About me. Damn glass (by Levi) Inoltre, un fatto che la contraddistingueva molto dal resto dei soldati, è che non dava il minimo segno di paura di fronte a un gigante, probabilmente per la sua ammirazione nei loro confronti: questo è un requisito molto importante per un membro dell'armata ricognitiva poiché la mancanza di paura permette di operare più efficacemente durante un combattimento. People call me crazy and i think I'm perfectly OMG IS THAT A BABY TITAN I CAN DISSECT?! Some misunderstands these acts of hers as eccentric and having more than a few screws loose in her head. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. Porta i tuoi fandom preferiti con te e non perdere mai un colpo. Occupation She comes to the conclusion that his religion has been so opposed to Wall modifications because of what they know is inside the Wall. She discovered that Eren's titan powers are only awakened when he has a clear objective in mind, such as defending against the cannonball. ResearchTease Levi Hanji Zoe (ハンジ・ゾエ Hanji Zoe?) Hanji is actually only depicted as female in the anime. Although the anime identifies Hanji as female, the original manga does not specify Hanji's gender. Goals My name is Hanji Zoe and i LOVE dissecting things! This has led her to wear a small black eye patch over it. A Te, fra 2000 Anni: La Caduta di Shiganshina - Parte 1, L'Attacco dei Giganti Inside: Attacco ai Giganti, L'Attacco dei Giganti Outside: Attacco agli Umani, Ultimo Uomo che Cerca di Fermare il Gigante Femmina, https://shingekinokyojin.fandom.com/it/wiki/Hanji_Zoe?oldid=17196. After this, Hanji tries to question the Pastor about what they had just seen, but he roughly states that they do not need to know anything about it and even threatens to demand compensation for damages done to his church. jirousquish liked this . Italiano Hange Zoe Furious at his attitude, she grabs hold of Nick and dangles him over the side of the wall in a threat, demanding that Nick explain why there are titans inside the Wall. Ursprünglich erschien sie für die meisten Menschen alsenergische und schrullige Wissenschaftlerin mit einer sehr einzigartigen Artund Weise, gegenüber sich selbst und ihrer Arbeit. La ragazza spiega che numerose vite sono andate perdute a causa di lui e del culto religioso al quale appartiene, terminando poi la discussione con una dichiarazione di disprezzo verso il prete. Hanji, despite being overtly feminine in the picture you see to the right, is an androgynous person, with brown spiky hair, a large nose, and glasses over brown eyes. tenshi-tamashi reblogged this from huchidori. shikvbu liked this . Hanje è un cognome molto popolare nella regione di Kyoto, in Giappone. In the manga, Hanji is non-binary ; meaning Hanji is not assigned a gender role . Informazioni Personali After Hanji's squad rescue the Scouts trapped at Castle Utgard, she tells everyone that it's time to go. Sesso Reply. She is present with the rest of the Scouting Legion as Levi beats up Eren and checks on his condition after the tribunal is over, noting that the gap where Eren lost his tooth earlier is disappearing quickly. Hange is typically seen, both within and outside the Attack on Titan loops, wearing the uniform of the world's Survey Corp military branch. She was about to talk about the curious precedent involving Ilse Langner when it was discovered that Bean and Sonny were murdered. Here are two figures that display Hanji in all of her scientific glory. She is voiced by Romi Park in the Japanese version of the anime and Jessica Calvello in the English version, the former of whom also voices Edward Elric, Naoto Shirogane and TÅshirÅ Hitsugaya. Titan researcherSurvey Corps officer14th commander of the Survey Corps Quando si rifiuta di parlare, Hanje lo minacciò tenendolo in bilico sull'orlo della muraglia Sina. Hanji cursed under her breath, hissing in pain. angreifender Riese) ist eine Manga-Serie des japanischen Zeichners Hajime Isayama, die auch als Anime umgesetzt wurde, mehrere Manga-Spin-offs und andere Umsetzungen erhielt. 706: Hanji Zoe” and Good Smile Company's “Nendoroid Attack on Titan Hange Zoë”. era il 14° Comandante dell'Armata Ricognitiva, nominata da Erwin Smith prima della sua morte. A+[4] [1] Im deutschen Sprachraum werden der Manga seit März 2014 und der Anime seit Oktober 2016 unter dem … https://hero.fandom.com/wiki/Hange_Zoe?oldid=2183861. Alcune persone pensano erroneamente che Hanje fosse eccentrica e con qualche rotella mancante. Later, when Eren and the Special Operations Squad are at the former Scouting Legion HQ, Hanji begins to prep Eren on previous experiments, but ends up talking until morning when the conversation is interrupted. Hanji is not only responsible for the research the Survey Corps have on the Titans but also the special weapons they use, such as a barrel that fires multiple grappling … So erhält Hanji soga… Hanji conducts research on Titans and, as such, is deeply interested in Eren Yeager, who can turn into a Titan. Shingeki no Kyojin Wiki è una comunità di FANDOM a proposito di Anime. Averigua lo que Hanji Zoe (nbanusg) ha descubierto en Pinterest, la mayor colección de ideas del mundo. However, she is able to correctly predict that the enemy will require a place to rest until sunset, and advises them to head for the Forest of Giant Trees. A crazy non binary, glasses wearing freak who enjoys doing experiments on Titans and Eren Jaeger. Custom Resolution. Although devastated by the loss of the test subjects, she moves forward with the experiments on Eren. Hange has wide, light brown eyes and shoulder length dark brown hair that she often keeps tied up in an unkempt high ponytail with bangs parted down the middle. "Hanji" is a Chinese word meaning "necessity", while Zoe is Greek for "life". No information All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. She explains that the people of the Scouting Legion sacrifice their lives hoping that one day it will mean something, and that because of this they have the right to know what they saw inside the wall and why it's there. Informazioni Professionali Valutazione Hobby Hanje adora parlare delle proprie ricerche ma, a causa dell… She also enjoys discussing this research, but as the lectures can be very long and detail-oriented, not many fellow soldiers find them interesting. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Ratio. (Y/n) (L/n) is a waitress by day, a boxer by night and happens to be Hanji's best friend. Hanje era una persona appassionata per la ricerca che andava sempre in cerca di nuove informazioni. In Singolo: almeno 5In Squadra: sconosciutiTotale: almeno 5 She can be seen as very hyperactive, often diving into projects without thought for personal safety (and frightening lots of her subordinates in the process), instead preoccupied with observing and documenting their subjects. userlesss1 liked this . Type of Hero I finally found a Hanji model! Alcune persone pensano erroneamente che Hanje sia eccentrica e con qualche rotella mancante. Unable to continue the attack, she instead leads an effort to back up Eren in his battle against the Armored Titan. Do-Gooder 5 Settembre[3] ... #HANJI COMEBACK WHEN #q-ute #hanji zoe. Hanji is often excited by Titans and is always eager to experiment with them, coming off as extremely emotional regarding titans. What I'm working on. The Scouts begin to leave. Stop the rumblingSave the world Altri nomi He finally tells her and the other members of the Scouting Legion about Historia knowing more about the walls having titans in them. Hanji Zoe's brother Newt Geiszler. Angriff auf (den) Titan; jap. Paradis Eldian StateSurvey CorpsLevi AckermanErwin SmithKeith Shadis (former crush)Jean KirsteinArmin ArlertMikasa AckermanSasha BrausConnie SpringerMarleyans (foes turned allies)Theo MagathAnnie LeonhardtReiner BraunPieck FingerOniyankopon (best partner)NiccoloWarrior UnitGabi BraunFalco GriceHizuru NationKiyomi Azumabito Découvrez tout ce que Hanji Zoe (clem_undertale) a découvert sur Pinterest, la plus grande collection d'idées au monde. Hanji ist kein Charakter mit einer soliden Persönlichkeit; alle ihre Emotionen zeigt sie in der Regel vollkommen ehrlich undausdrucksstark. espero nos llevemos bien! And like I mentioned in the other comment even if Hanji has breasts it is pretty much irrelevant to how Hanji identifies herself as. Hanji grinned as she took the cup of coffee and inhaled its rich scent. As such, she's excited by the prospect of working with Eren. Remembering ancient history concerning armor, Hanji is able to accurately deduct that the seemingly-invulnerable Armored Titan has unprotected areas at the joints to allow freedom of movement. contains mature content that may include coarse language, sexual references, and/or graphic violent images which may be disturbing to some. Alias Doppiatori View, comment, download and edit hanji zoe Minecraft skins. Comandante Hanji Zoe, who is known to be the Squad Leader of the Scouting Legion and Researcher on the Titans. This allows Eren and Mikasa to bring him down, but the Colossal Titan drops from the Wall and knocks almost unconscious in the resulting explosion. Hansi Zoe (japonais: ハンジ・ゾエ, Hepburn: Hanji Zoe?) Poteva essere considerata una persona iperattiva, che prendeva parte a vari progetti senza preoccuparsi della propria sicurezza(il che spaventa spesso i suoi subordinati), volgendo tutta la propria attenzione a documentare e ad osservare i dati raccolti. Hanje, nonostante non lo desse a vedere, era un ottimo elemento dell'armata ricognitiva, non solo perché ha fortemente contribuito alla cattura di alcuni esemplari di giganti (la sua passione), ma anche quando si trattava di condurre le truppe sul campo di battaglia e nel combattere i giganti, essendo anche in grado di ucciderne uno senza fatica. Scratcher Joined 5 years, 9 months ago Location not given. When Hange was caught in an explosion caused by Bertolt Hoover transforming, her left eye was badly injured. Great intelligence Deceduta Yay! Armata Ricognitiva Before Hanji can react, Pastor Nick hurries over and begs the soldiers to stop sunlight from hitting the titan's face. Muore con onore combattendo contro la marcia dei giganti per permettere ai suoi compagni di salvarsi. Residenza 2,652 notes. Hanji era spesso emozionata dalla vista dei Titani e desiderava sempre sperimentare qualcosa su di essi, cosa che quando accadeva mostrava quanto la ragazza fosse emotiva nei confronti delle creature nemiche. May 20, 2017 - Explore Jacqueline Vicente's board "Moblit x Hanji" on Pinterest. Hanji Zoe the interim Commander (successor to Erwin) of the survey corps and also the leader of the fourth squad. When he refused to talk, Hanji grabbed him and held him over the side of Wall Sina, explaining that lives were lost because of him and his religious faction and stating an utter contempt for the priest. Altre Informazioni Può essere considerata una persona iperattiva, che prende parte a vari progetti senza preoccuparsi della propria sicurezza(il che spaventa spesso i suoi subordinati), volgendo tutta la propria attenzione a documentare e ad osservare i dati raccolti. Pastor Nick would rather die in order to maintain his secrets, but Hanji decides to let him live. Hanje è una persona appassionata per la ricerca che va sempre in cerca di nuove informazioni. Hanji Zoe - MMD. Hanji Zoe (ハンジ・ゾエ Hanji Zoe?) Für Erwin Smithist sie ein unersetzbares Mitglied des Aufklärungstrupps. Search, discover and share your favorite Hanji Zoe GIFs. I contenuti della comunità sono disponibili sotto la licenza. She explained this sympathetic reaction to Eren as a result of the drive to see titans from a different perspective and learn new insights that would normally be overlooked from the traditional view of rage. Soldato ‘Attack on Titan’ creator gets the last word in debate over character’s gender Gendered pronouns work a bit differently in Japanese, as fans of the hottest anime of the moment are learning. Membro d'élite dell'Armata, conduce ricerche ed esperimenti sui Giganti, creature per le quali prova una vera e propria ossessione e, per questo, diviene estremamente interessata ad… Ad esempio, si è visto che piangeva mentre infliggeva dolore ad un gigante catturato durante un test. è il 14° ed attuale Comandante dell'Armata Ricognitiva, nominata da Erwin Smith prima della sua morte. Altezza Hanji is a popular surname in the Kyoto region of Japan. Some misunderstands these acts of hers as eccentric and having more than a few screws loose in her head. For example, she cried at the amount of pain being caused to a Titan during experimentation. Nome Isayama even said that it's Hanji's character song, so take it as you will. Giapponese Origin Wide Ultrawide Portrait Square; 16 × 9: 21 × 9: 9 × 16 Marley Arc She also theorized that this switch must have a good reason as well as being connected to the titan's nature. However, seeing Eren's titan hand later on earned an overly-excited response, breaking the tension between Eren and the Special Operations Squad. Hanji Zoe Though in charge of experimenting with captured Titans Sawney and Bean, no conclusive evidence was obtained. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. She went under an assumed name after she was caught in the middle of her relatives' dispute, and will tell them more about it, if she chooses to. Hanji can be describe as a mad scientist or a crazy individual, due to her abnormal approach to dangerous situation. When it turns out Eren cannot turn into a titan at will, Hanji is a little disheartened. Hanji__Zoe. Precedentemente era un Caposquadra al comando della Quarta Squadra. Prima di andare incontro alla morte, alcune delle sue ultime parole sono proprio rivolte ai giganti “Sono fantastici”, dice, come piena affermazione della sua persona e del suo amore verso quelle creature tanto temute. Her closest ally is Owen Harper out of Torchwood, who has died about four times by now. with white hair and no eyes. Status You and her had a brief conversation about the shop's menu before the waiter returned with Hanji's order. Full Name Romi Park. YeageristsZeke YeagerEren Yeager (subordinate turned enemy)YelenaFloch Forster (subordinate turned enemy)Marley EmpirePorco GalliardTitans Lavoro See more ideas about attack on titan, titans, levihan. High quality Hanji Zoe gifts and merchandise. Attack on Titan #considering hanji was one of my favs i never really drew them much did i #im so sad lmao fuck #hanji zoe #hange zoe #snk spoilers #snk #myart #i dont even want … Hange Zoë is a high standing, veteran member of the Survey Corps and a squad leader in charge of the fourth squad. Affiliazione Hanji is very passionate and driven in pursuit of new knowledge. She has gotten Kaiju tattoos and was almost eaten by Bertolt's sister, Odachi, and then by his niece Odachi Junior. If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. 進撃の巨人, Shingeki no Kyojin, dt. est le 14ème Major du Bataillon d'exploration.6 Hansi fut une chef d'escouade du Bataillon d'exploration au même titre que Mike Zacharias.7 Hansi mène des recherches sur les Titans au point d'être obsédée par eux, en raison de cela elle est profondément intéressée par Eren Jäger, qui peut se transformer en Titan. Hanji is later shown to be among the wounded, and has to be left behind when the main forces begin their pursuit. She took a sip and immediately burnt her tongue. si necesitan alguna ayuda estoy aqui! But underneath all that wealth, he's slowly starting to waste away due to this unhealthy lifestyle. While several fans identify the manga version as female, Isayama left Hanji's gender (or lack thereof) ambiguous for fan interpretation. She has drifted with two Kaiju. Umana Eren Yeager | Mikasa Ackerman | Armin Arlert | Levi Ackerman | Hanji Zoe | Jean Kirschtein | Connie Springer | Sasha Braus | Historia Reiss | Reiner Braun | Erwin Smith | Eld Jinn | Petra Ral | Oluo Bozado | Ymir | Survey Corps | Garrison | Special Operations Squad |. However, she still cares deeply for humanity, and takes threats to comrades very seriously, as seen when Pastor Nick is confronted for his coverup of the Wall. Debutto Paradis Arc