For Dark Souls III on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled " do you leave the mound makers area? DS3 … Finding the Mound-makers Covenant. 42.79%. White soapstone is my favourite way to play this covenant, so I'll start with that. Location: Undead Settlement From the ‘Undead Settlement’ Bonfire, head … Bloodlust is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. < > Showing 1-15 of 21 comments . A lot of people think mound makers is a silly covenant, but its easily my favourite covenant. Who summons purple phantoms? Covenant: Mound-makers is an achievement in Dark Souls III. Creates a gentle flame that restores HP on touch. It is worth 15 points and can be received for: Discover Mound-makers covenant. cautr. Vertebra Shackle is a Multiplayer Item in Dark Souls 3. Mallix. The Mound Makers are a new covenant introduced in Dark Souls III. ". Acquired From. Examine the cage to be teleported to the Mound-Makers covenant area, here you may speak to Holy Knight Hodrick to join. Covenant: Mound-makers is a Bronze in Dark Souls III. The Mound-maker piled sacrifices upon the altar, but became the final offering himself, leaving this katana as a gift for his dear family. DARK SOULS™ III > General Discussions > Topic Details. Vertebra Shackle: A special bone collected by members of the covenant of Mound-makers, discovered in the corpses of their victims. Peculiar pyromancy of the Mound-makers. Only one such bone is found in the vertebrae, and the Mound-makers believe it to be a shackle of the gods. Apr 21, 2016 @ 1:02pm Where to Best Invade as Mound-Maker? Reward for reaching rank 2 in the covenant Mound-Makers. Desperate people and new players. (You MUST offer 30 Vertebra Shackles to reach rank 2) Notes After beating Curse-rotted Greatwood and Sirris' quest-line is followed: After having defeated 3 Lords of Cinder go to the main entrance of the Curse-rotted Greatwood. Katana of the old Mound-maker. Before you can join up with them, first you need the necessary covenant item. Skill: Bloodlust Stain blade with one’s own … Dark Souls III Mound-makers. I tried where the Faithful covenant is but all I get is fight clubs but I want my rewards and not have to beat 3 phantoms in a row for it. When I arrive, if they wave or bow they strike a deal: let's clear this level. 23.96%. They feared separation from the gods and sought a familial bond, perhaps leading to the creation of this flame of harmony." It can be received for: Discover Mound-makers covenant. Covenant: Mound-makers achievement in DARK SOULS III (PC) 1: by c40s31: Hidden Trophy in Dark Souls III (PS4) 0: Unlock Percentages.