These are the 0.4ohm best at 23-28w and the new mesh coil at 0.7ohm and best vaped between 20-25w…sadly the latter is not included in the box. I began vaping in 2012 and found it easy to give up a 40 per day roll-up habit! They are placed at the bottom and vertically for better air flow circulation. The new 0.4 Ohm resistor on the Nautilus 2S is not very powerful. With its filling from the top technically highly sought after, to avoid any leakage.The vapers accustomed to a reasoned vape will also find what they are looking for thanks to this tank. A perfect atomizer in MTL and DL? It is equipped with two resistors: 0.7 ohm which is previously installed in the clearomiser to provide a vape between 18 and 23 watts; a second resistance of 1.8 ohm similar to a Nautilus mini 5ml for a power between 10 and 12 watts. Indeed, it will affect the life of the resistors but will increase the production of steam. With this setting, the vaper can vape with a very tight inhalation when a single hole is covered, which will make only very little air pass. The Nautilus 2 was and still is the Clearomizer of the Aspire brand suitable for a tight vape running at low power. I am a qualified motor mechanic and I understand O-rings & seals. The bottom airflow remains, however, twist and you’ll get the 5 tiny airflow ports. Aspire has utilised the mesh material, expanding heating surface which offers better flavour with larger clouds. Only because I was still able to use it and did not buy smokes. Thanks The BVC resistors (Bottom Vertical Coil) from Aspire are all compatible with the Nautilus GT. Given sub ohm apparently starts at 30W for most, I was intrigued to see how the 0.4ohm coil best between 23 and 28w would perform. A LARGE AMPLITUDE AIR FLOWThe airflow (or airflow for vapers) of the Nautilus 2S, will be easier to set than the original version as Nautilus 2. Aspire har haft hovederne i blød, og fundet alle de ting de har kunne, som kunne gøre Nautilus 2 tanken bedre, og nu er resultatet her: Nautilus 2S! Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Do not buy. This thing had me worrying if I was going to break something getting it apart and the ultra thin O-ring on the bottom shroud let go 3rd time in. To release the coil you need to press down on it and twist, then withdraw [ooer]. The Aspire Nautilus 2S Tank comes included with two coil options, a pre-installed 0.4-ohm BVC coil with a supported wattage range of 23-28W and a 1.8-ohm BVC coil with a supported wattage range of 9-13W. These Nautilus 2S really are quite sh*t. I’ve been using Aspire since the Nautilus 1, X, 2. 0.4ohm – ideal for direct-to-lung vaping. Andy. Have you used the Aspire Nautilus 2s? I think that is the last Aspire product I’ll ever buy – so much oil has been wasted due to leakage. The smaller one looks slightly better although for me doesn’t match my ‘space grey’ tank. Indeed, it reproduces almost identically the aesthetics of Nautilus 2 of the brand Aspire. imo – good tank, but no. The Nautilus mini was mildly inconvenient but I never got a big old stain on my pants from it leaking in my pocket – actually never with any tank apart from this one. The Nautilus 2S remains true to the original Nautilus design, and therefore, it is an excellent mouth to lung atomizer. I'm an Army veteran - adore dogs and never happier than with a good book on a beach. This will allow it to more easily adapt the flow of air at will. Aspire Nautilus 2. Other 510’s do fit with only a couple of mine being either too loose or too tight. Aspire Nautilus 2S Tank is newest member of Nautilus family. It’s 25mm at the base and available in 5 colours: stainless steel – black – blue – rainbow and the ‘space grey’ I received. I agree – the flavour’s good ont eh new tank, but the original is much better overall. Once filled, slide the top cap back into place and screw the top cap back down. So what’s new with this one and has it been improved? Before we get onto how the tank handles the 2 styles of vaping and of course flavour and cloud production, I want to look at what I’ve called the over complication of coil swaps and filling! There’s also a choice of drip tips (mouthpieces) which Aspire says also matches the style of vaping you choose. I honestly was shocked at how over engineered this thing is and how inconvenient and unreliable it is due to letting an engineer trump use case & convenience. No – leaks just as bad. Design wise it has retained the design I tongue in cheek called “bell-end” style in my review of the previous tank. Nautilus 2S navazuje na své úspěšné předchůdce a opět přichází s perfektním požitkem z vapování pusa-plíce. The new user of the e-cigarette can easily adjust the airflow to his taste. The Nautilus 2 was and still is the Clearomizer of the Aspire brand suitable for a tight vape running at low power. Nautilus 2S fabricado por Aspire. The New 2S arrived on the scene rather more quietly lol and in between those we had the Nautilus X and the Mini BVC. Great review mate. I'm a former journalist and now a writer and author.. Think I’ll give the new mesh ones a try. You nailed it! The unit itself is beautifully finished and of high quality, but overly complex and as a result, unreliable and unfriendly to use. The Nautilus 2S is the successor to its big brother, the Nautilus 2. Yes I know I’m a doddery old fool, but a new vaper coming straight off the fags wants to just fill or snap on a pod and puff away, and not piss around with cogs and ‘some twisting’. There’s a refreshing lack of logos or branding on the tank, the only blip on an otherwise clean design being the arrow showing where the fill port is. As I’ve said in most of my reviews of Aspire products – including the recent one of the Cleito Pro sub ohm tank – the company does generally have a very good build quality. The Nautilus 2S tank is designed to use the new 0.4ohm Nautilus 2S coils, but it is compatible with all of the Nautilus coils available. There’s a rather elongated stainless steel tip for restricted vapers and a stubby little guy for direct to lung. The Nautilus 2S is the successor to its big brother, the Nautilus 2. ADVICE ON THE NAUTILUS 2SFollowing this information, we will note two big changes on the Nautilus 2S.His finishes and his gripFirst by name. A sleek top-fill Nautilus tank. Its strong point is this ability to fill the top works very well.We can complain about the fact that the Nautilus 2S must make two movements before accessing its tank, unlike a simple unscrewing on the previous version. The problem is it is a sealed unit so you cannot disassemble to change rings. The Aspire Nautilus 2S Toronto MTL Tank is the newest reiteration of the ever-popular Nautilus Tank, featuring a 2.6mL tank capacity, ... like the tanks it was meant for, have stood the test of time and many generations of tanks. Aspire Nautilus 2 Intro Last week we were super excited to announce the release of Aspire’s new Nautilus 2, mainly because we were all fans of the original Nautilus and Nautilus Mini. A real design fault. At a push yes it is…which I have to say has surprised me somewhat…though with that ginormous drip tip on top it looks, well, like something you’d see in a micro brass band. DTL: Lost Vape DNA75C BF - Dead Rabbit SQ - MTL: JacVapour Sandstorm DNA 75 + Augvape Merlin Nano RTA...Daily set-up Lost Vape DNA 250c and Geekvape Zeus X These coils fit the aspire Nautilus, Nautilus Mini,Nautilus 2, Nautilus 2S and Nautilus AIO I did pump it up as high as 35w and the vape improved significantly, however after a morning I could tell the coil was pushing itself a little. Come inizializzare la coil del nostro Nautilus 2 con fastidio e riluttanza nei confronti del genere umano. To ‘simplify things…here’s the Aspire diagrams on filling and swapping coils – hopefully making more sense than my words lol: [Quick break as just writing this has bought me ‘Nam style flashbacks…]. Please enter your email address to create an account. On unscrewing the base you’re greeted with what looks like a clockwork cog. Still, it’s good to see Aspire offering this option and I really would like to try the new mesh coil – if I do I’ll add my thoughts to this review. Nautilus 2 fabricado por Aspire. In doing this movement, a slot will appear and this will be the one that will further increase the flow.Direct inhalation will therefore be possible on this latest model even if the increase in this flow remains measured compared to other tanks. Yeah the flavour is great and yeah you get a great MTL vape and a decent DTL vape – but is all that buggering about worth it? The variety of e-liquids also makes its strong point among all the others that we could quote you. It offers a relatively tight draw, adequate for inhalation in two stages, that is to say first by the mouth and then by the lungs. But also, it can suck large amplitude by adjusting the airflow so that the five holes are visible allowing much more air passes.What makes the Nautilus 2S airflow specific is an additional adjustment that can be accessed by turning the airflow control ring a little further. It will be possible with this new resistance to vaper with e-liquid 30PG / 70VG (ie thicker) without any problem. Aspire Nautilus 2S Presenting the all new Aspire Nautilus 2S the ultimate mouth to lung tank / hybrid. Aspire Nautilus 2S Tank. Smok TFV18 Sub Ohm Tank Review – Oh And There’s An RBA Too! Nautilus 2S har leveres også i en … suitable for use between 20-25W. Aspire Favostix Pod Kit Review – Ideal If You Like A Tight Vape! They’ve done this by adding a Cyclops style airflow that can be switched back to the smaller, regular Mouth to Lung (MTL) airflow holes and of course adding a couple of new coils. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Cheers I give it 1 out of 5. De problemer man kunne komme ud for med en Nautilus 2, er der taget hånd om på denne model, hvilket gør den til en sikker vinder. Aspire Nautilus 2S Actualización del atomizador Nautilus de la marca Aspire.Nautilus 2S cuenta con un nuevo y atractivo diseño curvilineo. UK/Europe – Save 5% With Code ECIGCLICK Its 0.7 ohm resistance also offers a vape experience more muscular compared to what the competition offers us, without drifting towards a high-powered vape. Whether to improve its performance, facilitate its use,... Resistance, also called atomizer head is one of the most important parts of your electronic cigarette. The great advance is the ability to transpose from an indirect inhalation to a direct inhalation following a simple adjustment, which the Zenith Innokin does not have. © 2019 | Design & Communication : Suchet & Buttier S.A.S. Both are a regular 510 fitting. Du får blandt andet endnu bedre smagsoplevelser med den afkortede skorsten, og designet sætter en helt ny trend: Afrundede svungne og elegante former, samt en lækker finish i mat anodiseret aluminium. The 0.4 ohm coil is designed for direct-to-lung vaping, while the 1.8 ohm coil is designed for mouth-to-lung vaping. Make sure you switch the airflow control to the wide open Cyclops style. The flavour off this one is very good indeed. ═╣ SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ╠═ … Aspire didn’t even release photos of it until the last minute, now I’m holding it in my hand and about to have a vape on it. You pop the coil into the tank, then press down on the clockwork cog and ‘tighten’ I say tighten because that’s the instinct, however that cog merrily spins around biting into nothing. El atomizador Nautilus 2S incorpora un depósito de 2 ml de capacidad, con sistema de rellano superior y protección infantil y anti-fugas. This is why Aspire brand manufacturers have developed a new 25 BVC resistance in 0.4 ohm on the Nautilus 2S.With a range of between 23 and 28 watts, Aspire offers its customers a wide range of usable powers that it has increased again.Those who will take possession of this new clearomizer will thus have 5 types of resistances with powers and made different: Nautilus BVC resistance 1.6 ohm recommended between 7 and 12 watts, the 9 watt version is recommended Nautilus BVC resistance 1.8 ohm recommended between 10 and 14 watts, it is the Nautilus preferable as the first of the range Resistance Nautilus 2 BVC 0.7 ohm recommended between 18 and 23 watts Resistance Nautilus 2S BVC 0.4 ohm recommended between 23 and 28 watts Nautilus BVC Nic Salt resistance in 1.8 ohm recommended between 10 and 12 watts, theoretically designed for e-liquids with nicotine salts.However, the one we are talking about here, Nautilus 2S, comes with 2 resistors. It's just an extension of the previous version of the 0.7 ohm resistor.Airflow also can do better for a "Nautilus", but it has a fairly respectable record for this product line. Aspire Nautilus 2S Actualización del atomizador Nautilus de la marca Aspire.Nautilus 2S cuenta con un nuevo y atractivo diseño curvilineo. Proporciona un gran sabor con nubes densas y tiene una buena duración. Aspire has opened the Nautilus up for vapers wanting to try their hand at Direct To Lung Vaping or DTL for short. The Aspire Nautilus 2S Tank comes with two Nautilus BVC coil options, a pre-installed 0.4 ohm Nautilus BVC coil with a supported wattage range of 23W - 28W and a 1.8 ohm Nautilus BVC coil with a supported wattage range of 9W - 13W. It has an adjustable ring that allows to open the maximum draw so that it is more air. Apollo OHM GO V2 Review – Updated Or Outdated? This may seem normal in the world of commerce, but it's an eternity for consumers of the e-cigarette. Som noget nyt, behøver du ikke mere at skille tanken ad for at fylde væske på. However, Aspire hasn’t put a spare in the box…guess they must be confident the armour will protect it…. Det er en nyfortolkning af den klassiske Nautilus 2. I have been vaping for years and never used any of the Nautilus tanks – oops! We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The unscrew and push action plus the perfect amount of strength resistance to open ensures that this tank will be child resistant and leak free. It has an adjustable ring that allows to open the maximum draw so that it is more air. Airflow and coils are the main changes to the new Nautilus 2S which Aspire says opens the door for a restricted lung hit or DTL style of vaping. For fans of this model there will be no difference felt apart on the circumference of its tank. It’s a shame the mesh one isn’t included in the box – Aspire missed a trick there. You just have to unscrew the top part of this tank to the end.The small notches will facilitate the grip and the unscrewed part will hang. Note: the rest of the world gets a 2.6ml capacity. Den rommer 2.6 ml e-juice i motsetning til 2-versjonen med sin 2 ml kapasitet. Características: Resistencias de 0.7 ohm (20-25W) Sirven para el el atomizador Nautilus y para el Kit Mulus; Se vende en pack de 5 unidades. No doubting the very good flavour particularly off the MTL coil, however, the over complication spoiled the experience for me...but don't let my buffoonery put you off ;). If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. That at 1.8 ohm BVC will be pre-installed in the tank while the new 0.4 ohm will be in its packaging. The filling of the tank of this latest model of the brand Aspire has been completely revisited. Nautilus 2S fabricado por Aspire. So you screw on the base and 5 times out of 10 you get a ‘check atomizer’ error…if you’re using a mod with a screen that is. Right on with the review and for the record this was sent to me free of charge – thank you – and as always my thoughts and opinions are unswayed by freebies. The electronic cigarette is composed of several elements. There is also a new 0.7 ohm mesh coil available separately. But it should be noted that the parts remain interdependent and that this system avoids as much as possible leaks e-liquid often generate by the notches at the closing of the clearomizer. The name found by this great manufacturer of electronic cigarette is timely when it is found that the Nautilus 2S is an improved version of Nautilus 2. It offers a relatively tight draw, adequate for inhalation in two stages, that is to say first by the mouth and then by the lungs. The tank looks a lot like the Nautilus 2 – except for that super long drip tip. 0.4ohm BVC coil is designed for DL vaping, 1.8ohm BVC coil is designed for MTL vaping. The glass is behind a cage with wide juice viewports and I have done the drop test with no sign of the glass cracking. Nautilus 2 es compatible con la resistencia Nautilus BVC, que junto al sistema de regulación de aire ajustable nos ofrece una … Several reasons make this type of electronic cigarette much... All about the battery: The battery is the energy generator of the e-cigarette. This is the Nautilus 2S! Den har også en noe mer solid konstruksjon med forbedret påfylling. Twist again and you’ll get a wide open Cyclops style slot – each selection can of course be opened or closed to suit. The Nautilus 2S tank supports MTL and DL vaping by using different resistances of BVC coils. In DTL mode with the Cyclops style port wide open you get a very restricted MTL vape – reminiscent of the Augvape Intake RTA from Mike Vapes have closed if you catch my drift…way to tight for me. I might be 58 this summer, and known for being one of the most un-technical blokes out there, but even reading the instruction manual, which I had to do, both had me swearing…a lot. Aspire Nautilus 2S er en nymoderne tank, der overholder alle regler for at kunne blive godkendt i Danmark, hvilket den derfor også er. Flavour and vapor production were a particular high point of that tank. The coils fit into a wide range of Aspire products such as the Nautilus … Did it work ok if so did you use the 1.8 coils, Please can you answer a question for me. The base basically screws shut tight even if the coil isn’t housed properly! Produces more vapour than the 0.4ohm. differences between MTL and DTL vape styles. OK the original Nautilus was a real game-changer in the world of vaping. Find out more about the differences between MTL and DTL vape styles. Aspire 9th Tank Review – A Collaboration with NoName. Now that’s not me using wimpy words instead of a technical term such as ‘half twist’ – it comes straight from Aspire who say: Refilling the child-resistant Nautilus 2S tank is simplicity itself and mess free. I am fancying the 0.7ohm mesh – any ideas? The fill method is pure engineer – great concept but is an absolute fail in execution because if you vape something like Black Note that comes in a glass pipette forget it. The Nautilus 2 features top fill access, allowing for an easy fill on the go, and this tank also conveniently holds 2ml of E – liquid, so now you have longer periods between each fill up. Question is, is it better than the original? If I thought coil swaps was a pain in the proverbial, filling almost – and still does at times – had me cowering in a corner of a darkened room. You have entered an incorrect email address! Simple enough, however replacing a coil is a pain. I am a little concerned at the finish too…it does feel a little thin if that makes sense and I’ve already picked up a few scratches. Older versions of this Nautilus are all compatible with the Nautilus 2S clearomizer. Zároveň však nabízí i možnost utažených potahů přímo do plic. La Resistencia 2S para Nautilus de Aspire es una resistencia que sirve para la gama Nautilus. This fluidity present with the Nautilus 2S would even recall airs from the Innokin Zenith Reservoir.The amplitude of the air flow much more adjustableThe adaptation to the e-cig by a new vaper will be done quickly thanks to this new resistance in 0.4 ohm proposed by Aspire on its last clearomiseur which is still suitable in the type of vape proposed. Obviously, the last two are designed for DTL vaping whilst the former is for MTL…it’s recommended to use the appropriate airflow to get the best out of them. You just do not exaggerate the rise in the watts. Aspire Nautilus 2S E sigarett tanken er en oppgradering av Nautilus 2 tanken. 0.7ohm Mesh – ideal for direct-to-lung vaping. I’m kind of crossing into design and performance here, so I’ll explain more in the next section, suffice it to say coil swapping and filling are a little over-complicated. The world and his uncle, including myself, have probably vaped on one of the Nautilus’ at some point in our vaping journeys. The Nautilus 2 is for many their go to tank for standard mouth to lung vaping. It’s one of those, you either love that buoy shape or you don’t. With these new 1.8 coils will they fit into the original 5ml nautilus set up if so I think I will buy some I’ve swapped coils so many times now and I still get that error message 50% of the time…maybe just me…probably lol…but do we really need a childproof lock on a coil that’s already behind a tightened base? Hey call me a drama queen if you will, but Jeez if coil swapping is a pain then filling is torture. spÆndende ny aspire nautilus 2 tank Nautilus 2 er dybest set en opgradering af den originale Nautilus og Nautilus Mini, og der er masser af forbedringer. Older versions of this Nautilus are all compatible with the Nautilus 2S clearomizer.What made the Nautilus 2 special was the fact that the airflow flow rate could be adjusted more easily, which comforted and adapted the new vapoteur. On the MTL side of things and despite not having a reduction in the diameter of the airflow holes, the vape half shut is still what I’d class as a good MTL draw. Includes: 1 x 2.6ml Nautilus 2S tank (Pre-installed a 1.8ohnn coil) El atomizador Nautilus 2S incorpora un depósito de 2 ml de capacidad, con sistema de rellano superior y protección infantil y anti-fugas. Basically, an indirect inhalation vape. Incidentally, I didn’t receive the 0.7ohm mesh coil which is a real pity. I used a 50/50 VG/PG tobacco flavoured e-liquid from Black Note for MTL tests and the 70/30 VG/PG Puris from 12 Monkeys for the DTL test. We have listened to valuable custom I think 3 paragraphs to show you how to fill this says it all…and like I said even Aspire’s technical team says: Unscrew the top cap anti-clockwise a few turns…. As a real fan of the Nautilus series, it’s that over engineering and over complicating everything that spoils it for me. It is equipped with two resistors: 0.7 ohm which is previously installed in the clearomiser to provide a vape between 18 and 23 watts; a second resistance of 1.8 ohm similar to a Nautilus mini 5ml for a power between 10 and 12 watts. Once this part unscrewed, it will be enough for you to slide this top cap on the side then showing the filling hole.Thanks to this new filling mode you will be able to avoid the unexpected openings of your clearomiser. Det kan være svært at forestille sig hvordan man kan opgradere en tank som Aspires Nautilus 2, men det er alligevel lykkes dem at finde på ting som får Nautilus 2S til at skille sig væsentligt ud fra den tidligere Nautilus tank. I do wish they’d reduced the diameter of the ports though to enable users to tailor the draw even more. ZQ Trio RTA Review – A Mouth To Lung RTA With 3 Airflow Rings, Smok IPX80 Pod Kit Review – Dialing In The Flavour, Coil resistance – 1.8ohm (fitted) / 0.4ohm. Aspire describes these modifications as for ‘child-proof’ purposes… I guess that means me as you’ll see lol. This my friends is why engineers should be kept on a very short leash. It offers a relatively tight draw, adequate for inhalation in two stages, that is to say first by the mouth and then by the lungs. Aspire Nautilus 2S Coils The Nautilus coil range are designed to restore flavour and vapour production to the Zelus and Nautilus tanks. OK, you have to locate that white arrow on the top of the tank and unscrew the top cap…a little bit. Shell. THE POWER DEVELOPED BY THE NAUTILUS 2SBy increasing the flow of the airflow of this model, it was expected that it starts to consume a little more energy. The 0.4-ohm coil is designed for DL vaping, while the 1.8-ohm coil is designed for MTL vaping. It comes with sleek and curvy exterior, which offers you comfortable hand feeling. The Nautilus 2S is renowned for its unchanged flavor, but also thanks to its reliable and easy use to the delight of vapers. Bumped up to 28w and things improved somewhat with a warmish vape, a decent amount of clouds and very good flavour. Likelihood Of Replacing If Lost Or Damaged? An improvement on the classic Nautilus tanks? The earlier tanks were restricted to mouth to lung (MTL) , as to if they’ve pulled this off, we shall see. Not impressed. The Aspire Nautilus 2S atomizer features a 2.6 ml tank capacity, an improved air flow control mechanism that is more precise and easier to use than the original Nautilus, and most important of all, a very convenient - child resistant - top-fill design. The one installed in the clearomizer is the resistance 2S BVC Mesh in 0,7 Ω. A ‘few turns’…trust me this bloody thing has a mind of its own, allowing me to push open sometimes, but mostly not. Whilst all the razzamatazz building up to the release of the Nautilus 2 was shall we say a little over the top. It will therefore be necessary to learn about the type of e-liquid supported to avoid any inconvenience.But the Nautilus 2S has just been introduced in the world of the vape. Given it’s white it does stand out a little but nothing too serious. have stripped & rebuilt this thing and it still does it. Apparently – as I was told by more than a few exes – mates and women lol – I have the patience of a saint, however this one nearly went through the window and I’m supposed to know what I’m doing – don’t laugh lol. Closed off and barely open and this is tight – way tight! I’ll go into more detail on both but let’s just say I struggled a bit lol. OK, let’s look at if all my struggles [lol] are worth it in the end. We will therefore talk about the Nautilus a direct inhalation restrictive. All about resistance for electronic cigarette. It can make use of a very tight vape that is to say with 1 or 2 apparent holes, thanks to the 1.8 ohm resistance (known for some time already) to a vape.The vapoteur can also have an additional adjustment thanks to the resistance BVC in 0,4 ohm by opening its airflow ring at its convenience, and raise slightly the watts on his box for a vape more powerful and warmer where a small drip tip will be recommended.WHAT TYPE OF VAPOTER IS ADDRESSING THE NAUTILUS 2S?We have seen that this tank has a remarkable ability to adapt to several vapes is the pleasure of the new vaper that can test a range without having to invest in a new clearomizer each time.With excellent rendering, the Nautilus 2S is much stronger than its predecessor.