wotlk level guide

Always aim for orange & yellow level mob to get s higher experience but avoid the red level … In this guide, you will learn about playing a Fire Mage in a raid. I would like them so i can earn the best amount (and fastest) of gold within those zones i have left on my chars. (although it has to be said Northrend zones are so much easier to quest in then any of the others, each quest leads to the next). Trolls & Orcs - Durotar. Ding80's Alliance Leveling Guide boasts a leveling speed of leveling from 1 to 80, solo, in under 6 days!The guide will take you across the best Alliance quests in the most efficient possible way, which will allow you to rack up massive bonus questing experience. I used ur Woltk guides so far for 2 chars, one is 77 now and going to grizzy hills So id guess id ding 80 there – or if close then ill instance the rest, so i gain more gold from the 4-5 rest zones Just as i did with my first char, his 80 long ago, he dinged 80 in Zul Drak – even tho i lvl on my own there and in grizzy hills, due to ur guides wasnt there at that time. That keeps your start bar in front of the game so you can still see the time, browse the net, etc. In Northrend I’ve never consistently exceeded 400k xp/hour, and that’s generally only with rested xp… I usually topped out around 350k xp/hour without it’s assistance. I have told all my guild members to also check out you’r site. hey jamehey jame i just wanna say thankyou for the great guides and all the effort you have been putting into them. . Hi, Horde: Buccaneer’s Strongbox - These chests located on a ship near Rachet in The Barrens. I always knew it was a lot of work to write a guide, but I never comprehended it truely until I decided to try and make an add-on version for zul’drak. I did the same and I just finished the Grizzly Hills Guide with my DK, I’m 79 now. I figured, “He wrote the guides, he’s probably REALLY efficient at following them and running the circuits,” but I just thought you might like to get that feedback. so then i got on my rogue and i couldn’t remember how to play much and stuff so i looked for levelling guides and i dont remember how, but i found jame’s guides. At the very least you shouldAt the very least you should finish the zone you are in, at that point you can do either one. © 2021 Terms | Privacy Policy | World of Warcraft® and Blizzard Entertainment® are all trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment in the United States and/or other countries. Tell them that they are FREE and that they make you level much faster than other guides or questhelper. Posts containing personal information about other players. The guide is in a small window on your main screen in-game. Forums ErrorJame, the following error appears when I follow the link to enter the wow formus (Jame’s WotLK Blizzard Thread – US Forums): “An error was encountered while processing your request I’ve followed your guidesI’ve followed your guides ever since I created a Death Knight and I installed QH just to help myself out and found that it combined with your guide actually makes leveling even easier because I was able to memorize groups of quests I had to do together and then just quickly set those as priority it almost made it seem like I had an in game mod helping me level with your quests. Hmm that sounds like a goodHmm that sounds like a good idea, I’ll try it tonight and if I like it, I’ll recommend it . Horde Leveling Guide 1-80 Hey guys, Gio here once again with a leveling guide. Leveling Alchemy. Should I keep following the outland one or go ahead to northrend? Many things are slowing meMany things are slowing me donw: I have to level my characters up to grizzly hills again This site is in no way associated with or endorsed by Blizzard Entertainment®. Jame is working hard on theJame is working hard on the addon for now, but will be moving on to new WotLK guides after that. lvl 51-58 do you think there will be enough quests for 7 levels in ungoro, coz i almost leveled two there with rdf help. Levels 1-23. Thanks for all your hard work, Jame, and keep it up for the betterment of mankind! But what could be improved, is that u could add which quest rewards should we take to get additional gold. I will get a secondary monitor soon just for kicks. [url]http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh297/zenchronus/screen.jpg[/url]. I don’t think he has a time estimate yet – basically the more help we get testing and improving the addon, the sooner Jame will be free to work on those guides . Print the guides. In the mean time.. i’ll just have to run instance to hit 80.. and i’ll be waiting for your next few guide to earn extra gold(compensation at 80) . Trolls & Orcs - The Barrens. And whenever you need to check on the guide, you simply click on that and it will instantly switch to it, no loading time as if you were playing wow in full screen and alt tabbing. As I think back, I also realized I’m a frequent short break taker when it comes to WoW, and I’d generally leave the game running for the 5 minutes I’d be doing something else, so perhaps that was a factor. You’ll never have to switch back to a website, or even the in-game … 3. Welcome to our Warlock leveling guide. Tell them that they are FREE and that they make you level much faster than other guides or questhelper. If you want to get level 80 as soon as possible I recommend you to get a World Of Warcraft leveling guide. This portion of the guide will, well, guide you through the first couple levels. I finally found the one I feel in love with.. Its also ready for the release of WOTLK.. And then I found something I liked even more: I just played in windowed mode, but with the “Maximize window” option ticked. Well you should look at it if your a extreme wow addicited like me I spent hundreds of days looking for a good startgey guide on the internet.. The guide includes Talents, Glyphs, Gems, Enchantments, BiS Gear, Add-ons, Gameplay & Skill rotation tips. Dungeon Finder level ranges for instances may differ from the recommended ones; see Dungeon finder instance breakdown for details. I recommend Zygor's Leveling Guide. 4. I’m addicted to surfing the net so I usually have 4-20 different pages up at once, and I love being able to click them separately rather alt+tabbing. Yes, I tried it and it’sYes, I tried it and it’s great. Love the guides! The guide will take you across the best Horde quests in the most efficient possible way, which will allow you to rack up massive bonus questing experience. Here’s a screen of how it looks, if anyone is interested. but what am i waiting on, the zul’drak guide now im patient cause jame’s guides are easily the best and i love following them but i want to be 80 like the rest of my guild I did the same and I’m fine. ALT-TAB is *only* slow if you play full-screen. Always done it that way, also did that in TBC. P.S. WotLK Guide FAQ Northrend Raids & Dungeons PvP Professions Spells and Talents Death Knight Achievements Miscellaneous The icy continent of Northrend is located in-between the continents of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms (appropriately, to the north) and features eleven zones. wheredidhego – 70 rogue – Frostmourne. [The topic you’re looking for is not found]”. The quests in northrend don’t start going grey until lvl 77 and those are just in the starting areas. so i started as a sad old slow levelling level 29 semi-twinked rogue as my friend was 70 and quite rich Lockpicking Secondary Profession. I’m a HUGE NASCAR fan and an even bigger Dodge fan so this was the bomb!!! But, to each his own. Tauren - The Barrens. Question about northrendI’m following your outland guides, and I hit 70 today, but I am 2 levels ahead of your guide. . Bump the thread about my leveling guides on the Blizzard boards, say what were your experiences with my guide: If you play on EU Servers: Jame’s WotLK Blizzard Thread – EU Forums Wotlk Guide this link should be looked at! i have been using your guides for all my toons and they are great and so easy to use, i would truely be lost without them lol, thanks for everything and good luck with futre guides, your guidesi know you haven’t gotten done with the northrend guides yet, but I would like to point out to you guys, james is systematic. Wotlk Guide this link should be looked at! where is everything in each new town I encounter, etc. While it is possible to travel to/from Mulgore below level 10, it is only feasible to travel between Durotar and Tirisfal Glades at this level range due to … This will not be tolerated. And for me as a horde this guide really sucks.No hurt feelings just saying.And I visited ten times more zones than this guide gives. My step-daughter and her husband gave me an autographed #9 Kasey Kahne Budweiser Dodge Charger 1/24th scale replica for Christmas. I’m already 76 and stillI’m already 76 and still waiting for Jame’s Horde Leveling Guide – Grizzly Hills (75-76).Could you plz release part of the guide first? Hey, Jame, I just wanted toHey, Jame, I just wanted to say that I’d personally prefer going to Borean Tundra first on my Horde toon. Edited by Headscutter on 2013-07-23 23:42:32. [img]https://www.wow-pro.com/files/windowedmode.jpg[/img]. , Oh and by the way. I just thought of a suggestion, it doesn’t need to be immediatly, but I thought it would be nice if you put comments on how much playtime it did take for you and how much experience you had in the different steps of the guides, so we can follow better and see if something isn’t going right. I have previously made tour=guides for limited quest circuits and stuff, so I had a clue what I was getting in to, but wow, this is a lot of work, Thanks for taking the time to do it. First things first; selecting your race. We’ve both leveled Alliance to 70, and aside from skipping quests here and there (we hate collection quests, especially when they’re not part of a chain,) we played every moment of the game together and following your guides every step of the way. then i got banned by my dad for overly playing too much wow, so after i think a year and a half i asked if i could have another chance with wow and he said yes, Great! We take these seriously and will alert the proper authorities. Burial Chest - Blood Elves can try this one. Just finished the Grizzly Hills Guide with my DK and I’m 79 atm. Colors indicate Alliance territory, Horde territory, Contested territory, Combat zone. Video games and punctuation are not mutually exclusive. 2. Well i'm tauren and lvl 21-31 why can't i level in stonelaton? The result is you play full screen, but the alt-tabbing is instant! So you want to make a level 19 rogue twink? I get same FPS anyway. WOTLK 3.3.5 GUIDE. My top choice for a wow northrend leveling guide is Warcraft Scrolls. I personally recommend getting to the end of the Outland guide and going to Northrend then. Everyone must be asking why? ), but my xp rates still seem shabby compared to what you achieved on your OWN hunter toon, which is what I rolled as my first. For Horde your choices are Orcs, Trolls, Forsaken, and Blood Elves. Bump the thread about my leveling guides on the Blizzard boards, say what were your experiences with my guide: If you play on EU Servers: Jame’s WotLK Blizzard Thread – EU Forums, If you play on US Servers: Jame’s WotLK Blizzard Thread – US Forums. Here’s how to enjoy the guides as much as possible, even if you don’t have a 2nd monitor, you can either: 1. Today I'll be explaining the best areas to level for the horde. Your friends, guildmates, boards you visit. Wheredididie – 78 death knight – Frostmourne Fortunately though, I was able to complete all 100 quests in Zul’drak. I keep a Chrome browser window open to wow-pro so that I can keep up with what to do next and where to go, along with a Dreamweaver window open to track what quests each of my 10 toons have accepted and finished and another window with Excel to keep track of each of the 10 toons professions. What is the best method of leveling and what can you do to take an edge in leveling from 70-80. many people had access to the WOTLK beta servers and will have prior knowledge of how to complete quests and what to expect and to avoid on the new WOTLK continent, Northrend. Classic World of Warcraft 1-60 Leveling Guide by Navak, Egregious, Ayle, Defcamp & Kargoz. Rather then creating a new add-on I would like to see something like an optimized waypoint library for TomTom(or Cartographer if it’s more fitting). I can wait a while longer since I`m still on the Horde Borean Tundra part. Even not start any quest in G Hills because I am afraid I will be confused when following your guide in the future. They have made one of the best walkthroughs for wrath of the lich king I’ve seen. Well you should look at it if your a extreme wow addicited like me I spent hundreds of days looking for a good startgey guide on the internet.. I think I am too much dependent on your excellent guide. Leveling a Warlock from 1-10 in Classic WoW When first playing a Warlock, you will not have access to key components of your specialization - Like pets, talents, or even access to Soul Shards. It’s stickied . Enregistrer mon nom, mon e-mail et mon site dans le navigateur pour mon prochain commentaire. Windowed ModeDid you ever try out windowed mode with the start bar up? I’m not sure as to why this may be. Votre adresse e-mail ne sera pas publiée. I’m at 11 days 20 hours played… didn’t keep track of the moment I hit 80 though =(. All the guides on wow-pro are FREE, there is no trick, they are just free and will remain free. Your friends, guildmates, boards you visit. The quest from camp Onequah, “Shifting Priorities”,is a better quest (IMHO) because it flies you to Light’s Breach (free) thus getting you the flight path without having to run. This is by far one of the best sites for a new player to come to. I wish now, at 80, that I had picked some common pairing of professions (leather working and skinning, mining and blacksmithing, etc.) But according to his blog post you will be 80 if you use rested xp at around the end of Zul’Drak which will allow you to get tons of gold by doing the quests in the other areas. . Look Above YouZul’Drak, Scholazar, Storm Peaks, Icecrown. For guides covering levels from 1-70, please check this link: Question– Your guides really helped me out and I want to return the favor, what can I do to help? , P.S. What is your leveling plan for the rest of Northerend going to be? I’ll make an addon versionI’ll make an addon version in the future. Typically Orc and Troll players will level in Durotar, Tauren players will level in Mulgore, and Undead players will level in Tirisfal Glades. I started playing WoW around Thanksgiving and I’m currently lvl 80 with the achievement for completing all of the Northrend dungeons on regular, and three away from finishing up the heroics! However, with the recent conversion of my guides to an [url=https://www.wow-pro.com/node/2196]addon format[/url], this should no longer be the case, and you should get about the same XP rates as me , Please continue using my guide and giving feedback, and spread the word, that’s all I ask , Hurry up and get the lastHurry up and get the last few zones covered, I had to take my DK from 77 to 80 all on my lonesome, I felt lost without you . I have to take care of the site and answer comments, and also edit the mistakes of my other guides when users point them out I know my guides almost by heart so I save a lot of time while following my circuits. My Dell Inspiron 9400 has a 256MB video card so the 22″ screen is now the second display on my laptop and is the main screen for WoW. Tell people about my guide. Another downside is that my guides are updated very frequently, so if you print it you’ll miss the latest updates. Keep up the great work and I cant wait for the release of the 76-80 guides! Now you preface your guides by clearly stating that they don’t include said profession content, but a friendly reminder perhaps that professions are part of the game and may be a welcome distraction from quest grinding your brains out may not go amiss. Fortunately, for those of you who are thinking WTF???? With the help of an elite guide you will be able to get level 80 in 6 days! and indicate the required expansion. 2. These terms and all related materials, logos, and images are copyright © Blizzard Entertainment. To start out with leveling your lockpicking using this guide there is a slight difference in the beginning of lockpicking leveling for Horde and Alliance but eventually it will come on the same path for this guide, so until then I will start them out separately. Thank you very much for theThank you very much for the kind words, I’m really glad to hear I’ve made your wow experience better. Well done on hitting maximum level in WoW Classic! Here you will find all you need to know to level up your Warlock efficiently. Warrior Leveling Guide - Leveling For Warrior in WotLK EzineArticles.com. (I was a bad guide follower and went to Northrend at 70, but mostly because Nagrand was huge and boring to me, but I hit 80 at the very beginning of Zul Drak, so all’s well that end’s well, eh?). I have one question. ; Numbers within the bars indicate the level range. In the meantime, if you don’t have a second monitor, you can play wow in windowed mode and set up your in-game window to almost full screen, just let a little bit of space on the side of the screen so that you can see the the browser window with the guide opened in it.
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