Can you play GTA 5 on Huawei MateBook D15 laptop? i have been using amd 15.7 drivers from dell and 2 days before,i installed 15.8 driver from amd centre and game starts to stutter within 5 minutes of gameplay and it gets worse and other games(gta 4,hitman absolution) also started to crash!!!! Turns out it was the AMD Driver causing the trouble, so after hours of searching I have found a solution for this, and surprisingly it erases all the lag not only from GTA V, but for all the games that you have set to be using the AMD gpu (like Watch_Dogs). Just wanted to share a rather easy fix for the stuttering in GTA 5 on PC. I have been trying to deal with stuttering in GTA 5 for 2 years now and have only JUST recently got it down to just a micro stutter. More. I can still play fallout on ultra settings no problem. Can you play GTA 5 on Huawei MateBook D15 … After 10-15min of playing gta v, it started stuttering like crazy making game horrible to play. Weird thing is, the game ran fine with a GTX 970 on high ultra on a AMD FX 8350 4.0GHz. I set up a page file with a specific range (400 - 12000) and adjusted many different settings in Nvidia control panel, but the stuttering is still there. I play myself on an AMD A10 9700 with iGPU without stuttering. After an update came out for the game, I had to remove the mods as scripthook v wasn't updated; it continued to play flawlessly. Home. What do monitoring tools indicate - is some component pegged at 100%? 6 months ago. Thanks for the help though. Method 2: UnPack CPU Core to Fix GTA 5 Stutter. ikt MODERATOR. Ashes of the Singularity, Battlefield & GTA V Results Page 1: Meet Polaris 10 Page 2: The Display Controller, UVD, VCE & WattMan Page 3: The Radeon RX 480, Its Cooler & AMD… HDD Space: 65GB. Most users now play GTA V in multiplayer mode because of the number of mods and levels available for it. Thanks again for the help. All cores will be used to the full, but this will make your laptop or desktop/Pc heat up fast, but improves gaming performance and GTA 5 Stutter, this is great news, isn’t it? Archived. Hi . This website uses cookies. ! Lowering the grass setting got rid of the stutter for me. All rights reserved. After an update came out for the game, I had to remove the mods as scripthook v wasn't updated; it continued to play flawlessly. I'm encountering rather bad stutter, where the game freezes for a few seconds before continuing. get rid of gta 5 stuttering in windows 10 Fix Lags/Stuttering in GTA V in Windows 10. No matter what I've tried I cannot get Gta to straighten out so I can play. Quit the game, then try the next number up in the sequence. It could be storage related, since you indicate high average frame rates but occasional hiccups. Denn ich habe schon viel Unfug gelesen, meine sämtlichen Grafikoptionen nach erhältlichen Guides angepasst und GTA 5 sah dabei immer schlechter und schlechter aus. I can't say it happens with a specific pattern but I noticed it is worse when in Michael house. Notify me about new: Guides. 12. By clicking OK, you consent to the use of cookies. Yes, you can play GTA V with it. Posted by. I'm also getting a strange split second pause every 10 seconds or so. Its actually more noticeable then before the upgrade and clean install. I set up a page file with a specific range (400 - 12000) and adjusted many different settings in Nvidia control panel, but the stuttering is still there. Hello everyone, ... A subreddit dedicated to Advanced Micro Devices and its products. It will lag worse and worse until your game finally crashes. Add this game to my: Favorites. hello friends, i have been playing gta 5 for around 2 months without any problem. I'm going to do a clean install in a few and once I'm done downloading 60 gbs I'll update again. arabellaSloppy. DVD Drive. Last couple of days i downloaded gta v in the epic games store. i7 4770K | R9 290. Therefore it needs a heavy duty graphics adapter that can augment its requirements in order to achieve a smooth frame rate throughout … Processor: Intel Core i5 3470 @ 3.2GHZ (4 CPUs) / AMD X8 FX-8350 @ 4GHZ (8 CPUs) Memory: 8GB. Replies. Grand Theft Auto V. Image 1 of 5. AMD Ryzen 5 2600 6-core 3.4Ghz AMD RX470 4GB Corsair Vengeance LPX -2x8gb 3200Mhz. B. ar. GTA V is a highly addicted open world game. [AMD+INTEL] HOW TO RUN GTA V AND FIX STUTTERING. TL;DR - to fix GTA IV stutters if your GPU supports Vulkan try DXVK method, if it doesn't then go to 4-step DxWrapper method (should help in all other cases), if you are still not satisfied with gameplay then you may have to read the rest of the article and/or downgrade to version The value you use will be different than anyone else based on your hardware setup, video driver, and personal tolerance for texture popping/stuttering. Finally, I’ve found some tricks which help to fix stutter problem, According to the users, “GTA V was stuttering while playing the game or GTA V stuttering while driving at 60FPS”. But unplayable stuttering with a GTX 970 on a i7 4970k 4.0 GHz both liquid cooled. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. I rolled the driver back to 15.11.1 and that worked after some tweaking with the game settings, until yesterday. GTA V stutter after newest update and downloading Crimson 15.11 Specs: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPUS @ 3.60 GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.6 GHz. 8192mb RAM. Guarna: R5 1600, Asrock Taichi, AMD Fury Nitro (Heating space since '15), 16 GB Samsung DDR4 2666 (3000mhz OC) Green PCB ugly stuff. If a PS3 is graphic and it will not run smoothly all the time. ... One artifact that these charts don’t entirely capture is an intermittent stutter suffered by AMD’s cards. © Valve Corporation. If Win10, have you disabled Windows from applying updates automatically? last edited by . GTA 5 PC Low FPS/Stuttering, some users are complaining about low FPS, 30-50 fps on Maximum Settings and for others the FPS just drops very low sometimes. How to Fix Stuttering in GTA V after playing for some time Written by: yiannis2000 - 20:52 Apr-27-2015 A lot of people have been facing this problem so I decided to help. Recently (within the week) I get massive frame drops and cannot play. Learn how to speed up internet connection, reduce Input delay and Spikes Fix, how to optimize and increase performance Your Gaming components. (either +20 or +50 depending on the card). Here is more info on my PC Processor: AMD E2-1800 APU with Radeon HD Graphics 1.70 Installed Memory (Ram): 4.00 GB (3.60 GB usable) I … By Steve Burke Published July 06, 2016 at 5:12 am Hardware We've already had hands-on experience testing AMD's new 16.7.1 driver update, following the 16.6.2 release with the RX 480 cards. If I go outside it happens at random times but sometimes I can play without stuttering for 20 minutes or I can happen much more often. If I try to end the launcher task cpu usage goes down to around 67% but once I go back to the game it freezes. Questions. Thanks for the quick reply kingfish, I'm on windows 10, do you mean Windows updates or the driver updates? Yeah, GTA V is more demanding than BF4, I can get constant 60 fps no problem at stock settings in BF4 at 4k ultra. I played GTA V with no fram drop at 60fps settings moderately on high at 1080p. It is not low fps it is Stuttering every 6-7 seconds . From the looks of it games can vary.. Massive Stuttering GTA V I used to be able to play GTA V no problem loaded with mods at 60 fps. High/Very High settings. I would call it stuttering over "performance issues." Guarna: R5 1600, Asrock Taichi, AMD Fury Nitro (Heating space since '15), 16 GB Samsung DDR4 2666 (3000mhz OC) Green PCB ugly stuff. I have a Windows 8 64bit Laptop with AMD and I updated the drivers and its still there. It looks promising and does sound like what's possibly causing my problem. Stuttering in and out of game (AMD 3900X and 2080 TI) by Neo_legend1 Sep 12, 2019 6:19AM PDT Every 30 seconds - 1 minute, i get a micro stutter … GTA V is optimized like a pig on some and runs like glossed butter on others. This is happening after some time of play,not in beggining. How to Fix Stuttering in GTA V after playing for some time. There's no way I can average 60fps+ in this game and it's noticeably this stuttery. Q&A. I tried lowering graphics, turning v-sync off ingame and turning it on AMD control, i am not overclocking anything. I recently moved from my ACER V5 i7 2.0ghz with 8gb ram, 4gb GTX 850M with a 512 SSD. It has an AMD Ryzen 5 3500U, a Vega 8 integrated graphics card, 256GB SSD and 8GB Ram. I'm going to to do some more testing as well. After changing the above though, I am still unable to play even if my settings are on normal I'm still getting frame drops. I'll keep you updated, I would also increase the TDR > Graphics driver stopped responding and has recovered....TDR fix, Ok....check this out > AMD graphics performance. Many users are facing some problems, one of them is notorious lagging/stuttering problem.It will lag worse and worse until your game finally crashes.. GTA 5 System Requirements I don't understand the power limit though. arabellaSloppy. January 7, 2017 October 23, ... GTA V is a highly hardware intensive application which not only burdens the CPU, ... AMD… Image 2 of 5. Yesterday I received the MOM.implementation error and GTA would crash if I tried to play it. Prior to the Ryzen launch, we discovered an issue with GTA V testing that would cause high-speed CPUs of a particular variety to stutter when achieving high framerates. GTA V is a highly addicted open world game. All cores will be used to the full, but this will make your laptop or desktop/Pc heat up fast, but improves gaming performance and GTA 5 Stutter, this is great news, isn’t it? My system don't mesh too well with GTA V either. Syriahoe. GTA 5 … Do you have your Power Limit set to it's max + value? Can you play GTA 5 on Huawei MateBook D15 laptop? Right now my GPU is OC'ed to 1200MHz and I still get 45-50 fps average, but in some places like the mountains/lots of grass areas I get down to 25-30 in GTA V. Maybe even intel. Recently (within the week) I get massive frame drops and cannot play. (Memory Leak FIX) When it comes to bug free gaming on PC Rockstar Games have always let us down, that includes the latest Grand Theft Auto V. Lots of people have been facing problems playing the game and some have had trouble even launching the game. Specs: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 6-core 3.4Ghz AMD RX470 4GB Restart the Steam and GTA 5 game to see better fps and performance. 5.0 / 5 stars (1 vote) It will really help if you are using intel graphics card.There is a read me file in the folder.So go and check it out to get help with the installation.In my Grand Theft Auto 5 I have no lag and dont forget to hit the like button if it work. I had watched Youtube videos about this combo and they never experienced this kind of stuttering. Today I upgraded my driver to 16.3.2 (the latest) and the game no longer crashes and the error message is gone but the stutter is back. AMD crap. Using latest Nvidia win 10 drivers. My Acer nitro 5 ( AN515-43 ) the ryzen 5 3550H and rx 560x is lagging so much while gaming making almost every game unplayable even gta V in 1600×900 res and normal + high graphics settings stutters . Last couple of days i downloaded gta v in the epic games store. Not sure if it is Nvidia or intel? My system don't mesh too well with GTA V either. One in which I'll teach you how to run this game on AMD gpus instead of Intel, and the second one about how you can maximize the performance of your AMD GPU. It's more of a "consistent" fps drop/lag than it is "sometimes happens." If you are facing stuttering issues in GTA 5 … It was replaced by GTA 6, but as it became a huge hit among users, most people still play GTA V instead of the latest version. This includes: CPUs - AMD Ryzen, ThreadRipper, Epyc and of course the FX & Athlon lines as well. I set up a page file with a specific range (400 - 12000) and adjusted many different settings in Nvidia control panel, but the stuttering is still there. Along with a lot of bugs. GTA 5 Lag Spikes. Close. Never had this problem on my Gtx 1080. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. 6 months ago. When I installed the crimson 15.11.1, I elected to not automatically update the driver, but once I received the MOM.implementation error I had to update to run the game. Albeit, it is a huge improvement, but it's still there. This topic has been deleted. Does anyone know of a fix? Wish List. Sy. Play Queue. Board. Now Playing. It has an AMD Ryzen 5 3500U, a Vega 8 integrated graphics card, 256GB SSD and 8GB Ram . rest of specs: Win 8 64 bit 32GB RAM Creative sound blaster z To me it seems like a memory leak or maybe the latest Nvidia driver, and the optimizer version for GTA V PC. Diablo 3: Performance problems in multi. I am getting terrible stuttering every few sec in GTA V. Framerate not dropping ( gpu load 99% ) but that mini freezing stuttering make me feel that i have 30 fps. It was released in 2014 and has become one of the most popular console games. We’ve somehow explained how this works on a single article, you can read about CPU Core packing and unpacking for windows. Good day sir, I have a problem with stuttering in a game named Crossfire, my pc spec are i7 3.60 Ghz, 16 gb ram, Nvidia gtx 1060, my ping is around 20, but the game makes stuttering and the fps sometimes drops from 200 at 180…., I play other games like call of duty mw, gta 5, battlefield 1,5,and they run very well, I hope you can help me cuz are 3 years that I try to risolve this problem. Watch Dogs: lower resolution, spare graphics compared to GTA, does run better though. 15.6 stuttering in GTA V. Discussion. Reply Quote 0. What OS? Certain games for me have always been very smooth.. GTA 5, destiny 2, for honor, warzone, black ops 3, metal gear solid 5, grid 2, the witcher 3 Still stuttering. Apr 18, 2015 @ 3:43am Amd Stuttering fix! I am getting over 60fps on GTA V, sometimes it dips to mid to high 40s BUT I am also on a G-Sync monitor. I have also done all of the "performance" tweeks. GTA V PC STUTTERING/ LAG FIX!!! Also, after a while of playing, this has started … Cheats. Coming to the ASUS I anticipated no hold ups whatso ever; but, when I installed GTA V there are definate hesitations. Grand Theft Auto V. All Discussions ... (like me) experienced massive fps drops and stuttering while driving. … Finally, Rockstar Games released GTA 5 for PC, on 14 April 2015. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Freezing and Stuttering/Lag at Random Times. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). “So I meet the recommended specs for Grand Theft Auto V, I’m not sure if it’s a bug or its just my computer, but I asked around and people say they have the same issue. Grand Theft Auto V's microtransactions apply only to the game's multiplayer portion, ... Stuttering when wanted ... AMD Phenom X4 9850 2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4 GHz: AMD FX-8350 4.0 GHz Intel Core i5-3470 3.2 GHz: System memory (RAM) GTA V keeps on stuttering? I've been experiencing some freezes/crashes in my modded GTA and I cannot figure out what's causing it. I set up a page file with a specific range (400 - 12000) and adjusted many different settings in Nvidia control panel, but the stuttering is still there. Written by: yiannis2000 - 20:52 Apr-27-2015. Rolled back to 15.4 to and the game ran silky smooth. Time to time gamers are found reporting various GTA 5 bugs and errors like GTA 5 not launching Windows 10, Grand Theft Auto 5 has stopped working, GTA 5 not starting Windows 10, GTA 5 crash and many others. Since I dowbloaded the game I am experiencing super noticiable lags ang stuttering even on the lowest resolutions. I5 2320 8gb 1tb hdd gtx 960 2gb . I used to be able to play GTA V no problem loaded with mods at 60 fps. Grand Theft Auto V video games users having the stuttering problem while playing a game on computers. I was getting very bad stuttering while driving. Albeit, it is a huge improvement, but it's still there. Move the Power Limit slider all the way to the right >. Albeit, it is a huge improvement, but it's still there. Not sure if it is Nvidia or intel? Learn To increase FPS in almost every Game, also game guides to increase Fps in PUBG, DOTA 2, Valorant, GTA 5 and many More! Click on the Properties and under General tab click on Set Launch Options. Grand Theft Auto V. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Grand Theft Auto V > General Discussions > Topic Details. Fortunately the gamers all around the world helped us fix most of the problems regarding the … Video Card: NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB / AMD HD7870 2GB. GTA V Stuttering At The Start With 390X. Open the Steam and Right-click on the GTA 5 icon in game library. So, read the article with apt attention to fix GTA 5 PC game errors. Continue raising the number until you see stuttering again, and then go back to the number prior to seeing any stuttering. GTA 5 Steam Launch Commands for Low-End PC: I ran the game on my tv and used my monitor for task manager and my cpu is being maxed out. I set up a page file with a specific range (400 - 12000) and adjusted many different settings in Nvidia control panel, but the stuttering is still there. The ULPS hasn't been looked at I'll do that asap, possibly tonight maybe tomorrow. PLEASE HELP ME! 15.6 stuttering in GTA V. Discussion. GTA V is optimized like a pig on some and runs like glossed butter on others. It was released in 2014 and has become one of the most popular console games. Sometimes it happens once, sometimes it happens in bursts. This guide will contain 2 parts. I have my amd drivers and windows up to date. I have changed the ULPS as instructed and also the tdr. I have been trying to deal with stuttering in GTA 5 for 2 years now and have only JUST recently got it down to just a micro stutter. You will need to enter the below commands and click on OK to save the launch options. 15. AMD Radeon R9 290. Clean install windows 10 and gta 5. After a year or so. Weird thing is, the game ran fine with a GTX 970 on high ultra on a AMD FX 8350 4.0GHz. I currently have an i3-6100, 6 GB of DDR3 ram, and a GTX 1050ti SC. rest of specs: Win 8 64 bit 32GB RAM Creative sound blaster z To me it seems like a memory leak or maybe the latest Nvidia driver, and the optimizer version for GTA V PC. I gave this console a chance! I made sure that my rx560x dedicated graphics card is being used and not the Vega 8 . Second Son: when approaching some bases, it stutter severe. Does it also happen when staying in one place/area? Since I dowbloaded the game I am experiencing super noticiable lags ang stuttering even on the lowest resolutions. Along with a lot of bugs. Manhandler. I recently upgraded from my Asus ROG laptop to a custom build PC but I have this issue with stuttering in GTA 5. I am getting massive stuttering while driving, and its really frustrating me. Guides. Replies. I have an i5 6500 3.2 ghz cpu, don't crucify me for having intel lol, a power cooler radeon r9 380 4gb gpu and 2 tb 7200 rpm hdd. I HOPE they will fix these things. January 7, 2017 October 23, ... GTA V is a highly hardware intensive application which not only burdens the CPU, but it also makes sure it occupies the GPU big time. I have been trying to deal with stuttering in GTA 5 for 2 years now and have only JUST recently got it down to just a micro stutter. I have noticed that the launcher stays open even after the game is launched And it's using about 25-30% of my cpu. Albeit, it is a huge improvement, but it's still there. Method 2: UnPack CPU Core to Fix GTA 5 Stutter. So I was getting some pretty bad stuttering driving around GTA V with 15.6 that I never experienced before. Tomb Raider: stutter due to fps unlocked, can't keep 60. Reply Quote 1. I am a Proud owner of this ASUS G751JY-DB72 with 24gb ram GTX980m bios 208 256 M2 and a 512 SSD. My laptop specs: 4gb ram 1tb hdd Ryzen 5 3550h Rx560x ar. PlayStation 3 PlayStation 4 PlayStation 5 Xbox 360 Xbox Series X Xbox One. Graphics driver stopped responding and has recovered....TDR fix. P series; Mate series; Y series; Nova series; Honor series; GTA 5 on Huawei Matebook D15? A lot of people have been facing this problem so I decided to help. My RAM is dual channel, for those who are wondering. I didn't see anything about how to check it or change it. I have been trying to deal with stuttering in GTA 5 for 2 years now and have only JUST recently got it down to just a micro stutter. Just posting this here as this thread is the first google search result for "GTA V Stutter" I'm running the game on a very low end Seagate desktop hard drive and the game now runs without a hitch with everything except grass and textures set to very high (GTX670). fix gta v stuttering in windows 10 Fix Lags/Stuttering in GTA V in Windows 10. Many users are facing some problems, one of them is notorious lagging/stuttering problem. Ive tried a lot of fixes my searching online also. And it just don't cut it. Den GTA V Stuttering FIX PC habe ich bei Youtube entdeckt und zwar im Kanal von xMartyyy – Vielen Dank an dieser Stelle auch an cameltotem, von dem diese Anleitung bei reddit gepostet wurde. I get 60-100 fps everywhere in the game but at random points it will suddenly drop to like 5 for a second or two and then go back up to normal. My laptop specs: 4gb ram 1tb hdd Ryzen 5 3550h Rx560x But unplayable stuttering with a GTX 970 on a i7 4970k 4.0 GHz both liquid cooled. Very occasional stutter. Sound Card: 100% DirectX 10 compatible. Finally, Rockstar Games released GTA 5 for PC, on 14 April 2015.After a year or so. Most users now play GTA V in multiplayer mode because of the number of mods and levels available for it. I have been trying to deal with stuttering in GTA 5 for 2 years now and have only JUST recently got it down to just a micro stutter. 5 years ago. Also, you can now run the game with DX11, since you are using High Performance (the AMD gpu). It was replaced by GTA 6, but as it became a huge hit among users, most people still play GTA V instead of the latest version.