Removes the ugly IRL ACE stock pretending to be a crane stock and switched to the lorified MOE stock. Overall, the weapon remains weak compared to the Assault Shotgun, that shoots pellets … share. A huge range of tactical customizations are made possible by MK II upgrades, including new magazines packing tracer, incendiary, armor piercing, hollow point and other types of rounds. This thread is archived. hide. SMG; PDW; Shotgun … Name: Pump Shotgun Mk2 ID: weapon_pumpshotgun_mk2 Hash: 0x555AF99A Name: Sawnoff Shotgun ID: weapon_sawnoffshotgun Hash: 0x7846A318 Name: Sweeper Shotgun ID: … Only one thing pumps more action than a pump action: watch out, the recoil is almost as deadly as the shot. Damage. level 1. 1.0. Obtained by upgrading the regular version of the weapon to the MK II variant at the Weapon Workshop (inside the Mobile Operations Center or the Avenger). Carbine … While obscured in Grand Theft Auto Advance, the shotgun icon for GTA III was reused for Advance, implying the shotgun in GTA Advance is similar to that of GTA III. SMG mk2 is fun for certain cars and missions. report. 2 years ago. Grand Theft Auto Online [DLC] [EV] This article or section refers to "enhanced version" content in the, GTA Online: Executives and Other Criminals, Special/Collector's Edition and Pre-Order Bonus. Assault shotgun or pump mk2. This allows the Pump Shotgun to consistently yield one-shot kills via headshots against players using bulletproof helmets. 10.00. Similar Weapon(s) Leeric. Range. However, its true strength is that it has access to specialized ammo. Price Miscellaneous Information Mar 21, 2019 @ 8:31pm Originally posted by Catarina: HEavy sniper mk2 is good with regular ammo. GTA Online ; wow, didn't know Pump Shotgun Mk2 is so powerful (video) GTAForums does NOT endorse or allow any kind of GTA Online modding, mod menus, tools or account selling/hacking. Explosive Slug shells, which are equivalent to those of the, The Pump Shotgun Mk II is manufactured by. Reticle We will only notify you about major updates. WEAPON Highly recommend at least switching the scope to the provided one in black (MK2 medium scope) Install path … Share Followers 0. By becoming a VIP Member, you support our work and allow us to create even more amazing features and content for you. Additional changes over the base version are a rounded trigger guard and a FAB Defense AG-43 ergonomic pistol grip, as well as different iron sights. It can also equip a Muzzle Brake to slightly reduce recoil, as well as reducing pellet spread, slightly increasing the weapon's effective range at the expense of the probability of hitting a target at close range. Population Information The Pump Shotgun Mk II slightly improves over the regular Pump Shotgun in damage (from 29 to 32) with a -50% malus against vehicles like every buckshot-shooting shotgun, with the same rate of fire and still firing 8 pellets. Steel Buckshot (armor-piercing) shells which increases damage over armored targets. Shotgun… You can help by adding some relevant images or discussing changes on the talk page.Please remove this template when images are added. $82,500 (Conversion at Weapon Workshop) GTA V & GTA Online Weapons Database & Statistics. GTA 5 Cheats Melee Handgun SMG PDW Shotgun Assault Rifle Sniper Rifle Heavy Thrown Weapon Texture Sound Config Since: All Time Yesterday Last Week Last Month All Time Sort by: Latest Versions Latest Versions Latest Uploads Most Liked Most Downloaded Highest Rated Shotgun; Assault Rifle; Weapon Texture; Config; 4.5 3,316 18 HK+Remington 870 Royal Thai Armed. Weapon Statistics. Austrian Weapon type 20% Upvoted. Select one of the following categories to start browsing the latest GTA 5 PC mods: pump shotgun mk2 with explosive round heavy revolver mk2 with incendiary rounds smg mk2 FMJ #8. best. Manufacturer Copyright ©2021 GTABase.com. Sort by. Overall, the weapon remains weak compared to the Assault Shotgun, that shoots pellets of the same power, and despite shooting only 6 per shot, the weapon shoots 3 times faster. Spawns on the map? Weapon caliber(s) Comes with a few MK2 parts as optionals. Assault shotgun or pump mk2. Bienvenue sur GTA5-Mods.com. Just a very simple edit to the Vanilla Carbine Rifle, adding a proper buffer tube and collapsible stock from the vanilla pump shotgun. By marko_1555. 20.00. Removes the ugly IRL ACE stock pretending to be a crane stock and switched to the lorified MOE stock.