The size and weight of the missile can suggest that it can see an aircraft with five square kilometer effective echoing ratio at a distance of 15-20km. If Russia’s claims are accurate, it can eliminate destroyers and littoral combat ships with just one shot. Russian defense officials claim to have developed an anti-ship missile capable of speeds in excess of 4,000 miles per hour, or about six times the speed of sound. The ranges, given in kilometers (km) are estimates based on publicly available sources. 1. Russia Defence Forum; General Discussion; World Military History ; Go to page: 1, 2, 3 . The Kh-35 carries a 145 kg High Explosive Fragmentation (HE-FRAG) warhead. Please login or register . Unknown: D-7: Unknown: An IRBM to replace RSM-20. Project Number/Russian Name Strategic Code Industry Code NATO Codename Notes; Unknown: D-3: Unknown: An IRBM intended for Project 652 submarines. The Kh-35 is much simpler to produce than P-800 Oniks, Kalibr of the new Tsyrkon (Zyrconium) hypersonic anti-ship missile, that is currently being developed. The report explains that a 3M44 Progress anti-ship missile was launched from the Utes battery and was then successfully intercepted by the frigate’s … The supplementary report accessed by The Drive said that […] SY-2B – Improved SY-2A anti-ship missile with supersonic speed and low-level flight. Anti-ship missiles of Russia and the Soviet Union,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 15 March 2013, at 05:03. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. It is known in the West as the SS-N-33. Anti-ship cruise missiles of Russia include cruise missiles for attacking surface ships at sea designed, built, or operated by Russia. Recently, video footage of Utes coastal-defense anti-ship missile system was posted online on October 14, 2020, by TV Zvezda, the official television channel of the Russian Ministry of Defense. HY-1J – Ship-to-ship version of HY-1 missile, HY-1JA – Improved HY-1J with new radar and better ECM and range, HY-2B – Improved HY-2 with mono-pulse radar seeker, HY-2BII – Improved HY-2B with new radar seeker. The soviet-era anti-ship missile system still hasn’t lost lustre and secures the Crimean Peninsula in the Black Sea. Contributed … Zircon is believed to be a maneuvering, winged hypersonic cruise missile with a lift-generating center body. The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total. The Zircon’s estimated range is 500 km at a low level and up to 750 km at a semi-ballistic trajectory, but the state-owned media in Russia reports the range as 1,000 km. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Kh-32 missile effective echoing ratio is 0.5 square kilometers, so the range of Strandard-6 warhead is 8-12 kilometers. The state-of-the-art projectile hit a mock target after travelling 450km within minutes. Russia Deploys Missiles to Pacific Islands Claimed by Japan The Russian military says it has deployed state-of-the-art air defense missiles to the Pacific islands claimed by Japan. In 2017 reports emerged that the Tsyrkon was trialed on naval platforms. Not to be outdone, the Russian navy conducted its third test launch of the Zircon hypersonic anti-ship cruise missile in the White Sea in December. The RK-360MC Neptun (Neptune) is a Ukrainian anti-ship missile system.It was developed by Luch design bureau. Unknown: D-8: Unknown: Unsuccessful competitor to RSM-40. A ship is destroyed by a KH-35U anti-ship cruise missile during a Russian test. (Listed by official Soviet/Russian name, followed by GRAU designation and NATO reporting name in parentheses.) Overview. The 3M22 Zircon or the SS-N-33 is a maneuvering anti-ship hypersonic cruise missile developed in Russia. C-201W – Extended-range version of HY-2 with turbojet engine, for export only. Home Register Log in ; You are not connected. Another video in the US vs Russia series I started a merch store. It uses R-360 anti-ship cruise missile, version of the Russian Kh-35.It is generally similar to the Kh-35U, but has a longer body with more fuel, larger booster, and some other modifications. "There is no technological solution for stopping this type of weapon in the US currently — the ramifications are colossal" RSM-45: SSN-17 Snipe: Anti-Ship Missiles. Anti-ship missiles were among the first instances of short-range guided missiles during World War II in 1943 - 44. Land-Based Anti-Ship Missiles and the U.S. Marine Corps: Options Available Peter Ong reports on the Land-Based Anti-Ship Missile (LBASM) options on the table for the USMC and US Army ground forces to use against threatening enemy ships, with … 2. Russia has tested a new hypersonic anti-ship missile that can travel a blistering 6,138 miles an hour, or 1.7 miles a second. The German Luftwaffe used the Hs 293, the Fritz X, and others, all launched from its bombers, to deadly effect against some Allied ships in the Mediterranean Sea, seriously damaging ships such as the United States Navy light cruiser USS Savannah (CL-42) off Salerno, Italy. Unknown: D-6: 4K-18 : SSNX-13: A ballistic anti-ship missile. SY-2A – Extended-range version of the SY-2 with new turbojet engine and GPS guidance, can be deployed from air as air-launched anti-ship missile. First known trials of this missile took place in 2016. nastle77 on Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:35 pm. The Russian Navy has successfully test-fired an ultra-fast Zircon anti-ship missile from its most advanced frigate in the far north. YJ-8K (C-801K) – Air-launched version of YJ-8 anti-ship missile, YJ-8Q (C-801Q) – Submarine-launched version of YJ-8. A significant modernization program continues in Russia, producing new variants of both ballistic and cruise missiles with significant new capabilities. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more). All missiles are surface-to-surface unless otherwise noted. The weapon belongs to the composition of the Black Sea Fleet; it was deployed during the military drill on the peninsula. Russian missiles perform a wide variety of missions, from anti-access/area denial in local conflicts to delivery of strategic nuclear weapons across continents. (YouTube/Star Channel) Russian media recently confirmed that the Kh-35E tactical air-launched anti-ship cruise missile was being incorporated aboard Russia's Sukhoi T-50 5th-generation stealth air superiority fighter. Get cool products & help support the channel! An anti-ship missile used by the Russian Navy, Club is actually a family of weapons sharing the same airframe. The Zircon is a scramjet-propelled anti-ship cruise missile that has been under development since 2011. Military Forum for Russian and Global Defence Issues. A booster stage with solid-fuel engines accelerates it to supersonic speeds, after which a scramjet motor with liquid-fuel (Decilin ) (JP-10 Jet fuel) in the second stage accelerates it to hypersonic speeds. nastle77 Posts: 229 Points: 307 Join date: 2015-07-25. ), AGM-84H/K SLAM-ER (Standoff Land Attack Missile - Expanded Response), "The U.S. Navy's Surface Force Just Got A Lot Deadlier", "Lockheed Snags DARPA Anti-Ship Missile Award",,,,,,,,,,,, Articles with Russian-language sources (ru), Articles with unsourced statements from July 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, SY-1A – Improved SY-1 missile with mono-pulse terminal guidance radar. Russian Defense Ministry The Russian military deployed Bastion, the anti-ship missile launcher in the annexed Crimea. They are not the only set of solutions to those requirements nor are they necessarily the best. YJ-82K (C-802K) – Air-launched version of YJ-82, YJ-83K (C-803K) – Air-launched version of YJ-83, This page was last edited on 4 February 2021, at 18:25. It costs around $500 000 per missile. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Anti-ship missiles of Russia and the Soviet Union. By Thomas Newdick February 1, 2021 The War Zone The 3M22 Tsyrkon (zircon) is a new Russian hypersonic anti-ship missile which is capable of carrying nuclear warhead. It’s a two-stage missile that uses solid fuel in the first stage and a scramjet motor in the second stage. Speaking to Izvestia, Tactical Missiles Corporation chief designer Nikolai Vasilyev explained what makes the Kh-35 one of the best missiles in the world. Moreover, given the very high cruise speed of this state-of-the-art Russian anti-ship missile (Mach 8 and over), a potential enemy’s surface-to-air or anti-missile systems will be rendered ineffective due to zero reaction time (the gap between the moment of threat detection and the launch of an intercepting missile). Russia is showing off its anti-ship missiles and buzzing U.S. Navy destroyers as they undertake maneuvers with regional allies. Soviet Anti-ship missiles. Russia is also making major advancements in the field of precision guided cruise missiles. The missiles are big and heavy. Russia's Defense Ministry reported that on January 28. Russian Navy Marshal Shaposhnikov Frigate Conducts Live Fire Test of Uran Anti-ship Missile December 29, 2020 January 4, 2021 by admin According to information published by the Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) on December 25, 2020, The upgraded ‘Marshal Shaposhnikov’ of the Russian Navy conducted a test-firing of the Uran (Uranus) anti-ship missile. Anti-ship cruise missiles of Russia include cruise missiles for attacking surface ships at sea designed, built, or operated by Russia . Only two other supersonic anti-ship missiles are available in the market: Russia's P-800 Oniks, also known as the SS-N-26 Strobile, and BrahMos, a joint development by Russia and India. Open sources provide no data on the range of Standard-6 homing warhead. ), (Listed by official Soviet/Russian name, followed by GRAU designation and NATO reporting name in parentheses. SLBM is an acronym for a submarine-launched ballistic missile and ASBM is an acronym for an anti-ship ballistic missile. (All missiles based on radar homing unless otherwise noted. Russia’s Zircon Missile Relegates Carriers to Bombing Small Poor Countries Pesky Russians went and built a Mach 8 anti-ship missile. These all used radio command-guidance from the bombardiers of the warplanes that launched them. nastle77. limiting the number that can be carried. Russia has in the last years touted the development of futuristic new weapons [File: Russian Defense Ministry Press Service/AP] Russia says it … Some of these hit and … In other words, you don’t have any time to react, because your ship gets hit right … YJ-82A (C-802A) – Improved YJ-82 showcased at DSEI in 2005, with published range of 180 km. Post n°26; Re: Soviet Anti-ship missiles. The Russian anti-ship missiles represent one set of technical solutions to penetrating anti-missile defenses. The Russian attention to hypersonics had its costs. This Russian anti-ship missile is a relatively inexpensive weapon. Carriers would likely be crippled or destroyed with a shot, but certainly couldn’t withstand sustained bombardment.