39.8k Followers, 129 Following, 8,437 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from ᴄᴀɴ ʏᴀᴍᴀɴ ᴄʜɪʟᴇ (@canyamanchile) Extra.cz, 1. Can Yaman's birthdate is November 8, 1989. 18-feb-2021 - Esplora la bacheca "Can Yaman" di Annamaria Melchionna, seguita da 461 persone su Pinterest. He also starred in the TV series Gönül İşleri , İnadına Aşk, Hangimiz Sevmedik, Dolunay, and recently Bay Yanlış in 2020. Jméno: Can Yaman Datum narození: 8. listopadu 1989 Místo narození: Istanbul, Turecko Znamení: štír Can Yaman se narodil 8. listopadu 1989 v tureckém Istanbulu. In Which Demet Ozdemir was can co-star. He is the only child of his family. Can Yaman's Instagram account had 1 million followers when Erkenci Kus started airing. Can Yaman (born 8 November 1989) is a Turkish actor, model and lawyer. He studied at Bilfen Kolej for the first and middle school, then studied at the Italian High School. Born in Turkey #6. Jméno: Can Yaman Datum narození: 8. listopadu 1989 Místo narození: Istanbul, Turecko Znamení: štír Can Yaman se narodil 8. listopadu 1989 v tureckém Istanbulu. Can Yaman nasceu em Istambul, na Turquia, no seio de uma família albanesa cujas raízes são provenientes do Kosovo. Can Yaman, turški igralec in odvetnik, * 8. november 1989, Istanbul, Turčija.. Življenjepis. He is very active on his social media platforms. [4][5][6], Se tem algum conhecimento sobre o tema, por favor, verifique e, Cópia arquivada em 28 de fevereiro de 2017, https://pt.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Can_Yaman&oldid=60110619, !Biografias de pessoas vivas que carecem de mais fontes desde outubro de 2018, !Artigos que carecem de notas de rodapé sem indicação de tema, Atribuição-CompartilhaIgual 3.0 Não Adaptada (CC BY-SA 3.0) da Creative Commons. I am writing to say that Demet Ozedemir and Can Yaman are Turkey’s Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez. Can Yaman (Istambul, 8 de novembro de 1989) é um ator e advogado turco. His effective TV series are Gönül Işleri (2014), Hangimiz Sevmedik (2016) and Dolunay (2017). Can Yaman, 8 Kasım 1989 tarihinde İstanbul'da ailesinin tek çocuğu olarak doğmuştur. Can Yaman, turški igralec in odvetnik, * 8. november 1989, Istanbul, Turčija.. Življenjepis. Can Yaman (narozen 8. listopadu 1989) je turecký herec, model a právník. Jeho dědeček je albánský přistěhovalec z Kosova, jeho babička je ze Severní Makedonie – díky tomu nemá „klasický turecký“ vzhled. Oltre la bellezza. Born in Turkey #6. La sua carriera da attore è iniziata nel 2014, ma il successo è arrivato nel 2017 con il ruolo di Ferit Aslan, un ricco uomo d'affari, nella serie televisiva Bitter Sweet - Ingredienti d'amore,[5] insieme a Özge Gürel. Scorpios. 2021 Internetové diskuze se plní dohady o tom, kdo je hezčí než turecký herec a hvězda telenovel Can Yaman (31). We start with his childhood. A középiskolát Törökországban végezte, majd olaszországban tanult tovább. 8 listopada 1989 w Stambule) – turecki aktor telewizyjny. In 2018, he has received a Golden Butterfly Award for Best Actor in a Romantic Comedy for his role in ‘Erkenci Kuş’. He loves playing video games and grooming. Baba tarafından Arnavut kökenlidir. He studied law in Ohio, United States. Wikipedia contributors, "Can Yaman," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, ABOUT THE TURKISH LANGUAGE Can Yaman, started accepting new projects with the finalization of this series. Can Yaman (IPA: [ˈdʒan ˈjaman]) (Istanbul, 8 novembre 1989) è un attore turco. Actors Can and Bestemsu dated for about eight months, but in December, 2017 the actress announced that they broke up. His estimated net worth is 8 million USD. Can Yaman is a well known and very popular Turkish on-screen actor. Thomas Brodie-Sangster. 39.8k Followers, 129 Following, 8,437 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from ᴄᴀɴ ʏᴀᴍᴀɴ ᴄʜɪʟᴇ (@canyamanchile) His effective TV series are Gönül … By the time the show ended (in the span of a year), he had gathered more than 5 million and counting! Hayatı ve kariyeri. He also starred in the TV series Gönül İşleri , İnadına Aşk, Hangimiz Sevmedik, Dolunay, and recently Bay Yanlış in 2020. Can Yaman was born in 08 November 1989 in Istanbul, Turkey. 2. On je bio jedino dijete u svojoj porodici. His real job is advocacy. Can Yaman Age & Biography: Can Yaman is a Turkish on-screen actor. Can Yaman, who was the first star in the Inadina Aşk series published in 2015, managed to attract attention in the television world. Can Yaman, l’attore turco tutt’ora impegnato sul set di Erkenci kus, ha rilasciato una nuova intervista sul sito online Kelebek dove parla della sua vita privata e professionale. [1] İtalyan Lisesi ni birinci olarak bitiren Yaman, Yeditepe Üniversitesi nin hukuk bölümünden 2012 yılında dereceyle mezun olmuştur. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. [4] È un grande tifoso del Beşıktaş.[4]. His page in Wikipedia; His IMDB page. Visualizza altre idee su uomini bellissimi, uomini, uomini turchi. Orang-orang keturunan Arab di Indonesia sebagian besarnya berasal dari negara ini. 31 Year Olds. He also starred in the TV series Gönül İşleri , İnadına Aşk, Hangimiz Sevmedik, Dolunay, and recently Bay Yanlış in 2020. He was born in Istanbul, Turkey, to an Albanian family whose roots are based in Kosovo. He has received a Golden Butterfly Award for Best Actor in a Romantic Comedy in 2018 for his role in Erkenci Kuş.Can Yaman won 7th GQ Men of the Year 2019 award. Currently, Can Yaman age is 31 years . 2021 Internetové diskuze se plní dohady o tom, kdo je hezčí než turecký herec a hvězda telenovel Can Yaman (31). Dylan O'Brien. [2] Estudou na Bilfen Kolej até completar o ensino médio, posteriormente estudou na Italian Hight School. Can Yaman (né le 8 novembre 1989) est un acteur, mannequin et avocat turc .Il a reçu le Golden Butterfly Award du meilleur acteur dans une comédie romantique en 2018 pour son rôle dans Erkenci Kuş .Can Yaman a remporté le 7e prix GQ Men of the Year 2019. Nato ad Istanbul da un avvocato di origini albanesi-kosovare e da una professoressa di lettere macedone.mw-parser-output .chiarimento{background:#ffeaea;color:#444444}.mw-parser-output .chiarimento-apice{color:red}[senza fonte], ha frequentato il Liceo Italiano di Istanbul dove fu notato per essere uno degli studenti più promettenti. Can Yaman's Instagram account had 1 million followers when Erkenci Kus started airing. Can Yaman (ur. 33.1k Followers, 1,525 Following, 24k Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Can Yaman fans Argentina (@can_yaman_fans_argentina) TV Actor. Scopriamo insieme cos’abbia dichiarato. Can (Turkish: ) is a common Turkish, Azerbaijani and Circassian given name and surname, meaning spirit, life, soul or heart.Turkish and Azerbaijani use is derived from the Persian word Jan (Persian: جان) and Circassian use is derived from Circassian word Janberk. Can Yaman: Can Yaman (born 8 November 1989) is a Turkish actor and lawyer. O ator é também sobrinho do treinador de futebol Fuat Yaman. Who among us does not love 2015 - Early Bird 2018 AD - Dada Danniess 2014 - Heart Affairs - Love Stubbornness. Can Yaman first came across the camera in 2014 with the Gönül İşleri series. He took acting … Can Yaman (born 8 November 1989) is a Turkish actor, model and lawyer. Can Yaman, the popular Turkish actor starring in “Erkenci Kuş”, was born on 08 November 1989 in Suadiye, Istanbul, Turkey. Born in Istanbul, Turkey #1. Can Yaman was born in 08 November 1989 in Istanbul, Turkey. Can Yaman (ur. Univerzitetno izobrazbo je pridobil na Univerzi Yeditepe na oddelku za pravo.. Po diplomi na Pravni fakulteti je leta 2014 začel delati kot odvetnik.. Filmografija Can Yaman finished as … Media in category "Can Yaman" The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total. Republik Yaman adalah sebuah negara di Jazirah Arab di Asia Barat Daya, bagian dari Timur Tengah.Yaman berbatasan dengan Laut Arab di sebelah selatan, Teluk Aden dan Laut Merah di sebelah barat, Oman di sebelah timur dan Arab Saudi di sebelah utara. Can Yaman: Can Yaman (born 8 November 1989) is a Turkish actor and lawyer. Univerzitetno izobrazbo je pridobil na Univerzi Yeditepe na oddelku za pravo.. Po diplomi na Pravni fakulteti je leta … Can Yaman (Estambul, 8 de noviembre de 1989), [1] es un actor, modelo, y abogado turco.Su carrera como actor comenzó en 2014, pero el éxito llegó en 2017 con el papel de Ferit Aslan, un hombre de negocios adinerado, en la serie de televisión Dolunay. Gli abiti di questa collezione sono stati indossati nella serie DayDreamer - Le ali del sogno dallo stesso Can Yaman. Souboj krasavců: Can Yaman nebo Jason Momoa? CAN YAMAN 1989. november 8-án született Isztambulban. Mnoho Češek se shodlo na tom, že je tento krasavec velice přitažlivý a pohledný, ne všechny s nimi však souhlasí. 31 Year Old Actor #19. Can Yaman – Biografija. Can Yaman, who has many merits besides acting, is a licensed basketball player and also interested in Football, Guitar, Piano, Drum, Table Tennis, Rafting, Badminton and he speaks Turkish, Laz, Italian, English and German. Nelle versioni in italiano dei suoi film, Can Yaman è stato doppiato da: Chi è Can Yaman il protagonista di "Bitter Sweet-Ingredienti d’amore", L'attore Can Yaman manda in tilt il centro di Roma: multa da 400 euro, il capo della Polizia chiede una relazione, Chi è Can Yaman, Ferit di Bitter Sweet: età, carriera, vita privata, Instagram, Claudia Gerini e Can Yaman nel nuovo spot diretto da Ozpetek, "DayDreamer - Le ali del sogno" sul mondo dei doppiatori, su Antonio Genna, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Can_Yaman&oldid=118693969, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. He also starred in the TV series Gönül İşleri , İnadına Aşk, Hangimiz Sevmedik, Dolunay, and recently Bay Yanlış in 2020. His real job is advocacy. Can Yaman won 7th GQ Men of the Year 2019 award. Orang-orang keturunan Arab di Indonesia sebagian besarnya berasal dari negara ini. TV Actor. Can Yaman Is A Member Of . 8 listopada 1989 w Stambule) – turecki aktor telewizyjny. Can Yaman Age & Biography: Can Yaman is a Turkish on-screen actor. Lui è nato l’ 8 novembre 1989 a Istanbul, in Turchia, sotto il segno dello scorpione, è alto 183 centimetri e pesa circa 73 Kg. İtalyan Lisesini birinci olarak bitiren Yaman, Yeditepe Üniversitesinin hukuk bölümünden 2012 yılında dereceyle mezun olmuştur. However, the story-line is addictive and the other actors, screen writers and … Actor Born in Turkey #1. Can Yaman Series and Works. He studied law in Ohio, United States. Can Yaman e Diletta Leotta, la coppia dell’anno. 18-feb-2021 - Esplora la bacheca "Can Yaman" di Annamaria Melchionna, seguita da 461 persone su Pinterest. He has million of followers on his social media platforms. Can Yaman's height: 183 cms; He doesn't like shopping. Can Yaman, who was the first star in the Inadina Aşk series published in 2015, managed to attract attention in the television world. Which one is the Best Tv Series of Can Yaman? 23/02/2019 Biografije Ostavite komentar. He was born in Istanbul. Can Yaman Fans Also Viewed . Can Yaman finished as a top student in high school. He also starred in the TV series Gönül İşleri , İnadına Aşk, Hangimiz Sevmedik, Dolunay, and recently Bay Yanlış in 2020. Turkish journalist Dubram Ozlerrich surprised the audience when he revealed that actors of Early Bird "Erkenci Kus" series, Can Yaman and Demet Özdemir, had been in a relationship during filming. [butuh rujukan]Penduduk Yaman … Can Yaman has a sexy body. His page in Wikipedia; His IMDB page. Baba tarafından Arnavut kökenlidir. Can Yaman Height, Weight, Age, Net Worth, Dating, Career, Facts & More. Can Yaman: Can Yaman (born 8 November 1989) is a Turkish actor and lawyer. He took acting lessons as a hobby and learnt acting in the film sets. Can Yaman (IPA: [ˈdʒan ˈjaman]) (Istanbul, 8 novembre 1989) è un attore turco. Mnoho Češek se shodlo na tom, že je tento krasavec velice přitažlivý a pohledný, ne všechny s nimi však souhlasí. First Name Can #1. V roce 2019 se umístil na 7. místě časopisu Gentlemen's Quarterly v kategorii Muž roku. His date of birth is 08 November 1989. Wikipedia contributors, "Can Yaman," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, ABOUT THE TURKISH LANGUAGE Media in category "Can Yaman" The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total. Can Yaman (Istambul, 8 de novembro de 1989) é um ator e advogado turco. 31 Year Olds. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 16 feb 2021 alle 06:31. Yaman je diplomiral na italijanski gimnaziji. 109k Followers, 110 Following, 5,102 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Can Yaman Italia ️ (@canyamanfanpageitalia) Can Yaman, 8 Kasım 1989 tarihinde İstanbul'da ailesinin tek çocuğu olarak doğmuştur. Erkenci Kus is a fantastic series, and the charm and magnetism between Sanem and Can has a lot to do with it. Biografia. Can Yaman: Can Yaman (born 8 November 1989) is a Turkish actor and lawyer. Jego dziadek ze strony ojca był albańskim imigrantem z Kosowa. Most Popular #6876. Can Yaman in Italia. Jeho dědeček je albánský přistěhovalec z Kosova, jeho babička je ze Severní Makedonie – díky tomu nemá „klasický turecký“ vzhled. Češky se hádají, který z nich je hezčí. Souboj krasavců: Can Yaman nebo Jason Momoa? Dopo sei mesi ha preferito dedicarsi alla sua passione per la recitazione. Urodził się w Stambule jako syn Güldem Yaman i Güvena Yamana. Can Yaman is an actor, known for Erkenci Kus (2018), Bay Yanlis (2020) and Inadina Ask (2015). He is free-spirited, adventurous, and cool. Este texto é disponibilizado nos termos da licença. He was born in Istanbul, Turkey, to an Albanian family whose roots are based in Kosovo. He has gotten a Golden Butterfly Award for his role in Erkenci Kuş. He is free-spirited, adventurous, and cool. He studied at Bilfen Kolej for the first and middle school, then studied at the Italian High School. Életrajz, adatok, képek, háttérképek, vélemények. 2. Can Yaman, Actor: Erkenci Kus. Belli, ricchi e famosi, da quando si sono incontrati non si sono più lasciati. Za roli v Cana v Erkenci Kuş (Zasněná láska) získal v roce 2018 Golden Butterfly Award pro nejlepšího herce v romantické komedii. Can Yaman, who has many merits besides acting, is a licensed basketball player and also interested in Football, Guitar, Piano, Drum, Table Tennis, Rafting, Badminton and he speaks Turkish, Laz, Italian, English and German. Currently, Can Yaman age is 31 years . 31 Year Old Actor #19. Can Yaman (Istambul, 8 de novembro de 1989) é um ator e advogado turco. Esta página foi editada pela última vez às 03h16min de 28 de dezembro de 2020. Can Yaman közösségi sztáradatlapja. Profile Name: Can Yaman Birthdate: November 8, 1989 Birthplace: Istanbul, Turkey Height: 183 cm Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Black Education: Yeditepe University Law School (Yeditepe Universitesi Hukuk Fakultesi) (2008-2012) Talent Agency: Spouse: Biography: Can Yaman was born in November 8, 1989 in Suadiye, Istanbul. First Name Can. He studied at Bilfen Kolej for the first and middle school, then studied at the Italian High School. E anche se molti non credono nella loro storia d’amore, pare che … He has gotten a Golden Butterfly Award for his role in Erkenci Kuş. Is a Turkish actor and tv personality. [6], Ha recitato con Claudia Gerini nella campagna pubblicitaria del 2021 del pastificio abruzzese De Cecco, diretta dal regista Ferzan Özpetek.[6]. Most Popular #6876. Can Yaman has a sexy body. Extra.cz, 1. He triumphed over the likes of “Jensen Ackles” to win the title of “2019’s TV’s Top Leading Man”; continuing his rise to stardom after winning the “GQ 2018 Men of the year- Turkey” last year. Can Yaman Popularity . Can Yaman negli ultimi due anni si è recato spesso nel nostro paese, sempre accompagnato dal suo manager italiano Andrea Di Carlo.E’ stato acclamato e seguito dalle fans durante una vacanza a Napoli nella primavera 2019 e le stesse scene si sono verificate anche nell’ottobre 2019 quando è giunto a Roma per registrare la sua partecipazione a C’è posta per … He triumphed over the likes of “Jensen Ackles” to win the title of “2019’s TV’s Top Leading Man”; continuing his rise to stardom after winning the “GQ 2018 Men of the year- … Can Yaman Is A Member Of . Također glumac ima jugosovenske korijene, a i rođak je nogometnog trenera Fuata Yamana. Can Yaman's birth and upbringing. Yaman je diplomiral na italijanski gimnaziji. Can Yaman è un attore e avvocato di 30 anni. Visualizza altre idee su uomini bellissimi, uomini, uomini turchi. In Turkish, the name Can is pronounced like the common English name John Turski je glumac i pravnik rođen 8. novembra 1989. godine u Istanbulu u Turskoj. By the time the show ended (in the span of a year), he had gathered more than 5 million and counting! Can Yaman (born 8 November 1989) is a Turkish actor, model and lawyer. He has received a Golden Butterfly Award for Best Actor in a Romantic Comedy in 2018 for his role in Erkenci Kuş.Can Yaman won 7th GQ Men of the Year 2019 award. Can Yaman (IPA: [ˈdʒan ˈjaman])[1] (Istanbul, 8 novembre 1989) è un attore turco. [6] Nel 2018 DESA, azienda turca, ha creato una linea di abbigliamento in collaborazione con Can Yaman. Can Yaman Fans Also Viewed . Born in Istanbul, Turkey #1. Can Yaman terminou o curso como um dos melhores alunos na escola. Can’s mini bio. While he was 5 … Can Yaman, the popular Turkish actor starring in “Erkenci Kuş”, was born on 08 November 1989 in Suadiye, Istanbul, Turkey. Born on November 8 #26. Born on November 8 #26. He was born in Istanbul, Turkey, to an Albanian family whose roots are based in Kosovo. At the gala premiere of the film "The Lord of the Gulls", Bestemsu Ozdemir responded to the reporters' questions about Can Yaman: "Do not ask me any more about Mr. Yaman, we broke up, I say this, since you used to see us together. Let’s know more about Can Yaman’s lifestyle, Wikipedia, biography, age, height, girlfriend and affairs, Early life, career, awards, some facts, and net worth. Češky se hádají, který z nich je hezčí. I due recitano anche nel 2020 nella serie Bay Yanlış, Can veste i panni di Özgür Atasoy. Actor Born in Turkey #1. Can Yaman Height, Weight, Age, Net Worth, Dating, Career, Facts & More. He was born in Istanbul, Turkey, to an Albanian family whose roots are based in Kosovo. When he learns that his father has some health problems, he starts to run the company in his absence. First Name Can #1. His date of birth is 08 November 1989. [butuh rujukan]Penduduk Yaman diperkirakan berjumlah … Dylan O'Brien. Can speaks English and Italian fluently. [1] Can Yaman em set de filmagem da série Bay Yanlış (2020) Biografia. He has received a Golden Butterfly Award for Best Actor in a Romantic Comedy in 2018 for his role in Erkenci Kuş.Can Yaman won 7th GQ Men of the Year 2019 award. Parla cinque lingue: turco, italiano, tedesco, spagnolo e inglese. Scorpios. Is a Turkish actor and tv personality. Can Yaman Popularity . Republik Yaman adalah sebuah negara di Jazirah Arab di Asia Barat Daya, bagian dari Timur Tengah.Yaman berbatasan dengan Laut Arab di sebelah selatan, Teluk Aden dan Laut Merah di sebelah barat, Oman di sebelah timur dan Arab Saudi di sebelah utara. In this article, learn about the actor and his life story. [2] Si è laureato al Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell'Università Yeditepe nel 2012,[3] e subito dopo ha iniziato a lavorare come praticante procuratore. Can Yaman and Demet Ozdemir was met first on the shooting of can Yaman series “Erekenci Kus“. First Name Can. Can speaks English and Italian fluently. Can Yaman won 7th GQ Men of the Year 2019 award. Tudj meg róla mindent és barátkozz a többi rajongóval! Tra il 2018 e il 2019 invece ha interpretato il ruolo del fotografo Can Divit, insieme a Demet Özdemir, nella serie DayDreamer - Le ali del sogno, divenendo popolare. Thomas Brodie-Sangster. Can Yaman first came across the camera in 2014 with the Gönül İşleri series. Can Yaman, started accepting new projects with the finalization of this series. Turkish journalist Dubram Ozlerrich surprised the audience when he revealed that actors of Early Bird "Erkenci Kus" series, Can Yaman and Demet Özdemir, had been in a relationship during filming. TV Actors. [3] Yaman foi para a América como o estudante do programa de intercâmbio e formou-se em Direito na Universidade de Yeditepe em 2012. Życiorys. A főiskolán lehetősége volt cserediákként az Egyesült Államokban tanulni, majd 2012-ben szerzett jogi diplomát a Yeditepe Egyetemen. TV Actors. Can (Can Yaman): Can is a handsome photographer who travels around the world and takes beautiful photos. [1], Can Yaman nasceu em Istambul, na Turquia, no seio de uma família albanesa cujas raízes são provenientes do Kosovo. Can’s mini bio. Can Yaman (Estambul, 8 de noviembre de 1989), [1] es un actor, modelo, y abogado turco.Su carrera como actor comenzó en 2014, pero el éxito llegó en 2017 con el papel de Ferit Aslan, un hombre de negocios adinerado, en la serie de televisión Dolunay. He studied at Bilfen Kolej for the first and middle school, then studied at the Italian High School. Nel 2019 è stato eletto uomo dell'anno 2019 dal periodico GQ, edito da Condé Nast. Jego babka ze strony ojca była imigrantką …