F 75d,DEU-85,Wz.Dornen, FZ:BB, F/c Fehldruck: Buchstabe e und s VF, 1000 Mark 1922 RS-Druck nach rechts verschoben, VF. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75n,DEU-84h,Wz.Gitter KN 6stellig blaugrün FZ:GB, VF+. Germany, 1000 Mark 1922 (VF) #1578. If anyone has information regarding the value of tehis note, please contact me at the email address given. 49 aanbiedingen in februari - Koop en verkoop duitsland 1000 mark 1922 eenvoudig op Marktplaats Lokale aanbiedingen - Ga ervoor! Most Weimar-era hyperinflation currency was printed in such enormous quantities that it has little value to collectors. 1922 1000 Mark on Linen.. Yellow. In this series, I will review 1000 Mark 1922 German banknote.. F 75d,DEU-85,Wz.Dornen, FZ:SB, F/e Fehldruck:Buchstabe e und s und e, VF-, 1000 Mark 1922 Verschnitt ca.7mm zu weit links, IV. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75q Wz.Wellen KN 6 stellig rot, FZ:OM, Variante M gespreizt, EF, 1000 Mark Banknote 15.12.1922 Choice About Uncirculated Grade, 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.81d, Firmendruck, FZ:B, mit Bogenwasserzeichen 2, EF+. Mäander KN braun , DEU-84.f, Ros.75, P 76 unc. I have a Reichsbanknote for 10000 marks from Berlin (dated Jan. 19, 1922) in Very Good condition. Berlin, den 15.Setember 1922 3x Bankbiljet / Reichsbanknote 1000 Mark uit 1922 (1049) Bankbiljet / reichsbanknote 1000 mark uit 1922. The period in 1922 saw the rise of inflation and hyperinflation in Germany as it struggled to pay reparations for its role in WWI. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75h Wz Mäander KN braun 5 stellig FZ:HH F IV+, 1 Milliarde Mark on 1000 Mark 1922 Banknote, 1922-12-15, KM:113a EF(40-45). Zeewolde 26 mar. Kreuzblüten KN 6stellig violett, FZ:LV, VF+. prodávám přebytky z mé soukromé sbírky stát : Německo nominál : 1000 mark rok : 1922 série : stav : viz originál foto podívejte se € 5,00 28 dec. '20. Pick Ref No : 82. Reichsbanknote 1000 mark 1922 excl. Van Verenigd Koninkrijk +EUR 4,61 verzendkosten. 1922 1000 MARKS REICHSBANKNOTE TNUSEND MARK GERMANY. Imprint and Terms of sale MA-Shops GmbH 1922 German Reichsbanknote Tousend Mark. They serve as a measure, but they are not intended to be relied upon for buying, selling or exchanging. Lot 1915 WWI German 20 Zwanzig Mark Reichsbank note Currency 1916 1 … Lettering: MARK 1000 MARK . 1922 reichsbank 1000 mark with one billion mark overprint Truly a magnificent and fabulous example of this emergency money or notgeld banknote issued by the Reichsbank in 1922 in Germany. Kreuzblüten KN 6stellig violett, FZ:GP, EF, 1.000 Mark Schein 1922 Banknote der Stadt Kreuznach , 1.000 Mark Schein in kfr. | Privacy Policy, Copyright © 2001-2020 MA-Shops GmbH All Rights Reserved. Before the war, the highest denomination was 1000-Mark, equivalent to approximately 50 British pounds or 238 US dollars. Values in the table above are expressed in USD. The German Papiermark (often just Papiermark) was the money of the Weimar Republic, from 1919 to 1923.On 15 November 1923 it was replaced by the Rentenmark, and in 1924, the Reichsmark became the official money. Voeg in de catalogus op LastDodo eenvoudig je Mark 1000 bankbiljet toe en vind ontbrekende biljetten. FOR SALE! '20. If anyone has information regarding the value of tehis note, please contact me at the email address given. In December 1918, the value of 1000 Mark was £23.20 pounds. 1000 I believe that this might be the period in Germany just before Hitler came into power and seized Germany. Work by: Unknown.Engraved by: Unknown. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro. Colnect collectors club revolutionizes your collecting experience! Biedenkopf 1000 Mark 1922 ... Gerelateerde producten. What is the value of a 1000 mark reichsbanknote dated September 15 1922? A 50.000 Mark German banknote issued in 1922 is not particularly valuable as a collectible, and it has no face value as an obsolete form of currency. Reichsbanknote 1000 Mark 1922. Dom 1.Januar 1923 ab kann diese Banknote ausgerufen und unter 1000 REICHSBANKNOTE September 15, 1922 Germany Tausend Mark Vintage WWI or WWII Era Germany This banknote was issued from Berlin on September 15, 1922. Shop with confidence. German 1000 Mark 1922 Reichsbanknote P-76c/3 Watermark Maander Company Logo KH. Best Offer: Make Offer. In December 1919, the value of 1000 Mark was £5.40 pounds. Free P&P . Y S W J p o n 5 W s 2 A V 9 o 8 r M e d. This image is a part of a set of featured pictures, which means that members of the community have identified it as part of a related set of the finest images on the English Wikipedia. in Euro. Germany 1000 Mark 1922 P-76 MK EF+ Hyper Inflation ReichsBanknote | Coins, Banknotes, European | eBay! As below:-. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75d,DEU-85,Wz.Dornen, FZ:NF, EF. I am amazed at … Back to home page Return to top. Producten. GERMANY-NOTGELD. Schopfheim tausend mark 1000 mark 1922 notgeld r-257 jdu voor meer info. Kreuzblüten KN 6stellig violett, FZ:DV, VF+, 1000 Mark 1922 Rosenberg Nr. Watermark: 1000, brown tint at right. Banknote condition : UNC(63) Country : Germany Year : 1922 Denomination : 1 Milliarde Mark on 1000 Mark Complete date : 1922-12-15 #Numismatique #Collection #Inspiration #Histoire 1922 Berlin - Reichsbank: Informatie op LastDodo over het item Reichsbank, 1000 Mark 1922 (75Q), 1922. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro. 1922 Reichsbank: Informatie op LastDodo over het item Reichsbank, 1000 Mark 1922 (75B), 1922. Buy It Now. Het hart van LastDodo is een online catalogus met afbeeldingen en gegevens van alles dat verzamelaars verzamelen. Well, that person might have been fired if they actually gave you $20,000 for a 1922 50,000 Mark note. Westphalia-Bielefeld. For example, a series 1922 10,000 reichsmark from Arnstadt town has a value of €10($13.60) in grade near mint to mint while a 10,000 reichsmark from Rensburg is twice that value in the same grade. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro. Adding to your cart. Kreuzblüten KN 6stellig violett, FZ:NN, VF. 75k, DEU-84c, Wz. I am from South Afrika and am struggling to get a decent answer – Thanks. Top-Angebote für Reichsbanknote 1000 Mark 1922 online entdecken bei eBay. GERMANY BIELEFELD NOTGELD 1000 MARK 1922 Banknote of Fabric Linen RARE (4166) £50.00. Black on dark brown. € 20,00 26 mar. Home Bankbiljetten Noodgeld Duitsland Crefeld 500 en (2x) 1000 Mark 1922. Tausend Mark Kreuzblüten KN 6stellig violett, FZ:RB, VF+. Dave Dave M, Aug 19, 2012 Designated trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75d,DEU-85,Wz.Dornen, FZ:SB, EF, 300 RM (1000 M) 1922 Braunkohlen-Industrie-AG Zukunft, Stammaktie 1000 M Feb. 1922, umgest. The value of the Mark was wiped away: Before World War I, the value of 1000 Mark was worth £50 pounds. Wilcox. Zie ook mijn a. Verzenden. In this series, I will review 1000 Mark 1922 German banknote.. 75k, DEU-84c, Wz. Možná více foto nebo plné rozlišení v odkazu na RAJČE https://luxuszpudy.rajce.idnes.cz/Aukro_19_ 75k, DEU-84c, Wz. Nu kopen. Ophalen of Verzenden. ALMOST A CENTURY OLD NOTE WITH EXCELLENT DESIRABLE EYE APPEAL 395.00 US$ + 12.50 US$ shipping Afmeting: circa 16 x 8,3 cm. IUmtausch gegen andere gesebliche Zahlungsmittel eingezogen werden Colnect collectors club revolutionizes your collecting experience! 1000 Mark 1922 Ro. Reverse. LOT, GERMANY 1000 Mark 1922 10 pcs. Banknote: 1,000 Mark (Germany) (1922 3rd Issue - Reichsbanknote, Republic Treasury Notes) Wor:P-76b.2. Nette doch vergeelde staat. Add to cart. a. Verzenden. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro. Amper 2 maanden na het verbod van uitgeven van noodgeld verleende de regering opnieuw de toestemming aan gemeenten en bedrijven om biljetten te drukken, dit wel met een waarde minder of gelijk aan 1000 mark. Reichsbanknote Loading... Resume making your offer, if … July 1923 saw notes up to 50 million-Mark, with 10 milliard (10 10)-Mark … 300 RM EF / VF. Vielecke, KN 6stellig, FZ:DV, VF. Germany 1922-23 Stamp 1000 Mark MNH Stamp Rare Antique Excellent StampBook1-127. F 75k, DEU-84a, Wz. 81b – Firmendruck FZ B 1, 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.81d, Firmendruck, FZ:B, mit Bogenwasserzeichen 2, EF+, 1000 Mark 1922 1000 Mark Mintmaster J. Herz - 1922 - P.82a UNC, 1000 Mark 1922 Banknote, 1922-09-15, KM:76f EF(40-45). Date: 1922 Serial No: 18B 318150. Watermark: Horizontally opposed wavy lines repeated throughout.Main colour: Green. Duitsland 1000 Mark 1910. We use these guides to value our note(s). 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75d,DEU-85,Wz.Dornen, FZ:OE, GEM UNC, 1.000 Mark Schein 1922 Reichsbanknote , 1.000 Mark in kfr. Welcome to my channel. See the details of the banknotes available for swap, Buy banknotes from Germany between 1871 and 1948, P#76a; Watermark: Hooked stars (white paper), P#76d; Watermark: Crossed flowers (white paper), P#76g; Watermark: Waves (pale green paper), P#76h; Watermark: Polygon (pale green paper). More to explore : Germany 20 Mark, Germany 500 Mark, 1578 Year European Coins, Germany 2 Mark Indiana West & Unified Germany Coins (1949-Now), 1910 German 1000 Mark, 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75d,DEU-85,Wz.Dornen, FZ:XB, GEM UNC. Bielefeld - 1000 Mark - 1922, Bielefeld - 1000 Mark - 1922 MA Coin shops MA-Shops gallery, special items from MA-Shops dealers. Bielefeld - 1000 Mark - 1922, Bielefeld - 1000 Mark - 1922 MA Coin shops Swifterbant 28 dec. '20. The cloth notes issued by the Bielefeld authority for the State Bank are truly unique in the world and demand a serious collectors attention. 1000 reichsbanknote 1910 twee stuks. Per stuk 3,5 Vielecke, KN 6stellig, FZ:MM, VF. Het hart van LastDodo is een online catalogus met afbeeldingen en … Free shipping for many products! 1000 Mark 1922 verschiedene Wasserzeichen Deutschland Reichsbanknoten #F3# | Monnaies, Billets du monde, Europe | eBay! bankbiljetten / 098a1 / Germany / Duitsland / 50000000 Mark / 1923 / Xf 1000 Mark 1922 Ro. Germany Republic Treasury Note 1000 Mark 1922 PMG 30 Very Fine P-76c WMK Type F. £28.38. 1000 Mark 1922 - Reichsbanknote - Series: E 373146 CD | Coins & Paper Money, Paper Money: World, Europe | eBay! Online marketplace with ancient + world coins, paper money + more. Klik hier of zoek onder jdu Hoofddorp. 0 bids. 75f, DEU-86b, Firmendruck, Wz. GERMANY - GERMANY REICHSBANKNOTE 1000 MARK Issued: September 15, 1922 Conservation: BB / VF SHIPMENTS: PAYMENTS ACCEPTED: PayPal Cashier's check FEEDBACK: Feedback is an important form of guarantee and / or reference on both sides, for both the seller and the buyer. Welcome to my channel. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for [#301475] Allemagne, 1000 Mark type 1922 at the best online prices at eBay! or Best Offer +C $1.99 shipping. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro. EUR 2,88. Mark 1000 bankbiljet - Duitsland - 1922 verzamelen? 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75i,DEU-84f,Wz.Mäander KN 6stellig braun, FZ:CD, VF. Buy, sell, trade and exchange collectibles easily with Colnect collectors community. Frequencies show the percentage of Numista users who own each year or variety among all the users who own this banknote. Winkel met vertrouwen. John R. writes: Could you please tell me the estimated value of a 1910 German 1000 mark note? Zahlt die Reichsbankhauptkasse in Berlin Crefeld 500 en (2x) 1000 Mark 1922 Germany Republic Treasury Note 1000 Mark 1922 PMG 25 Very Fine P-76d WMK Type D. £28.38. MA-Shops - The World's Most Trusted Numismatic Marketplace. Nog 3 stuks. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75a, DEU-84L, Firmendruck, Wz. In 1923 verergerde de toestand toen Sign in to check out Check out as guest . Müller 2495.1.e 1922 unc , 1 to 1-, 1000 Mark 15.9.1922 Deutsches Reich Weimar Reichsbanknote 1000 Mark Berlin 15.9.1922 (II) P76 Ro.75k EF. Most of the 1922 and 1923 common types are available in Germany for as little as €1 each in average circulated, but there're more expensive types like the examples I stated. Ze verkeren in goede staat. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75g,DEU-84d,Wz.Mäander KN 6stellig rot, FZ:BK, EF, 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75f, Wz.Vielecke KN 6 stellig grün, FZ:MK, EF. 1 Milliarde Mark auf 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.110,Lot 100 Stück, VF, 1000 Mark 1922 Laenderbanknote Saechsische Bank zu Dresden, Serie C gebraucht (siehe Bilder), 1.000 Mark 1922 ~ Reichsbankdirektorium Berlin ~ ~ Unc, 1000 Mark 1922 Banknote, 1922-10-31, KM:15 AU(50-53), 1.000 Mark OHNE Kn 1922 Reichsbanknote , 1.000 Mark Schein Ohne Kennummer , DEU-86 , Ros.75 , P.76 circulated , 3, 1000 MARK 1922 GERMANY REP TREASURY PMG 67 EPQ TOP POP FINEST KNOWN! 1000 Mark 1922 Ro. Curious Ticket From 1000 Mark Fabric Embroidered 1922 Germany | Coins & Paper Money, Paper Money: World, Europe | eBay! It ranges from 0 to 100, 0 meaning a very common coin or banknote and 100 meaning a rare coin or banknote among Numista members. Shipped with USPS First Class. JR There are 4 German 1000 mark notes series dated 21.4.1910. (P1) - $8.97. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro. Vind fantastische aanbiedingen voor 1000 reichsbanknote 1910. PICTURES IS FROM SAME SET WHAT YOU WILL GET!!! Reichbankdirektorium, Lettering: '20. Per stuk 3,5 Online orders are welcome as always and will be shipped directly. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75d,DEU-85,Wz.Dornen, FZ:BX, EF, 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75d Wz.Dornen, KN rot, FZ: BB, starker Fehldruck: Rcichsbanknote, VF, 1.000 Mark Schein 1922 Reichsbanknote , 1.000 Mark Schein , Wz Kreuzblüte , DEU-84 c , Rosenberg 75 , P unc , 1 to 1-, 1000 Mark 26.Oktober 1922 Chemnitz, Pöge Elektricitäts AG. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75m,DEU-84g,Wz.Gitter KN 6stellig grün FZ:PG, GEM UNC, 1 Milliarde Overprint on 1000 Mark Bankn 1922 Extra Fine Grade-40. VF MA-Shops Garantie munten, medailles, goud, geld, silvermunten en euro items. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75m,DEU-84g,Wz.Gitter KN 6stellig grün FZ:FZ, AU-55. 1000 Mark Reichsbanknote 15.09.1922 … Achterstreifen, KN 6stellig rot FZ:EK, VF-. White paper. To encourage their use, ours will be released immediately upon receiving them. £67.34. (IF SOMEBODY BUYS 153307788553 Time left 2d 10h left. bankbiljetten / 082a / Germany / Duitsland / 1000 Mark / 1922 / Unc. In beide gevallen is de 6 cijferige variant het minst te vinden. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75m,DEU-84g,Wz.Gitter KN 6stellig grün FZ:GB, EF. 1000 Mark Reichsbanknote van het jaar 1922 van Duitsland zie. Verzendkosten, zie ook mijn andere advertenties. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro. C $3.99. In winkelmand; Bonn 100 Mark 1922 F 75f,DEU-86b,Wz.Vielecke, FZ:MM, F/a Fehldruck: Buchstabe e VF. ... bankbiljetten / 049b / Germany / Duitsland / 50 Mark / 1914 / Aunc Melding bij beschikbaarheid. 75o, DEU-84j, Wz. E. Zeewolde. From Australia +C $2.94 shipping. Afmeting: circa 16 x 8,3 cm. 1922 AU #75d Variant* | Coins & Paper Money, Paper Money: World, Europe | eBay! Grade: About Uncirculated. In early 1922, 10,000-Mark notes were introduced, followed by 100,000- and 1 million-Mark notes in February 1923. voorzien van de nodige bankbiljetten, daar eind 1922 de drukkerij een staking hield. F 75q, DEU-86d, Wz.Wellen, FZ:NN, F/c Fehldruck: Buchstabe e und s VF-, 1000 Mark 1922 Stadtrat Notgeld, Seide, Druck gelb/rot/schwarz fast GEM UNC. Het hart van LastDodo is een online catalogus met afbeeldingen en gegevens van alles dat verzamelaars verzamelen. Free P&P . Hakensterne, KN 6stellig, schwarz, FZ:RD, EF. Values of the most important German Banknotes from 1920 - 1923. VF-. This magnificent engraved 1,000 Mark Reichsbanknote from Imperial Germany was issued in 1910 during the reign of Kaiser Wilhelm II. 25 stuks oud papiergeld, reichsbanknote uit duitsland van 1000 mark van 21 april 1910. F 75d,DEU-85,Wz.Dornen, FZ:SB, F/e Fehldruck: Buchstabe e und s und e, VF-, 1000 MARK 15.09.1922 1000 MARK DE 1922 "E und S" EF, 1.000 Mark Schein 1922 Länderbanknote , 1.000 Mark Schein in gbr.V , SAX-12, Ros.750, S.956 , von 1922 circulated , 4, 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75q Wz.Wellen KN 6 stellig rot, FZ:OM, Variante M gespreizt, VF+, 1000 Reichsmark 1922 Ro.81b, Firmendruck, FZ:B, EF+. To manage your collection, please log in. www.sammler.com, a major German collectibles site, lists the retail value of a circulated bill with that date as €0.50 - €2.00, roughly 65¢ to $2.75. In 1914, the Gold standard was abolished; there was the First World War.The period when it was used was marked by a high inflation rate. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro. 1000 Reichsbanknote Tausend Mark Zahlt die Reichsbankhauptkasse in Berlin gegen diese Banknote dem Einlieferer Dom 1.Januar 1923 ab kann diese Banknote ausgerufen und unter IUmtausch gegen andere gesebliche Zahlungsmittel eingezogen werden Berlin, den 15.Setember 1922 Reichbankdirektorium . I have a Reichsbanknote for 10000 marks from Berlin (dated Jan. 19, 1922) in Very Good condition. Originally a 1,000 Mark note, it is over stamped for One Billion Mark which is a truly huge amount of zeros. Banknote: 1,000 Mark (Germany) (1922 3rd Issue - Reichsbanknote, Republic Treasury Notes) Wor:P-76c.3a,Ros:R-75i. 1922 German Currency 10,000 Marks Reichsbanknote 19 Januar 1922, 60 pieces. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1922 1000 MARK GERMANY REICHSBANKNOTE at the best online prices at eBay! Trump's wildly expensive wall will leave a lasting legacy Buy, sell, trade and exchange collectibles easily with Colnect collectors community. 1922 Berlin - Reichsbank: Informatie op LastDodo over het item Reichsbank, 1000 Mark 1922 (75F), 1922. Top Marken | Günstige Preise | Große Auswahl Duits bankbiljetten, Reichsbanknote 1000 mark, 21 april 1910. Kreuzblüten, FZ:VL, F/a Fehldruck: Buchstabe e VF-, MA-Shops - The World's Most Trusted Numismatic Marketplace. 1000 mark 1922 germany rep treasury pmg 67 epq top pop finest known! EUR … "VYKLÍZÍ SE PŮDA" Stav a popis zboží dle foto. 75k, DEU-84c, Wz. The values depend on the condition of the banknotes. Hakensterne, KN 6stellig, schwarz, FZ:VL, VF. Hoofddorp Eergisteren. Manage my collection Download this stock image: 1000 Mark banknote, mintmaster J. Herz, Germany, 1922 - D40E1T from Alamy's library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and vectors. 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75b, DEU-84k, Firmendruck, Wz. In June 1919, the value of 1000 Mark was £16.70 pounds. Topverkoper Topverkoper. Members from this site want to exchange it: lanotte, rmuniak, viorel.iosub, eRBe56, Alexius73, tony164, robertmx, zoelles, BramVB, Hein Jan, ryerye, leprédateur, Terrazone, abeilleecureuil, miki_dan, aswq, Crapgamer, Italiancoincollector, Warfvinge, German_empire5_mark_fan, antimadridista, Arnhemcoin, Alessandro_R., despot76, gyoschak, 123stamp, FORMOSA, jrealb, Pcoetzee5, Sneppie57, Tougne, petralex, RichW, armandos, oldandhardy, canailleetmiloune, Avraham Cohen, vitdive, hilsjo1, » See the details of the banknotes available for swap, » Hakensterne, KN 6stellig, grün, FZ:BB, VF, 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75m Wz.Gitter mit 8, KN 6 stellig grün, FZ:RD, EF, 1000 Mark 26.Oktober 1922 Chemnitz, Zimmermann-Werke A.G. VF. C $6.87. Zie foto ( scan ) zie ook mijn andere advertenties, welli. Bericht door nostalgia » 21 jul 2010, 06:52 ... De met de groene zegel en serie nummer (hergebruikt in 1918 tot 1922): Ook hier 6 en 7 cijferige varianten, echter ik weet wanneer welke. Lettering: Coronavirus will end up as a minor childhood infection. Free P&P . Nette doch vergeelde staat. Only Colnect automatically matches collectibles you want with collectables collectors offer for sale or swap. $20,000 is probably the right number as the exchange rate between *1984* Marks and Dollars, but your note had been seriously devalued many years before 1984. Only Colnect automatically matches collectibles you want with collectables collectors offer for sale or swap. ALMOST A CENTURY OLD NOTE WITH EXCELLENT DESIRABLE EYE APPEAL, 1.000 Mark Schein 1922 Reichsbanknote , 1.000 Mark Gitter mit 8 , Kn blaugrün , DEU-84.h, Ros.75, P.76 unc, 1000 Reichsmark 1922 Ro.81b, Firmendruck, FZ:B, AU-55, 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.81b, Firmendruck, FZ:B, EF+, 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.75q Wz.Wellen KN 6 stellig Variante dunkelrot,FZ:OM, VF, 1000 Mark 1922 Ro.81b, Firmendruck, FZ:B, EF, 1000 MARK 15.09.1922 1000 MARK DE 1922 "E" Beau VF. Schopfheim Tausend Mark 1000 Mark 1922 Notgeld r-257 jdu Vo. DEUTSCHLAND, PAPIERGELD Reichsbanknote, 10000 Mark, 19.1.1922. 1910 German 1000 mark note - CoinSite coinsite.com. The item you've selected was not added to your cart. gegen diese Banknote dem Einlieferer Numista does not buy or sell coins or banknotes. € 3,50 Eergisteren. 3x Bankbiljet / Reichsbanknote 1000 Mark uit 1922 (1049) Bankbiljet / reichsbanknote 1000 mark uit 1922. Since some users own several versions, the sum may be greater than 100%. Free P&P . Find great deals on eBay for reichsbanknote 1922 1000. 1 Euro is about 1.10 US$ The values are average prices for the cheapest types of these banknotes that collectors may pay for these banknotes in Germany. Gerard Swifterbant. 1922 Germany Weimar Republic 1000 Mark Banknote | Coins & Paper Money, Paper Money: World, Europe | eBay! MARK 1000 MARK. Brauerei Bodenstein AG zu Magdeburg ( Neustadt ) 1000 Mark 1922 in top condition uncancelled + coupon sheet International shipping + tracking no.