Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Don't waste money on expensive disposable nursing pads that itch and irritate. It’s a win-win – thanks for helping support!). Sallyandsamstudio. Some tutorials say to use cotton batting which isn’t a great option. I've made some for friends, and they have said it feels like their nipples are on clouds! I love reusable nursing pads, but generally hate the shape. They were hot, sticky, and felt like a diaper for my breasts but I didn’t know there were any other options since leaking milk wasn’t something I’d even thought about before! I'm gonna add this to my list of things to make! An assortment of do-it-yourself projects, recipes, and fun crafts for the whole family. It's so easy to sew reusable nursing pads with a sewing machine. Will I able to replace with those quick dry towel? However, if it’s sandwiched between a couple of layers of natural fibered fabric (like bamboo or cotton), it’s an excellent way to make nursing pads work so much better. Serge or zig-zag around the entire perimeter of the pad ensuring you catch all layers. One of my favourite new mama essentials? Make your own with this tutorial I found on Pinterest from DIY Mommy: DIY Nursing Pads (That Actually Work!) ← BengKung Belly Binding – The physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits, Best Maternity Swimsuit List 2018 – Beat the Summer Heat in Style →. I'm due at the end of February, so our babies will be very close in age. Just use a zig zag stitch close to the edge and trim the excess when done. Save your extra fabric and try making your own cloth menstrual pads too! Awesome DIY! « Make DIY Monogram Wall Art for a Nursery. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Postpartum Cloth Pad DIY Tutorial – How to sew a Heavy/Overnight Menstrual Pad, Serging Cloth Wipes – Time Lapse Video Tutorial, How to Sew Cloth Menstrual Pads – Video Tutorial Timelapse. The 2 center pieces are smaller to reduce bulkiness on pad edges. Now! AU$26.00. Hundreds of thousands of … All the information i am providing … –I LOVE WONDER CLIPS! I’ve totally ditched pins all together. A simple pattern to create contoured washable nursing pads. The link to the pattern takes me to a page that is no longer available. This is great--I'm a first time mom due at the end of March. Wondering how much fabric to buy. For each pair of nursing pads, you will need 4 circles of cotton/bamboo and 2 circles of microfiber terry. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. -Use Fray Check to finish any seams. This site is not to be taken as medical advice. I'm sure I'll make a writing post again soon. Or use them as nursing pads. Feb 17, 2019 - DIY reusable washable nursing pads | Montana Homesteader These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I pinned your post on absorbent nursing pads. However, placing it between a couple of layers of natural fibered fabric (like bamboo or cotton), is an excellent way to make nursing pads work so much better. I love the fact that I can wash these, but that they work a lot better than the reusable ones I've had in the past. I wanted to make my own for several reasons: To save money. -Bamboo fleece – Another great option although a little bulkier but is especially great for heavier Flat circles or pointed darts create weird shapes that show through clothes. Thanks for this fantastic tutorial! Repeat with all of the circles. I tried looking for the microfiber terry soaker on; is it not there anymore? […] Feeling crafty? Breast Pads Reusable 5 pair, PUL Waterproof ,Nursing Mothers,breast feeding,baby shower, nursing mothers,bamboo pads. They don't show through mine, but I wear padded nursing bras. First, trace a circle using your template onto one your fabrics. Jan 8, 2014 - is an online community for crafts and DIY projects where you can find loads of ideas, advice, and inspiration. I know plenty of mom’s who are tired of having to buy nursing pads … Let us know if you try it out. You will want 3 layers of flannel and 1 layer of fleece per pad. I used 3 layers for each nursing pad. There’s also a facebook support group to join after. . -Jersey – I haven’t tried this yet, but it would also work. Watch later. Share. Is there a way to print this? Bamboobies is one of our favorite brands for baby and mum friendly products: reusable, bamboo made pads designed by moms. Congrats on Baby coming soon! These Free Nursing Pads save you SO much $$ as opposed to disposable nursing pads, and they happen to come in some seriously cute patterns, too! Best wishes for the last stretch of your pregnancy! Learn how your comment data is processed. Copy link. I'm not sure where you read 3 cotton parts, unless you mean the 3 layers that make up a single pad. “Don’t cry over spilled milk” they say… unless your at Target and it’s leaking through your shirt… haha oops! Only 3 available and it's in 20 people's basket. "nipples on clouds" oh Meghan, you made us laugh. Baby Momma. Article from Nice! Info. Contoured Nursing Pad Pattern - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Repeat with the second pad. Place 5-10 in a gift bag as a gift to a friend or family member. Ready to make some for yourself? Shopping. I know this must sound really clueless but how many would an exclusively breast feeding (hopefully!) We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. with these fun homemade nursing pads. Reusable Nursing Pads, 6 pairs (12 pads), Washable Breast Pads with PUL These reusable leak proof nursing pads are a great option instead of the disposable pads not working correctly or being seen. DIY Nursing Pads; Washable, Waterproof Breast Pads. This type of fabric wicks moisture away so quickly that it's not recommended to be put directly next to the skin. Hi Thank you for your tutorial! I'm excited to hear about the results. DIY Nursing Pads. I'm expecting my first in a few months and I'm trying to DIY as much I can before she comes to save money. I usually only went through a couple of pairs in a day (if that... usually it was only one), but every mom is different. "The DIY Mommy" is a registered trademark. Instructions: 1. Did you try it? If you are a DIY person, an even better approach is to opt for organic or bamboo cotton fleece and sew your own(2). Many links on this site are affiliate links and I earn from qualifying purchases. Explore. Hope it works well. I'm a new mama to be (due in end of May) and plan to see some reusable pad for Eco and $$ Is the Microfiber terry soaker are same or similar to those quick dry micro fiber towel? I used a Frixiron pen. Finally, stack the fabrics together in this order: cotton/bamboo (with the wrong side up), microfiber, and then cotton/bamboo (with the wrong side down). Since i'm on a tight budget ill make my own. -Polyester thread works better than cotton thread for a project like this. These DIY nursing pads are soft and washable, PLUS they absorb liquid so well! U said u needed four cotton parts and two microfiber parts. Flat circles or pointed darts create weird shapes that show through clothes. I read somewhere that letting your blog be too broad was like a kiss of death for popularity, but I think at this point I am just going to give in and post whatever the heck I want! How did it work? If you’re nursing, these reusable nursing pads are a must-have! Put these reusable cotton rounds in your bathroom and use them in place of your disposable pads. mum go through in a day? Christina found it worked well for both . Tap to unmute. Use them to remove makeup or cleanse your face each morning/night. Get your weekly DIY fix PLUS free printable artwork designed by me & my 22 page e-book on decorating with kids in mind! From shop Sallyandsamstudio. Here’s some polyester serger thread for you. Jan 8, 2014 - is an online community for crafts and DIY projects where you can find loads of ideas, advice, and inspiration. I will never make a nursing pad without this! You can view the first 2 lectures for free to see if this course is right for you. But what u explained for the finishing touches, there's only three cotton parts and two microfiber parts. I already have the fabric and will try now. DIY And Crafts. No one ever told me that you could also start leaking breastmilk during the end of pregnancy too… so when I realized I could never go out in public again unless I did something to prevent extreme embarrassment and a wardrobe change, I went to the store and bought disposable nursing pads. Learn how here! I use a Bernina Serger which is fantastic, but here’s a link to my favorite serger on a budget. Thanks for the fabulous tutorial! -Bamboo fleece – Another great option although a little bulkier but is especially great for heavier pads. I love reusable nursing pads, but generally hate the shape. DIY Washable Nursing Pads. These Washable and Reusable Nursing Pads are so easy to make, your newborn could do it! . Each pad has 4 layers: 1 fleece (facing the bra), 2 smaller flannel in center, and 1 larger flannel (facing the breast). I'm here to make the transition with your New Little Life easier. Making your own nursing pads can be a fun, cheap and easy project. It’s moisture wicking and very thin. . -Hemp French Terry – A personal favorite. They stay really dry, in my opinion! (150) 150 reviews. I've found that disposable nursing pads absorb really well, but they can be itchy and scratchy on the skin. My circle is about 3 ½" in diameter. These easily sewn pads can be made out of whatever washable fabric you choose. DIY Projects. Can you give me a suggestion for the diameter? This type of fabric wicks moisture away so quickly that it’s not recommended to be put directly next to the skin. Here’s the Step by Step Video Tutorial! The video below shows you just how easy they are to make. -Flannel – I usually get mine from Joann Fabrics in town but you can also shop online. These cookies do not store any personal information. You can also use this to make cloth menstrual pads because it absorbs very well. I LOVE washable breast pads and I’ll NEVER go back to disposables! Supplies for DIY Nursing Pads 1 layer of Pul (you could use fleece too) 1 layer of alova suedecloth 3 layers of upcycled tshirt fabric. Sign up for my Newsletter & Get Free Stuff! How to make your own reusable nursing pads I love these pads. Learn how here! Here’s some, Online Breastfeeding Class with New Little Life. The top should be about 1 inch wide (so, ½" when the pad's folded), and the bottom of the notch should end at the center of the circle: Then, use your first notched circle as a pattern to cut the rest of the circles. I'm Christina and I'm sharing budget-friendly DIY & decor ideas to create a cozy home and life you love! YOU can do this, and New Little Life can help. Nursing can be uncomfortable enough as it is; make your life a little easier (and cuter!) Feb 5, 2017 - How to sew your own nursing pads without a serger. Watch later. I'm curious, have you tried putting PUL on the back side of these to avoid moisture wicking to the outside? Thanks so much for sharing! The secret to the wonderful absorbency of these DIY nursing pads is the middle layer of fabric. Thanks for the tutorial, Christina. . I love not poking holes in my fabric anymore and they hold so much better. Thank you for the directions! Place the notch seams in different spots as you layer the circles to lessen bumps. Next, fold the circle in half, and then cut a notch out of one side as shown. DIY And Crafts. I dont think they stayed as dry as i would like. 5 out of 5 stars. Here’s a few links (some are affiliate) to my favorite products for making reusable nursing pads! Have you tried putting a PUL backing on these to avoid "spillage" out the back? Nurse. See the Privacy, Cookie, & Affiliate Policy for more details. -Stay-dry Suedecloth – My #1 recommendation for the layer that touches your skin. . Yep, you read right – reusable nursing pads! I know everyone is different, but how many of these do you think I should make? Using a serger or a regular machine, sew the notch together (like a dart) using a ¼″ seam allowance. It’s not made to absorb liquid and won’t hold up well to washing. Doula. How To Make Your Contoured Nursing Pads: You need to trace and cut out circles -- 3 flannel and 1 fleece per pad. Store bought reusable nursing pads are terrible (expensive) flat circles that caused the infamous “saucer boob.” (You know when all you can see is two big white circles sticking out the front of your bra? It's actually microfiber diaper soaker fabric! This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Finish by serging or zig-zag stitching around the entire perimeter of the pad ensuring you catch all layers. Also included with … They should work the same. Using a serger or a regular machine, sew the notch together (like a dart) using a ¼" seam allowance. I couldn't even feel it on the outer layer. It's going to depend on the size of pad you make. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Cotton can absorb the liquid and case leaks around the edges. I'm looking forward to making these soon as I'm due in 10 weeks! Mom. Hundreds of thousands of … (Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Disposable nursing pads are generally made with the same highly absorbent materials as disposable nappies, which can vary from brand to brand.They will also have a waterproof backing to prevent milk from leaking through. Success! I found mine at - search for "microfiber terry soaker", or the free pattern from DIY, How to make a textured vase with DIY plaster paint, How to Make a Mug with the NEW Cricut Mug Press, scraps of cotton flannel, cotton fleece or bamboo fleece (I used organic cotton fleece for mine), scraps of microfiber terry soaker fabric (, something round and your preferred pad size to use as a pattern (I used an Ikea plant pot that's about 3 ½" in diameter), scraps of microfiber terry soaker fabric (I found mine at – search for “microfiber terry soaker”), something round and your preferred pad size to use as a pattern (I used an IKEA plant pot), First, trace circles using your template (. Disclaimer: Links in the description are typically affiliate links but have no extra cost to you :). Feb 17, 2014 - Disposable nursing pads can add up pretty quickly, so save yourself some money by making DIY Contoured Nursing Pads. I used my cereal bowls (which are just over 6" in diameter) as a guide. Make sure to pre-wash your fabrics since cotton/bamboo and microfiber will shrink differently. Thanks for subscribing! This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. I'm planning to make these for my daughter in law....I have no idea what size to make these. Something went wrong. This layering & sewing method works for me but may not suit everyone so adjustments may be needed to personalize. :) Until then, mom glasses are back on! This way (without the terrycloth layer), they do leak, but once you're in that money spot of not leaking everywhere, all the time, they're great (a few months in)! Please check your email for further instructions. Craft Instructions For Kids .. Repeat with the second pad. Repeat with all of the circles. ~ All things for you and your new little life ~. Craft Instructions For Kids. Hi there! I've used many kinds of nursing pads in the past from disposable to purchased cotton flannel ones, but I wanted to make some that were the best combination of the ones I've tried. Reusable nursing pads DIY ... Baby Momma. DIY Projects ... September 2, 2011. Lactation Consultant. DIY Nursing Pads; Washable, Waterproof Breast Pads - YouTube. You can use flannel alternatively. Required fields are marked *. How many circles can you cut from 1 yrd of fabric? It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. So much better for the environment than the disposable ones for sure. Just wondering how thick these are and if they show through clothes? I'm trying to make nursing pads as well cuz I'm soaking my pillows at night and not with drool! Thoughts?! The DIY Mommy has a full […], […] Nursing pads (Start with 4 or 6): To protect your clothes, we recommend that you add washable pads on your baby registry. I usually use 1-2 layers paired with something else like flannel, cotton or bamboo. Washable, flannel nursing pads are more comfortable, but all the ones I've tried don't absorb well. I wish I had these seven years ago. So where does the fourth cotton part come in? These nursing pads are fantastic, and I'm showing you how to make them today. I use those flannel receiving blankets (8 Layers) that I never really used long for baby. Hi, I'm Allison. Your email address will not be published. , Wonderful! Breastfeeding is also about taking care of your skin! Share. How to Make Homemade Contoured Nursing Pads (with free pattern) Pin It Making your own nursing pads can be a great money saver. Calculate the fabric you need based on the size of your circle (Christina used about 1/2 yard of scrap fabric to make a few nursing pads). Hope that helps at least a little! Don’t try to sew right sides together and turn, your edges will be too bulky and very noticeable through a shirt. With baby #2, I decided I wasn’t doing that again and I tried my hand at making my own reusable nursing pads. Mark the center of each flannel circle with your Frixiron pen. I made some with pul, bamboo velour, and an athletic wicking material but i didnt like the wicking material. ©2015-2020 New Little Life LLC by Allison Tolman | Privacy Policy | Design by The Website Doula. For a SET of 2 (one for each breast) you need 4 flannel and 2 terry cloth. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I'm hoping I can avoid soaking/staining my nursing bras and I'm wondering if a layer of PUL on the back side would help avoid any leaking into my bra? This quantity works especially well for nighttime use, but you can use just one or two layers of flannel for daytime pads if desired. When Little came along in August last year, I pulled out all the cloth nappies I used last time (albeit only for 6 months or so). I made something similar 2 years ago, and now I need to make more for #2! Watch the video above for the instructional tutorial. 1. Christina hasn't tried putting an extra barrier to help prevent leakage. Cotton can absorb the liquid and case leaks around the edges. Tap … DIY Washable Nursing Bra Pads July 17, 2017 / CATEGORIES - Uncategorized I plan to tell you more details about my nursing journey in the future (if anyone is interested of course!) I use these for all my sewing projects. but for now I will tell you, I am tired of buying nursing pads! But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. It’s also bulky and hot. Fold the circle in half, and then cut a notch out of one side as shown. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Any flannel will do. This is an online breastfeeding course taught by me! Exactly what I was looking for. Sign up for my monthly newsletter with new videos, favorite products, tips and tricks! It’s perfect for first time moms to give you a solid base to start on as well as a great refresher for 2nd, 3rd, 4th time moms! Stylish Mama – DIY reusable nursing pads. Copyright © 2009 - 2021 The DIY Mommy. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Instructions Draw 5" circles on your flannel. This is so awesome! June 12, 2014; DIY, My Patterns, Sewing, Tutorials; 5 Comments; by Rachel; Easy to sew Nursing Pads w/ pattern. I bought a pattern once for nursing pads, but it was really hard to understand and I ended up with 1 inch thick scratchy discs to use. NOTE: You can also make these with a sewing machine. Awesome! Shopping. My understanding is that the layers are: flannel - terry cloth - flannel. Kids' Crafts. Materials and absorbency. We also encourage you to look at their natural and organic balm with simple ingredients: certified with no lanolin, parabens, phthalates, or synthetic fragrances. DIY Projects. I'm hoping to prevent leakage onto my bras and was wondering if that extra moisture barrier might help avoid soaking/staining the inside of my bras?! DIY Washable Nursing Pads - YouTube. . Thanks, I'm wondering the same thing! Hey! I'm doing my calculations to go buy some fabric! The secret to the wonderful absorbency of these DIY nursing pads is the middle layer of fabric – it’s actually microfiber diaper soaker fabric! Kids' Crafts. […], […] If you can sew, then you can make your own absorbent nursing pads. Use on any serging or sewing project to create a finished, polished look. How to order a FREE Breast Pump through your Insurance! and I saw this and I read the last part but it doesn't add up. A CD makes a good pattern & easier to trace around. All you need is a soft, absorbent fabric for the bottom layer and a top fabric of your choice to … I guess I didn’t realize after you had a baby there is milk just EVERYWHERE. Take your bowl/CD and trace around it on your flannel and fleece fabrics. If you decide to purchase products via these links, a small percentage of the sale will be given to me at no extra cost to you. You have 2 choices either go out and buy the disposable breast pads that cost between 8 to 12 dollars or you can make your own. The company is committed to using renewable sources and recycling packaging. Sewing tutorial: Washable breast nursing pads I had the best of intentions – I promise I really did. It's so easy to sew reusable nursing pads with a sewing machine. 6 pieces of fabric decided by 2 = 2 boobs. […], Your email address will not be published. Let us know how they turn out for you! Favourite. It’s time to give yourself the gift of some fashionable freebies! If you have questions or comments please post them below! 39 Comments. Simply stack the layers of fabric and edge with the loop of fold-over elastic. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Take a few minutes to wash them and save money instead of buying more disposables! -You can get PUL many places, and these 3 packs on Amazon are a great deal, but you can also shop at Diaper Sewing Supplies for other fun prints! Hey. DIY Diapers Feel-Dry Organic Bamboo Nursing Pads Kits include two layers of organic bamboo fleece, one layer of both suedecloth and PUL, and a pre-sewn loop of fold-over elastic. If you aren't familiar with them, you can draw or write on your... Cut them out - I had 30 circles with 1/2 yard of fabric. Ready to make some for yourself? Copy link. Yes, Id give that a try! Not only are they more cost effective, but I love the natural fabric against my skin and less waste.