It's free, read it once and you're hooked! Send a birthday greeting to a friend, a colleague or other loved one with Hope Spring Ecards. Go ahead and pick up the ideal virtual birthday gift from our collection of fun and unique... Browse all 67 cards ». Send a card, a real paper greeting card, in the mail to anywhere in the world.Personalize the interior with your custom note and signature. Choose from a wide variety of trending birthday cards perfect for your partner, friends and kids. Hallmark birthday cards cover every age or milestone—from the cutest cards for first birthdays to 100th birthdays, we have a card for that! Browse our selection, customize your message & send funny birthday greeting cards online! 4. Our... Browse all 616 cards », On your son's or daughter's birthday let him or her know what a wonderful difference he or she made to your life. You can also upload personal photos, illustrations or images into Design Wizard for free and use them to personalize your greeting birthday card. You'll also be able to browse Spanish birthday cards (including Quinceañera cards ), plus a host of other languages, including French, Italian, Japanese and even Braille . Everyone’s favourite penguin surf harmony group sing a fun birthday song for you. Thank you soooo much! Don't fret over it! Your sister, coworker, best friends - no better way to brighten her day than with special birthday wishes inside of a birthday card for her. We provide texts you can send as they are, or you can customize them to include your own thoughts or a shared memory. As always, there’s no charge from us. What better way to be a part of someone's special day than sending them a birthday ecard from American Greetings. Express yourself by sending birthday smiles across when it's your friend's or loved one's birthday. Personalize them with our easy-to-use card maker. Every time they look at your card, your happy wishes are multiplied! Celebrate another year older with our cracking online selection of age birthday cards for their 18 th, 30 th or 40th. Edit the text with your special birthday message, add music, and change the colors to suit your taste. Send across a cute teddy bear to give a tight birthday hug to your dear ones. Read the latest newsletter or Editor Bob's Blog. Resizing your completed card is easy, just click the resize button and use a preset size or choose your own custom size. Anymore, the price of a card can nearly equal a premium coffee, so “free” is a breath of fresh air, and you won’t encounter fine print exceptions or surprise fees. birthday cards. Resize Your Birthday Card. Choose from hundreds of free templates. See our funny, sweet and romantic birthday ecards. Send these beautiful images and make their birthday special. Huge range of birthday cards and greeting cards for all occasions from The Greetings Card Company, the UK's leading online B2B and B2C greetings card shop With your Jacquie Lawson membership there’s no limit on the number of birthday ecards you can send, without any extra fee to pay. Send these warm, fun and hearty messages to your son and... Browse all 176 cards », You had a wonderful time on your birthday. Go ahead... Browse all 100 cards », Pets are a part of the family. Send a birthday card online with Postable and your friends will love you! Whether you’re personalising a cute Tatty Teddy card for mum, a funny card for dad, or a glittery card for your bestie, we have a perfect birthday card designed just for them. Choose from the vast... Browse all 382 cards », Birthday wishes definitely adds cheer on your friends' or loved ones' birthday. You will surely find one that would express your feelings to your loved one. We also have special themes such as zodiac signs birthday ecards, kid's birthday ecards and belated birthday wishes. We’ve got you covered with hundreds of birthday ecard that are perfect for all ages - even belated cards! So when your kid or a child in your family or... Browse all 192 cards », Birthday flowers are for all kinds of lovely occasions because they speak the language of the heart. So if it's your loved one's birthday don't miss out on sending birthday blessings that are... Browse all 72 cards », This is the birthday for him. Say happy birthday with personalized eCards & videos from JibJab. Just choose your favorite birthday card for mom (we know it can all be overwhelming, just go with your gut on this one), write your personal message, and hit send. They are the... Browse all 65 cards », Mind-blowing happy birthday images for you and everyone you know. Free Birthday Ecards – Send a happy birthday card now! So, why not send a personalized card that’s just as special as its recipient? Make a big splash with printable cards in an extended size or crunch a big birthday card down for social media sharing - or both! Celebrate their special day and don’t worry about having to run out to the store and send a late birthday card. So go ahead and make their birthdays more special by sending our birthday wishes cards. Thanks, 39 £9.99 £9.99 Whether you’re celebrating the birthday of a friend, family member, or co-worker, Adobe Spark Post assists you with creating a group birthday card that is sure to put the biggest smile on the recipient’s face. Next day birthday card delivery in the UK. With every joy and happiness on your special day. How to personalize a Birthday Card You can send text messages, voice mails and phone calls all wishing someone a happy birthday, but, there’s something about a birthday card that just sets it apart, ensuring that both the sender and the birthday wish stay in memory for a long time. Happy Birthday... Browse all 31 cards », Cakes and balloons make a birthday celebration complete. Send a funny card to celebrate a birthday. Whether it’s your dad, brother, friend or son – wishing them a happy birthday can help them feel special. No matter which card you choose, you can express your own thoughts, emotions, and memories when you personalize the card for your friend. So what are you waiting for? Birthdays only come once a year, so this is your chance to make the occasion special! Find eCards for any holiday, tone, or occasion with the quality you expect from Hallmark. Send your card directly to the recipient through 1st class post for a quick delivery. . Tailored to tickle the funny bone of a jokester or warm the heart of a sensitive soul, your card speaks your message to the honored recipient every time they read it again. Send free greeting cards, wishes, ecards, funny animated cards, birthday wishes, Gifs and online greeting cards with quotes, messages, images on all occasions and holidays such as Birthday, Anniversary, Love, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Season's Greetings and much more. May this day be the start of a wonderful year ahead. Birthday Ecards. Wish your friends, sweetheart, near ones, colleagues or acquaintances on their birthdays with these warm and fun zodiac birthday cards and make them feel... Browse all 78 cards », Sending the right birthday gifts will make your loved one's day all the more special. Pick up a warm, fun or lovable message from our collection of birthday ecards for mom and dad. Here is a cool ecard with a box full of surprise for your friends and family. Whether you use our print option or send your greeting online​, our gallery of Birthday Cards offers a wide variety of styles and designs, including many that let you insert a favorite photo, and you can access the Stickers Menu for multiple categories of fun images to add to your project. So when it's your love's birthday, you have all the more reasons to celebrate. Send this colorful, sparkling card to your friends, family members and loved ones to... Humorous birthday ecard for a wine lover. Send cards online … Browse all 56 cards », Smiles make your day a whole lot brighter! Birthday Cards Since every individual is different, make their day special with birthday cards that are as unique as they are. Blue Mountain makes it a snap to personalize a birthday card … You can even download the image or PDF file and save it to portable storage media, if you’d like to take your design to a local shop for printing. Whaline 12 Pack Birthday Card with Envelope and Sticker 4 Floral Designs Birthday Greeting Card Flower Happy Birthday Blank Notes for Girl Female Women, 4" x 6" 4.3 out of 5 stars 160 £9.39 £ 9 . Pick up a virtual cake and send across some bright and colorful balloons to your loved... Browse all 139 cards », Your boss's or colleague's birthday surely calls for a celebration. These wishes will help your friends feel happy on their... Browse all 1706 cards », Aren't birthdays and fun synonymous? Collaborate with your team or squad to send an extra special birthday wish using the creative power of Adobe Spark Post. A quality selection of birthday eCards and other greeting cards to suit any occasion. Don't feel blue. Forget about generic, shop-bought cards. Send a sparkling birthday wish to your dear ones. Naughty or nice they always make you smile. In a fast-paced world, the personal touch of a Birthday Card reminds others you’ve made an extra effort to remember them. Send free birthday greeting ecards by email or text, or wish them a Happy Birthday on facebook, twitter and instagram. Depending on your friend's tastes, they may prefer a funny card or a sentimental card. Get the best funny birthday wishes to send to your buddies and loved ones and make them go LOL on their special day! Design with our card maker, print or send online! Send in your thanks to... Browse all 367 cards », Brothers and sisters share a special bond and therefore birthday wishes for brother or sister is a must on their special occasion. It's the best way to convey your ... Birthday Hug! I ordered a "stupid" birthday card for a friend of mine back in July and I think I can honestly say that I have probably gotten just as much if not more joy from it than he did. They are friends, mentors, secret sharers and... Browse all 198 cards », A milestones birthday is a very special occasion. Browse all 47 cards », Happy Birthday quotes always depict a very specific message. We have a huge range of exclusive happy birthday cards for sale both online and in our UK stores, so you’re sure to find one that suits them perfectly. High quality personalised happy birthday cards, including photo cards & funny cards. Send an instant eCard to your friends and family with Looking for birthday cards that'll take pride of place on their mantelpiece?Whether you need one that's thoughtful or funny, beautifully designed or brilliantly unique, you'll be spoilt for choice with these happy birthday cards from the UK's best small creative businesses. Send this cute dancing panda to wish your near and dear ones a very happy birthday. Keep the font we chose or opt for one of thirty-six available fonts in thirty color choices. I listen to it at least once a week. The fun, warm and formal birthday cards for boss or colleague would help him or her take a break at work. Design your very own printable & online happy birthday cards. Send everyone a birthday card online. Make up for the miss, by sending belated birthday wishes or ecards from the lovely collection. There couldn't be a better way. It's the best way to convey your... Browse all 343 cards », It's raining birthday wishes for your aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, great grandparents, God parents, foster children and all of whom fall into your extended family... Browse all 116 cards », So you've found your perfect match and now it’s his/ her birthday! Complete your Printable Card project using your home printer or send your creation as an eCard from our site via email or Facebook from your computer, phone, or tablet. These belated... Browse all 152 cards », Rock, reggae, rap and roll or jazz! Within the online birthday card maker, you can have several photos on the screen at once, and click each to see how well it fits with your free online birthday card. Mail a Card today! Every birthday is special. Birthday's cards from cardsforeveryone - we have a vast selection of greeting cards to send to friends, colleagues and family - our huge choice of happy birthday cards come in varoius styles, some are floral with a verse inside and some are cute cards, we have funny cards to make someone laugh and a belated birthday card that says - sorry I forgot your special day. Send happy birthday wishes funny grumpy candle band video. Email Birthday Cards to Those Special Men. When you're in love with your guy, every day is special. Our online design tool makes it easy to create the perfect e card with customizable fonts and colors as well as premium options like envelopes and liners, digital backdrops and stamps. Take a peek at our birthday miss you cards. You can even print them out and mail them, too! When you're in love, every day is special and when it's your love's birthday, you have all the more reasons to celebrate. With nearly 200,000 birthday cards to choose from, you're sure to find one that speaks their language for a birthday greeting they'll always remember. Stunning Birthday Card Designs. Nothing beats a one-of-a-kind card, made by you. With templates for every occasion—from birthdays to anniversaries to “just thinking about you”—you can create the perfect customized card … Never go to the post office again. There’s also a wide range of birthday party invitations and milestone cards for all those big occasions, such as 21st birthdays, 30th birthdays, 50th birthdays, and even turning 100 birthday cards. Personalize the design just for them. Go ahead and make this... Browse all 155 cards », Birthday specials cards are specifically made for those special days for your sweetheart, same day birthday ecards, twin's birthday cards, sports lover's birthday cards and... Browse all 218 cards », These warm happy birthday messages will help you wish your loved ones in the best way possible. Online greeting cards brighten the inbox of every recipient. Open Me has a huge selection of birthday eCards designed by Threadless and other top designers - cupcakes, cakes, squirrels and whales - many fun designs to choose from. Send Virtual Birthday Cards to Those Special Ladies. Choose an in-store card for ready-to-go greetings or create one of our personalised birthday cards online to give them something totally unique. With online birthday cards, reach out faster to your best friends on their birthdays by sending them Happy birthday wishes for best friends. Celebrate each year of someone’s life with a customized DIY card. Beautiful one-of-a-kind cards. Browse all 66 cards », Grandparents as the name says are grand people indeed. 3. Blue Mountain makes it easy to send personalized birthday cards online with just the touch of a button. Wish your dad or mom on his or her birthday. You choose a card from our range of free ecards; add a personalised message and click send! Paperless Post’s online greeting card collection includes designs from famed stationers like Mr. Boddington’s Studio, Red Cap Cards, and Bernard Maisner and design experts like Kelly Wearstler, Derek Blasberg, and Jonathan Adler so you’re sure to find the perfect birthday wish, with no corny card design from the drug store. A must have collection of romantic, sensuous, fun loving birthday wishes for husband or wife to make this... Browse all 155 cards », Missed your friend or loved one's birthday? I can't wait for the next victim! These messages will convey your feelings in a very special way. A funny birthday card for you loved ones that actually says how cool you are. Get a weekly dose of stories on friendship, love, misadventures and special offers. Find the perfect birthday card for her & choose from beautiful personalised ideas, as well as standard cards you can find on the high street. Our online card maker offers a wide range of card designs to Celebrate a birthday, congratulate an anniversary, express your thanks, say you’re sorry, or send caring thoughts for any holiday or occasion on the calendar from your computer, phone, or tablet. There’s a reason the tradition of Birthday Cards has endured. Wish your loved ones with all kinds of birthday songs. These ecards are perfect for surprising your loved one or friends at work when they least expect it. Browse all 185 cards », This is the birthday for her. Some are really looked forward to like the 16th, 18th, 21st and 50th birthday while others make you brood over like the 30's... Browse all 176 cards », With online birthday cards, reach out faster to your best friends on their birthdays by sending them Happy birthday wishes for best friends. Now it's time to say thanks to those who made the day special for you with lovely birthday thank you cards. GREAT SERVICE! So when it's your loved one's birthday there couldn't be a better way of... Browse all 282 cards », Blessed are those who receive birthday blessings from their friends and loved ones. Birthdays are never complete until you've sent happy birthday wishes to a friend or to any other birthday gal or boy! For card wording inspiration make sure to check out our article ’Birthday wishes & card messages’ with 100+ ideas. Send these beautiful flowers e-card wishing lots of love, smiles and blessings. Browse and send fun, animated greeting cards from Hallmark eCards. And with no worries about delays or mishaps with the postal service! It cracks me up!!! Happy Birthday eCards Celebrate a birthday by sending a free happy birthday eCard. Happy Birthday Images are simple, cool and apt... Browse all 19 cards », Missing your loved one's birthday? Here's a range of warm and fun birthday cards for grandparents, to let them know how much you treasure them. Our team of designers are continuously adding new images, backgrounds fonts and layouts to give your birthday card that extra edge. So you can send online birthday cards to everyone you know, just to show them that you’re thinking of them. Sending a birthday ecard, instead of a traditional birthday card is faster, more efficient and fun! Say Happy Birthday to someone special... A CAPPELLA! Every e card category also offers photo options to share a special picture alongside your note. Didn’t we say it was easy? It’s your card, make it the size you want. . They are fun to be with, they make everyday fun. There’s no milestone too small - especially when you can send a personalised Add A Name or Age card! We have literally thousands of designs ideal for all ages and tastes, guaranteed to make your card take centre stage. Send beautiful animated happy birthday ecards from to your friends and family. Write your special message on these lovely birthday songs ecards and send them across... Browse all 104 cards », Kids are so much fun and therefore birthday wishes for kids is so much more important!