They just want to end their suffering. Vote. I'm the staircase. DARK SOULS™ III > General Discussions > Topic Details. Farming for proof of concord kept? It is faster to farm the two knights on the stairs than to include the red eyed third up on the right, as with two you should be able to average roughly 3.3 knights/min whereas with 3 it is closer to 2.8 or 2.9. © Valve Corporation. Not willing to cheat spent too much time with this character to get banned. It. 2-3 in quick succession after killing several knights). If the host challenges the area boss to banish the invader, a Proof of Concord Kept is awarded. The game gives you 2 so that's 8. If the invader uses the Black Separation Crystal, a Proof of a Concord Kept is not awarded. Time to do it all over again on a new character. One way to improve the speed of the farming run is to use an INT build (43 + sage ring) and Crystal Soul Spear. Make sure you have enough ATT to complete the run. This item makes a return from Dark Souls 1, however, the name was different in that game (being called the Souvenir of Reprisal) and is a brighter hue of blue. Note that the staff does not need to be fully upgraded so that, if you decide to re-spec just for the sake of farming, you do not need to waste a Titanite Slab. Don't do it, do something productive with your life unlike me. If anyone on xbox is in need of some upgraded weapons up to +6 hit me up, I have more titanite than I know what to do with. I farmed the 3 silver knights at the entrance to Anor Londo. This drop rate is insane. You will be summoned into a gank squad fight wich almost always the invader(s) is killed. Like some say, the PVP way is good when it works which is virtually never. The stairway of Anor Londo. Sign In. Follow this easy guide to get your Proofs of Concord Kept without even breaking a sweat. That's enough to make a grown man hollow. Set ATT to about 30 so you can cast 4 CSS - two for each knight. Is there any reiable way to Farm this item? Then I was by miracle summoned to a fight and it was a warzone between like 4 people. The Proof of a Concord Kept is a covenant item in Dark Souls III. Keep on darkmoon covenant (or blue sentinels i think is the other covenant) they both give you Proof of concord kept also silver knights drop them i think #2. The farming run can be further improved by one-hitting the knights with Crystal Soul Spear (and Hidden Body - so that they do not raise their shields). However, it was worth it. I was using symbol of avarice, 99 luck, crystal sage rapier and gold serpent ring +3, yet my drop rate felt like 1 once every 10 runs. For Dark Souls III on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "PVP or farm for proof of concord kept? All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. PVP works quite well, I was summoned a lot acutally. Guides » Dark Souls 3 - Farm Proofs of Concord Kept. ". Wow that is pretty bad, even for concords. Kill two knights, then run back to bonfire to reset. I have been farming the Silver Knights, and its takes about 1 drop per 3 hours, this is a bit crazy. report. Literally a thousand runs in (two stacks of rusted coins) and they've dropped 11 for me. It took me 258 runs (yes, I counted), but I got it. Melee success can also be achieved by using a parry or small shield to parry the first lightning thrust of the spear knight and riposte with a dagger (nearly one shot with hornet ring). 4 and a half hours of farming with 307 item discovery = 3 proofs... What a joke. Ever. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). However, if the dark spirit kills themselves (i.e jumping off a cliff/ledge), a proof will not be awarded. Go to the Anor Londo bonfire and kill the two silver knights on the stairs. Praise the Sun! Tired of killing 300+ silver knights in Anor Londo? This video is part of the guide at Just a tip for others: I've just finished farming the Silver Knights for Proof of a Concord Kept. Rhorn. At least the grind causes a fun little situation: Most blues are terrible, as they're either PvE players just hunting for the achievement, or their build relies on DMB without having it yet. Forgot your password? I personally would rather the darkmoon go back to dark souls 1 using a blue eye orb, but it is what it is. Wear Symbol of Avarice, and equip covetous Gold serpant ring (whatever version you have, regular works fine if you don't have +3). I call utter BS on the drop rates. I tried farming proof of concord kept by myself with the knights at anor londo, but the drop rate seems significantly lower than the other items I've farmed. Finally, keep darkmoon blade or blue sentinels equipped as your covenant. I was one with the staircase. You should be able to complete another cycle before the effect of the Rusted coin finishes, netting you 4 kills/minute. Posted by 5 days ago. I. I have spent a few hours doing this and it's getting old. If the host challenges the area boss to banish the invader, a Proof of Concord Kept is awarded. 3 hours of farming with 339 item discovery i got: 54 Silver knight helms 41 Silver knight armor 29 Silver knight gauntlets 37 Silver knight leggings 7 Proof of a Concord Kept … I farmed Proof of Concord Kept … For the Dark Souls variant, see Souvenir of Reprisal. Would have at least made Blues a bit more distinctive, endgame covenant. A crystal straight sword of some kind will allow you to dispatch the knights if they block a CSS with their shield. All rights reserved. save. Proof of Concord Kept easy farming. Finally got the 30! Anor Londo Dropped by Silver Knights. Sign Up My PS ID is hiphoppakalolo. Remember to have at least 5 tongues to reallocate back after. Second. Apr 27, 2016 @ 10:47pm Proof of a Concord Kept Farm! Such is the eternal mandate of the Dark Sun. If anyone has spares, I would appreciate it if they could give me 15, i cant stand those silver knights anymore (PC btw), These r so rare that i got silver knight straight sword from ds1 which no one knew about when i tried to farm them. Its my last covenant item. Close. A currency which can only ever be spent and never recouped. Dark Souls III ; Proof of Concord Kept farming Proof of Concord Kept farming. Proof of Concord Kept Farming? By the time I reached Aldrich in NG+ I got all the 30 items. 121 comments. If someone has enough of these and is willing to drop please hmu. Okunlakaiê. Proof of a Concord Kept is a Multiplayer Item in Dark Souls 3. The earless corpses of the guilty will be left behind as a warning to others, inspiring both fear and respect for the Gods. Alternatively, one could rush a low level/low weapon upgrade character to Anri and Horace for the. Dark Souls 3 - Farm Proofs of Concord Kept. The stagger of CSS allows you to stop their charge. Remember me Not recommended on shared computers. Haha. Switch to the crystal sabers to finish him off. the real reason anri and horace are hollow is because theyve gone mad from farming these ****ing dried blue ears. I have been farming the Silver Knights, and its takes about 1 drop per 3 hours, this is a bit crazy. Every. Is there any reiable way to Farm this item? Dark Souls III ; Proof of Concord Kept farming Proof of Concord Kept farming. Can be offered to Company Captain Yorshka in Anor Londo to increase the allegiance to the Blades of the Darkmoon and the Blue Sentinelscovenants. The Proof of a Concord Kept is a covenant item in Dark Souls III. Even if you don't want to pvp, half the time when summoned red is already half dead. It would have been cool if a Blue Eye Orb, if it was in the game, would allow you to invade players with Sin, regardless of whether they had the area boss alive or not. I’ve spent 8 hours and I’ve got 20 of them. One is located on a corpse, in front of the altar at the Church of Yorshka bonfire in. Or get banished if I'm the host and they're not being fun. The drop rate is ~5.75% (16/278) with 500 item discovery. Miyazaki, this is unforgivable. Every two trips or so use a rusted coin. I leave here my middle finger to whoever it was in the DS3 dev team that decided to make this so unbearingly rare. I've got like 3.5 million souls, enough silver knight gear to fill up the abyss and only 13 proofs. The item is given each time an invader is banished rather than when you are sent home, so for farming you may want to keep one invader alive to stay in the world. 1ex. Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a, Covenant tribute items are not tradable between players. If the invader uses the Black Separation Crystal, a Proof of a Concord Kept is not awarded. Check my hours. These things took me the longest time to farm. The Proof of a Concord Kept is a special, Covenant related item found in Dark Souls DARK SOULS™ III > General Discussions > Topic Details. Use the crystal rapier, gold serpent ring, rusted gold coin, symbol of avarice and more luck boosting items. So anyone farming these knows how much of a pain it is. I leave here my big **** YOU to Myiazaki and the DS3 team for making these drops so unbearingly rare, Farming for these things is the true way of going hollow. Use the Izalith staff and all sorcery boosting rings for max dark damage, the knights are very weak to it. If you're brave or crazy enough to try it, my advice is getting a good spotify playlist (I suggest Sabaton) and a jug of water. The item is given each time an invader is banished rather than when you are sent home, so for farming you may want to keep one invader alive to stay in the world. I only needed 10 and I got around 1.5 million souls and probably 10+ hours to get 6. For Dark Souls III on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Looking for friends to farm Proof of Concord". Farming Proof of a Concord Kept in Dark Souls 3. Reward for defeating invaders when defending a Way of Blue member as a Blue Sentinel or Blade of Darkmoon. Been farming these for around 3 hours now and only got 14. This means a ton of them perform badly, and die quick. During NG, I cured the Dark Sigil and ended up farming for like an hour with absolutely no Proof of Concord Kept drops from the Silver Knights. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. If damage is not a concern, then it is faster to kite to the right just as he's going to charge you and he will miss every single time, leaving you plenty of time to kill him (melee). To be able to one-hit the knight, you need: 60 INT, +9 Court Sorcerer's Staff, Magic clutch ring, Young Dragon Ring, and Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring. And then I accidentally upgraded a special weapon to +3 to +4 when I was wanting to stay at 60+6. For Dark Souls III on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Proof of Concord Kept Glitch? Posted by just now. I cant get summon as the Darkmoon of the Blade enough to acutally get it from PvP. You consume one proof of a concord well kept to gain 2 proof of a concord kept. (I'm lvl 111 1st playthrough) 4.8k. Be in Blade of Darkmoon covenant while playing through the game. im farming these mfs, if anyone can help me add me on steam 186288374. You will get proof of concords faster. Yeah, the covenants and farming in DS trilogy are too repetitive and too time consuming, but farming in every game I've played is annoying. Its more efficient to kill the first spear silver knight and then run back to the bonfire.If damage is a problem, the spear silver knight's lightning chase thrust is parryable and you could always slap on a hornet ring. Irithyll of the Boreal Valley One is found on a body lying next to a tree, outside of the Church of Yorshka. I rarely got streaks and the RNG screwed me over every chance it had.For anyone interested, it took me 5-6 hours to farm these. It’s a waste of time. For Dark Souls III on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Easier way to farm Proof of Concord Kepts" - Page 3. The sword knight will rush you and is fairly easy to backstab after his rushing lightning attack. A full run with bonfire reset should take 35-40 seconds for the two knights in the stair at Anor Londo bonfire. Though I got 8 in one invasion once you just have to be lucky. The very first spear silver knight has a higher chance of dropping proofs of concord kept than the other 2 silver knights there. Some players find that the Proofs of Concord drop in batches (e.g. share. 4.8k. Equip your Blue Sentinel or Blades of the Darkmoon covenant insignia. The drop rate seems to be roughly 1 in 30 knights (3.33%) with 350 item discovery. I assume this is merely a coincidence, but I figured it was worth mentioning just in case. Farming for proof of concord kept? Got lucky and it took "only" 5 hours to grind them all. I cant get summon as the Darkmoon of the Blade enough to acutally get it from PvP < > (Optional) Reallocate attributes at Rosaria with as much luck as possible (40 or more). If the dark spirit is killed by another player, a Proof of Concord Kept is awarded. God, I thought I'd be done by this point now with a symbol of avarice, gold serpent ring+3 and rusted coin.I've fought those 2 knights on the stairs so much that at some point I might as well invite them to drink siegbräu with me and Seigward. Proof of a Concord Well Kept Distinguished proof that one has hunted the enemies of the gods, as per the ancient accord with the Way of Blue. These are harder to come by than PS5s. 6. Who knew you could kill with a healing spell. I should also mention I had all 8 Dark Sigils during this farming run. I didn´t understand well, I would be glad if someone could help me.My PSN: Tcho_14Thanks. hide. Blood-drained, shrunken ear. Of. I'm at 425 the ENTIRE time, can anyone help me farm these if there's a way. 5.0k. To one-hit the knight: cast Hidden Body, use Rusted coin, cast Steady Chant, then CSS away. Farming Proof of a Concord Kept Offline So I was farming Proofs for the covenant reward and because my internet provider is an asshole I had to farm all 30 of these damn things offline. Q&A over at FromSoft clearly have no idea what they're doing, After starting the grind for DMB i now see why blues are always so aggro when they get summoned. Gt: CRUSH D4NCE, Jesus, I've been grind these for 3 hours with symbol of avarice, gold serpent ring +3, 99 luck and rusted coin, yet I've got only 14.I fought those 2 knights on the stairs so much that at this point I might as well invite them to drink siegbräu with me and Siegward. 425 Item Discovery, 40/40 INT/FTH, Affinity + Great Soul Dregs (this combo one-shots the knights in NG+), farmed offline (don't know if it increases drop rate). It’s ridiculous. If you use all the items you can get over 375 item discovery (or 445 with a gold coin). My friend and I were thinking of ways we could easily get these … As a Blue Sentinel or Darkmoon Blade summoned into the world of a Way of Blue adherent, this item is obtained by defeating an Aldrich Faithful … How can I obtain this Online? You need to stack all the farming items: rapire+mimic head+serpent ring+coins. ". Enjoyed. For Dark Souls III on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best way/place to farm Proof of a Concord Kept? Proof of a Concord Kept is a Multiplayer Item in Dark Souls 3. Get used to this view. I didn't even found them but the Host killed both of them and I got the last 2! ... Today I found the steelbook edition of Dark Souls 3 with the soundtrack for 20$ 1/5. Souvenir taken for subduing the guilty.The knights called the Blades of the Darkmoon punish the guilt-soaked offenders of the Gods and take this proof of their conquest. I got all of them from being summoned on two character but I wasn;' hanging around waiting for it to happen, I was getting on with the game. Although most guides don't recommend killing the 3rd Knight, out of the 28 Concords I had to farm 7 was dropped by him. Written by Heroprime / Oct 7, 2017 You want to raise your rank in the Blades of the Dark Moon covenant? At least 20% of my time was farming concords. Received as a reward for defeating the guilty (an invader) as a Blade of the Darkmoon or Blue Sentinel. Of all of the covenant drops, these are easily the worst. Others found that a Proof will typically drop within the first 5 runs whenever the game is started, so they reload the game whenever a Proof is found. Are you using the CGSR +3 and coins as well? I got 26 of those in ~4 hours. ". I have 2 friends who play dark souls, one is around 20 levels lower than me and one is 20 above.