On PS5, players will able to record 20 seconds of voice chat from the last five minutes of a party chat and send it directly to PlayStation through the console. Is there a way I could talk with them even though I'm on the PC? We need a 3rd party app, tbh fb messanger sould be good idea for next gen, qe use for competitive leagues in fifa, party chat is shitty but it has got better from since 2013 hopefulky this next gen consoles enhance big time on it — love the 16 party on ps4 but it gets hactic at times- By Nathan Birch. … The latest PlayStation 4 firmware update introduced several changes to the system's Party functionality, including a concerning message stating users' voice chat may be recorded. The entirety of PS4 system software update 8.00 has been poorly received. Oct 14, 2020 18:00 EDT Share Tweet Submit. Simply plug it into your controller, connect your headset and Elgato Game Capture HD60, HD60 S, or HD60 Pro, and you’re good to go. Don’t worry! I … There are fixes to the PS4 NAT Type failed problem.. When you are playing PS4 games, you may have problems chatting on line with other people in the party chat. This setup does not record your own voice, you will need a separate microphone connected to your computer for your own commentary. PS4 Update Freaks People Out With Party Chat Recording Warning, But It’s Nothing New. I have a PC but all of my friends have a PS4 and talk to each other through the party chat on there. Is there another way to do that without the PS4? This article introduces 4 methods to solve the PS4 NAT type failed issue.Try the following methods. And you find the PS4 NAT Type Failed when you are testing the Internet connection. Sony has since clarified the warning, but PlayStation users should know what exactly the voice chat recording message means. Use PS4's party function to chat and play games with friends. Do I need to download a program or something? Audio Adapter for PS4 & PS4 Pro You need to stream or record PS4 party chat and gameplay audio. Im very noob on consoles... basically I have friends who play games on PS4 I can cross-play with on PC, that part is not a problem. Recording PlayStation 4 (PS4) party chat with an Astro Mixamp This setup will allow you to record PS4 game and chat with your Elgato Game Capture HD, Elgato Game Capture HD60, and Elgato Game Capture HD60 Pro. Could they download a program on their PS4 that would do it? Setting up a party is easy. Chat Link equips you to do just that. Anyone can create or join parties-but, according to Sony, there are up to 16 party users. Join me and my daily dose of games & lifeAdd me Sc @queen.nuke...Intro music At the moment Id have to fire up the PS4 just to voice chat with them. UPDATE: With the release of the PS5, Sony has updated their mobile app to allow users to join PSN Party Chat from their phones!