Together with its neighboring cities Heidelberg and Ludwigshafen, Mannheim is part of the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. The master’s program Mannheim Master in Management thus ensures that students are ideally prepared to begin their career after completing their studies. After already completing my Bachelor's in Business Administration here, I returned to Mannheim for the MMM. Together with two other German business master programs, it avchieves the highest possible number of classifications to the top group. In addition, Mannheim is the perfect city to live due to its size, where everything is available and at the same time quickly reachable. If you complete the MMM program and subsequently obtain a doctoral degree, a career in academia will be another option. Master's Programs. Master Mannheim Master in Management in University of Mannheim (Mannheim, Germany) is part of Management & Organisation,Management & Organisation. In the end, you decide – at the beginning of every semester – if you want to specialize in one field or follow multiple interests and combine different areas. We cultivate our international partnerships intensively and every semester we welcome more than 400 foreign guest students to our campus, the Baroque Palace Mannheim. They are educationally absolutely up to the level where we want them to be, well prepared and professional. or English track: You can only choose English courses. Besides the very good overall performance, the University of Mannheim especially received top grades in this year’s core field of “founding activities”. This applies, in particular, to occupations with an international focus. In order to improve performance and enhance the user experience for the visitors to our website, we use cookies and store anonymous usage data. A degree in a different field is sufficient if you have obtained at least 36 ECTS credits in Business Administration. Hinweis zur Zulassung zum Master of Management an der Universität Mannheim (Stand Februar 2013) Zulassungsvoraussetzungen 1) Abgeschlossenes Bachelor-Studium der … In the worldwide Masters in Management Ranking by Times Higher Education Mannheim is ranked #6 with its Mannheim Master in Management. four to six weeks after the application deadline, you will receive notice via e-mail that your application outcome is available in the online portal. Please log in to access the notification. During your bachelor’s studies, you have laid the foundation with the basics of business administration for a master's degree. Many graduates also venture into self-employment (only available in German): Amorelie, Stocard and CoffeeCircle, for example, prove the success of Mannheim founders. Many graduates of the University of Mannheim Business School are now working for our brands NIVEA, Eucerin or Hansaplast at the Beiersdorf headquarter in Hamburg – via direct employment, a trainee program or internship. The MMM convinced me in particular through its freedom of choice. Students in the master’s program Mannheim Master in Management should. Die Universität Mannheim (UMA) ist eine Universität im baden-württembergischen Mannheim und zählt 1907 als städtische Handelshochschule gegründet und 1967 in Universität umbenannt zu den jüngeren Universitäten Deutschlands. You will be able to get into direct contact with company representatives and find out about career opportunities. Preliminary certificates cannot be considered. At the same time, we provide our students with tools to act responsibly. After having attended them, you will be able to create your study plan using the module catalog and familiarize yourself with the examination statutes. General interest in business interrelationsships and the ability to work with discipline and independently provide a solid basis for successful studies. for young professionals in the fields of Business Analytics and Digitalization. Every semester, it gives you the opportunity to choose exactly the courses from our curriculum that match your individual career plans. The Business School of the University of Mannheim maintains partnerships with more than 200 universities all over the world. The interaction between the students is excellent and I would choose the MMM at any time. QS Business Masters Ranking, Management, 2021: Mannheim holds #25 worldwide and is Germany's #3. I really enjoyed the English module offering, which was very diverse. We especially appreciate that students from the University of Mannheim bring along the right balance between high commitment and social responsibility. relevant work experience, vocational trainings and qualifications, or internships. 3 in Germany) in 2020. Photo credit: A. Logue, A. Bayerl. Please click here for detailed background information. Students enrolled in the master’s program Mannheim Master in Management can design their studies individually and flexibly according to their ideas. You can start your career right at the beginning of your studies, as we regularly invite you to workshops, lectures and other campus events. Your individual future career opportunities always depend on which area of business administration you specialize in and whether you acquire additional qualifications in an elective course. Another local gem is the close-by Palatinate, a well-known wine growing region ideal for hiking trips. Language requirements: German-English track: English and German or English track: English for further information on the required proof of language proficiency see Admission requirements and selection, Program start: Fall semester (September) Academic calendar, Semester fee: €190,30 (further information) Tuition fees for international students from non-EU countries: €1,500 Tuition fees for a second degree: €650, Information on the master’s program Mannheim Master in Management (MMM)Brochure on the master’s program Mannheim Master in Management (MMM). Language of instruction: German-English track: You can choose both German and English courses. teaching language German and English; or: 100% English (for students without knowledge of German), exchange programs at master's level with partner universities worldwide, semesters duration of studies (full time), annual begin in fall semester,academic calendar, ECTS, 92 for the optional area and 28 for the mandatory area,module catalog, of our master's students find a job within 3 months after graduation. der Universität Mannheim – Modulkatalog – (Stand: 23.04.2012) - 1 - ... OPM 762 Master Colloquium Production Management - D/E D/E OPM 763 Basics of scientific writing for final … Der Mannheim Master in Management – kurz MMM - ist das flexibelste Master­programm in Betriebs­wirtschafts­lehre in Deutschland. The three most significant accreditation agencies, AACSB International (Tampa, USA), EQUIS/EFMD (Brussels, Belgium), and AMBA (London, UK) have all confirmed the top quality of the study conditions in Mannheim. It is rated top class in 14 out of 19 categories. Mannheim Master in Management Analytics. Tuition fees do apply to non-EU/EEA international students who enroll at a higher education institution in the state of Baden-Württemberg, to which the city of Mannheim belongs. Enjoy the international learning atmosphere – on the Mannheim campus and during a semester abroad – and benefit from our large network of partner companies and partner universities. have a keen interest in business administration. Orientation events take place in the week before lectures start. Learn about the Mannheim Master in Management program at University of Mannheim using the Program Finder tool. Internships In the master’s program Mannheim Master in Management, completing an internship is optional, but encouraged by the school. Find deadlines, scholarships, … Students enrolled in the master’s program Mannheim Master in Management can design their studies individually and flexibly according to their ideas. Standard period of study: 4 semesters (2 years). The following options are only a small range of specializations you can choose from in the MMM. Don't hesitate to book an individual study counseling. Philosophy, Business Education, Economics or Psychology). This makes the University of Mannheim Germany’s leading Business School. This makes education at the University of Mannheim free for students from the EU and the EEA, with the exception of semester fees that cover administrative costs. The Business School of the University of Mannheim has a large network of corporate partners in a wide range of industries. Beheimatet im Mannheimer Schloss, sieht sie sich in der Tradition der 1763 gegründeten Kurpfälzischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. They can choose from a from a wide range of courses on offer in the following areas: Accounting and Taxation, Banking, Finance and Insurance, Information Systems, Management, Marketing and Sales as well as Operations Management. Entdecke jetzt für jeden Studiengang die beste Uni die es gibt in unserem Ranking. What makes our Mannheim Master in Management unique? Studying at the University of Mannheim does not only mean studying in the largest baroque castle in Germany, but also at one of the largest schools of business administration in Europe. Module catalog The module catalog gives you an overview of the courses and their content. This enables our students to spend a semester abroad or even earn a double degree at one of seven excellent universities in Italy, Denmark, France, Norway, Taiwan, Canada or the USA. 7 in the German-speaking countries. In addition to lectures, a career fair, and company presentations, workshops also regularly take place. And surveys among human resources managers confirm time and again: business administration graduates from the University of Mannheim best meet their expectations. The Mannheim Master in Management program is topped off by the following mandatory subjects: Corporate Social Responsibility, Decision Analysis, Applied Econometrics or Empirical Methods as well as Business Economics I and II. For more information please read our, Current Information on the Application Process, Your Application for Admission to a Bachelor’s Program, Your Application for Admission to a Master’s Program, Virtual Consulation Hours International Applicants, Advice for Students with Disabilities or Chronic Illnesses, Important Dates for International Students, Special Requirements for International Students from Mannheim, Coronavirus: FaQs for International Exchange Students, Program of the Summer and Winter Academies, Introductory Study Abroad Meetings, Receptions, and Events, Coronavirus: FaQs for International Degree Seeking Students, Welcome Center for International Scholars, Guesthouse and International Meeting Center (IBZ), Student Organizations and Departmental Student Committees, Newsletter, publications and social media, Centers, Institutions, Affiliates and Partners, School of Business Informatics and Mathematics, Coronavirus: Current Measures and Recommendations, lease click here for detailed background information, Information on the master’s program Mannheim Master in Management (MMM), Brochure on the master’s program Mannheim Master in Management (MMM), partnerships with more than 200 universities all over the world, ranking published by the German Wirtschaftswoche magazine, 200 partner universities around the world, Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), German language proficiency equivalent to level C1, Current information on the application procedure, The Gründungsradar 2018 of the Endowment Association and the Heinz Nixdorf Foundation ranks the University of Mannheim second in the category of medium-sized universities in Germany. Der Standort des Studiums ist Mannheim… Located in the heart of the German and European economy, Mannheim Business School (MBS), the umbrella organization for management education at the University of Mannheim, is … I think the MMM is unique in its variety and quality nationwide. I also find the teachers to be very competent and supportive. Mannheim is the only German Business School in the top 100 (#97). Università Bocconi, Italy: Specialization: accounting and finance, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark: Specialization: Information Systems, ESSEC Business School, France: General Management, National Chengchi University, Taiwan: Specialization: management and Asian studies, Norwegian School of Economics, Norway: Selection of one of seven majors on offer, Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada: Specialization: international business, University of South Carolina in Columbia, USA: Specialization: international management and political science, Students who have successfully completed their master’s degree qualify for a doctoral program at one of the, Likewise, they have the possibility to begin a doctoral program at the. Master in Management from University of Mannheim - Germany Department: Business School of the University of Mannheim. If you choose to go abroad, you can do so either in the third or fourth semester. The University of Mannheim Master in management program allows you to specialize your studies according to your professional goals as Consultant, product manager or financial … Welche Uni ist für Management am besten? Management-Ranking. The money value for such high quality and well ranked program made Mannheim my first choice. Let your career start in Mannheim! As soon as we can provide you with new information, we will publish them in our brochure Application for Master's Programs. Die Universität Mannheim bietet erstklassige Bachelor-, Master- und Promotions­programme.Zahlreiche Hochschul­rankings bestätigen die hohe Qualität des … For more information please read our, Bachelor in Economic and Business Education, Sustainable Business & Corporate Responsibility Management, Master in Economic and Business Education, Centers, Institutions, Affiliates and Partners, IBEA Study Option within the Bachelor in Business Administration, Future Leaders Double Degree within the Bachelor in Business Administration, Association “Partner der Mannheimer Betriebswirtschaftslehre e.V.”, Times Higher Education World University Ranking 2021 by subject: business and economics, Masters in Management Ranking by Times Higher Education, Masters in Management ranking by the Financial Times, Financial Times European Business Schools ranking, QS World University Ranking by Subject 2020, QS Business Masters Ranking, Management, 2021, Gründungsradar 2018 of the Endowment Association, German language courses for incoming students, surveys among human resources managers confirm time and again, at least 36 ECTS from the field of business administration, A GMAT with a minimum of 600 points (program code VLC-95-04) or. During these workshops, students have the chance to present themselves and their theoretical knowledge to a company by working on case studies. The Mannheim Master in Management – in short: MMM - is the most flexible Master's program in business administration in Germany. Mannheim Master in Management (taught in English) 20 April – 31 May – … Mannheim Master in Management. The Business School of the University of Mannheim has been accredited by three accreditation agencies, earning itself the internationally sought-after triple crown. It is especially because of their opportunity to develop a clear focus that our graduates are in high demand in many areas of the economy, such as consulting, financial analysis, HR marketing, and sales. They can choose from a from a wide … In general, I find the atmosphere in the program very motivating and stimulating. This results in a broad spectrum of qualification profiles. Take advantage of this opportunity and apply for a semester abroad or Double Degree at the beginning of your master’s studies! View module catalogs of past semesters (2011 – 2019). That mix is what convinces us to continue to hire from here. ... Mannheim Business School (MBS), the umbrella organization for management education at the University of Mannheim… Selection We take a variety of criteria into account in our selection process: Foreign language requirements The result of the GMAT or the GRE serves as proof of your English language proficiency. Application deadline Please note: Due to the current situation in light of coronavirus pandemic, we have modified our application deadlines. freely chooseable from the area “Business Administration”, freely chooseable from the area “Elective”, mandatory from the area “Business Economics I+II”, mandatory from the area “Methods & Key Qualifications”, Take a look at our current course offer (module catalog 2020/2021). ... Universität Mannheim. The following requirements need to be fulfilled for your complete application that should reach us until 31 May at the latest: Please consult our statute for important details. Many master's programs are offered entirely in English and the quality of education is very high, making Germany an attractive study destination for non-native speakers from around the world. With this profile, they are at the top of human resources departments’ wish lists at German companies*. According to the British business magazine The Economist and its Masters in Management ranking, the Mannheim Master in Management program is ranked 11th and thereby among the leading master’s programs in business administration worldwide. Studying abroad The University of Mannheim has more than 200 partner universities around the world. According to the Wirtschaftswoche, Mannheim Marketingprofessor Christian Homburg is the the most successful researcher in business administration with regard to lifetime achievements, Mannheim Seniorprofessor Martin Weber holds rank 2. Located in the heart of the German and European economy, Mannheim Business School (MBS), the umbrella organization for management education at the University of Mannheim, is … Studien­gangs­management Master­studien­gänge. Proof of practical experience must include duration and exact job description. In light of the current coronavirus situation, we have to change the application process for several programs. Students enrolled in the English track can choose from the range of courses that are taught completely in English. Interactive events are a great platform to get in touch with students and participants of the Mannheim Master in Management & MBA program. You can apply online from 20 April to 31 May. Accounting & Taxation; Banking & Finance; Sustainable Business & Corporate Responsibility Management; Data Analytics; ... Universität Mannheim Fakultät für Betriebs­wirtschafts­lehre L 5, 5 68161 Mannheim E-Mail: studieninfo.bwl uni-mannheim… 3,80. In case of admission, you will also find your enrollment documents as well as important information on your first days in Mannheim in the portal. Master of Management Analytics The Essential Degree for the World of Data. Students studying in the German-English track may also take courses that are taught in German. In the current CHE Master Ranking the Mannheim Master in Management is top ranked in all eight categories. We already hired several University graduates or MBA alumni after meeting them at one of our events. Our students also have direct access to our network of business partners. This also applies to the MMM: during the application process, you can opt for the “English track” of the program and study entirely in English -  no prior knowledge of German needed. What most attracted me to the MMM was the amount of flexibility available in the module selection. By graduating from the MMM with at least the final grade “gut” (“good”), you fulfill the formal requirements for pursuing a doctorate in Business Administration at the University of Mannheim. iiiii. 1 in Germany. Our master's students receive both an analytical and hands-on education for management positions in all industries. The Financial Times European Business Schools ranking publishes a list based on all FT rankings in the respective year. Universität Mannheim Philosophische Fakultät Schloss – Raum EO 287 68161 Mannheim Masters in Management ranking by the Financial Times: The Mannheim Master in Management program is Germany's No. Overall, I think the MMM is a very well balanced program and I am enjoying my experience thoroughly. 4,30. The Mannheim Master in Management – in short: MMM - is the most flexible master's program in business administration in Germany. The course is an integral part of the department giving students … Der MMM … In addition, you are required to have completed the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) with a minimum score of 600 points or to submit an equivalent GRE result before the application period ends. Nick-named the “city of squares”, Mannheim is often compared to New York because of its famous grid system. You are exempt of this requirement if you have a German higher education entrance qualification or are a German citizen, for example. If you are interested in taking language or literature courses you can do that at the School of Humanities. In collaboration with the International Office, the dean's office of the Business School will be happy to help you plan a period of study abroad. View them as ideas on how to design your tailor-made master's program. Every semester, it gives you the opportunity to choose … In light of the current coronavirus situation, we have to change the application process for several programs. In addition, students can take an elective course which allows them to broaden their horizon (e.g. In the master’s program Mannheim Master in Management, spending a semester abroad is optional. Studying in Mannheim means studying in the heart of Germany, close to Heidelberg, Frankfurt, Munich, and Paris. Next to its industrial charm, Mannheim has many green areas along its two rivers. Mannheim Master in Management Study abroad during your master's degree Apply at the beginning of your degree in Mannheim and study abroad as an exchange student in your third … Tracking cookies are currently not allowed. Mannheim Master in Management at Mannheim Business School, University … 3 and ranked 26th internationally. Here you will find the selection statutes. Receive news on our programs and important deadlines right to your inbox! Due to the many specialization options within … 21 Bewertungen #3 Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. As an MMM-student you stay flexible throughout your studies. The Mannheim Master in Management qualification enables graduates to pursue a career in business or in research (e.g., doctoral degree). The University of Mannheim, Business School received excellent results in the CHE-Ranking, published in the magazine “ZEIT-Studienführer 2020/2021”. Now, with your individual professional goals in mind, you can put together your own curriculum in the MMM. Student exchanges are based on reciprocity: more than 100 exchange programs at master’s level and seven Double Degree programs offer our students the experience of living and studying abroad. Students of the University of Mannheim also have the option of completing eight master’s programs completely in English. What our Mannheim Master in Management (MMM) offers you: The programme offers you preparation for a career in a management position, for example, through.....flexibility: Consultant, product manager … Mit ihm haben Sie jedes Semester die Möglichkeit, … 42 Bewertungen #4 Frankfurt University … Mannheim ranks No. The Master of Management Analytics from Smith School of Business at Queen’s University … have a clear conception of how they would like to structure their master’s degree. The international research ranking is based on the number of publications in 24 leading business journals. I have been concentrating on Accounting and Operations Management so far and I am very happy with it. Tuition fees amount to EUR 1,500 per semester. This not only enriches them professionally but often sets the course for an international career. QS World University Ranking by Subject 2020: This year's QS Topuniversities “Ranking by Subject” ranks the University of Mannheim in the subject “Business & Management Studies” as no. Students enrolled in one of our master’s programs can flexibly select their courses from a wide and most diversified range of modules and thus purposefully specialize, focusing on their individual career plans. About 2.4 million inhabitants, a great infrastructure and several companies form one of the most attractive business hubs in Germany. With an elective you can either complement your specialization or broaden your perspective and look beyond business studies. Decide for a degree course (German-English or 100% English track), enter your personal data and send us your application. 27,5 percent of Germany’s HR managers think that University of Mannheim business graduates are best equipped for a career in business management. It also offers a great variety of shopping, nightlife, restaurants, museums, and cafés. Certainly, the variety of specialization options which is the perfect steppingstone to your career. Every student can personalize his or her curriculum. Learn more about studying in Mannheim. For more help please click trough The A to Z of Applying. We’ve had a lot of success with students from Mannheim. The MMM elective gives you the option to attend seminars or lectures of other schools of the University of Mannheim. Selection statutes You can find the exact requirements for the program in the selection statutes, which are only available in German. The value for money is perfect! Higher education in Germany is publicly financed by the government in order to be accessible to students from all socio-economic backgrounds. As a state university, Mannheim is able to compete with private business schools worldwide. Mannheim Master in Management University of Mannheim - Mannheim Business School, ranked n°18 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking If you opt for the German-English track you have to submit proof of German language proficiency equivalent to level C1. You receive 92 ECTS for the elective courses (including the master’s thesis) and 28 ECTS for the mandatory courses - it could hardly be more flexible. Your future career opportunities depend on which area of business administration you specialize in and whether you acquire additional qualifications in an elective course. It makes me always want to do my best. have basic knowledge in the field of their desired specialization. 24 month part-time Master program (M.A.) They include the master’s programs in Economics, Political Science, Sociology, and Business Informatics as well as the Mannheim Master in Data Science, the Mannheim Master in Management, and the Master … The University of Mannheim therefore is one of the most start-up friendly universities in Germany. Gestaltung: uc graphic, Program Manager Mannheim Master in Management, In order to improve performance and enhance the user experience for the visitors to our website, we use cookies and store anonymous usage data. iiiii. Leaving Mannheim in order to pursue my master’s degree elsewhere was no option for me. The master’s program Mannheim Master in Management is based on a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. Depending on the specialization they have selected, students enrolled in the Mannheim Master in Management program can earn a double degree in cooperation with a one of seven outstanding universities worldwide: Applying for a double degree is possible only after you have successfully enrolled in the master’s program. To increase your chances of admission, you should bring along (very) good bachelor grades, a high GMAT test result, a semester abroad or an international degree, and practical experience. They always respond in detail to the students’ queries and also encourage us to engage in discussions. When we work together in group projects, we are able to shed light on topics from various perspectives because we have the most diverse backgrounds and experiences. The people that study here are also down to earth and they are ready for the challenges that we present them. These results are based on the recent university ranking by the magazine WirtschaftsWoche, a renowned German business magazine. If you would like to do a voluntary internship, please visit the website of the Business School for information and advertisements for internships. Mannheim is really attractive for students. What I like most about the MMM is the fact that I can adapt the program to my interests because the choice of courses is structured very flexibly. Admission to an advanced semester If you want to apply for an advanced semester, please contact Ms. Dörr in the Admissions Office. Through our job board, you'll find exciting internships and job offers from our partner companies. At the MMM I like the quality and variety of the lectures as well as the proximity to renowned companies. Das Studium "Management" an der staatlichen "Uni Mannheim" hat eine Regelstudienzeit von 4 Semestern und endet mit dem Abschluss "Master of Science". Our internationally leading professors in the field of business administration teach and challenge you daily to apply new knowledge in order to act successfully and responsibly in a constantly changing business world. Mannheim Master in Management. [4] Mannheim is one of six German business schools represented in this ranking. Management-Ranking. Educating responsible leaders for tomorrow.