Factorio Plus Plus. Align undeground pipes to usual main bus layout: 12 tiles instead of 11. Factorio ist ein Aufbauspiel, in dem es darum geht, Ressourcen abzubauen, Gegenstände und Gebäude herzustellen, Fabrikationsanlagen zu planen und zu bauen, die Produktion zu automatisieren und sich gegen angreifende Monster zu verteidigen. If you partition it during the initial construction to only have 4 lines of iron then thats a harsh limit. Am Anfang wirst du feststellen, dass du selbst Bäume fällen, Erze abbauen, mechanische Greifarme herstellen und Fließbänder transportieren musst. This page was last edited on 11 December 2020, at 18:21. Factorio befindet sich derzeit in der Entwicklung. Im in the process of creating a main bus line and am at a point where i need to decide how much space i need to leave for new tracks carrying items beside the obvious ones like steel, iron and copper plates and the liquids. If you place an output belt facing away from your main bus and select it, a gui element will appear in the left which can be used to select which item to pull off the main bus. You use some patter and have "fun" implementing it. Factorio ist ein Aufbauspiel, in dem es darum geht, Ressourcen abzubauen, Gegenstände und Gebäude herzustellen, Fabrikationsanlagen zu planen und zu bauen, die Produktion zu automatisieren und sich gegen angreifende Monster zu verteidigen.. Im Vergleich zu den Survival-Aufbauspielen, die als Inspiration dienten (s.h. Die kompletten Änderungen können in englischer Sprache im Changelog gefunden werden. And I treat design for main bus in factorio as a design pattern in programming. I did use a big main bus setup (about 30 belts wide, grouped into 4 belts each) The setup I built was : mining starting resources below the main bus setup and melting of copper plates, 4 lanes iron plates,4 lanes, glass plates,1 lane Rare metals bars, 2 lanes and steel plates 2 lanes, Wood, 1 lane, all below the start of the main bus. on the main bus, only build assembly lines on one side of the bus, so that you can also expand the bus to the other direction View Entire Discussion (34 Comments) More posts from the factorio … Factorio is an awesome game in which you are allowed to build up your factory empire. Join the Krastorio 2 discord for much more conversation and an easier format to continue to ask questions than reddit! I'm going main bus until bots. Wer direkt über Factorio.com kauft, erhält eine DRM-freie Version (inkl. - Castles, Throne Rooms, Decorations (comfortable living in the Factorio World) - Main Bus Concepts - Modular Systems, Factory Streets, show how all works together - Megabases Please provide us with blueprints or saves, if that makes sense of course. Is this common? I'm programmer. Initial Main Bus - Quick Start by DellAquila An initial Bus that you can put on beginning of your factory that generates: 1 belt of coal, 1 belt of stone, 4 belts of iron ore, 4 belts of copper ore and a little energy until it explodes (or forever). Most of the factories I have made so far have 10 furnaces producing steel, and the steel consummers stay right there in that area. Since in 0.16 belts are very well optimized, I decided to give it a try, challenge 2.4k spm and see how well it performs. Inspiration for this experiment came from Mojo’s 1.6k spm in 0.15. If you want to get away from spaghetti designs, building a Main Bus will allow you to reach a vast throughput of materials through your factory. Follow this user to see when they post new Steam Guides, create new Collections, or post items in the Steam Workshop. … Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). It allows you to build without having to plan out all the details of your base, you just need to have a rough idea ofthe size of your bus. A Main Bus is the factory design which is widely used because it is flexible and easy to use. Welcome to my Factorio Tutorial series where I'll be trying to teach you guys everything I know about Factorio. Es ist außerdem eine Demo-Version verfügbar. A main bus is even viable for a megabase (I have done it) but it's not the most practical. What items do you have in your main bus? © Valve Corporation. Or is it too much overhead for steel? Geschichte) liegt bei Factorio der Schwerpunkt … The area quickly becomes very crowded and a mess of belts and pipes. 100% throughput under full load. Factorio is a game in which you build and maintain factories. Let me present you a 0.16 2.4k spm main bus experiment. Das Spiel kann auf der offiziellen Website, bei Steam Early Access, GOG und im Humble Store gekauft werden. Constructing a Main Bus is one of the most interesting activities in Factorio game. Willkommen im offiziellen Factorio Wiki, die offizielle Quelle für Informationen über Factorio™. a month ago 0 .15 - 1.1 ... pipe to ground, pump, offshore pump, heat pipe. A well-designed Main Bus can help you build a neat and efficient factory that is able to supply all the products you need. :D Zum testen gibt es auch eine Demo Version. Any arbitrary amount of input belts should be able to go to any arbitrary amount of output belts. Especially, we will introduce to you an important problem relating to the Main Bus. Im Vergleich zu den Survival-Aufbauspielen, die als Inspiration dienten (s.h. To be throughput unlimited, a balancer must fulfil the following conditions: . And then only bussing the high utilization resources like the plates and plastic and whatnot. Über den Humble Store sind für Factorio ausschließlich Steam-Keys erhältlich. Main bus design would be just to have some starting point. Factorio is a game in which you build and maintain factories. If you are a beginner to Factorio, or need more generalized help, please see my Factorio Guide here: Leider muss man Factorio kaufen, aber dafür lohnt es sich. Several belts of iron plates, usually a multiple … What items one puts on a bus is personal preference.Some items are a good candidate to be built "on-site" meaning not carried by the bus but rather made where they are needed.A good example for this are copper cablesas they consume more space on a belt than in form of copper plates. Geschichte) liegt bei Factorio der Schwerpunkt besonders auf Automatisierung und Aufbau einer Transport- und Produktionsinfrastruktur. Factorio Plus Plus ist eine Mod, die neue Inhalte ins Spiel bringt. Contribute to tristanstraub/busmaker development by creating an account on GitHub. This mod is just a bit of a helper mod to make pulling items off a main bus a little bit easier. Sie haben also gerade Factorio entdeckt, das Tutorial durchgespielt und haben keine Idee was Sie machen sollen? ), https://wiki.factorio.com/index.php?title=Main_Page/de&oldid=183927. 39 aktive Editoren (von 3,620 registrierten) unterhalten im Moment 3,470 Artikel und 1,199 Bilder. Also, as to the quantity of main bus lines, that is dependent on how big your factory is. 4 fully compressed lines of green circuits isn't enough, never mind 3. Du wirst Ressourcen abbauen, Technologien erforschen, eine Infrastruktur aufbauen, die Produktion automatisieren und Feinde bekämpfen. In the beginning you will find yourself chopping trees, mining ores and crafting mechanical arms and transport belts by hand, but in short time you can become an industrial powerhouse, with huge … In programming design pattern is not something you invent from zero. Factorio main bus blueprint generator. All rights reserved. I am considering put steel on the main buss so I can use it anywhere. Menu simulation, Spidertron, Ghost building, Confirm button, Liste mit häufigen Begriffen aus dem Spiel und von der Community (engl. Initial Main Bus - Quick Start by DellAquila An initial Bus that you can put on beginning of your factory that generates: 1 belt of coal, 1 belt of stone, 4 belts of iron ore, 4 belts of copper ore and a little energy until it explodes (or forever). Factorio ist ein Spiel, in dem du eine Fabrik baust und pflegst. Mehr erfahren. Factorio Plus … Blank blueprints can be crafted by clicking the 'new blueprint' button in the blueprints dialog, or the ( ) button in the shortcut bar.This dialog is opened by pressing B or clicking the blueprint icon above the mini-map.The blank blueprint can now be used to 'copy' a set of buildings.For example, copying this small laser defense setup: You will be mining resources, researching technologies, building infrastructure, automating production and fighting enemies. If you want to get away from spaghetti designs, building a Main Bus will allow you to reach a vast throughput of materials through your factory. Use your imagination to design your factory, combine simple elements into ingenious structures, apply management skills to keep it working, and protect it from the creatures who don't really … Factorio is a famous building game that gives you a chance to build up your new world using many various useful components. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Anders als viele andere Mods dieser Sorte werden hier allerdings keine Basis-Rezepte oder Gebäude verändert sondern nur Neues hinzugefügt. Nur mit den dort zu findenden Ressourcen umgeben, ist die einzige Chance zu überleben, eigene automatisierte Maschinen und Fabriken zu bauen um die nötige Ausrüstung und Verteidigung herzustellen, um überleben zu können. With this Main Bus, you are enabled to get to a huge amount of materials via your factory. A dirty fix to this problem is to inject fresh items back into the bus, somewhere in … A Main Bus is one of the most widely-used factory designs among Factorians for its flexibility and ease-of-use. Show items tagged with all of the selected terms: (v1.0) Lazy Bastard Achievement Guide - Hand Crafting Challenge, Craft no More than 111 Items. This guide covers the complete set up of a Main Bus system, from products to adding to the bus, pulling from... Factorio: Observations, Tips, Tricks, & Efficiency. I migrated away from the main bus because of problems of throughput and expandability. Balancers that are throughput limited may not be able to provide maximum output if one or more outputs are blocked. Factorio version: 0.17 Downloaded: 144 times. However, you can get some troubles if you don’t know how to manage everything. Well designed Blueprints for every part of an unmodded playthrough? Lassen Sie uns versuchen, Ihnen das Spiel etwas näher zu bringen. You will be mining resources, researching technologies, building infrastructure, automating production, and fighting enemies. Kein Problem. A main bus is viable option for the entire game for most players ie early game -> rocket launch. As to your max, 24 line Main Bus recommendation, it's WAY low in terms of materials. Redesigned from Rseding91's mod for new factorio versions. Neben der effizienten Planung und Versorgung mit Ressourcen deiner Fabrikkomplexe wirst du dich selbst und deine Maschinen vor den aggressiven Kreaturen schützen müssen, welche nichts anderes im Sinn haben, als Zerstörung und dich zu töten. In this Factorio Tutorial I cover the Main Bus or Production Bus concept. Copper cables should ALWAYS be made locally because of the ratio difference, as been suggested above. Factorio: How to Build a Main Bus by KatherineOfSky. einem Key zur … Der Spieler ist Überlebender einer schiefgelaufenen Mission zur Kolonialisierung eines fremden Planeten und befindet sich als einziger Mensch auf dessen Oberfläche. Here are some things people have put on their bus in the past: 1.