Your privacy is ensured. pricing. Was: $599.95. Roche qPCR instruments offer a wide variety of options to meet your needs, including a combination of speed, accuracy and versatility, with processing capabilities of between 32 and 384 samples. The global market of these devices has substantially grown in the past three decades with a large number of models with various characteristics. Please complete the below form. Roche offers qPCR reagents containing DNA polymerase and other enzymes selected through our directed evolution technology to deliver high-quality results for specific qPCR applications. Increase your throughput with 1,536 data points per run. Cost savings may be substantial! Proprietary, Nobel Prize-winning technology. The LightCycler™ from Roche Molecular Biochemicals of Indianapolis harnesses light technology licensed from Idaho Technology Inc. of Idaho Falls, and then adds some additional bells and whistles, such as a built-in microvolume fluorimetric detection system that enables real-time quantitative PCR. These ready-to-use, function-tested qPCR assays target a broad range of selected genes from specific pathways or functional groups. What if you had the power to get your qPCR data fast, reliably and with less effort? Certain visitors to´s websites choose to interact with in ways that require to gather personally-identifying information. Therefore uses the AnonymizeIP-tool. SDS. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserem qPCR-Lerncenter. Exiqon and ProbeLibrary are registered trademarks of Exiqon A/S, Vedbaek, Denmark. Identifies infectious diseases by replicating DNA or RNA extracted from small patient samples. Rely on LightCycler® Multiwell Plates with 4 barcodes for tracking and automation. Manufacturer: Roche; The LightCycler 480 System is a high-performance, flexible throughput qPCR platform that provides various methods for gene detection, gene expression, gene variation analysis, and pathogen detection. FAST 'N FREE. LightCycler® 2.0 Instrument conforms to the European directive for in vitro diagnostic medical devices 98/79/EC. Please read our cookie & privacy policies for more information. Roche introduced the world to PCR and is committed to driving laboratory innovation into the future. Dies hat die Art und Weise der PCR-basierten Quantifizierung von DNA und RNA vollständig revolutioniert. Please click on "Accept" to proceed. 1536-well throughput. Please scroll down the page to see the various platforms. Roche Tissue Diagnostics – Ventana, Mitglied der Roche-Gruppe, entwickelt vollautomatisierte Geräte, Workflow-Lösungen und Reagenzien für die gewebebasierte Krebsdiagnostik. Comprehensive programming options, a large touchscreen, and intuitive analysis software that is accessible to any user make it easy to obtain publication-ready results. It was the first system to introduce hybridization probes, true melting curve analysis, automated absolute quantification, relative quantification with efficiency correction, and more. Compatibility with Roche reagents and instruments enables seamless assay integration into your workflow. Your information has been successfully submitted. Choose the assay solution that's best for you, LightMix Modular Pathogen Detection Assay*. The result of more than a decade of Roche experience developing high-performance qPCR systems is now accessible for any research lab. © 2021 Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. Products are for life science research only. reliably and with less effort? Skip time-consuming assay design and optimization steps with the function-tested RealTime ready qPCR assays for gene expression for human, mouse, rat or other species. Sigma-Aldrich. non-Roche instruments not requiring ROX such as Bio-Rad CFX 96 Touch, RotorGene Q. Predesigned assays for detection of infectious, Complete assay information provided with all Roche qPCR assays. Analyze true raw data without the need for passive reference … TurboQ Real-time qpcr System, 96 Wells, 4 Channels, CCD-Based Detection System, Compatible with Commercial Kits and consumables by Blue-Ray Biotech $30,000.00 $ 30,000 . Partnering with Roche connects your laboratory to unparalleled diagnostic expertise and puts the future of molecular testing is in our … This website contains information on products which is targeted to a wide range of audiences and could contain product details or information otherwise not accessible or valid in your country. 3) Using Software Version other than 1.5 and upgrading to 1.5.1. 32-well throughput. Create your own gene expression panels with your targets of choice on LightCycler® Plates (96- or 384-well). obviously, four channels real-time PCR machines are better than two channels. NOTICE OF COOKIES: This website is operated by Roche Diagnostics (Korea), 4F. Please be aware that we do not take any responsibility for accessing such information which may not comply with any valid legal process, regulation, registration or usage in the country of your origin. All assays are function-tested and pre-plated for the upmost convenience and quick time to results. You will hear about upcoming events, and download the latest technical and scientific literature. With the new Roche Reagent Selection guide, you can easily find which real-time PCR reagents are right for your applications. A Fast, Accurate, and Portable qPCR Machine. Well, now you can. will not rent or sell potentially personally-identifying and personally-identifying information to anyone. The amount and type of information that gathers depends on the nature of the interaction. Rely on Roche qPCR assay solutions to generate reliable and consistent real-time PCR results, along with complete assay information to … Time PCR Detection System Prime Pro 48 4-Well Real-Time PCR-System PrimeQ 96-Well Real-Time PCR-System MIC Magnetic Induction Cycler PikoReal Real-Time PCR System LineGene 9600+ qPCR System SmartCycler Exicycler 96 Line-Gene 9620 Line-Gene 9640 Line-Gene 9660 Line-Gene 9680 Line-Gene K SaCycler - 96 MyGo Pro MyGo Mini For more information on our use of cookies and how you can indicate your preferences regarding the use of cookies, see our cookie policy. Your paper(s) will be evaluated for placement on As a leader in PCR innovation, we offer you the gold standard in real-time PCR instrumentation. Automated PCR … Fully exploit the advanced thermal and optical characteristics of your LightCycler® 96 or 480 Systems with tailor-made LightCycler® Multiwell Plates to allow optimal heat transfer and optical compatibility. Sensitive, specific and one-vial EvoScript master mixes turn even the smallest clues into measurably better results, ensuring no evidence gets lost in transcription. Real-Time PCR System CFX96 Touch Deep Well Real-Time PCR System; Features: Powerful 5-channel multiplexing with our best thermal uniformity and modernized data management options. The following PCR machines are compared for various features to help you decide which instrument is most suitable for your needs. Table 1 lists the commonly used models and some of their important characteristics, some of the models are also discussed in detail below. Choose from an extensive range of assays for pathogen detection. Opt for universal probes for affordable and easy-to-design assays. $497.96. For LightCycler® Carousel-Based System Customers. A cookie is a string of information that a website stores on a visitor’s computer, and that the visitor’s browser provides to the website each time the visitor returns. Roche LightCycler 480. Individuelle Anmeldedaten gewährleisten den Schutz der Protokolle. Or select function-tested single assays and customized panels to skip design and optimization steps. Designed to maximize the performance of your system. uses cookies to help identify and track visitors, their usage of website, and their website access preferences. A single PCR model cannot … Your decision to opt-out of cookies may substantially limit your ability to navigate and use this website. The performance differences among commercial qPCR kits are the result of differences in factors like buffer formulation and/or enzyme concentration. For in vitro diagnostic use. The New LightCycler ® 96 Real-Time PCR System. Learn more about RealTime ready Pre-Amp cDNA Master and Pre-Amp pirmer pools. 00 … Opt for universal probes for affordable and easy-to-design assays. Run 40 Cycles in 20 Mins. Ein typischer PCR-Zyklus besteht aus einem Denaturierungsschritt, gefolgt von der Primerhybridisierung (engl. Labnet MultiGene Thermal Cycler TC9600-G-230V Multigene 60 Tested Working. *Manufactured by TIB MOLBIOL GmBH, exclusively distributed by Roche. PCR machines are a must-have in any life science research lab today. more. Please separate multiple entries using comma. Our high-throughput system with 4-channel multiplexing, automation capabilities, and more. And visitors can always refuse to supply personally-identifying information, with the caveat that it may prevent them from engaging in certain website-related activities. For in vitro diagnostic use. Build a modular real-time PCR platform to meet your particular needs. Easily design your qPCR assay to analyze over 5 million transcripts of any sequenced organism. The LightCycler® 1536 Instrument is a rapid, plate-based, thermal block cycler with integrated real-time, online detection capabilities. A proven standard of excellence. See qPCR in a whole new way. Please note that the LightCycler® QC Test Software 3.0 is for life science research only and not for use in diagnostics procedures. does not use such information to identify its visitors, however, and does not disclose such information, other than under the same circumstances that it uses and discloses personally-identifying information, as described below. When buying a qPCR machine, it is essential to look a little into the future and perform a few calculations that include reagents and consumables as well – you might end up saving money. Digital PCR Systems (dPCR) can be incredibly useful in applications like mutation detection, copy number variation, rare sequence detection, gene expression analysis, miRNA analysis and next generation sequencing sample quantification. Solid State Optics. Die Gerätesysteme und Tumor-Biomarker helfen beispielsweise dem Pathologen im Krankenhaus, Gewebeproben bei Verdacht auf Krebs- und Infektionskrankheiten schnell zu analysieren und eine Diagnose zu stellen. Receive ready-to-use probe-based assays, compatible with any real-time PCR instrument. Like most website operators, collects non-personally-identifying information of the sort that web browsers and servers typically make available, such as the browser type, language preference, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request. Choose from a variety of Roche probe-based qPCR assay solutions for your gene expression needs. Please read our cookie policy for more information on the cookies we use and how to delete or block them. Ideal for all levels of experience, the LightCycler® 96 Instrument provides an optimal combination of temperature homogeneity and data reproducibility. Web Interface. | Match Criteria: Description. Leading-edge optics for high-level accuracy. Rely on Roche proprietary PCR enzymes and formulations to consistently deliver exceptional sensitivity and specificity for your real-time PCR assays. The result of more than a decade of Roche experience developing high-performance qPCR systems is now accessible for any research lab. KCQS07. More than a decade of continuous qPCR innovation with the LightCycler® Systems. Versatile for experienced users. PCR Cycler; PCR Machine; PCR Workstations; Perkin Elmer PCR 9700; PerkinElmer Cetus; Qiagen Rotor-Gene Q; Roche LightCycler; Stratagene RoboCycler; Techne Flexigene; Techne Genius Thermal Cycler; Techne TC-3000; Thermo Hybaid PCR EXPRESS; Thermo Scientific Hybaid MBS System; Thermo Scientific PikoReal; Thermocycler Expect a greater signal-to-noise ratio and fewer unwanted PCR products, due to the rapid cycling of the LightCycler ® Instruments. Seokyung Bldg. … KiCqStart ® One-Step Probe RT-qPCR ReadyMix ™. The cobas® SARS-CoV-2 & Influenza A/B Test is a real-time RT-PCR test intended for the qualitative detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A and Influenza B in nasal or nasopharyngeal swab samples collected from patients. The LightCycler ® 96 System delivers data that makes you a Ready to use assays designed for multiplexing. primer annealing) und der Elongation. encourages visitors to frequently check this page for any changes to its Privacy Policy. LightCycler® 480 System. Comprehensive programming options, a large touchscreen, and intuitive analysis software make it easy to obtain publication-ready results. Roche uses cookies to collect personal data relating to you and your browsing activity in order to improve the website and your browsing experience. In case you need to qualify IVD LightCycler® Instrument, contact your Roche representative. For today's academic researcher labs, the new Roche LightCycler ® 96 System is the optimal mid-size, mid-throughput real-time PCR solution that conveniently delivers the highest standards expected from a LightCycler ® System: An ideal combination of accuracy, temperature homogeneity, and reproducibility, matched with powerful software so intuitive that it is accessible to any user. Obtain fast, highly reproducible results using real-time, online PCR. High throughput - redefined. more. Maximize qPCR performance with optimal heat transfer by relying on the renowned LightCycler® Capillaries for all LightCycler® Carousel Systems. Amplify your success in real-time PCR applications with the LightCycler® Instruments. Roche continues to innovate, and with that comes a dedication to the scientists who use the LightCycler® system for their experimental needs.