You have a choice of +16 mp5 , 250hp and 10 hp5 , +30 int/spirit. The guide was pretty detailed to the point of which quests in which order and how many of each dungeon to run for maximum optimization for leveling and rep. /cast Shadowbolt Skull of Guldan –Amazing equips and a fantastic use.Especially for deep destro. The guide is in a small window on your main screen in-game. No point in searing pain because no one is dpsing her until later on in the fight when the other advisors are dead. To do so, Tailors use the cloth that’s looted off of humanoid mobs. I joined twitch in 2013 with the gamer name of FuriousPaul and I streamed speedruns of the classic Castlevania games full time from 2013 - 2017. Yes! Blizzard Just Sent The Burning Crusade Survey to WoW Classic Players March 31, 2020; Fishing Guide 1-375 (TBC 2.4.3) January 26, 2020; First Aid Guide 1-375 (TBC 2.4.3) January 26, 2020; Cooking Guide 1-375 (TBC 2.4.3) January 26, 2020 Boots Talents Before we start discussing the builds, it’s worth saying… Brooch of Hightened Potential Power Leveling Basics for WoW; Power Leveling Your Horde Toon: The Orcs Levels 1-10 Pants A good idea, when UA/Corruption are running out, is to start immolate one tick early so you have time to refresh the other two. Do I stream? When you’re at that position(the 60 yards away) you don’t need to do anything for the rest of the phase. world of warcraft full leveling guide 1-70 burning goals with world of warcraft is to get to 60 (or 70 now) can do at level 70 (2.4.3) [wow tbc] alliance leveling guide 1-80. dalaran-wow. ; Numbers within the bars indicate the level range. Do I stream? Legs: Mystic Spellthread or the Epic Runic Spellthread You can get this fairly easily from the badge items and you get +70 from master summoner and pally aura. As Destruction you gain a total of 8 % crit to Destruction spells from talents(5 % isn’t shown on the character page however) Important/Easy to get items/enchants It requires 2 blue gems, which is not a problem. Consumables Try to keep as much spell hit as possible as it helps with overall threat and curse of doom. Boots: Boar’s Speed When to boost, when to quest, etc. Yes! Welcome to the Beast Mastery Hunter guide for World of Warcraft the Burning Crusade 2.4.3. . 1 Materials 2 Craft Order 3 Locations 4 Alternatives 5 Notes 6 Additional Guides There are these days more extensive and up-to-date sources of information on leveling Jewelcrafting available online via a google search. This WoW Blacksmithing guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to get your Blacksmithing skill up from 1 to 375.. Blacksmithing is the best combined with Mining and I highly recommend to level Mining and Blacksmithing at the same time, because you will need a lot of gold, if you want to buy everything from AH. Spell haste is a weird stat to talk about. Gloves of Oblivion Added by Blizzard in this expansion, it involves cutting gems in order to put them into gear or using them to craft rings, necklaces, and trinkets. Jewelcrafting leveling guide 1 – 375 Leveling Jewelcrafting from 1 – 300 is quite quick, as the profession was newly introduced with The Burning Crusade. It adds +12 spell crit and provides a 3% bonus to all critical damage. Weapon/Wand/Trinket / means only Horde/Alliance players have quests there. I think at Westfall, level 12 is a good number to head onto it, then after like 17-18 i think you burn out of quests, i think the best thing to do is to head to Lakeshire/Redridge mountains and quest to like 22-23, then head towards Duskwood/Darkshire, i'd suggest going to STV at around 32-34, as some quests will be hard if you go at 30, then you can pretty much quest to like 40-42 and head … This mod helps you time your next cast. Meta’s WoW Classic: 40-50 Horde Leveling Guide Guides, Leveling. Spellstrike Pants You may also use a Spicy Crawdad when you have a tanking role, but this is very rare. Gloves (only) indicates the zone is instanced, and thus exclusive, for that race or hero class. As Affliction, DoT’s get a larger bonus from +dmg than SB. These stats will improve as needed on their own as you gear up through raiding. Blacksmithing is one of the most valuable professions in all of WoW. and indicate the required expansion. Toss shadow ward for that extra help. I am currently working on TBC leveling guides. RenataKane is an OG (Original Gamer), starting with a Telstar Pong console her father brought home in the mid-1970s, … With ruin however, this ends up being a 9% bonus as a result of Blizzard’s weird system. TBC Classic Leveling Guides are Coming! Tier 6-Malefic The set drops from Mount Hyjal, Black Temple, and Sunwell Plateau. It is not only an improvement in stats/DPS but they also persist through death.If you have a wipe night learning strats on a new boss, flasks are usually better and might even cost less. This TBC Jewelcrafting guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to level your Jewelcrafting skill from 1 to 375. 1) The point of this guide is to give you an idea on how a feral druid should level and give you a spec to shoot for leveling. Jewelcrafting is WoW’s newest profession. Warriors Demo Shout almost completely negates the AP bonus the boss/trash gets so it is a win/win situation. An improvement on KLH threat meter. Hi and welcome to my TBC Warlock Guide for all aspects of BC Raiding from Karazhan to Black Temple. Malediction and Shadow Embrace are worth a couple hundred points off your DPS. Affliction is the best way to start raiding as a Warlock. Soulstone yourself after phase 2. Hex Shrunken Head – Really high bonus damage and good use. … In WoW Enchanting is vital for endgame PvE and PvP, and as you level, it can give your gear an edge to make the process a bit easier. The thing you always have to keep in mind is being hit capped but do not make ridiculous sacrifices to other stats to keep hit up. Gems-Great Dawnstone, Veiled Noble Topaz Ring The spell hit cap is 202, anything over is a waste of gems/itemization. Spell crit. Spaulders of Oblivion CoD or CoA? Use that with every cast pretty much. 1% spell crit is equivalent to 22.1 spell crit rating. Dungeon Finder level ranges for instances may differ from the recommended ones; see Dungeon finder instance breakdown for … You can change these talents depending on how many Hunters you have in the raid. Here is an utility Spec Rings: Spellpower –Only works if you yourself are an enchanter. These keep track of your damage done, dps, and other stats in the raid.These are useful for showing your crit, miss/resist and many other useful rates. The guide includes Talents, Gems, Enchantments, Gameplay & Skill rotation tips. You get over 100 dps increase after obtaining the 4 piece t6 bonus. We got a lot of positive feedback for our class picking guide for WoW Classic, so it seemed only natural that we made one for TBC as well. It shows where there is room for improvement and it is good for evaluating yourself and “stepping up” your game when you see yourself low on the meters. 6.SW Stats/Recount Chest Stacking one stat with the exclusion of others is not a good idea. Flasks/Elixirs: Flasks provide a better increase in DPS but they obviously cost a tad more. Close. Journey from Hellfire Peninsula to Terrokar. In this guide, we will talk about when and where to level with a Horde character to ensure that you are leveling efficiently. After reading the guides, let us know in the comments if there any … This spec is pretty good DPS in the earlier raids but it falls behind in T5/T6 content. 2 Raw Methods 3 High Risk Farming 3.1 [Introduction] High Risk Farmer - This play style will focus on maximizing your overall item level to increase your overall chances of high tier loot dropping upon kills in PvE out in the open world. (only) indicates the zone is instanced, and thus exclusive, for that race or hero class. A little guide for The Burning Crusades dungeons, pictorial locations and the minimum level to enter them. Other warlocks will need to find this stat through gearing up. Welcome to the Demonology Warlock guide for World of Warcraft the Burning Crusade 2.4.3. Ding80's WoW Leveling Guide lays out detailed step-by-step instructions and visuals for the quickest route from level 1 to level 80. Here are a bunch of warlock talent builds! The 2 spec bonus is nice for Demonology, and more specifically the soul link tanking spec(when your on leotheras for example). This guide to leveling jewelcrafting to 300 was initially developed and refined during the Burning Crusade beta and has since been confirmed in release. Then it’s a really good idea, to level your Jewelcrafting before you do choose your faction. Action Games (437) Age of Empires Series (19) Assassin's Creed Series (18) Battlefield Games (66) Call of Duty Games (202) Civilization Series (71) Diablo Games (105) Dragon Age Games (214) Dungeons & Dragons Games (57) Elder Scrolls Games (148) Everquest Games (106) Fable Games (44) Fallout Games (189) Fighting Games (103) Final Fantasy Series (103) Football Games (50) Video Game … Good items to pick up to speed the process, how to avoid the crowd. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Wow very nice guide, I'll help take my game to the next level! Preparing for TBC . - Joana's 1-60 Classic WoW Horde & Alliance Speed Leveling Guides- Engineering 1 to 300 Guide I decided to pick up engineering, Here's the guide that I created last night, trying to spend the least amount of gold I could. When he splits, pick up demon and tank him till the raid kills the human form. Ashyien’s Gift If you want to be of even more utility, you can spec those 3 leftover points into Improved Imp and ask to be put in the tank group to help with +stamina. Spell crit is pretty much useless until deeper into raiding when you are Destruction. III.Gear/Selection I recommend that if you have the money, spend the little extra to get the brill oil. However the haste on the pieces from ZA give a big expense to your damage and crit so they aren’t very good pieces.The only really good pieces(and thus exceptions to my last comment) are the Fetish of the Primal Gods and the ring from the 3rd chest event which is one of the best rings in game for +hit casters. To find these gems, Jewelcrafters use their main skill, Prospecting, on any gathered ore, destroying it … 1% spell crit is equivalent to 22.1 spell crit rating. In early karazhan it is good to have 600 shadow damage minimum but it is easy to achieve at least 1000(with fel armor) with the Spellstrike and Shadoweave sets. Crimson Bracers of Gloom This is the rotation: Cast the assigned curse>Immolate>SL>UA>Corruption. 4.Spell Haste. While the experience required for leveling from 1-60 will be reduced in TBC by around 30%, it can be a good idea to level up your alts now. Spellstrike Infusion (Spellstrike Set) -helm They turn this cloth into bolts and those… You can use meeting stones to summon players despite being outside the instance's recommended level range. For information on the most efficient paths for leveling Leatherworking in TBC, please visit our separate guide, which is currently in development. I've mained a priest in retail, from vanilla through to cata, and on various private servers. This guide offers help for leveling your alchemy from level 300 to 375. This won't happen, so you will have to buy a few extra materials while you are leveling your Outland Blacksmithing. Use spicy Crawdad/ flask of fortification for this fight. Don't DW while levelling because the miss chance is so high, your heroic strikes will hit like a tissue (Unleashed Rage is normalized anyway), if you have a 2 hander you only need to replace 1 weapon every 5-10 levels instead of 2 and most importantly, Sweeping Strikes only counts for 10 hits. ; Numbers within the bars indicate the level range. / means only Horde/Alliance players have quests there. Warpstaff Of Arcanum If you are still leveling your character or you just started a new alt, I recommend using Zygor's 1-60 Leveling Guide. Hope this is helpful to some people, and hope you enjoy reading! Dugi's and Zygor's world of warcraft leveling guides are my favorite. This addon is great for warlocks. I joined twitch in 2013 with the gamer name of FuriousPaul and I streamed speedruns of the classic Castlevania games full time from 2013 - … That’s it for the guide. Let's take stock together of the post-Blizzcon 2021 period: The arrival of TBC Classic The guide includes Talents, Gems, Enchantments, Gameplay & Skill rotation tips. Drops off Illidan. You can’t (basically) give people free 60s. Curse/Dot Rotation As 41/0/17 The following listed are no longer available due to being removed completely or updated either with newer bosses or for the current expansion at that time. This spec helps because later on you will find out that with the gear that you have, Ruin will outdps Unstable Affliction. Wow very nice guide, I'll help take my game to the next level! Tanking for this is as easy as it gets. Warlocks sadly do not have a spell hit talent for its most important tree(destruction). In this case I recommend you drop Siphon Life. Below we'll give you a brief summary of what to expect inside! It’s […] People will clear content too quickly and the server will die. If you are level 60+ and your just starting to level Jewelcrafting AND you haven’t chosen either Scryer’s or Aldor’s faction yet. Keep in mind that this guide is intended to be general ; more extensive leveling guides can be found near the bottom of this guide. Dungeon Finder level ranges for instances may differ from the recommended ones; see Dungeon finder instance breakdown for details. Best Trinkets(IMO) I know there are guides for leveling a shaman in general, but I’m curious about the specifics for the situation of leveling alliance side. Druid Leveling Guide TBC. Volatile Healing Potion (1 x Golden Sansam, 1 x Felweed, 1 x Imbued Vial) x 20 You can make Major Mana Potions up … I will update it to be a guide not specific to launch and it will go into version 3.0 of my general rogue guide. You can level Jewelcrafting by crafting a mixture of low level statues, rings and necklaces. There are certain rotations that help keep up uptime and give you time to sneak in a few shadowbolts as well. Tailoring allows players to make powerful Cloth armor for any spec, like Mantle of Nimble Thought and Hands of Eternal Light, and Spellthread enhancements to gear, like Runic Spellthread. It helps you cast “faster” because it starts casting the next spell immediately after the first finishes. Spell penetration Shoulder TBC priest leveling guide. Both the Alliance Leveling Guide and Horde Leveling Guide are completely free. The utility of this spec however doesn’t. Hope you enjoyed reading and good luck raiding , fellow warlocks! Chapter 4 – [Level 60 – 65]. 4 piece bonus is nice for Affliction, but at that point in raiding you will probably be destruction and have no use for it. The guide is in a small window on your main screen in-game. Balance is important with gear, and gems. It is complex because it scales with how much your other stats are (crit, dmg). All the detail that you need to complete the quest is included. The 2 set bonus is pretty much useless, its only good towards Affliction locks(but these are rare in t6 instances). These guides cover everything to how to level with each class, tips, legendaries, and consumables you might want to use while leveling. I.Important Warlock StatsHit (and easy gear to get when your just starting out), II.SpecsAfflictionDestructionIII. This article is a list of all zones by level before World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.. Neck For example if you have a piece of gear with a red and blue socket and it has a socket bonus of +6 stamina, you’re better off putting a straight damage, or dmg+hit/crit gem in the blue socket to help you more. Weapon: Major Spellpower for early on raiding. and indicate the required expansion. The thing you have to judge for yourself is set bonuses. This won't happen, so you will have to buy a few extra materials while you are leveling your Outland Blacksmithing. This resets the rotation with almost no loss in dps. This is because the level of gear needed for destruction to be viable starts in those instances. 1 How do I farm gold in TBC WoW? But does anyone know a guide or some good tips for prepping the leveling of a Draenei shaman for TBC? Spam searing pain after. Remember when your refreshing Immolate to start 1.5 seconds before it expires. 2.Quartz If using the Looking-for-Dungeon (LFD) tool, that is correct, they can only be queued at level 70-75 and only if chosen specifically. 5.Omen It allows for more casting time, because you are not refreshing your CoA. Chaotic Skyfire Diamond is very useful and popular among warlocks. Go to to get these, Every raider should have this addon. Voidheart is useful for the lower raid instances(labeled T4 instances). Chest: Exceptional Health or Exceptional Stats After 1 and a half years of playing on Wow Classic, Blizzard confirms the arrival of the community's favourite expansion: Burning Crusade! Affliction Warlock brings a list of useful bonuses to the raid, such as Shadow Embrace, Malediction, and Improved Blood Pact. Allow your raid to begin dps when you have at least 10k threat.13 seconds before demon form ends, begin casting doom again. You can get it here. The guide is in … 10 seconds before demon form make sure you are in max range. Holy spec. You get 3 points to spend on imp HS or whatever you may want. Gear– Gemming and Enchanting– Sets and BonusesIV.Warlock’s Role and Utility in raiding– Curses– Tanking, ———————————————— I recommend straight shadow because there is a lot of +shadow only dmg gear in t5-t6 content and it really doesn’t benefit a Shadow/Fire build. This article is a list of all zones by level before World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.. It helps with managing threat and everyone in the raid should be using the addon and be on the same version. 2) Feral is the fastest leveling spec and also a druid’s tanking spec. Be wise when you gear up, dont sacrifice 40 damage for 15 hit.. Just keep the goal of 202 in mind.If your in a raid with any Draenei (shaman would be best) you get 4 % Spell hit from the Draenei’s Inspiring Presence and a Totem of Wrath from the shaman. Depending on the active experience increases you'll need a different amount of fights to level a pet from level 1 to 25. No one else can do it for you 5. Leveling changed a lot with the release of Shadowlands. This WoW leveling guide will show you how to level as quickly as possible from level 1 to 60. One of the reasons for this is that the minimum level to get to the maximum Profession skill will be raised by a lot. Added by Blizzard in this expansion, it involves cutting gems in order to put them into gear or using them to craft rings, necklaces, and trinkets. Start searing pain spamming as soon as he changes. 1 to 300 Cooking Guide. Posted by 3 years ago. Shadow’s Emrace (Shadoweave Set) In TBC 2H fury is the way to go. We choose Efficiencybecause Marksmanship or Survival Hunters pick Improved Hunter's Mark. Seeing how getting money is cake nowadays with all the dailys available I recommend everyone tries to get the Spellstrike and Shadoweave sets because they can last you for quite a while. Sethekk Oracle Cloak Curse of Recklessness: This is a must-have also, it helps with melee dps substantially, increasing it by around 7%. Gloves: Major Spellpower Equipment First, find a HIGH DAMAGE main hand weapon, and generally, the slower the weapon, the higher the damage (2.6 speed or higher if possible). Tier 4-Voidheart It determines latency and helps show you how haste is affecting you. While in Vanilla, Blacksmiths were able to craft a number of high-value, endgame recipes, Blizzard has chosen to greatly expanded that in TBC. It is nice to have an affliction warlock at all times (even in Hyjal/BT) due to the utility of the spec( Malediction and Shadow Embrace). 3.DoTimer This WoW Blacksmithing guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to get your Blacksmithing skill up from 1 to 375.. Blacksmithing is the best combined with Mining and I highly recommend to level Mining and Blacksmithing at the same time, because you will need a lot of gold, if you want to buy everything from AH. Bracers mage leveling guide on June 10, 2010: You are completely right, is's much easier now to get through the early levels. The endgame playerbase will be MUCH larger within a shorter period of time, but the crash will happen exponentially faster. Recently, I now have fully remastered my 1-60 Horde leveling guide for Classic WoW and have made a full 1-60 speed leveling guide for Alliance as well. WoW Warlock DPS Spreadsheet is a good website when your evaluating gear upgrades. For the spec, use whatever you want again, but make sure you do not pick up Nether Protection. Back 1 - 100 Spellstrike Infusion (Spellstrike Set) This guide is … In other words, it is written for those who level in Burning Crusade within a few months of its launch. Bracer: Spellpower Ridiculously expensive L The need for spell hit is very high with PvE warlocks. 301 - 315 Volatile Healing Potion (1 x Golden Sansam, 1 x Felweed, 1 x Imbued Vial)… The 4 piece bonus is the best in the game for warlocks. Spell damage coefficient – WoWWiki – Your guide to the World of Warcraft. In order to signify heroic mode when using abbreviations, the general convention is to simply place "H" before the normal abbreviation. II.Specs World of Warcraft leveling guide: How to get from 1-50 fast By Heather Newman 28 January 2021 Get a new character ready for the Shadowlands with this WoW leveling guide. Low to mid level Mage/ Warrior leveling guide Horde 1-60 Leveling Guide (1-25) Horde 1-60 Leveling Guide (25-40) Horde 1-60 Leveling Guide (40-60) Power Level 1-60 in 2 weeks!!! Want to be able to power level your Horde toon, but you don’t wanna pay $50 for a leveling guide? Shadow Fire 1 Materials 2 Craft Order 3 Locations 4 Alternatives 5 Notes 6 Additional Guides There are these days more extensive and up-to-date sources of information on leveling Jewelcrafting available online via a google search. Here is a completely FREE power leveling guide for any Horde race. I recommend using Zygor's 1-60 Leveling Guide if you are still leveling your character or you just started a new alt. Timewalking Campaigns are started by talking to Chromie and will take you all the way to level 50, … There are many versions of this: Blackened Basilisk, Poached Bluefish, or Crunchy Serpent). Do this until the first fire volley. mage leveling guide on June 10, 2010: You are completely right, is's much easier now to get through the early levels. 1% spell haste is equivalent to 15.7 spell haste rating. Copyright 2021 StarDev Studio LLC, Legacy-WoW World of Warcraft is a trademark of Blizzard Entertainment. Other guides incorrectly state heroic TBC dungeons can only be accessed at level 70. Enchanting is the practice of adding buffs to weapons and gear. 4.Necrosis This article is a list of The Burning Crusade instances by level. lockpicking guide Useful Tips for Leveling Lockpicking. This guide is primarily aimed at those who want to switch profession at high level or have high level alts, friends or guild members. Belt You will be Affliction from Karazhan until TK/SSC. You can use meeting stones to summon players despite being outside the instance's recommended level range. Click on the links below in the guide to see the exact location of all of these chests/lockboxes. This mod helps with keeping track of shards, soulstones, and summoned pets. Equipment First, find a HIGH DAMAGE main hand weapon, and generally, the slower the weapon, the higher the damage (2.6 speed or higher if possible). You have a choice between brilliant wizard oil(36 dmg and 14crit) or Superior wizard oil (42 dmg). If you need to start from level 1 first see our Vanilla WoW Alchemy Guide to get to level 300. While the experience required for leveling from 1-60 will be reduced in TBC by around 30%, it can be a good idea to level up your alts now. Greatsword of Horrid Dreams The … There is another affliction spec common with more endgame raids which is 40/0/21. Curse of Elements: A very useful curse, should be first on priority in raids. This guide to leveling jewelcrafting to 300 was initially developed and refined during the Burning Crusade beta and has since been confirmed in release. It brings the above-ment… There are two common specs for endgame destruction. 2.Spell Damage At that point back up until you’re 60 yards away from him. I recommend Glowing Nightseye(+dmg and stamina) I also like wow schools and Hayden's World of Warcraft Secret Gold Guide. Many people(noobs) disagree with this and think crit or even pure damage is more important, but the problem is if you can’t HIT then you can’t CRIT or DAMAGE.The thing i found that helped me the most when i just hit 70 was choosing scryers and getting the spell hit trinket, and enchanting my gloves wisely with the +hit enchant. Nether Core’s Control Rod As discussed at the end of the leveling guide, Transmute: ... > Alchemy Guide 1-375 (TBC 2.4.3) Welcome to Gnarly Guides! This article is a list of The Burning Crusade instances by level. /use Staff of Disintegration Before I start, you need to realize this is not a 1-60 leveling guide, it's just a guide that will help you get your enchanting up quick, if you need a leveling guide, the best one is Joana's Classic WoW leveling guides . Grinding areas ~ Alliance 1-70 [01]Starting Area ~ Mob Level: 1-5 [07]Starting zone ~ Mob Level: 5-10 [13]Westfall ~ Jangolode Mine ~ Mob Level: 11-13 Alliance Leveling Area Guide 1-70 Forums Trading Market New Posts The OwnedCore Handbook Forum Rules News & Articles Corecoins CoreCoins FAQ Buy Banners Ads Buy Shout-Out Ads CoreCoins Plus CoreCoins Plus FAQ … Most peple don’t socket pure +Crit because it never is that important. Spell damage, This is the next important stat for us,especially with affliction. This guide is an early Burning Crusade leveling guide. In addition to that, you can continuously open some doors in Dungeons to … It gives a 6% additional damage bonus to all Shadow Bolts and incinerates. As soon as the pull starts and Leo breaks, land a Doom on him. WoW Classic: 40-50 Horde Leveling Guide Guides, Leveling. Enchants If you need to start from level 1 first see our Vanilla WoW Alchemy Guide to get to level 300. In this guide, you will learn about playing a Demonology Warlock in dungeons and raids. Drops in ZA, To start here are a couple of useful addons. If you don’t have these numbers, Affliction is usually a better choice for overall raid dps. They help with timing in boss fights and with certain events. Below is the build that is suggested for starting warlocks. A must have for any warlock in a raiding environment. Head: Glyph of Power This guide is made for FAST leveling through the use of Optimized Quest Circuits.With this guide, questing will be very efficient and you’ll not waste any second running around and trying to figure out in which order to do your quests. DoT’s are all about uptime and keeping them up constantly. Leotheras For this fight you need 365 fire resist. This stat is pretty much useless for PvE so do not bother with it. TBC dungeon leveling guide? Spell crit is pretty much useless until deeper into raiding when you are … We use cookies to ensure that … Spec whatever you want but do not pick up nether protection. The flask warlocks use is Flask of Pure death, which provides +80 shadow/fire damage. Talk with the warlocks in your raid guild. 12. In phase 3 make a macro: I also like wow schools and Hayden's World of Warcraft Secret Gold Guide. Introduction When writing my leveling guides, I use a rogue most of the time. Shoulder: Inscription of the Orb/ Discipline This helps because if you get a demon, the raid can kill it before it gets to you. Holy spec. The best way to maximize your overall attributes it to balance your stats wisely. Star-Heart Lamp I.Important Warlock Stats It helps the raid more than just straight DPS. Weapon Oils. CoA should only be used when you run the risk of pulling agro when the minute is up on CoD or if the boss is going to die before the minute is up. CoD is almost always better as a curse, with overall DPS. 301 – 315. Before I start, you need to realize this is not a 1-60 leveling guide, it's just a guide that will help you get your cooking skill up quick, if you need a leveling guide, the best one is Joana's Classic WoW leveling guides.. Go to the back of the room and wait for the Hunter MD. The crafted Mother gear should be enough to get you going. home; - played world of warcraft for 5 years and leveled 4x 80 got the achievement and i … I am currently working on TBC leveling guides. Food Buffs: +23 spell damage foods are the way to go. Welcome to Wowhead's Classic WoW General Horde Leveling Guide! WoW Classic: 1-12 Alliance Leveling Guide (Dun Morogh) Guides, Leveling. Lifetap and Dark Pact in between rotations as needed. A good advantage is that some pieces come with spell hit. The gear requirements are lower because Suppression provides you with a 10% Spell Hit rating from the beginning. The reason you want 1-70 1x is because the playerbase at 70 will be better than 58-70. 3. Rinse and Repeat. Gnarly Guides is a site for gamers looking for gaming guides and gaming news!