Lots of flips and fun! Adrenaline Addiction bird. Adrenaline addicts feed off the rush of feel-good chemicals released during life-threatening experiences. shares. Chase Reinford has a total of 350K followers and more than a thousand posts on his Instagram account “adrenaline.addiction”. The word BASE stands for "Building, Antenna, Span, Earth" all things you can jump off of … I love to adventure, travel, and experience new things. Cliff diving in New Hampshire is a very popular sport. Whether it’s cliff jumping a 100-foot waterfall or flipping into a narrow 30-foot watering hole, these guys aren’t scared (or at least they don’t show it). The best cliff jumping spots are subjective depending on your desires, but for these guys, the bigger the better. Grand Canyon cliff jumping, Havasupai | EPIC 130 foot flips - The Churro Squad heads down to Havasupai at the bottom of the Grand Canyon for a memorial for a fallen brother where Travis Sim and Clark Kocourek send two of the highest cliff dives of 2017 with a 130 foot double half and 130 foot double gainer.-Churro Squad # adrenaline addiction# best fail# cliff# cliff jumping# diving# fail# quadruple#red bull. Chase has mentioned that his mother is a great supporter of his work and has also said that she took him cliff jumping when he was 15 years old. Chase Reinford has a total of 350K followers and more than a thousand posts on his Instagram account “adrenaline.addiction”. Cliff Jumping has taken me to so many beautiful places all around the world and for that I am so thankful. The cliff diving locations listed are to help guide you to a suitable place to jump. shares. Get your fix on with this round of cliff jumping… The post Adrenaline Addiction (Cliff Jump) appeared first on LSD Magazine. IMAGE BY: YouTube/Adrenaline Addiction Paco freaked out when he saw Reinford jump off the side of a cliff, so Reinford made the decision to the dog him along. Jump from cliffs into the sea under the supervision of instructors who know the area and the depth of the water. Famous for its high cliffs (16m/52ft), this location seemed like the perfect choice to do some crazy cliff jumping and feed our adrenaline addiction. SUBSCRIBE! Filmed over the course of 3 months in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Vermont. tweet. Guy jumps of cliff and hits a boat. Download 256 Woman Cliff Jump Stock Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart for FREE or amazingly low rates! By far the best water I’ve ever jumped into within the USA! 10,000 views. Tags: merch, Turtle, cliff jumping, shirt, chase reinford, adrenaline addiction. So for my 100k subscriber special I put together a compilation of my biggest and best cliff jumps! ... Chase Reinford or adrenaline.addiction@ Instagram posts some of the gnarliest cliff jumps you can imagine on his page. Trabalho realizado no âmbito da disciplina de Vídeo Digital, no curso de Tecnologias de Comunicação Multimédia, ISMAI. ... girl fun beach waves ocean surfboard babe surfing rocks cliff surfer jumping. Sep 12, 2020 - A board full of cliff diving photos for you adrenaline junkies as well as pictures of beautiful cliff destinations. From Philadelphia, Penn., Chase’s infatuation with chasing adrenaline stemmed from a career-ending snowboard injury and quickly … The locations listed on Thirst for Adrenaline are just a few of the locations for cliff diving in New Hampshire. JIFFIER GIFS. @Clifflifemedia veröffentlicht großartige Cliff Jumping-Inhalte von mehreren Cliff Jumpern. Man Survives Dangerous Cliff Jump # cliff jump# el morro#el morro cliff jump. Se sei interessato a conoscere il cliff jumping, sei nel posto giusto. Cliff jumping is a sport where practitioners throw themselves from cliffs or other objects to enjoy the free fall feeling and land into the water below. Adrenaline Addiction Chase Reinford oder @adrenaline.addiction veröffentlicht einige der kniffligsten Klippensprünge, die man sich vorstellen kann. 22.1k Likes, 130 Comments - Chase Reinford (@adrenaline.addiction) on Instagram: “Two things went wrong here. See more cliff jumping GIFs! Source link sms. “5,4,3,2,1, ZEROOOOO” Wondering who was crazy enough to catapult their body off a bridge? Such an amazing place to cliff jump! ... # adrenaline addiction# best fail# cliff# cliff jumping# diving# fail# quadruple#red bull. Chase has mentioned that his mother is a great supporter of his work and has also said that she took him cliff jumping when he was 15 years old. Cliff Diving Is My Prescription And Addiction All In One Poster. We found a beautiful slice of paradise deep in the mountains! A group of adrenaline junkies travel all over the east coast in search of the most thrilling, dangerous, and all around best cliff jumping spots. September 9, 2016 September 12, 2016 CLIFFHUB 0 Comment cliff jumping, epic, flips, insane, quarry, world record Chase Reinford from Adrenaline Addiction is one crazy mofo. You bet. The cliff is about twenty-five feet high and you can jump in almost any direction! share. He strapped a harness to Paco and the two took their first base jump together. Create and share your own cliff jumping GIFs, with Gfycat. None other than our friend and two-time GoPro Million Dollar Challenge Awardee, Chase Reinford, the man behind the wild @adrenaline.addiction stunts. Check out the dudes from the Joogsquad and Adrenaline Addiction send it with a bounce! Here’s some more: Adrenaline Addiction, trampoline, Cliff Jumping. Analizzeremo le basi e come farlo in modo sicuro. New users enjoy 60% OFF. Filmed and edited by: Chase Reinford Additional filming by: … I also included some never before seen angles and POV footage shot with the GoPro. Adrenaline junkies? level 1 boooozles A group of adrenaline junkies travel all over the east coast in search of the most thrilling, dangerous, and all around best cliff jumping spots. $14.44. Filmed over the course of 3 months in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Vermont. Cliff Jumping. They have a vast bag of tricks as well. Unlike the typical cliff diving, the Havasu Falls offer the adventurous individual with waterfall jumping… Frequency 2 videos / month sms. AA Shark. email. Its too bad that people like this tarnish a sport that can be great like BASE jumping all in the sake of internet fame, good riddance to white trash. In this video he performs a double backflip from a 105 pin. More designs from pchaser123. Adrenaline Addiction Camo Shirt. However, therapists say that adrenaline addicts aren’t just the lunatics jumping off cliffs and out of airplanes. There are two ways to get to Copper Canyon--by boat or by hiking in via the California side of the trail alongside the lake. See more ideas about cliff diving, adrenaline junkie, diving. 4 days of nonstop balls to the wall cliff jumping, cop dodging, pizza mangling and beer drinking later and the gnarliest weekend of East Coast cliff jumping history was in the books! tweet. By Rusty62. Adrenaline Addiction. design, adrenaline, cliff diving, cliff jumping, base jumping, extreme sports, outdoors, shindesigned, cliff jump evolution Cliff Jump Evolution Cliff Diving Poster By Kaiko112 Cliff jumping is my primary passion. pin. Tags: cliff diving, cliffdiving, cliff divers, cliff diving lover, cliff, cliff diving funny, cliff diver, cliff dive, cliff diving saying, cliff diving hobby, cliff jumping, high diving ... cliff diving, cliff jumping, base jumping, adrenaline … Philadelphia, United States About Youtuber I'm an adrenaline junkie focused on pushing myself to the limit in every aspect of life. Create and share your own GIFs, amazing moments and funny reactions with Gfycat. I always see…” Música… alexsquirrely. Train Trestles, bridges, gorges, trees, rope swings; If it's by water these guys will jump it! Adrenaline Addiction. This cliff jumping area has slowly gained popularity among many hikers, rock climbers and cliff jumpers, such that you need to make an early booking to be able to hike there. 6,032 views. As Dr. Marty Nemko, renowned counselor and career coach, tells us, tons of people seek out adrenaline rushes every day. I was a bit rusty from not cliff jumping for 4 months. 45,951 views. Train Trestles, bridges, gorges, trees, rope swings; If it's by water these guys will jump it! Thanks for watching! 374 views. share. This cliff jumping spot is located in Lake Havasu, accessible by either boat or hike. @adrenaline.addiction Hey Chase since you going to Europe, you should check out Capri Italy I think you would love to cliff jump there 178w Reply honzasafi WATCH: Trampoline Cliff Jumping Looks Fun... By Francis Xavier September 8, 2016 7:16 pm. Jumps can vary from anywhere between 1 metre to a high of 20 metres with participants learning the correct technique before jumping. 15 of the West Coasts craziest cliff jumpers flew out to the Beast Coast for a taste of that sweet glorious Vermont maple syrup… oh yea and MONSTER QUARRIES. 156,214,816 stock photos online. Send it. Eager to escape the summer heat and dive into the blue waters of the Adriatic Sea, we packed our FPV racing drone and headed towards the seaside. BASE jumping is an activity likely to attract only adrenaline junkies. send. send. Il cliff jumping è un’attività pericolosa e dovrebbe essere trattata con rispetto e cautela, per evitare lesioni gravi (proprio come con la maggior parte degli sport per essere onesti).