Bot is most outstandingly epic. Dyno has been on my server for over a very long time. Advanced auto-moderation, leveling, Twitch and Youtube alerts & much more! This is one of the most popular Discord Bots and comes with a variety of features such as moderation features, … The Discord bots make the app easy to use. Full source code for Dyno, originally leaked by DDoSshop at 7th April 2020.. To quote the original leak: Date dumped: 7th April 2020. Also contains some API keys within the code. Dyno. : Autoroles, auto delete, custom commands, announcements, joinable ranks, AFK status, reminders, and much more. Work fast with our official CLI. Optionally, you can enable the “Send Welcome Message in a DM (Private Message)” option if you would like Dyno to send a private message to the user when they join. As somebody who isn't too keen on web dashboards, Dyno isn't my cup of tea! To clear the nickname, simply clearing the box and trying to update it won’t work, due to a current bug. I'd say it doesn't have EVERYTHING you need, but it is the perfect bot for moderation. Type ?help for a list of commands. The feature I love the most is the message embed save, if you close your embed it remain saved on your dashboard to edit it and repost it later which is a huge thing for me! The prefix is changeable for your server using the prefix command, and in the web dashboard. I've tried both, and Dyno is definitely better. MEE6 wants people to pay for the other 3/4 of their feature meaning if you're not paying then you'll only get 1/4 of moderation that you COULD'VE gotten FREE with Dyno. I've been using Dyno since a very long time and my experience with it is by far the best compared to other bots out there ! To IP ban someone whether you’re using Dyno, Carl, or MEE6 as your role bot, here’s what you should do: Open Discord on your computer. Learn more. Goof effort! It features a simple and intuitive web dashboard with lots of aspects such as moderation, anti-spam/auto-moderation, role management, custom commands, music bot, and much more. The nickname must be 32 characters or less in length, due to Discord limitations. Dashboard: A feature-rich, configurable web dashboard. Messages are deleted on a "rolling" basis -- if you set a 24-hour live time, each message will be deleted 24 hours after it is posted (as opposed to all messages being deleted every 24 hours). You signed out in another tab or window. If you're one of those people thinking that MEE6 is better because it's certified let me tell you. 100+ zip files of all source codes for all areas of the bot and web panel. If there are any features that you would like to see, request them in our Discord server! One useful feature is the “softban,” which will ban and then unban a user to delete all their messages. Advanced auto-moderation, leveling, Twitch and Youtube alerts & much more! Side notes: They have a really good support server. Staff and devs are nice, even the support. It's hands down the best bot. more than than any other bot out there it doesnt glitch. We teach you how to add Dyno to Discord servers and set Dyno bot up! So I suggest inviting Dyno! Because with the help of bots, it becomes effortless to manage notification, collects essential data, moderate server, Controls the level of Spam, Plays Music right from within Discord. Colors, economy, etc is not very needed. Contains: Full source code of Discord bot. 👍❤ Once there, scroll down to the “Oauth2 URL Generator” section. to refresh your session. Full source code for Dyno, originally leaked by DDoSshop at 7th April 2020. A fully customizable server moderation Discord bot for your Discord server that features a simple and intuitive web dashboard. Contains: Full source code of Discord bot. ?dynoavatar (user)?emotes: Get a list of server emojis. It's updated frequently with new features and enhancements. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. I cancelled my premium with mee and carl and only now use Dyno for everything, no need for 56 bot for what I need such as Message embed, auto message delete, timed channel purge, anti raid and spam. You must manually type “Dyno” into the box and then update it, if you want to clear the nickname. It doesn't need you to buy too many things unlike MEE6, so no need to waste your time just looking for free stuff. Yet another general purpose Discord bot Owner: Jonas747 #0001 Prefix: - . It will set a role on your users for the duration of their birthdays and, if desired, can announce a message in a channel of your choosing. You can get a lot without paying for the bot, while on MEE6 about 3/4 of the features are under some form of paywall. New features are built off what users ask for. See how to enhance Discord logs with Dyno bot's Action log module. A fully customizable server moderation Discord bot for your Discord server that features a simple and intuitive web dashboard. Much More! With web configuration, moderation, anti-spam, auto roles, music, custom commands, and much more! Dyno is a fully customizable bot for your server with a web dashboard, moderation, music, autoroles, auto moderation, and more. A fully-featured discord bot with music, moderation, logs, web dashboard, and more. We know Versace is not the best bot in the world we want it to be one of the best bots in the world ;D. So We got our ideas from other bots for example wick, dyno, mee6 and summrs bot. That is not Dyno, that is another bot with the same name and avatar. Keep up the good work, Nooblance and the team ! You can easily enable, disable, and configure everything. Dyno is a feature-rich and modular discord bot for your Discord server. Contains: Full source code of Discord bot. Promoted View. Abstracted web process dyno (Image source: Author) There are a fair number of resources discussing the makings of a Discord bot using the discordpy library, and a … Good bot, i use it since 2017 but since 2019 dyno is going down a bit too frequently. Dyno. The most complete & easy-to-use Discord bot! ?inviteinfo [invite code]?membercount: Get the membercount of the current server. ?emotes (search)?inviteinfo: Get information about a Discord invite. Also we Very dislike when people abuse discord bots so thats why we added a blacklist feature. This bot is way better than MEE6! Server management just got a whole lot easier. Wow cool this bot can actually ban people or mute but interesing But hey i like this bot, Dyno is fantastic, A clean dashboard and easy custom commands, 10/10, Would Recommend to anyone looking for a Simple, Easy and Great Bot, best bot ever for growing your server i 100% recommend it. The most complete & easy-to-use Discord bot! A fully customizable server moderation Discord bot for your Discord server that features a simple and intuitive web dashboard. Dyno. Great utility bot and an even better community! Dyno does it all! ... Combines features from Dyno, MEE6, and other bots. Our goal is to keep everything free while cramming everything into one simplified bot. Add Your Bot to a Discord Server In order to add your bot to your Discord Server, you’ll need to navigate back to the “OAuth2” tab. If you do not choose to enable this option, choose a channel for Dyno to send the message to under the “Welcome Channel” option. 100+ zip files of all source codes for all areas of the bot and web panel. View Invite. Dyno bot is a fully customizable discord bot for your discord server. With features comparable to bots like Dyno, Mee6 and Rythm, we sure have you and your server covered! Auto-moderation/anti-spam, fully configurable. If nothing happens, download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio and try again. Ah yes. In this article, I will take up the example of adding Dyno. Dyno had some issues in the past with some commands on my server, but in the end. Automatically. Dyno was not hacked. AutoDelete retention policies for 'gamers' AutoDelete is a Discord bot that will automatically delete messages from a designated channel. Dyno is used on 3,800,000+ servers, we invite you to try it out and hope you enjoy! In the “Scopes” section, you’ll want to select the “bot” checkbox. You signed in with another tab or window. Thanks for this awesome bot!! mostly for moderation because thats what it does best. Fill me! That being said, I have tried it, and have close friends who use this as their go - to bot! 514 ONLINE 55,165 Servers Raid-Helper Most complete and best calendar bot for discord! You can easily enable, disable, and configure everything. If you look at the id and discrim of that account it does not match the official dyno. Dashboard: A feature-rich, configurable web dashboard. Dyno Discord Bot is a bot specially available for discord users to help them in server customisation and moderation. Though Dyno has had its uptime issues, the developers are continuously working on improving it. With web configuration, moderation, anti-spam… Discord’s favorite bot! 71,990 ONLINE 161,043 Servers Myuu The best Pokémon experience you can get on Discord! ?membercount?randomcolor: Generates a random hex color with a preview. I truly enjoy Dyno. ?randomcolor?remindme: Set a reminder. It has its limits though, like not really having a good way for the 'help' command and having to go to the website just to find all the commands, and its music still isn't avalable, but aside from that, it's got way better moderation tools. Full source code for Dyno, originally leaked by DDoSshop at 7th April 2020.. To quote the original leak: Date dumped: 7th April 2020. The people helping there are really calm and understanding. The Discord Bot that does it all. Catch shiny and legendary! Thus, the purge command is so advanced for Dyno (you can purge images only, bots only, humans only, etc) and you can even get unlimited free custom commands, plus even tags. Dyno is a feature-rich and modular discord bot for your Discord server. The bot is not like Carl, the carl staff are salty and ban you for no reason. You signed in with another tab or window. Easy to set up all in one Discord bot! Dyno packs a ton of commands into one bot, such as the ability to mute, kick, and ban users from the chat itself. Dyno is a feature-rich and modular discord bot for your Discord server. ... im using a better discord theme, it says bot by the username though if you check by the message it says so. ¶ Using a Message response You can use different filters to specify what type of messages which you want Dyno … You can get custom status to appear on a bot, but it won't be able to say anything. I have gone from using MEE6 to Dyno on all of my servers. download the GitHub extension for Visual Studio. 100+ zip files of all source codes for all areas of the bot and web panel. The dashboard is a little weird at times, but even then it is still a very good bot. Use every command for free from Moderation, Music, Logs, Games, Events, NSFW, and more! I'm unsure if these are still valid. One of the best moderation bot I've ever come across. Dyno. 1. Clean dashboard, dev open to ideas and are alway improving the bot, a lot of support. Events, timezones, polls, reminders, … Dyno is an incredible bot! Reload to refresh your session. This bot is literally all you need in your server if you just want to moderate it. Feedback on the support is a 10/10. To add and setup your server, head over to the Dyno website at, We also have a wiki where you can view additional information about Dyno, as well as useful guides and more at As of November 2020, down times are a regular occurance, which is why I recommend it, but you should get a backup bot as well. etc. Now the first step to adding a Bot to Discord is to find a Bot you want to add naturally. Dyno in my opinion is one of the best bots made for Discord. Generate a Dyno-like avatar. I used mee6, carl bot and another one with a weird spelled name but by far Dyno really is my favorite. Server management just got a whole lot easier. Leveling, Moderation. Gaius ive used it multiple times. Chose the server from the left side of the screen. Delete a number of messages from a channel.purge command, you can delete a number of messages from a channel. Moderation: Moderation with mod logs, timed mutes and bans. It helps in simplifying and managing your server and providing many useful and interesting features. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Reload to refresh your session. How to Add & Setup Dyno Bot in your Discord Server.