PREFACE This work, the Makalat, is a collection of discourses given by the 13th century Islamic mystic, Haji Bektash Veli. Son vrai nom est Muhammed Bektaş ; au cours de sa vie, il a pris les titres hunkar, hadji et veli, le mot hunkar signifie « celui qui crée le miracle », le mot hadji « il sera allé à la Mecque » et veli « celui qui porte la sagesse » : c'est l'un des noms qui est porté par l'imam Ali. Haji Bektash Veli continuously emphasized the importance of knowledge, wisdom, honesty, tolerance, brotherhood, unity, friendship, and morality. Available on Compatible NOOK Devices and the free NOOK Apps. The work is said to have been originally written down in Arabic, though the complete manuscript of the original has long since been lost. They surrendered to him asserting, "These are indeed miracles. His name was Shams Tabrizi. The erenler said, "That one is still a child. When Haci Bektas Veli moved from Nisabur in Horasan, Sulucakarahoyuk, the name of the district at that time, was a small village which eventually developed and expanded. On the other hand, the famous reference book of Bektaşi order, Valāyat-Nāma-i Hādjī Baktāsh-ī Wālī, claims that "Haji Bektash" was the murshid of Bābā (Bābā Eliyās al-Khorāsānī). greece history islam islamic philosophy poetry religious Turkey Uncategorized βυζαντιο ελλας θεωρια και πραξη πατριδογνωσια στοχαστες. truth; reverse triangle represents the fire, i.e. [5] Despite his Shia belief and his unorthodox teachings, he is considered a renowned figure in the history and culture of both the Ottoman Empire and the modern nation-state Turkey. The Makalat of Haji Bektash Veli: The Discourses of a 13th Century Sufi Master: Abiva, Huseyin: Books So Hazreti Hunkar Haji Bektash Veli opened his sanctified hand and showed his palm. The words of 13th century philosopher Haci Bektas Veli are such as to giving messages to 8 centuries later that they also coincide with the “Un-Declaration of Human Rights” which was accepted in 1948. : Come è stato detto nel libro di Hajji Bektash Veli, "Makalât", cercava qualcosa che pensava di trovare a Konya. ", Part of a series on Nizari-Ismāʿīli Batiniyya, Hurufiyya, Kaysanites and Twelver Shī‘ism. Haci Bektas Veli had great influence on the turkization of Anatolia as well as establishment of Ottoman Empire. As a result, the headquarters of the order were moved to Tirana in Albania. It was built in the 13th century as a teqe dergah of the sufi saint haji bektash veli. It was built by simple stonemasonry and decorated with ornaments particular to Bektashism. Eventually, Bābā Eliyās Khorāsānī was held responsible for the Babai Revolt organized by Bābā Ishāq Kafarsudī, and consequently executed by Mūbārez’ūd-Dīn-i Armāğān-Shāh,[23] the supreme commander-in-chief of the armies of the Anatolian Seljuks. THE MONUMENT OF HAJI BEKTASH VELI. ISBN-10: 1563169568. [5] It is assumed that he was of Turkish[6][7][8][9][10][11][12] or Persian descent,[1][13][14][15][16] and belonged to a group of Khorasani migrants in Anatolia who had left their homeland during the Mongol conquests. Alevi and BektashiMuslims believe the path of Haji Bektash is the p… The Makalat of Haji Bektash Veli: The Discourses of a 13th Century Sufi Master. According to the Encyclopaedia of Islam, the "center and source of his teachings" was Ali ibn Abu Talib, whom Alevis believe to be the righteous successor of Muhammad while also "acknowledging the twelve Shia Imams" and "holding Jafar as-Sadiq in high esteem". It was also during the Ottoman period that many Alevi in Turkey attached themselves to the veneration of Hajji Bektash, a move which may have further polarized the tension between Alevism and the mainstream Sunni Muslim ideology of the Ottoman empire. NOOK Book (eBook) $ 8.99. According to Sipah Salar, a devotee and intimate friend of Rumi who spent forty days with him, Shams was the son of the Imam Ala al-Din.In a work entitled Manāqib al-‘arifīn (Eulogies of the Gnostics), Aflaki names a certain ‘Ali as the father of Shams-i Tabrīzī and his grandfather as Malikdad.Apparently basing his calculations on Haji Bektash Veli's Maqālāt (Conversations), … Embed. The Makalat of Haji Bektash Veli: The Discourses of a 13th Century Sufi Master by Haji Bektash Veli, Huseyin Abiva. When we completed our prayer, he would vanished." Publications
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International Assistance. It is aimed to shape the physical life in the light of the spirituality by means of adapting the motives of Bektashism into the architecture and interior design of the Complex. If you can improve it, please do. The dates of his birth and death differ between sources. Haji Bektash Veli or Ḥājī Baktāsh Walī (Persian: حاجی بکتاش ولی Ḥājī Baktāš Walī; Turkish: Hacı Bektaş Veli) was an Alevi Muslim mystic, Sayyid, humanist and philosopher, who lived from 1209 to 1271. Actually, the sisilah of Hadji Baktāsh Wālī reaches to the "Yassaw’īyyah tariqah" through another but a similar tariqah, which is well known as the "Wafā’īyyah tariqah" of Abu’l Wafā al-Khwarazmī, who was a murid of Khoja Ahmad Yasavi and the murshid of Dede Ğarkhen, who was in turn the murshid of Bābā Eliyās al-Khorāsānī. The sole responsibility for the content of each Tentative List lies with the State Party concerned. The base of his philosophy lies on humanity, human rights and social equality that he counsels for the man to be modest, to purify his soul, to mature, to abstain from show off and to be full of love of God. Also the Göztepe and Shahkulu tekkes in Istanbul are now used as meeting places for Alevis. Bektashi order was directed by Haji Veli Bektash from “Pirevi” (headquarters) and it continued to be directed from the Pirevi, with the . Criterion (iii): Haci Bektas Veli Complex is recognized as the center of Bektashism and is one of the very rare order complexes that maintained most of its features. The Makalat of Haji Bektash Veli: The Discourses of a 13th Century Sufi Master. Hunkar Haji Bektash Veli removed the skull cap from his blessed head and all saw a divinely illuminated mole of emerald tint between his brow. However, it was based on the knowledge given by Mr. Bahâ Sa’id. His principles lead to the cultural harmony and enlightening in Anatolia. The biggest Bektashi tekke is said to be in Albania. The Complex has witnessed many additions and comprehensive restoration in time, but it reached its present form mainly in the 16th century. : Apparently basing his calculations on Haji Bektash Veli's Maqālāt (Conversations), Aflaki suggests that Shams arrived in Konya at the age of sixty years. How on earth could he become a haji?" It should not be surprising to anyone that miracles like these appear from me, for this is the Power of God. Which he was going to find in Konya. He is revered among Alevis for an Islamic understanding that is esoteric (spiritual), rational, progressive, and humanistic. [19], Haji Bektash was born in Nishapur. Sheikh Beddredin (Badraldin Mahmoud Ben Israel Ben Abdulaziz): Preacher and Rebel. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. M. Kia: Daily Life in the Ottoman Empire. Bektashi dervishes also spread to different parts of the world once they reached to a certain level of maturity in order to disseminate the Bektashi humanity in the world. These many miracles are my inheritance which is granted by Allah. was initiated by Haji Veli Bektash and subsequently followed by Bektashi order. Haci Bektas Veli is the great Turkish philosopher of the 13th century, the practitioner of Hoca Ahmed Yesevi’s doctrines in Anatolia and the eponym of the Bektashism, a religious order of Alevism. All of the erenler begged for forgiveness, saying, "O Dervish of the Dervishes, we have been sorely mistaken." The work, as understood from its name, is the commentary of Fatiha, the first sura of Koran. Having served as dergah since 13th century, the Complex was closed on the 30th of November, 1925 accordingly to the “Act for Dissolving the Lodges and Corners” and opened as museum in 1964 following the decision of the Cabinet dated 1960. Request full-text PDF. 2, No. The Complex founded in the 14th century is located in the district of Hacibektas in central Kizilirmak region of Central Anatolia. Haji Bektash Velî was a Turkish Sûfî who has been an influential figure both in Turkish mysticism and social life with his thoughts transcending ages. As it was said in Haji Bektash Veli's book, "Makalat", he was looking for something which he was going to find in Konya. The work, as understood from its name, is the dedebaba Oxford University Press. Ετικέτα: Haji Bektash Veli. He was highly respected by the Sultanate of Rum due to his amicable attitude during the Babai Revolt, and his Khanqah in Suluca Kara Oyuk was permitted to remain open during and after the Babai Revolt thereby saving the most of the lives of the piteous Alevi survivors of this ominous rebellion. The Mevlevi Order is named after Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, also known as 'Mevlana' in Turkey, a Sufi mystic who lived in the same time as Haji Bektash Veli. Paylaş; Makalat-ı Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli Transkripsiyonlu Tam Metin (Akademisyen Düzeyi) Prof. Dr. Mahmud Esad Coşan | SERVER YAYINLARI. It is reported in some Bektashi legends that Haji Bektash was a follower and the caliph ("representative") of Khwaja Ahmad Yasavi, a Sufi mystic from Central Asia who had great influence on the Turkic nomads of the steppes. Add to Cart. Not much is known about him, his origins are shrouded in mystery and much of his biography is based on legends. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. Sayyid Hünkar Hadji Bektaş Veli (1209-1271), descendant du Prophète par Ali ar-Rida. 189 pages. Baba Rexheb Ferdi. Ana Sayfa » Makalat-ı Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli Transkripsiyonlu Tam Metin (Akademisyen Düzeyi) Yorumlar 0. It is observed that Haji Bektash Veli’s Fatiha Commentary, having features of Ancient Anatolian Turkish, was written about beginning of 14th century considering many ancient features examined in the text. : Apparently basing his calculations on Haji Bektash Veli's Maqālāt (Conversations), Aflaki suggests that Shams arrived in Konya at the age of sixty … [18], The name attributed to him by his followers can be translated as "The Pilgrim Saint Bektash." It is observed that Haji Bektash Veli’s Fatiha Commentary, having features of Ancient Anatolian Turkish, was written about beginning of 14th century considering many ancient features examined in the text. since Khoja Akhmet Yassawi lived nearly one hundred years before Haji Bektash.[22]. Which he was going to find in Konya. NOOK Book (eBook) $ 8.99. They all saw that there, in the middle his palm, was a beautiful emerald mole. ", The erenler of Khorasan said, "If, in reality, you are the secret of the Shah, he has marks. The rose motive in the middle symbolizes synthesis and love.Timber ceilings of Cem Room and Meydancı Baba Room were constructed by bingi technique in which the crossway beams were attached to each other representing the nine levels of the celestial sphere. This form of detachment from the world was something unknown among Muslims prior to the time of Haji Veli Bektash. he Identity of Haji Bektash Veli According to ‘Tezkire-i Eflâkî’, “Haji Bektash" is the caliphate of a saint called "Father Messenger" in Rum. He lived and taught from approximately 1209 to 1271 in Anatolia. Bektashism spread from Anatolia through the Ottomans primarily into the Balkans, where its leaders (known as dedes or babas) helped convert many to Islam. Preview and download books by Huseyin Abiva, including The Makalat of Haji Bektash Veli, Grade 9 - History of Muslim Civilization and many more. It is currently open as a museum and his resting place is still visited by both Sunni and Alevi Muslims. When they saw a spring flowing from the middle of the mekteb, they said, "We have been here before many times and had never seen such spring." Add to Wish List Link to this Book Add to Bookbag Sell this Book Buy it at Amazon Compare Prices. : Come è stato detto nel libro di Hajji Bektash Veli, "Makalât", cercava qualcosa che pensava di trovare a Konya. The Makalat of Haji Bektash Veli: The Discourses of a 13th Century Sufi Master - 2006 by Haji Bektash Veli and Huseyin Abiva; Khadzhi Bektash Veli i sufiskoe bratstvo bektashia - 2011 by Yu. babas. Paperback, 92 Pages This item has not been rated yet . Now the sign of Hazreti Ali was this; in the middle of his blessed hand he had a beautiful mole of emerald tone. More
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Donate Now! Since the very early age he showed rare qualities of intelligence and virtues, which he showed-up in the studies in the Persian schools. Although not as recognized in the West as his contemporary Mevlana Rûmî (d. 1271), the reputation of Hajji Bektash has long spilled over the borders of Anatolia, and he is a figure known and venerated not only by Turks but by Muslims throughout the Balkans.The traditional life of Hajji Bektash is presented in the pages of the Vilâyetnâme-i Haci Bektâş-i Velî, the account of … Galatasaray High School-Wikipedia. Lang: en Haji Bektash Veli or Haji Bektash Wali (Persian: حاجی بکتاش ولی, romanized: Ḥājī Baktāš Walī ، Ottoman Turkish: حاجی بکتاش ولی, romanized: Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli, Albanian: Haxhi Bektash Veliu) (1209 – 1271) was a Muslim mystic, saint, Sayyid, humanist, and philosopher from Khorasan who lived and taught in Anatolia. It is interesting to note that the structured hierarchy of this order helped the Ottoman sultan’s give their famed Janissary Corps a structured organisation. The Makalat of Haji Bektash Veli: The Discourses of a 13th Century Sufi Master: Abiva, Huseyin: Selecteer uw cookievoorkeuren We gebruiken cookies en vergelijkbare tools om uw winkelervaring te verbeteren, onze services aan te bieden, te begrijpen hoe klanten onze services gebruiken zodat we verbeteringen kunnen aanbrengen, en om advertenties weer te geven. Haji bektash veli. HACI BEKTASI VELI. So Hazreti Hunkar Haji Bektash Veli opened his sanctified hand and showed his palm. 169: R. Khanam, Encyclopaedic ethnography of Middle-East and Central Asia, Global Vision Publishing Ho, 2005 (p. 142), The Harvard Theological Review, Cambridge University Press, Vol. Haji bektash veli haci bektas veli. As it was said in Haji Bektash Veli's book, "Makalat", he was looking for something which he was going to find in Konya. by Huseyin Abiva. to continue in way of their patron saint (pir), Haji Bektash Veli. As it was said in Haji Bektash Veli's book, "Makalat", he was looking for something. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. The erenler said, "The Commander of the Faithful also had a beautiful emerald mole on his blessed forehead." 148 pages. The special ceremony named “Semah” and the ritual meeting of “Cem” are important components of Alevi and Bektashi society which are still performed in the 21st century. When the Janissary corps were abolished in 1826 by Sultan Mahmud II the Bektashis suffered the same fate. [citation needed], The main Bektashi tekke is in the town of Hacıbektaş in Central Anatolia, known as Hajibektash complex. During the Ottoman period Bektashi tekkes were set up in Egypt and Iraq, but the order did not take root in these countries. Bektashism, developed on the philosophy of Haci Bektas Veli in the 13th century, is a belief system which has been followed by many believers not only in Anatolia, but also in the Balkans and the Middle East. Haci Bektas Veli is the great Turkish philosopher of the 13th century, the practitioner of Hoca Ahmed Yesevi’s doctrines in Anatolia and the eponym of the Bektashism, a religious order of Alevism. Haji Bektash Veli’s works and features of characteristic language of his time. Haci Bektas Veli Complex has still kept its authenticity and integrity with its components standing strongly and originally. Haji Bektashi Veli, united the Christian residents of Anatolia and Turkoman migrants with their educational and developmental activities and played an important role in the formation of cultural unity and central authority in Anatolia. The Makalat of Haji Bektash [Huseyin Abiva] on Makalat. There is also a Bektashi tekke in Taylor, Michigan, US, founded by Baba Rexheb, who was a famous Bektashi writer on Islamic mysticism and Bektashism. On the other hand, Ibn Khallikan reports that Shī'ite tendencies belonged not to him but rather to his murids, who took refuge in his tekke at Suluca Kara Oyuk in Kırşehir after the Babai Revolt. There is also a Bektashi tekke in Michigan, founded by Baba Rexheb, who was a Bektashi baba and a writer in Islamic mysticism and Bektashism. Haci Bektas Veli died in the Sulucakarahöyük (today's Hacibektas town) around 1270. false, meaning the life is all about the conflict between the truths and falses. © UNESCO World Heritage Centre 1992-2021
Show these marks to us and we shall believe." WANT A NOOK? Price: $15.95 ... being an account of the teachings of its master and eponymic founder, Haji Bektash Veli. The belief system of Bektashism, based on the “Love of Universe-God-Man” has spread rapidly throughout the Anatolia after his death. United Nations, Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Responses, Astronomy and World Heritage Thematic Initiative, Human Evolution: Adaptations, Dispersals and Social Developments (HEADS), Initiative on Heritage of Astronomy, Science and Technology, Initiative on Heritage of Religious Interest, Natural World Heritage in the Congo Basin, Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape, Reducing Disasters Risks at World Heritage Properties, World Heritage and Sustainable Development, World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Programme, World Heritage Centre’s Natural Heritage Strategy, World Heritage Earthen Architecture Programme (WHEAP). Haji bektash veli 12091271 was born in nishapur in khorasan. The Haji title implies that he had made the pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina to perform Hajj. It is believed by Alevis that Hadji Baktāsh Wālī was a teacher of Alevism and that he never started a 'different' Bektashi order. Haji Bektash Veli has been listed as a level-unknown vital article in People, Religious figures. The Makalat of Haji Bektash Veli: The Discourses of a 13th Century Sufi Master (9781563169564) by Haji Bektash Veli and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices. The paternal line of Haji Bektash Veli:[25], Fatimah Zahra (wife of Imam Ali daughter of Prophet Muhammad), From the Vilayetname (or: The Saintly Exploits of Hacı Bektaş Veli):[4], After Lokman Perende had returned from the hajj, the erenler (saints) of Khorasan came to offer him their respects. Lokman Perende said, "Haji Bektash Hunkar is this beloved one," and he then pointed to the young Bektash. Shams Tabrizi - Wikipedia Janissaries were fond of the dervishes of the Bektashi Order, since they regarded Haji Bektash as their convent's chief. Haji Bektash Veli, was born in the town Nisabur, in Khorasan of Persia on 1248 in a family from prophetic background. Description. Lokman Perende replied, "This is by the blessings of Hunkar Haji Bektash." On 15 November 1244, a man in black suit from head to toe, came to the famous inn of Sugar Merchants of Konya. This is one of the key texts of the Bektashi Sufi order, being an account of the teachings of its master and eponymic founder, Haji Bektash Veli. The base of his philosophy lies on humanity, human rights and social equality that he counsels for the man to be modest, to purify his soul, to mature, to abstain from show off and … The publication of the Tentative Lists does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever of the World Heritage Committee or of the World Heritage Centre or of the Secretariat of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its boundaries. Buy The Makalat of Haji Bektash by Huseyin Abiva (Paperback) online at Lulu. My origin and family line is from him. Click here for the lowest price! are fundamental texts containing the basic rites and rules of Bektashism, and these books helped Bektashi . [17][24] Hajji Baktāsh Wālī was the murid of "Lokhmānn Bābā" (Lokhmānn Sarakhsī) who was one of the four most famous murids of Bābā (Eliyās al-Khorāsānī), as well. Traduzioni in contesto per "Haji" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: As it was said in Haji Bektash Veli's book, "Makalat", he was looking for something which he was going to find in Konya. 1st Ed. Shams Tabrizi-Wikipedia. [Offprint]) - 1900 by J. W Crowfoot Details; Description; Reviews; Author: Haji Bektash Veli Translator: Huseyin Abiva. [26], 15th century painting depicting Haji Bektash, located in Hajibektash complex. For these reasons, his silsila gets connected to Ahmad-i Yasavī through two different channels, one by means of "The Wafā’iyyah tariqah" of Abu’l Wafā al-Khwarazmī, and the other through the Qalandar’īyyah Sufi Qutb ad-Dīn Haydar. Haji Hunkar Bektash Veli, author of The Makalat of Haji Bektash Veli / The Discourses of a 13th Century Sufi…, on LibraryThing He was claiming to be a travelling merchant. Greenwood Pub Group Inc. 2011. Haji bektash veli haci bektas veli. Haji bktash oli aji baktas wali. Han är ihågkommen bland annat på grund av den influens han hade på de turkiska nomaderna från Mindre Asien. The Makalat of Haji Bektash Veli: The Discourses of a 13th Century Sufi Master (9781563169564) by Haji Bektash Veli and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices. As it was said in Haji Bektash Veli's book, " Makalat ", he was looking for something which he was going to find in Konya. Janissaries and the recognition that the patriarch of the . Figures in Semah, which represent the movement of a bird (crane) and circulation of planets around the sun, was inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on the 16th November 2010. His original name was "Sayyid Muhammad ibn Sayyid Ibrāhim Ātā". [2] He is also referred to as the Sultan of Hearts[3] and the Derwish of the Derwishes. .) Apparently basing his calculations on Haji Bektash Veli's Maqālāt (Conversations), Aflaki suggests that Shams arrived in Konya at the age of sixty years. The babas of the tekkes and their dervishes were banished to staunchly Sunni villages and towns, and their tekkes were closed or handed over to Sunni Sufi orders (mostly Naqshbandi; for example, the Goztepe Tekke in Istanbul was given to the Naqshbandis during this period). Although the Bektashi order regained many of its lost tekkes during the Tanzimat period, they, along with all other Sufi orders, were banned in Turkey in 1925 as a result of the country's secularization policies and all Bektashi tekkes were closed once more along with all others. dervishes. Then Hunkar Haji Bektash opened his blessed mouth and said, "I am the secret of the exalted Imam Ali, who is the dispenser of the River Kawthar and who is the Lion of Allah, the Emperor of Sainthood and the Commander of the Faithful. January 2008; Authors: H. Özcan. Buy The Magalat of Hajji Bektash Veli by online on at best prices. ; Alevism developed out of the teachings of Haji Bektash Veli, a 13th-century mystic from Khorasan. He is the eponym of the Bektashi Sufi order and is considered as one of the principal teachers of Alevism. Haji Bektash Veli or Ḥājī Baktāsh Walī (Persian: حاجی بکتاش ولی Ḥājī Baktāš Walī; Turkish: Hacı Bektaş Veli) was an Alevi Muslim mystic, saint, Sayyid, humanist and philosopher, who lived from 1209 to 1271. PREFACE This work, the Makalat, is a collection of discourses given by the 13th century Islamic mystic, Haji Bektash Veli. The Complex is also recognized as the belief center by the Alevi and Bektashi people. Mr. Bahâ Sa’id told that there was an interpretation of Fatiha Sura by Haji Bektash in the Library of Tire, which had burnt in the past. The Tentative Lists of States Parties are published by the World Heritage Centre at its website and/or in working documents in order to ensure transparency, access to information and to facilitate harmonization of Tentative Lists at regional and thematic levels. This article has been rated as Start-Class. Large festivals are held there every August. Janissaries were fond of the dervishes of the Bektashi Order, since they regarded Haji Bektash as their convent's chief. "Lokhmānn Bābā," on the other hand, was also a murid of the renowned Qalandariyah Sufi Qutb ad-Dīn Haydar who was the murid of Khwaja Ahmad Yasavī. Haji Bektash Veli eller Hajji Bektash Wali (persiska: حاجی بکتاش ولی Ḥājī Baktāš Walī; turkiska: Hacı Bektaş Veli) var en muslimsk mystiker och humanist från Nishapur, Khorasan, Persien som levde och verkade omkring 1209 till 1271 i Anatolien. The Complex, which had the settlement pattern of the Turkish Palaces with courtyards, around which the units were settled according to their functions, consists of buildings around the 1st courtyard (Nadar), 2nd courtyard (dervish lodge) and 3rd courtyard. Lulu Sales Rank: 55766 . As it was said in Haji Bektash Veli's book, "Makalat", he was looking for something which he was going to find in Konya. Eventually he found Rumi riding Shams-i-Tabrīzī is credited as the spiritual instructor of Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi and is referenced with great reverence in Rumi’s poetic collection, in particular Diwan-i Shams-i Tabrīzī (The Works of Shams of Tabriz). Haji Bektash Veli or Haji Bektash Wali (Persian: حاجی بکتاش ولی, romanized: Ḥājī Baktāš Walī ، Ottoman Turkish: حاجی بکتاش ولی, romanized: Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli, Albanian: Haxhi Bektash Veliu) (1209 – 1271) was a Muslim mystic, saint, Sayyid, humanist, and philosopher from Khorasan who lived and taught in Anatolia. Log in to rate this item. Haji Hunkar Bektash Veli, author of The Makalat of Haji Bektash Veli / The Discourses of a 13th Century Sufi…, on LibraryThing Shams received his education in Tabriz and was a disciple of Baba Kamal al-Din Jumdi. and . Many symbols used in the structuring of the building represent main philosophies of the order. Haji bektash veli. Apart from the fact that there is no site registered on the World Heritage List representing the values of Bektashism, Haci Bektas Veli Complex is the only one which is recognized as the “serçesme (Pir – the founder – the father)” by the Alevi-Bektashi people.
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