Take advantage of the welcome message to inform newcomers about your server rules, ... MEE6 is the best Discord bot to bootstrap and grow your Discord … We know ads can be annoying, but they're what allow us to make all of Discord Boats available for free. And die Shopping: pls shop (optional number) - Opens the Meme Shop for you to browse in, there is also a command such as "pls shop 2", "pls shop 3" and "pls shop 4". Bot Invite; Support Server; Website; Twitter; Reddit. If you are a server owner, just click here and select your channel to add the bot to your channel.. To use General. LGBTQ. A discord bot that sends Reddit memes and news to a channel. Dank Memer has more than 260 meme commands. ), watch anime and lots more! Originally, Roastinator was made for a simple function, roasting people. RickBot has premium music servers in America, Europe And Asia to serve and give YOU the best quality you can ask from a Discord bot! Descripción: Envía información acerca del bot sin que Chocolat te envíe un mensaje privado. Discord-Quick-Meme. Hunt for animals and fight other users! We've got it all and more. This is a list of all modules and commands currently in the bot! Gotta Listen To Your 8ball Dankmemer. Dank Memer is a popular bot used throughout Discord. So I have a meme command for my bot. Whether you gamble, steal from your friends, check the latest hot memes, roast your friends, create your own memes, or use one of our other 300+ commands, come see why we're one of the fastest growing discord bots around! Fun. Utility. EV train, hatch eggs, battle, train and trade Pokémon! Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She's got a large assortment of commands for you to use, such as cleverbot, a global economy, NSFW commands, meme generators, and so much more! • quote - this command will send a message of a randomised shrek quote from the first shrek film in the same channel as you sent the command. Each with different items. Commands. Web Dashboard. You can also clone this repository if you want and just replace the token in index.js You found an issue or a Bug? Utility. Invite the bot today to use all commands! View Add Bot … Blerp's Discord meme soundboard bot pulls audio clips and sound memes from blerp's large database of sound clips. Info Run peg help info for information about the bot. Normie: 60s. The problem is, when I type the command, nothing happens. As you can see, it's quite simple to add additional commands. Music. There is a command “doge” that produces a dog’s face. Utility. Customizable. Ignoring exception in command meme Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\atill\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\discord\ext\commands\core.py", line 50, in wrapped ret = yield from coro(*args, **kwargs) File "C:\Users\atill\Downloads\Epic Bot\server.py", line 165, in meme … It keeps me busy for hours. Meme Bots - Discord Bot List Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Discord bots These settings need to be assigned to a role using the '-config' command. Currency Commands Currency Command: pls help currency - Shows all lists o.dogs... Balance: pls balance/pls bal Buying: pls buy (Item) - Purchases an item from the Meme Shop. You can also give them roles right after they join or just simply give them a warm welcome! The overqualified spam bot with a currency built on spamming. Invite RickBot Into Your Discord Server. UnbelievaBoat is a Discord Bot featuring money/economy/currency customisable per server, casino games, store items, moderation, fun commands, and much more! If you’re a fan of anime or a weeb in general, this is the bot for you! Add a new rank for members to join, works with existing or new roles. drake meme format Scroll of truth Still searching meme format And way more image manipulation commands!Type *help for the list of all commands. With each of some continuous activity on your server. Gambling, mini-games. Invite this Bot Support Server Hi there, I'm Rias, a multi purpose Discord bot , I have plenty of fun commands that you can use and basic moderation commands. Returns list of all commands ~wholesome: Responds with a random wholesome quote ~meme: Responds with a random wholesome meme ~qt: Responds with you're a cutie meme ~ily: Responds with a random I love you message ~coco: Responds with something special ~pickup: Responds with a cheesy pickup line ~hello: Responds with have a nice day ~love: Responds with a love meme ~cheerup Animemes Discord Bot. You can also talk with him!!! Furry. Grab a quest everyday! Esta publicidad incluye: Enlaces de un Servidor de Discord, una invitación de un bot y otras páginas externas. She's got a large assortment of commands for you to use, such as cleverbot, a global economy, NSFW commands, meme generators, and so much more! The platform was created in late 2016. This repository is fully developed and Includes a whole discord bot! Currency Commands Currency Command: pls help currency - Shows all lists o.dogs... Balance: pls balance/pls bal Buying: pls buy (Item) - Purchases an item from the Meme Shop. ... Hack a user's Discord Account (fake) Meme - Get a random Meme from reddit. Meme. Moderation, Automation, Auto Roles, Reaction Roles, Search Anything, Memes/Reddit, Statistics, Fun, Currency, Gifs (like hug/kiss) Giveaways and way more! All free and open source. Here is the full list of Tatsumaki Discord Bot Commands, which is an extremely capable Discord bot. And die Shopping: pls shop (optional number) - Opens the Meme Shop for you to browse in, there is also a command such as "pls shop 2", "pls shop 3" and "pls shop 4". LGBTQ. You can earn a new quest after 12am PST Example Command(s) owo quest , owo quest rr 1 Social. Join us on Discord: http://discord.gg/invite/fw5cKM3This series is outdated!! A partnership program available to servers who actively use Dank Memer, where we bring our users to you! Erisly is a goddess who plays as a fun Discord bot with various features such as cleverbot, a global economy, NSFW commands, meme generators, customizable prefixes for every server and more! Bots For Discord. Fun Commands • /meme Sends a random meme! This bot is still in developement and serves a wide range of commands. Best Discord BOT Commands. Command Usage Example Requires auth; Summon!summon: Forces the bot to join or move to a channel. Randomly on each command, there is a chance you will have a trending meme (big payout) or a dead meme (possible punishment). Even better, you can add bots to the Discord server to get more out of the server. Moderation. Music. # The problem with if/else if If you don't plan to make more than 7 or 8 commands for your bot, then using an if/else if chain is perfectly fine; it's presumably a small project at that point, … Owner: Bajrang dal … Furry. Most people use it for its entertainment, as it has a lot of commands, including pls rob, pls scout, and many more. Custom soundboards, lots of memes and pics, has powerful music (with servers around the world). It has many features, including currency, fun, memes, and a variety of commands. [1%] Have tips enabled. Leveling. 1 Add 2 Use 3 Event 4 Multipliers You can add Dank Memer by its own direct link. postmeme, pm. Yes: Play!play: Starts playing the next music in queue. A multi-purpose bot that has economy, music, moderation, and more! Dank Memer is a feature-rich Discord bot with the original twist of being sarcastic and memey. Login. Anthrax Is a Multipurpose Bot With Many Features, Like Find Stats Of Any Roblox Username & Mod-Logging & Welcoming New Members & Web Commands & Memes And Many More! •/impostor Sends a cool looking messages that says that the mentioned person isn’t the impostor or is the impostor random! A multipurpose bot with the main features being custom anime memes, read manga from discord (without any ads! Welcome images, voicetext levels, embed sender, reaction roles, logs, high quality music, moderation and many many more! NSFW. Veld 4 months ago. Economy. Discord Boats is a growing directory of Discord bots to enhance your server - Find the perfect bot for your needs and add it to your server easily, quickly and for free. Here is my ... How to restart the discord bot using commands [Python] 0. I've been trying to figure out how to make it less likely to show the same meme twice (it keeps repeating them). ; Type !joke for a joke. You need "manage server" permission on the chosen server to add the Dank Memer bot. Turkish. Global currency game with over 10m users, stealing, pets, unique items, and more! Create commands that automatically give and remove roles and send messages in the current channel or in DM. NSFW. Source: breakonacloud.com. Roastinator is a multipurpose discord bot with commands in the following categories: Fun Economy Moderation Utility Games Memes Auto Moderation Roastinator. But as I learned more about python and the discord.py library, I kept adding more features. Home Bots Join our Discord. I'm trying to make a 'random meme' command for my Discord Bot. NSFW Bots You are now looking at NSFW bots. Bot (command_prefix = '$') @bot. We have all the anime commands for you. If you spam too much, dank memer bot will ban you though. add_command (test) Since the Bot.command() decorator is shorter and easier to comprehend, it will be the one used throughout the documentation here. Your global Discord Gambling. Aroblox Stalin Today At 213 Pm Pls Brain Making Memes With . quest. A virtual soundboard for playing meme sounds in your voice channel. Based on 1,434 reviews. Its an attempt to serve as many features and options out to Discord Users as it possibly can, without lacking on quality. A simple RPG with dungeons, armors, swords, pvp, leaderboards, gambling and memes, Creamy makes your server more interactive. Sign in with Discord. Nick - Assign a nickname to a member. It can range from Music to Twitch Stats. Powerful Music . Wings will bring so much fun to your server. InsideIt is a meme bot it loves memes and you will love this bot if you do too, it is literally born for memes, if no memes no InsideIt. Vote! Simple to use multi-purpose Discord bot, Moderation | Leveling | AutoRoles | Reaction Roles | Welcomes | Stats | Memes | Roleplay | Giveaways | Reminders | Utility | Starboard. You can also purchase special "boxes" which give you coins and special items that you can use. Do you want to see custom anime memes from our database? Find the perfect Discord Meme bot for your server on Bots For Discord. Donor: 40s. LGBTQ. Anime. And there you have it! Catch shiny and legendary! discordbotlist.com is not affiliated with Discord, Inc. Add bot, commands, and get support. Here are some examples of image manipulation commands! Over 70+ commands and 4500+ soundboards! Sheepbot is aimed at making your server less boring with Image Modification/creation, Memes and Mini Games. So many Discord users have already adapated Birb to their Discords, growing its userbase to that of over 9000 guilds/servers and 145 thousand users. Web Dashboard. Customizable. The word dank in username. Filo is a powerful multipurpose Discord bot. Bots For Discord. Sign in with Discord. Programming a Discord bot in Python- I have a meme command, ... Viewed 74 times 0. Cool bot coded just for fun, which can give you facts, some fun commands and memes! ; Type !news for a random news article. Economy. Manage your own Taco Shack! With over 150 commands for currency, moderation, memes, and image commands, this bot will make a nice upgrade to your server. To add. The Pokémon experience, on Discord. Pong - Get roasted by Sheriff. Anime. Tons of betting games to choose from! 【24/7 STABLE & EASY-TO-USE MULTI-PURPOSE BOT】 • Fishing Idle-Game/Economy | Gambling Games | High Quality NSFW Commands | Anime/Reddit Alerts | Emotes | Reaction Roles | Auto Channel & more! Economy | Animated Profiles | MiniGames | Starboard | Fishing | Welcome | Reaction Roles | Auto Roles | Join Roles | Anti Raid | Gifs. If you're looking for the command itself, Navigate through commands/meme.js and then get the code included inside of the module.exports.run! Fun. Commands that are in the making of process - Economy, done! Other times theyre not. It also loves when people call him with the prefix peg it’s his favourite word! Most Advanced Giveaways, Beautiful Message and Voter Leaderboard , Starboard, Booster Notification, /commands and many more with SAYA. But much better and with 100 more sass and memes. Fortnite. You must be logged in to upvote bots! Any parameter that is accepted by the Command constructor can … the fun, moderating, music playing and delicious multi-purpose discord bot for all of your needs. Anime. And it got tons of NSFW commands!! Moderation. The bot also gives you the opportunity to use your own custom commands, moderation commands, and search commands.. We will cover all three kinds of commands here: How to Create MEE6 Custom Commands Screenshots Caption command. Home Bots Join our Discord. Create commands that automatically give and remove roles and send messages in the current channel or in DM. Welcome Message and Auto-Role. dank memes discord bot commands. ... PSlimy have moderation, utility, meme, fun, economy and more commands. ), watch anime and lots more! Bots For Discord. It has a wide variety of fun commands you can use! Filter by tags . All memes are from various sub-reddits which is constantly being updated and our database is ever growing. pls postmemes. Web Dashboard. Catch, level, and evolve Pokémon, trade and battle with friends, and more. Social. Do you want to find anime/guess anime? We also have image generation, memes, and mini-games! To check your multiplier: pls multiplier There are 31 secret multipliers in total. MemeBot is a Discord bot designed to play memes on voice channels. Discord Bot List -
Bot | A fun and multipurpose bots with image manipulation, meme commands, random photos of dogs, cats, foxes, timer, userinfo and so much more <3. No worries! Customizable. Marriage/Waifu cmds! Invite the bot. More . Games. Whether you gamble, steal from your friends, check the latest hot memes, roast your friends, create your own memes, or use one of our other 300+ commands, come see why we're one of the fastest growing discord bots around! Just type the meme command and the bot will enter your channel to play it. There is no pattern, it is randomly chosen each time! Find the perfect Discord Meme bot for your server on Bots For Discord. Dank Memer is a feature-rich Discord bot with the original twist of being sarcastic. You can just create a pull request or a new issue as you can … More Sign in with Discord. We also have image generation, memes, and mini-games! Advanced multipurpose bot with Moderation | Music | Custom Commands | Reaction Roles | Permissions & more... Over 220 commands to discover! Daisuki, The Ultimate Character Collection Game! Dank Memer is a very popular bot on Discord for image manipulation and playing with the currency system. Use a laptop to post memes. Check out a list with all the available audios below. Guilded Bot. Saturday, May 9, 2020 Add Comment Edit. This command will allow you to create the ground is lava meme. Dank Memer is a bot that brings some great perks to your Discord server! Meme Bots You are now looking at Meme bots. Welcome Message and Auto-Role. +190 commands. Does the job and offers unlimited memes with no slowdowns. Simple, clean and elegant. A multi-purpose bot with the main features being custom anime memes, read manga from Discord itself (without any ads! Meme. You need a laptop, which can be purchased with 5,000 coins when not on sale, to use this command and … Dank memer (discord bot) ретвитнул(а) melmsie. Dank memer is a discord bot, a game bot, you can become rich, hunt for things, fish, trade, generate memes, collect, search, die, and more! A general bot for general memes. Complete them to earn rewards! Simply the best gambling currency bot! Don't wait to see what the hype is all about; get on the train now! Joins a channel if not already in one. Aviso importante: Este comando envía al canal publicidad referente a Chocolat. Take advantage of the welcome message to inform newcomers about your server rules, topic, or ongoing events. Meme. Dank Memer is packed full of memes, fun, and unique experiences! Grow your virtual PP, battle in raids, collect pets and compete on the global leaderboard with our unique economy based Discord Bot, Stable & Free • Giveaway Bot • Track people invites & messages • Drops | Roles | Invites | Messages Requirements • Scheduled Giveaways. Sorted in a random order. Fun. The best Pokémon experience you can get on Discord! Commands. With over 260 commands spread into 12 different categories, come see why so many discord … Love the video or need more help...or maybe both? Thank you so much for checking out SoundBoard on Discord Boats. A MASSIVE currency system, tons of memes, and much more! A list of every command that Erisly has! Filo is a powerful multipurpose Discord bot. × Your AdBlock is on. Sheriff Bot. This is my code: Discord Boats is a growing directory of Discord bots to enhance your server - Find the perfect bot for your needs and add it to your server easily, quickly and for free. Turkish. Soundboard for Discord is the best way to share and play sounds and audio clips within discord voice chats. [1%] Have a streak of 7+ (via pls daily) [1%] Have a streak of 20+ (via pls daily) Vote at least once for the memer (via pls vote). Clyde 4 months ago. You also have one quest reroll per day! A list of all Commands Sheriff has to offer. Commands. Home Bots Join our Discord. command async def test (ctx): pass bot. Discord bots are a great way to maximize productivity on ones server. Auto-posting meme webhooks for premium servers ; Games, Animal pictures, and so much more! Games. Global currency game with over 10m users, stealing, pets, unique items, and more! Soundboard for Discord is the best way to share and play sounds and audio clips within discord voice chats. Fortnite. It is used for moderation, increasing user chat activity on the Discord servers, and much more. • If you're a fan of anime or a weeb in general, this is the bot for you! Who needs a girlfriend when you have a waifu? ... Leavecard - Set up a channel where Bot sends handy info-cards about leaving members. Start. Usage. Description. Each with different items. Our currency is in depth our animals are cute and our bot is the best discord bots has moved to topgg. Cooldowns. Like the old IRC chat, Discord offers a splendid set of commands that can be used in expressing yourself or doing something useful, such as searching for a GIF or reading aloud text. MC-AT Bot Türkçe - Türk (Auto Role - Sayaç) Sunucu Koruma Sistemleri // MC-AT, Support Custom Languages Write: !lang, Music, Economy, Leveling, Fun, Reaction Roles, Moderation, and lots more! Clank is a multipurpose bot that can add some life to your server. SwearFilter, AntiDiscordLink & AntiLink. Fortnite. from discord.ext import commands bot = commands. A Discord bot that generates GIF memes (supports normal images and GIFs) Meme templates (Supports most image formats (JPG, PNG, GIF, etc...)) GIF Caption template (Aka iFunny GIF caption) Top/Bottom text template; More templates and features coming soon. Sumi. Buy upgrades, hire employees, run advertisements, and most importantly... sell tacos! After setting up the roles, the bot will allow the people with the staff role to run moderation commands and the mute role will be given to muted members. • meme - this command will send an embed in the same channel that you sent the command containing a randomised meme from r/shrekmemes. MEE6 Discord Chat Commands. Music. Increased server engagement; A selling point while advertising your server (Tens of millions of users know and use Dank Memer!) Furry. Rich Command List. Top 12 Most Useful Discord Bots. The soundboard for discord uses blerp's meme sound packs to make your Discord server more fun and engaging! :3 150+ commands with paginated help, useful utilities, image gen and memes. Always check $whatsnew first. Log In. done! Music, Fun, Memes, Currency, Useful Utilities, and so much more coming soon! Feel free to fork the bot and help me develop on it. About SoundBoard is a fairly new Discord Bot. This one of the fun bots for discord has got only five commands within which you have to perform all your tasks. I'm new to working with APIs, but I've tried my best. Find the perfect NSFW Discord bot for your server on Bots For Discord. ; Type !5050 or !fiftyfifty to pull a post from r/fiftyfifty. User Reviews 4.7 /5. Filter by tags . Amour is an aesthetic, multi-purpose all in one bot built for all Discord servers. A list of every command that Erisly has! MEE6 provides many helpful tools for Discord servers, such as the ability to set up react roles, listen to music, record mp3 files of your voice, and more. Sorted in a random order. Games. RickBot has over 60 available commands, Music, Radio, Soundboard, Image Generation, Economy, NSFW, moderation and User-Info! Prefix. Social. The bot collects the top hottest memes on Reddit daily. Dank Memer is packed full of memes, fun, and unique experiences! 20+ Dank Memes Discord Bot Commands By . • /echo says hello to you (usually used to test if the bot is working) • /wiki lets you search anything on the among us wiki! Leveling. There are no errors, but the bot doesn't send anything in discord. NSFW. More . Play a specific or random meme sound from MyInstans in your Discord server right now - aacgn/myinstants-bot Sorted in a random order. Moderation. Type ;help to get a list commands you can use. Dank memes … If you have any questions, ask in the Discord Support Server: http://bismarckwebsite/discord/ Type !meme for a meme. Epicdank bot offers numerous entertainment commands to keep your server lively. These settings need to be toggled on or off using the '-config' command. Leveling. Shop,done! Customizable, multiple languages, report, logging, welcome and farewells, member counter, anti-invites, auto-mod, anti-evasion. Fun pet shop! Filter by tags . Turkish. On the platform, you will find music, funny memes, addicting currency and more. Roll and Collect characters from anime, games, television, movies, and books! ⚡ Highrank Run peg help highrank for the highrank commands menu. D&D Beyond Levels and XP in your Discord Server. Birb is a Discord Bot created and serving users since early 2016! We allow users to either pull random memes from our database or if the user is in our discord they get access to a constantly updated meme channel. Commands for the Discord Bot. ! Economy. The discord bot that does lots of good stuff, but usually better than other bots that do the exact same things ? command async def test (ctx): pass # or: @commands. I update that more than the website ?addrank [name] (hex color) (hoist) But the most exciting thing about this command is, there unlock each of its faces. Erisly is a goddess who plays as a fun Discord bot with various features such as cleverbot, a global economy, NSFW commands, meme generators, customizable prefixes for every server and more! Simple to use multi-purpose Discord bot - music, moderation, fun and more! Voting shows so much support! List of Tatsumaki Discord Bot Commands [UPDATED 2021] Saksham Bhargava 3 Jan 2021 2 Jan 2021. Meme Bots You are now looking at Meme bots. xd nice. Aliases. Blerp's Discord meme soundboard bot pulls audio clips and sound memes from blerp's large database of sound clips. The soundboard for discord uses blerp's meme sound packs to make your Discord server more fun and engaging! Vote on Discord Bot List to gain daily cowoncy! • /kill Sends a cool among us kill gif! Keep track of your OwOs and compete globally!