Genoveva's Shop Re-opens! We appreciate your interest in playing Black Desert Mobile Global and the 4 Stars Rating. The most highlighted characters in group S are Striker and Mystic. Black Desert Mobile: Sorceress Class - Beginner's Guide. Black Desert Mobile will be having a new set of event from time to time, the very first event that they gave away coupon code is during the launch of their new Sorceress Class, then the most recent is the Black Desert Mobile Tournament. The coupon code is valid for everyone and it contains special prizes for the game. Black Desert Mobile uses an AI system to calculate a specific amount of EXP and rewards that you’ll receive once you’re back in the game. Allgemeines: Die Schwarzmagierin ist eine sehr skilllastige Klasse, besoders Pre-Awakening. 0. Breathtaking Action Play as 13 unique classes with dynamic skills. Thank you for your feedback for it is valuable to us as this may lead to further improvements in the game. The android version of your mobile phone must be of 6.0.0 or more to play the game. EVENTS. The most pressing question right now is probably if Black Desert Mobile is the same game as Black Desert Online. Immerse yourself in a gorgeous world rendered in incredible detail with a cutting-edge graphics engine. Black Desert Mobile is a role playing game developed by PEARL ABYSS. Please utilize Black Spirit Mode and get some sleep. The characters of the Black Desert online game are categorized only in five groups. All you can do right now is customise your character, pick your Family Name, and select your class. Share Share Tweet Email. Black Desert Mobile is finally here, offering a miniature version of the hit PC and console MMORPG. Rest assured that this will be taken note of for further review and possible consideration. Indulge in unparalled, fast-paced action and combat found only on Black Desert Mobile! Black Desert Mobile may be on the forefront of a new wave of good mobile MMOs that could also include Blade and Soul 2 and Aion 2, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Die Defensive der Schwarzmagierin liegt in einigen Passivblocks, welche bei einem der wichtigsten Skills ausgelöst wird doch … Prepare your [Silver] and [Hadum’s Token] and exchange them with amazing rewards! Je mehr, desto besser. To play the game on the mobile phones you can download for free from the Google play store and Apple store. The end of January saw the arrival of the Sorceress in Black Desert Mobile, and she just may be the most powerful class yet. BlueStacks app player is the best platform to play this Android game on your PC or Mac for an immersive gaming experience. Black Desert Mobile is available now for pre-download, with its global launch set for tomorrow, December 11th, for iOS and Android. Comment. By Kim Dailey Published Feb 07, 2020. Wie bei allen Klassen kommt es aber auch hier auf die Ausrüstung an, so bedarf es der Schwarzmagierin allen voran an AK. The answer is the rather ambiguous yes, but not quite. Pearl Abyss' action-packed Black Desert Mobile has now added an all-new character class. Experience the amazing adventure in Black Desert on Mobile.