You were both strongly attracted to the other from the start, and will remain so throughout your relationship. Composite Venus By Sign. For example, a 12th house composite Sun has a very different energy at its core than a 1st house composite Sun. The way of thinking is similar in the first house. Composite Mercury indicates the mental activity between the couple, do they have a mental understanding. The composite Ascendant in a composite chart reveals how the relationship started and how it appears to the outer world.. Our 8th house Venus is in Capricorn 23 degrees, Saturn 20d, Mars 19d, and Jupiter 18d Cap 7th, opposite Moon at 22 d Cancer 1st, and Mercury 23d 2nd. That is Venus in the first house. Composite Mercury in the first house means you like speaking with one another. Example: In the composite chart of Madonna and Guy Ritchie (chart on top of next page) we find the asteroid Amor exactly conjunct the composite Moon close to Mars (9th house) which rules the composite Midheaven sextile Sun/Venus/Uranus conjunction (11th house). This is often a case of love at first sight. The first house person embodies what you find physically attractive, especially if your Venus is conjunct their ascendant. The purpose of the composite Sun in the composite chart is to show you how (and to some extent, where) the relationship came into being; at what goal its underlying energy is aimed, and how that energy will be expressed. The two of you complement each other and as a couple are more complete than either of you is capable of being separately. Mind though: the composite Ascendant is NOT the same as the 1st house in the Composite chart! Rainbows appear. My manager and I have this in our composite – Composite ascendant in libra conjuncts his pluto (also his chart ruler by < 1 deg), conjuncts his venus (1.4 deg) and weakly conjunct his mars (2 deg, all in his 12th house) and opposes my sun in my 7th house in Aries (by 1.5 deg). And after a shared bout of mutual disappointment or failure, re-inspiring the “magic” of our composite Venus could not only save the day or weekend but the relationship itself. What do you say of a composite chart where, Sun, Moon and Mercury are all conjunct in 1st house, but is square to Saturn, Neptune ? Venus in Aries: This relationship needs more than a bit of spice to passionately thrive. The Composite Ascendant is the midpoint between the Ascendants of both partners. Actually though there are difficult aspects – where composite Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus all forms squares to Saturn and Neptune. Composite Mercury in the First house. Composite Venus 1st house - this location indicates a relationship based on love and affection. The way of thinking is similar in the first house. That is Venus in the first house . It will seem like you have a lot in common with the other person, and you will like a lot of the same things. You bring Venus energy and Venus expectations to the other person’s first house. When someone's Venus is in your first house, you will find that person attractive from the moment that you first meet. Lover has perfected commitment avoidance through last few decades, and his dreams are showing the struggle he is having as the relationship has evident manifestation and reality. Composite Mercury in the First house. The Ascendant and first house of a composite can also be a dangerous place, because when threats come to the partnership in terms of outer planet transits or difficult progressions, the entire relationship can undergo a major crisis. There could be an almost literal translation where you see the 1st house person as a living Venus. Venus in 1st House Synastry. This is true of any of the composite angles, but particularly the Ascendant, on which the whole thing hangs. Composite Mercury indicates the mental activity between the couple, do they have a mental understanding.Composite Mercury in the first house means you like speaking with one another.