widescreen patch pcsx2

The archive is focused into turning 4:3 into 16:9. II. (NTSC-K) (SLKA_25208), comment=Widescreen Hack by ElHecht (NTSC-K by Arapapa), //(aa3f013c aaaa2134) first... find address from top (00000000), patch=1,EE,00179f80,word,3c013fe3 // 3c013faa hor fov gameplay, patch=1,EE,00179f84,word,34218e39 // 3421aaaa hor fov gameplay, //(aa3f013c aaaa2134) tenth... find address from top (00000000), patch=1,EE,0019eb68,word,3c013fe3 // 3c013faa hor fov map, patch=1,EE,0019eb6c,word,34218e39 // 3421aaaa hor fov map, ;patch=1,EE,00179f80,word,3c013fcc // 3c013faa hor fov gameplay, ;patch=1,EE,00179f84,word,3421cccd // 3421aaaa hor fov gameplay, ;patch=1,EE,0019eb68,word,3c013fcc // 3c013faa hor fov map, ;patch=1,EE,0019eb6c,word,3421cccd // 3421aaaa hor fov map, gametitle=CSI - Crime Scene Investigation - 3 Dimensions of Murder (NTSC-U) (SLUS-21655), patch=1,EE,0027d5f0,word,3c033f40 // 3c033f80 hor fov, patch=1,EE,0027d5fc,word,46000803 // 46010003 hor fov, patch=1,EE,00184d9c,word,3c02402b // 3c024000 renderfix 1, patch=1,EE,00184e0c,word,3c023fc0 // 3c024000 renderfix 2, patch=1,EE,00185800,word,3c013f40 // 00000000 font fix1, patch=1,EE,0018581c,word,4481f000 // 00000000 font fix1, patch=1,EE,00185894,word,4614f742 // 00000000 font fix1, patch=1,EE,001858a8,word,461d0842 // 46140842 font fix1, patch=1,EE,00185864,word,461e0f02 // 00000000 font fix2, patch=1,EE,00185868,word,4602e042 // 46020842 font fix2, patch=1,EE,0027d7f4,word,3c033faa // 3c033f80 font fix3, patch=1,EE,0027d848,word,3463aaab // 44830800 font fix3, patch=1,EE,0027d84c,word,44830800 // 00000000 font fix3, //patch=1,EE,0027d5f0,word,3c033f55 // 3c033f80 hor fov, //patch=1,EE,0027d5f4,word,34425555 // 44830000 hor fov, //patch=1,EE,0027d5f8,word,44830000 // 00000000 hor fov, //patch=1,EE,0027d5fc,word,46000803 // 46010003 hor fov, //patch=1,EE,00184d9c,word,3c02401a // 3c024000 renderfix 1, //patch=1,EE,00184e0c,word,3c023fd6 // 3c024000 renderfix 2, //patch=1,EE,00185800,word,3c013f55 // 00000000 font fix1, //patch=1,EE,00185814,word,34215555 // 00000000 font fix1, //patch=1,EE,0018581c,word,4481f000 // 00000000 font fix1, //patch=1,EE,00185894,word,4614f742 // 00000000 font fix1, //patch=1,EE,001858a8,word,461d0842 // 46140842 font fix1, //patch=1,EE,00185864,word,461e0f02 // 00000000 font fix2, //patch=1,EE,00185868,word,4602e042 // 46020842 font fix2, //patch=1,EE,0027d7f4,word,3c033f99 // 3c033f80 font fix3, //patch=1,EE,0027d848,word,3463999a // 44830800 font fix3, //patch=1,EE,0027d84c,word,44830800 // 00000000 font fix3, gametitle= J-League Winning Eleven 8 - Asia Championship (NTSC-J) (SLPM-65740), // 16:9 (00000000 00000000 43ad1346 00000000), patch=1,EE,00104634,word,3c013f40 // 00000000 hor fov, patch=1,EE,00104638,word,44810000 // 00000000, patch=1,EE,00104640,word,4600c602 // 00000000, patch=1,EE,00126554,word,3c023FAB //3c023F80 (increases hor. … PCSX2 - Widescreen Game Patches. Point-and-click adventure games like Syberia and Glass Rose are bad choices for widescreen hacks and are best played in 4:3. PCSX2 - Widescreen Game Patches. // Additional Widescreen enforcement patches, // patch=1,EE,21FDD21C,extended,43CB374B // 42890000, // patch=1,EE,21FDD260,extended,4344DD2F // 69656874, // patch=1,EE,21FDD2AC,extended,43CA774B // 00000000, // patch=1,EE,21FDD2E4,extended,01006E4F // 00000000, // patch=1,EE,21FDD2F0,extended,4344DD2F // 00000000, // patch=1,EE,21FDD348,extended,43C9574B // 00000000, // patch=1,EE,21FDD38C,extended,4344DD2F // 00000000, // patch=1,EE,21FDD3E8,extended,43C9574B // 00000000, // patch=1,EE,21FDD42C,extended,42BE703C // 00000000, // patch=1,EE,21FDD474,extended,432EB7CF // 00000000, // patch=1,EE,21FDD4B8,extended,42BE703C // 00000000, // patch=1,EE,21FDD500,extended,432EB7CF // 00000000, // patch=1,EE,21FDD544,extended,42BE703C // 00000000, // patch=1,EE,21FDD590,extended,432EB7CF // 00000000, gametitle=Devil May Cry 3 (K) (SLKA_25265), comment=Widescreen Hack by Acem (pnach NTSC-K by Arapapa), patch=1,EE,21CAF990,word,3F400000 // 3f800000, gametitle=Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 (J) (SLPM_66445), patch=1,EE,007b179c,word,3fe38e38 // 3faaaaab, patch=1,EE,00106960,word,00701821 // 2463982c($1), patch=1,EE,00106964,word,2463982c // recall $1 (NTSC-U 24637dac), //persona art fix by devina and nemesis2000, //003f033c 3001a3af 3401a0af 7001a0af 803f023c, patch=1,EE,0011455c,word,3c033ec0 // 3c033f00, patch=1,EE,0011456c,word,3c023f90 // 3c023f80, //Font fix by nemesis2000 (causes spacing errors), gametitle=Tekken Tag Tournament [NTSC-J] (SLPS-20015), comment=Widescreen hack by nemesis2000 (pnach by nemesis2000 ), gametitle=Neo Contra (NTSC-U) (SLUS-20961), patch=1,EE,00359e34,word,3c013f40 // 00000000 hor fov, patch=1,EE,00359e40,word,44810000 // 00000000, patch=1,EE,00359e44,word,4600c602 // 00000000, //patch=1,EE,00359e34,word,3c013f55 // 00000000 hor fov, //patch=1,EE,00359e38,word,34215555 // 00000000 hor fov, //patch=1,EE,00359e40,word,44810000 // 00000000, //patch=1,EE,00359e44,word,4600c602 // 00000000, gametitle=Fire Warrior Warhammer 400000 SLES_509.58 (widescreen by Some Chump), // Widescreen is always enabled no matter what ingame setting is selected, gametitle=Smash Court Pro Tourment 2 (K) (SLKA-200.33), comment=Widescreen Hack (16:9) by ElHecht (pnach by Arapapa), patch=1,EE,20206FF0,extended,3F400000 // 3F800000 X-Res, gametitle=Road Rage 3 (PAL-E) (SLES_519.30), patch=1,EE,20435588,extended,3F400000 // 3F800000 hor fov, gametitle= Futurama (NTSC-U) (SLUS-20439), patch=1,EE,20619AC4,word,BFAAAAA9 // 3F7FFFFF, patch=1,EE,20619AC8,word,3FAAAAA9 // 3F7FFFFF, comment=Silent Hill 4 - The Room (PAL-M5) (SLES-52445) Widescreen Hack (16:9) by ElHecht, patch=1,EE,2045CA38,extended,3F15FD8B // 3F480000 Y-Axis, patch=1,EE,2045CA34,extended,3F400000 // 3F800000 Camera-Zoom, gametitle=Silent Hill 4 - The Room (PAL-M5) (SLES-52445), patch=1,EE,001485c4,word,3c013f40 // 00000000 hor fov, patch=1,EE,001485d0,word,4481f000 // 00000000, patch=1,EE,00148600,word,461ed683 // 4600d647, patch=1,EE,00148614,word,4600d647 // 00000000, patch=1,EE,002f9e44,word,3c0203c0 // 3c020008 FMV top, patch=1,EE,002f9e7c,word,340201a4 // 2662ffe0 FMV bottom, patch=1,EE,001a9980,word,24030000 // 24030001 Black borders fix, gametitle=WWE SmackDown vs. My 'hack' patches 3 additional. I do not include games solely devoted to hunting/fishing real-life animals in my archive because it goes against my morals. Hi, Ive been reeading CKemu guide: Convert Code Breaker Cheats to PNACH Files! Widescreen patch is a mod for Need For Speed Underground, created by ThirteenAG. [PS2/PS1] Widescreen Game Patches - Запускаем игры в широком формате на PS3 Эмуляторы для PS3 Despite the above, many patches in my archive may also contain other useful features. value for SLES-55207 initial value (4:3) 803F013C 00008144 1000B07F 0000BFFF 2D808000 0700A268 0000A26C 6F0002B2 680002B6 680001C6 6C0002C6 … No need to be fancy, just an overview. The game I am trying to get to work is "Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero". Before you request a game, PLEASE CHECK THE ARCHIVE TO SEE IF IT'S ALREADY THERE. Also included with this release is the new Patch Browser. The patch has been removed, since the author found it to be crap. How to install: Extract the archive and copy the contents of „NFSUnderground.WidescreenFix” to where the game is installed. And adds "Integer" option to scale to the maximum integer magnification of the native image set by the game which fits within the window/screen. Patch Archive. For those games, there's a separate archive on page 636 and these patches will still be in the PCSX2 builds. // patch=1,EE,8014EF28,word,3C013F95 // 3C013F80 - a clone from 0014EF28. Sometimes, we can unstretch certain HUD elements - each patch is done as best as we can. Widescreen Hacks Then post there in that thread when you need cheat codes for widescreen for certain games. It sucks, but it's a trade-off. Eruyt Village @1920x1080, 16x MSAA, custom color shader, English patched. Set "CDVD" to "No disc", then choose "Boot CDVD (full)" from "System". console to ensure that PCSX2 has found the patch. I couldn't find any widescreen … If you are playing Persona 3 FES (NTSC-U) with English voices, do not have "Enable Cheats" ticked in the PCSX2 menu or the game will probably freeze. You should also use the widescreen patch. Original title: pcsx2-tekken-5-widescreen-patch Author: Thordifyn Downloads: 3489 Seeking File: 1 checked by moderators: Yes The questionable photos and videos included beastiality, excessive violence and Escalating numbers of Facebook users patcn reportedly being flooded with graphic images containing pornography. Many patches in the archive correct this. patch=1,EE,8016C694,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 - a clone from 0016C694. CMPLabel. Final Fantasy XII. 8 0. Jump to navigation Jump to search. 11.02.2019 REL Burnout 3: Takedown Widescreen Fix [PCSX2] 11.02.2019 REL Splinter Cell Double Agent Widescreen Fix [PCSX2] 16.12.2018 REL Condemned: Criminal Origins Widescreen Fix 22.10.2018 REL Knight Rider The Game 1 & 2 Widescreen Fix // patch=1,EE,A018B59C,word,3C010000 // 3421999A - a clone from 0018B59C. Last update: … Rabanastre Plaza @1920x1080, 16x MSAA, custom color shader, English patched . Raw 2006 (PAL-E) (SLES-53676), // Ported to PAL, added 16:10 support (ElHecht), patch=1,EE,0011e95c,word,3c013f40 // 00000000 hor fov, patch=1,EE,0011e968,word,44810000 // 00000000, patch=1,EE,0011e96c,word,4600c602 // 00000000, //patch=1,EE,0011e95c,word,3c013f55 // 00000000 hor fov, //patch=1,EE,0011e960,word,34215555 // 00000000 hor fov, //patch=1,EE,0011e968,word,44810000 // 00000000, //patch=1,EE,0011e96c,word,4600c602 // 00000000. Je tiens à le partager pour tous. widescreen fix initial value C2150344 D7131044 A3D00E44 AEF71C44 3333333F changed to F338D643 8573EB43 A3D00E44 AEF71C44 3333333F Alone in the Dark (SLES-55207) | 68FC3CF9.pnach Alone in the Dark (SLUS-21690) | B3723E7E.pnach. // patch=1,EE,0016C688,word,3C01BF55 // 3C01BF40 - upper blackbar of Cinematics. Not needed, it has the option to chose between 4:3 or 16:9 which works in new games or can be changed in the ingame menu as well. comment=NTSC-J Widescreen Hack by synce: patch=1,EE,20239d48,extended,3fe28f5c gametitle=BioHazard Outbreak [NTSC-J] (SLPM-65428) comment=FMV's fix will cause abnormal collection interface //gameplay by synce: patch=1,EE,20239d48,extended,3fe28f5c //FMV's fix by nemesis2000 //value 1: patch=1,EE,001BA0E4,word,00000000 //value 2 (hex only) patch=1,EE,003492B4,word,01262818: patch… Asmodean ★( `_´)乂(`_´ )★. PS2 Controller Remapper, by pelvicthrustman, floating Point to Hex Converter. // patch=1,EE,0018B56C,word,3C013F53 // 3C013F49 - Y-axis placement of Subtitles & SubtitlesBackground. 2rd and OPL. patch=1,EE,A016C694,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 - a clone from 0016C694. And other threads that followed, in the pursuit of PS2 widescreen gaming. PCSX2 Cheat Converter File Editor, by fuzzymillipede. Pcsx2 tekken 5 widescreen patch. Most widescreen patches only affect the 3D environments of games, not the 2D HUD elements, which are stretched. Pcsx2 tekken 5 widescreen patch. 90. Yes, the disc version matches, as well as the correct CRC, etc. For example, circles become wide ovals, squares become wide rectangles, etc. Hello; I tried a few codes, but, to my opinion, I didnt see any difference on my TV: I tried method from pnach files - For PAL Tekken 5. Choose the cheats -folder in the PCSX2-Directory. 0 Comments Leave a Reply. I still try and find the FOV value for S.L.A.I. // patch=1,EE,A016C694,word,3C013F55 // 3C013F40 - a clone from 0016C694. Toujours dans PCSX2, allez Config -> Video (GS) -> Window Settings... cet endroit, choisissez le mode Widescreen 16:9 ainsi que votre grandeur d' cran d sir . X(DOT)pis. Some same games of different regions share the same CRC. 11-30-2012, 09:59 PM (11-25-2012, 07:48 AM) Gvaz Wrote: Is there a widescreen patch for SO:TTEOT or is it not needed? I can't guarantee what visual fixes each game has so if you are concerned, check out a game's individual patch. New features include a new camera angle, online component (which was later released on the PS3 as Metal Gear Online). // patch=1,EE,8018B59C,word,3C010000 // 3421999A - a clone from 0018B59C. This is the list of games that support 16:9 resolution (internally or by patches ). For example, the Fatal Frame patches contain codes which disable extremely blurry cutscenes due to poor upscaling. nosisab Ken Keleh the old faithful. Does anyone know if it is possible (and if so how) to get PS2 games that support widescreen to fill the entire 16:9 screen? Write something about yourself. Click to edit me tried starting a new game by full booting and not loading any savegames or savestates. Bonjour à tous, J'ai créé un patch 16/9 pour FFX Pal-F pour PCSX2 à la demande de xluc. Restarting the emulator or the games doesn't change anything. Known Issues Game freezes during "Reuniting The Families" mission. I have tested it and the PCSX2Group member furthermore verified that in the comment of that below movie And the widescreen patch works properly for the Mate version Appear at this video clip of TEKKEN 5 by PCSX2TEAM Tekken 5 1080p running on PCSX2 0.9.9 SVN - wide display screen patched. The game looks the same with these options enabled or not. I have been trying to convert the codes using PCSX2CE and also tried through notepad but every time I enable the cheats when running PCSX2 the game will not boot up. // patch=1,EE,A01B67F4,word,3C013F68 // 3C013F80 - a clone from 001B67F4. C0. // patch=1,EE,001B67F4,word,3C013F68 // 3C013F80 - GameMenu & GamePlay Zoom. Hello everyone, i'm unable to find the patch for Tekken 5 (NTSC-U) (SLUS-21059)..
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