Ultimaker Cura vs. Simplify 3D: Which slicer should you use for 3D printing? #4 Mike Kelly, Aug 4, 2015. We're a virtual company made up of tech experts from across the globe and we love 3D printing. Cura es el más popular de los 2 y el más potente con funciones más avanzadas. The next is the firmware which is on your printers mainboard. Please Login to Comment ipt . as in Cura (see Machine settings). Después de probar el laminador CURA (UltimateMaker) en unas impresoras nuevas del departamento (AnyCubic i3 Mega, ¡muy recomendables si queréis ampliar vuestro número de impresoras! Repetier Host vs Cura. RepetierHost Vs Cura. Está directamente integrado con su máquina CuraEngine. If you don’t know how to set the esteps through Repetier Host / … Discussion. cura vs Repetier-Host . Jun 1, 2019 . Repetier is particularly good for visualizing gcode, after you have sliced it with whatever slicer you choose. It appears to be closer to 20mm/s. Thingiverse is a universe of things. But if your printer is working with Cura, you should be able to connect using the same Port and Baud rate (important!) ), me parece más sencillo que Repetier Host y me gustaría configurarlo para la Lion3D. hi, i would like to use cura instead of the recommended Repetier-Host slicer. So the UM2 recognizes the code as cura … However, they cater to different levels of users. The amateurs who are just beginning their journey in 3D printing usually opt for Cura since it is free and has all the basic features. This was one of the best improvements I've made to the printing workflow. That is the software on your PC that runs the printer and sometimes the slicer as well is integrated. Cura y Repetier Host son programas Host de impresoras 3D con máquinas de laminación integradas para el laminado de los archivos stl. By contrast, Ultimaker Cura rates 4.7/5 stars with 27 reviews. That said simplify3d is the best of the "complexity but with high value". Thingiverse Groups GEEETECH A10M/A20M General cura vs Repetier-Host. If you like the remote control, why not get a Raspberry Pi with Octoprint (free) or Repetier Server (commercial with a limited free version) and attach the printer to that? Repetier is just a front end for Slic3r; you can slice with Slic3r directly, or use Repetier, or use Cura, And then print with Repetier, or copy the files to the SD card and print from that if you have an UltiController. Find out which is best for you. Those include but are not limited to Cura, Repetier Host, Simplify3D, Craftware, and several others. I wouldn't suggest it for someone just starting but it can do pretty much anything you want. First is the host. As you can also use slic3r and skeinforge. I think you are confused on a couple of things. Slic3r or Cura? ¡Buenos días! I don’t know Repetier Host, I’m using Pronterface. Both of them do the same thing for the user – slice up the file image for 3D printing. Repetier-Host rates 4.9/5 stars with 5 reviews. For some reason Cura doesn't acknowledge the 80mm/s infill. Comparing Simplify3D Vs Cura Uses. Each product's score is calculated with real-time data from verified user reviews, to help you make the best choice between these two options, and decide which one is best for your business needs. We compare the top two open source slicers, focusing on their best features. So I am using Curaengine on Repetier host to slice the model and then saving the gcode out as Ulitigcode flavor. That's the question! Repetier host with cura engine is also a good option. See what people are saying on cura vs Repetier-Host.