If on mobile, tap View Code to show them. Triple 152, 381, & 203mm Prototype (Mle 1934) guns are incorrectly named. Description: I pressed on the design for more details Perceived Severity: The text is in English with glaring mistakes, but is mostly understandable Corrected Translation: Remove the AA part of … RubyFox 1 view. As a secondary gun, it can buff FP very nicely and has a long range, although it may suffer from interception due to how it fires. Buy me a https: ... Prototype Triple 203mm AA Gun (vs Light), Twin 203mm Main Zaragun (vs Medium), Prototype Triple 203mm Main Gun SKC (vs Heavy); 138.6mm; ⦠T0. The best gun on the list, the Twin 203 MLE 1924, is event exclusive, so you might not have more than one of it. The fuselage was lengthened and a larger tail was fitted, while an autopilot was fitted to help the poor stability. Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. Other than that, they pretty much function as other Super Rares, with the same upgrade costs in terms of gold and plates. Prototype Twin 203mm (Type 3) Mounted Gun Type: Heavy Cruiser Main Gun Rarity: Super Rare â
Nation: Sakura Empire Muhammad Kumar You signed in with another tab or window. If you have any questions, you can find us on Azur Lane Homeless Shelter Discord. The Fairey Albacore is unique for Formidable. Triple 203mm Prototype (Mle 1934) Azur Lane is a Bullet Hell, side-scrolling style mobile game in which a character roster uses battleships from World War 2. Blueprints needed to craft: 25 Blueprints Very Niche. So, for example, you could have a purple Twin 203mm Main Gun with four stars, which would mean it is an elite tier 4 weapon. Intended as a scaled-down, tier-less, early-game version of the full Tier Guide for new commanders, the listings here will focus on specific early-game concerns and only include units from W1 to W4, as that is where most newbies struggle and where most of the relevant droppable units can be found. Stereotypical top tier CA gun. Roon, a PR ship benefits this gun due to her shell-changing skill. 4.6k. Azur Lane Review Bremerton March 31, 2020 March 28, 2020 Paluck 0 Comments Azur Lane, Ship review. It does have a slightly wider spread which may be a problem at longer ranges. Pages in category "Equipment" The following 168 pages are in this category, out of 168 total. In the event you love Yostarâs cell sport Azur Lane and figures, producers Kotobukiya and Wings have a few pretty treats coming. Free Fire Developers Create A New Anti-Hack System To Tackle The Flying Hack, Top 5 Items You Should Spend Your Diamonds On In Free Fire, Free Fire: How To Obtain Dog Tags From Guild Tournaments, PUBG Mobile Best Muzzle 2021: Compensator Vs Suppressor Vs Flash Hider Vs Barrel Extender, How Many Servers In Free Fire? ... +2 shoulder mounted Triple 203mm Prototype SK C/34 turrets. What you can expect from these in-depth guides: 1. Join. Azur Lane (Chinese: 碧蓝航线; pinyin: Bìlán Hángxiàn) is a side-scrolling shoot 'em up video game created by Chinese developers Shanghai Manjuu and Xiamen Yongshi, released in 2017 for the iOS and Android operating systems. Has lower alpha potential due to being Rare rarity and two torpedoes. Basically an upgraded Twin 203mm SK C/34. Compared to its purple cousin (70), this auxiliary equipment increases AA stat by 100 when maxed out. There are some special rules about Tashkent having to use the twin 130 and Kitakaze having to use the Twin 100. If you want a tier list, you can go check gurosebe#4054's guide on How to Equip Ships. 3) is a piece of equipment in Azur Lane. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 131k members in the AzureLane community. A Helldiver also has a significant advantage in range over a fighter while carrying a bombload, which is extremely important in naval operations. You can either use that or the 76mm AA gun for ships with a procs skill. Triple 381mm Prototype (BL 15" Mk III) Functionally similar to the Triple 406mm Mk 6, it trades some raw damage for more FP and a better RoF. It pretty much outclasses the Twin 203mm Mounted Gun regardless. It pretty much replaces Air Radar. The one and only Azur Lane EN/JP Tier Guides, as curated by Your Waifu Is Ship. That's how 203mm Artillery Cannons work⦠Contents1 Destroyers ⦠Triple 203mm (8"/55 Mk 15) - Azur Lane Wiki (koumakan.jp) Unless this is a mistranslation or will get renamed or something. Description: A Heavy AA gun. The rest are not worth using. If on mobile, tap View Code to show them. Blueprints needed to craft: 5 Blueprints 4. Every single equipment will be discussed but I will only be discussing T3 and T0 versions. I got one gold Prinz Eugen gun that's on Prinz herself, and a bunch of the cheaper purple versions of that gun. Azur Lane is a Bullet Hell, side-scrolling style mobile game in which a character roster uses battleships from World War 2. As part of Project Crossover, this wiki is scheduled to be archived in favor of the Fandom equivalent.If you object to this wiki being archived, please say why on the community portal discussion page.If there are no objections by June 5, 2020, this wiki will be archived. azur lane: The 4th Yamato Class Fanfiction your name is y/n and you were a yamato class battleship only on a blueprint and surpossed to by better than all the warships (I don't own azur lane it belongs to yostar the images and characters also covers belong to there respective owners) Reply. [Roon Gun (203mm Triple SKC34)] A direct upgrade over the SKC203, it is considerably faster to reload due to its pattern and has better per-shell damage. Description: The fastest reloading triple torpedo launcher in the game. The same equipment priority can be applied when equipping CL guns on Battleships. For the rest of the slots, a mix and match between the Triple 203 AA and the Triple 203 Main is preferable - change between AP and HE depends on whichever enemy you are facing. For comparison the Roon gun (Triple 203mm SKC) also has a 2x3 pattern, and has a 7.32 second reload. Good to have but not necessary. It doesn't benefit well with DDs but some destroyers may benefit from this equipment due to low evasion. Overall, the G7e with the lowest cooldown and homing ability is the best of them all - it is recommended to equip all subs with that torp. Not to mention this equipment is much rarer to get compared to other research equipment. The F4U is the best without any contest - just grab a few of them in the core data shop. This won't happen any time soon for EN so you should still treasure your MK6s. If you do not know the rationale for this please click here.Bad equipments at lower rarities will be covered as well. Triple 203mm (Mle 1934 Prototype) T0. December 12, 2019 Equipment Priority: Twin 203mm (Mle 1924) > Prototype Triple 203mm AA = Prototype Triple 203mm Main Gun >Prototype 203mm (type3) = Twin 203mm (M1927) > Twin 203mm (SKC) Azur Lane Equipment Guide 2020: CA Guns. 3 Prototype) T0. Even if people might not ever use them, the discussion and analyses ⦠Blueprints needed to craft: 10 Blueprints Equipment Type: AA Gun Feb 24, 2021. Overall, if your ship is focused on Barrage, the Twin 406 is probably the most powerful, with about 10% higher damage. These two weapons are locked behind events - you probably would not have too many of them to equip. Twin 203mm (3rd Year Type No. High Performance Anti-Air Radar Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. The twin 100 has the highest attack speed for a gold DD gun. Just know that future trend might favor 410mm. While it doesn't have the pomf compared to the Quadruple 40mm Bofors, it fires faster and also has the benefit of increasing the accuracy/hit stat by 10. Please also note that you can only have one of these per ship. DPS - Short for Damage per Second. Please note that this is not a tier list but a write up of what is this equipment about and what is it used for. Research does not award the equipment directly, rather it rewards blueprints of the equipment along with other rewards. SB2C Helldiver is the best in the slot and is super easy to get - just stick with it. Triple 203mm Prototype (SK C/34) Overall, the Triple 152 B-38 has the highest damage, however, due to it being event exclusive, you would probably have to stick with the Prototype Triple 152 MK17 and Prototype Triple 152, both are research guns. 1 Whiskey144. Usage in Azur Lane. Buy me a https: ... [General Purpose] Prototype 203mm Type 3 Mounted Gun (vs Light), Twin 203mm Main Zaragun (vs Medium), Prototype Triple 203mm Main Gun SKC ⦠The Mark 16 and the Type 95 are geared toward different usage - the Mark 16 would increase the damage of the initial barrage of the sub while the Type 95 would increase the general damage of normal attacks. While it doesn't have the DPS consistency of the former due to how the shells are fired (not to mention the spread), it has the fastest RoF and the highest FP boost of any CA Gun, making it attractive against light targets and CA barrages and skill proccing. Azur Lane â Best Fleets & Fleet Build Guide (January 2021) December 21, 2019 How To Get New Ships â Azur Lane December 11, 2019 Azur Lane â Resources Guide: How To Get Gems, Oil, Cubes, etc. In this category, we have to divide into two sections: Barrage Gun and Damage Gun. Equipment Type: AA Gun Just now, Kuramitsu said: I did it, I finally got Roon. Log In Sign Up. One thing to note is all Super Rare blueprints costs 10 blueprints more than the standard 15 blueprints, bumping it up to 25 blueprints. Description: A HE CA gun complementing the Twin 203mm No. It can be useful on Ibuki but there are better ones for her that, while slightly slower RoF than this torpedo launcher, has stronger alpha damage ([533mm Quintuple Torpedo Launcher](533mm Quintuple Torpedo Mount) for example). That's how 203mm Artillery Cannons work. Commanders. Another term for burst damage in which it is an attack with high amounts of damage for a longer cooldown. Refers to how much damage a ship and/or equipment is dealing over a second. Azur Lane is a very generous mobile game if you do not get a Super Rare unit (The rarest grade so far). Copyright © 2020 Gurugamer.com - All rights reserved. The Twin 457 rainbow gun is ultra-rare and is the strongest gun in the game. Description: I pressed on the design for more details Perceived Severity: The text is in English with glaring mistakes, but is mostly understandable Corrected Translation: Remove the AA part of their name/description as they're not AA ⦠In this game, you will control 6 characters, appearing in the ⦠3 Prototype.While it doesn't have the DPS consistency of the former due to how the shells are fired (not to mention the spread), it has the ⦠on a sortie. Azur Lane Review Algérie ... ปืนวิจัยใช้เป็น Triple 203mm (Mle 1934 Prototype) กระสุน HE หรือใช้ Triple 203mm (SK C/34 Prototype) กระสุน AP . Still, it's slightly slower than the Twin 20mm Oerlikon and Triple 25mm AA in terms of reload for Min-Maxing AA but it's a strong AA gun when AA is or is not much of a concern. Overall, the Triple 406 MK6 is the best choice for HE while the Triple 410 Mounted is best for AP. The one and only Azur Lane EN/JP Tier Guides, as curated by Your Waifu Is Ship. This page was last edited on 27 July 2018, at 22:06. This won't happen any time soon for EN so you should still treasure your MK6s. Description: A HE BB gun. The Ju 87C is great on Graf Zeppelin, and the BTD 1 is great on ships with low Aviation stat. Basically the rough tankiness of a ship after factoring evasion and other damage reduction sources. Don't even need to verify identity, so long as you have joined and can view. Twin 203mm (BL 8" Mk VIII) is a piece of equipment in Azur Lane. While it may not be useful now, once Chapter 12 and eventually Chapter 13 comes, this is a nice equipment for AA heavy ships and Repair ships due to the eventual plane flood on these worlds. However Operation Siren has unveiled a couple of new CA weapons, the Triple 203mm Mk IX Prototype (Albemarle gun), which has a 6-shot volley (most likely 2x3 pattern) and a 7.91 second reload time. Predominantly focused around equipment mechanics and recommendations. Triple 152mm Prototype (BL 6" Mk XXV) It doesn't however evade ambushes/airstrikes unlike an SG Radar does. It fires similarly to a Twin 152mm AP gun (4 shells in a single salvo), except it has longer range and much tighter spread. The only downside it has is a slight drop in accuracy due to it firing three shells in a tight line instead of just two. Description: An AP CA gun. Twin 100mm High-Angle (Type 98) Blueprints needed to craft: 25 Blueprints Amongst these 4 guns, the Twin 130mm has the highest damage potential theoretically but is held back by its ammo type being normal. This page was last edited on 27 July 2018, at 22:06. The 2 producers revealed virtually concurrently coloured prototype of figures for Jean Bart in her âUninhibited Bloodstoneâ costume and Ryuuhou within the âFirebirdâs New 12 months Danceâ ⦠Close. It's a good CL gun overall for CLs with its stats. Highly Recommended for grabs. Equipment Type: Torpedo on a sortie. This equipment is best used on vanguard ships especially CAs (imagine Beaver Badge + this equipment on a CA). They are also slightly expensive to craft. Subreddit for the mobile game Azur Lane. If you don't have these two guns on researches yet, buying the 203mm Type 3 on Core shop is not a bad idea. I have no other content. The VT18 has a damage amp skill while the VT8 has great damage from 2nd airstrike onward. Top posts august 21st … Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. I finally made it. +2 hip mounted Twin 203mm SK C/34 turrets. Recommended. Apart from that, it also has a 30% chance every 20 seconds to activate perfect dodge for 2 seconds which is basically projectile invulnerability for 2 seconds. Recommended. Equipment Type: BB Gun Other wikis and in-game may have different naming. 610mm … SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE SUBSCRIBE ~RubyFox~ The twin 127 is the vanilla choice for DD if you don't have the best 2 guns. Caroline In Free Fire Background Story And Guide, What Is A Lovely Girl Doing In This Deadly Battle? The 380 and 381 are faster - choose between AP and HE to equip on your ships based on the situation. Improved Hydraulic Rudder Do not recommend opening on mobile; high chance to crash. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Hardest ship to find, but totally worth every penny to use. This is an overview of all the new PR equipment that came with the Research update. Blueprints needed to craft: 25 Blueprints 3 Prototype. Blueprints needed to craft: 25 Blueprints Recommended. While it does the same damage and range, it fires in a 3 shell 2 salvo per volley with a better superior reload and volley time, thus very hard hitting in return. You need about 8-10 months to get one. For support and suggestions, either you can DM me directly on Discord or feel free to visit Ayanamie Discord server. Mobile Games. In this game, you would control up to 6 characters, advancing in the map to shoot at the enemies appeared while dodge the bullets fired by them. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Whiskey144 The one thing that keeps confusing me is that I thought Azur Lane already has the triple 203mm Mark15 Baltimore gun. 239. Twin 203mm Prototype (No. The gold Twin 203mm Prototype is a heavy cruiser gun and a straight upgrade to the purple Twin 203mm * ... Subreddit for the mobile game Azur Lane. Azur Lane Equipment Guide 2020. Also, we love tier lists, right? Commanders. eHP - Short for Effective Hitpoints. Blueprints needed to craft: 25 Blueprints Triple 203mm Prototype (Mle 1934) is a piece of equipment in Azur Lane. It also has a pseudo SG Radar-like effect that reduces encounters with ambushes/airstrikes by 12%. 610mm Quadruple Torpedo. Azur Lane is an Action game developed by Yostar Limited.. BlueStacks app player is the best PC platform (emulator) to play this android game on your PC or Mac for a better gaming experience. User Info: 67128273 System Info: Samsung Galaxy S9+ Android 9.0 Frequency: Guaranteed. Description: An upgraded Twin 152mm AP. 239. Blueprints needed to craft: 25 Blueprints Join. 343 votes, 48 comments. Saint Louis, a PR ship benefits this gun due to her HE skill. When equipping destroyer guns on Battleships, the rules pretty much stay the same. RoF - Short of Rate of Fire. AA guns are pretty much the same, except for the STAAG being the strongest and the Hazemayer being the 2nd due to their bonus Hit Stats. Torpedo planes are about the same, with each serves a separate function. It always happens no matter what Perceived Severity: Medium issue that noticeably affects the game experience but can be ignored (e.g., animations not playing correctly) How to Reproduce: Using Atago with Prototype 203mm, igniting an escort ship in PvE and watching the burn tick down, escort ships will … Research is similar to what you will do in Commissions but it costs resources instead of using ships. Description: The Twin variant of its Triple version. (Like what I do? 550mm Triple Torpedo Launcher ... Subreddit for the mobile game Azur Lane. Starts: 13 August 2020 Starts: 02 September 2020 Science Rules! Check out this Azur Lane equipment guide to find out more about what to equip on your shipgirls - probably the hardest part in AL. 550mm Twin Torpedo Launcher It may be slightly less consistent in terms of DPS than the Twin 150mm TbtsK but it's still a competitive CL Gun. Blueprints needed to craft: 25 Blueprints Azur Lane is a bullet hell, side-scrolling style mobile game, with a character roster being the warships from World War 2 personified. Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. Stereotypical top tier CA gun. This is pretty much based on stats. Azur Lane is a bullet hell It's still weaker in terms of FP compared to the Twin 113mm AA and the Octuple 40mm Pom-Pom but hey, it's a good AA gun to have. Equipment Type: Torpedo If on mobile, tap View Code to show them. Blueprints needed to craft: 25 Blueprints Azur Lane is the Naval Warfare game you always wanted! Please read and accept our website Terms and Privacy Policy to post a comment. I don't have that, but I do have the Prototype 203mm Type 3 on Saint-Louis. Aux equips are pretty easy: Oxy torps and toolbox on DDs, Gold Rudder on Cruisers, Black/White Shells + Radars on BBs and Steam Catapult on CVs. All the names are from the Azur Lane Koumakan wiki and as such you can refer the stats there. Basically a barrage version of the Triple 406mm Mk 6 but it's still slower compared to the Twin 381mm Mk 2 Prototype and the Twin 410mm Mounted Gun. 119k. Monarch, a PR ship benefits this gun due to her barrage skill. I have no other content. Various guides for Azur Lane. Azur Lane Japanese Pronunciation Guide for Ships w... Azur Lane Weeaboo Pronunciation Guide for Ships wi... WHAT EQUIPMENTS SHOULD I USE IF I HAVE NOTHING BUT... Azur Lane Ammo Type Modifiers (Table) Azur Lane(EN) Equipment Box Contents: WHICH BOXES ... Azur Lane Dorm Guide; Azur Lane Simplified AA Equipment Guide v.20180901 I don't have that, but I do have the Prototype 203mm Type 3 on Saint-Louis. The 410 is the poor man's choice - pick it if you don't have the others. Please read and accept our website Terms and Privacy Policy to post a comment. Not to mention the rarity of the equipment limits its usability to none. 1.9k. 3)) Jump to navigation Jump to search. An informational guide created by itsfyh aka pootatoast#1337. The best gun on the list, the Twin 203 MLE 1924, is event exclusive, so you might not have more than one of it. 1. Contents1 Destroyers 2 Light Cruisers 3 Heavy […] A page for describing YMMV: Azur Lane. Equipment Type: Auxiliary Evasion stat basically increases the eHP of a ship thus enhancing their longevity in battles. à¸à¸à¸µà¹à¸à¸à¸à¸à¸£à¸°à¸ªà¸¸à¸à¹à¸à¹à¹à¸§à¸à¸à¹à¸à¸°à¸à¸³à¹à¸à¹à¸ Twin 203mm (3rd Year Type No. Just know that future trend might favor 410mm. Twin 40mm Bofors STAAG Mk II Equipment Type: AA Gun When power clashes with … PrinzEugen. Alpha - Short for Alpha Strike. However it still suffers from lackluster DPS due to the lack of burn damage on HE BB guns and the fact that it's weaker on light armored targets makes it reliant on another BB with HE shells. Accompanied with that is the RPG elements with enhancements, skills, and gears, providing extensive depth for the game. Finally, the Twin 203 SKC can be get from boxes, which is somewhat useful until you get better weapons. Blueprints needed to craft: 25 Blueprints Mobile Games - Created Oct 9, 2017. In a mobile market saturated by predatory, thinly disguised gambling simulators posing as RPGs, where the only valid choice is the rarest, most expensive, most lootboxable one, Azur Lane bucks the trend by having ALL of its units entirely viable for all content, given proper gear and care. Meme. Now I just need a good build for her, any suggestions? Whiskey144 The one thing that keeps confusing me is that I thought Azur Lane already has the triple 203mm Mark15 Baltimore gun.