Here we will handle the animate in and animate out functions for the graphic. This will add some frothy milk to the cup using a thick, semi-opaque line with rounded tips: The element draws a line connecting two points. To keep things simple, you’ll write all of your markup, CSS, and JavaScript in this same file. Define the path using an SVG or an Array of points. SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) uses XML markup to help render things into the browser. Snag GSAP on github or download it from This example shows what I would like to do. Now replace the alert() line with three new lines: Click the portafilter to move it into position above the cup. Unfortunately that code is built on top of the Paper.js library. In addition to the attributes for setting the x, y, width, and height values, there are rx and ry attributes for making the corners round. It animates anything JavaScript can touch (CSS properties, canvas library objects, SVG, React, Vue, generic objects, whatever) and it solves countless browser inconsistencies, all with blazing speed (up to 20x faster than jQuery), including automatic GPU-acceleration of transforms. C335 310, 335 230, 335 230 The final result is a three-step, interactive animation (Figure 1). The visual result is exactly the same as the first version. Now that we have our dynamic width, we can animate the graphic in! Depending on what you wish to accomplish, you may elect one approach over the other, or a blend. You added GSAP animations to the SVG using JavaScript. The width and height attributes of the tag define the dimensions of the graphic, like they do for GIF, JPG, or PNG image. After adding several attributes, I append the line element to the SVG (using an appendChild() method). VIEW DEMO →. In part 1 of this post, I covered how to trace a cursive font with the pencil tool in Adobe Illustrator to create an animated writing effect. I'm trying to create a wave effect with GSAP library and SVG. The document.getElementById() accepts a single argument: the id of the element you want to address; in this case, it’s portafilter. Let's reorder the, function and change some values to get out, /* The same vas the animateIn function */, The animate out value's are the values used for the. The animate out value's are the values used for the set function in the animation in. Currently you pass an array of coordinates in GSAP. Let's reorder the animateIn function and change some values to get out animateOut function. C465 230, 465 310, 400 310 These are notes from a course by Sarah Drasner called “SVG Essentials & Animation” The original course was released January 14, 2019. The M command moves the ‘pen’ to the starting coordinates (335 230); the L command draws a straight line from the starting coordinates to (465 230). A clipping path is a vector shape used to cut out a 2D image, a bit like a stencil. First we want to make sure the graphic is in the correct state. I have been working on a tool that allows to animate the SVG path strokes in a configurable way. Today we'll briefly explore some new GSAP features, and then go further and create a responsive complex animation from start to finish. In short we will animate Ihatetomatoes logo to look exactly like my YouTube introduction clip. I’m not going to explain GSAP’s API here (see the getting started article for that), but I’ll offer a few SVG-related tips. You’ll click different parts of the espresso machine to trigger animations. If it is, we can call animateIn and increment the state to 2. Hop into your vector software and create any path of your choosing. functions. For a challenge, see if you can add a stream of coffee, from the portafilter to the cup, while the cup is filling up. SMIL motion along a path will probably continue to be unsupported in IE, but support for this feature will move into CSS. You can add SVG images to web-pages in various ways; for this task, you’ll use inline SVG—that is: writing the SVG code in a pair of tags, among the HTML. Tips for animating SVG with GSAP. The width and height attributes are for the rectangle’s width and height, respectively. The second C command draws a curve to (335 230)—the control points are (335 310) and (335 230), respectively. 130,205 First we want to make sure the graphic is in the correct state. Let's start with an example. The points at each of the line end are defined using x1, y1, x2, and y2 attributes, which I’ve set using the setAttribute() method. Well, we have to learn to walk before we can run. + = 'default'; MDN documentation on adding SVGs to web-pages,,, This will be used as a clip path. There are no more steel elements to add to the espresso machine. There are many ways to animate SVG elements—natively (CSS, rAF, WAAPI, VanillaJS) and using JavaScript libraries (like Anime, Mo, and p5). In this tutorial, you used different SVG tags to draw rectangles, ellipses, and paths. This means the value used for strokeDasharray and strokeDashoffset will very based on the .graphic element's size. In order to animate SVGs in Framer with GSAP, they need to be “inline” which means placing the SVG code within the Framer code. You’ll need some open paths with a stroke to make this work. We could get the width of the .graphic element in our animateIn function, but to make it more versatile, we are going to write a separate function that can be used in a variety of situations. The function getComputedStyle takes one argument and that is a DOM element. It would be very distracting and annoying to use on a site with some nearby content. This means that the image will display no larger than 800px wide, although it can scale down if necessary. You use the createElement() method to create new HTML elements using JavaScript. To change the red button to green after the portafilter tween is complete, you’ll use a callback function. Next, you’ll draw the espresso machine using different SVG shapes with varied strokes and fills. You have the GSAP library linked in the of your HTML, and an empty pair of