skyrim special edition modding

A “plugin” on the other hand is a particular file (esp, esm, or esl) that contains information and edits that the game can load (e.g. Today we are talking to Mangaclub, a long-time member of our modding community and author of some of your favourite weather mods such as Vivid Weathers for Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, and Fallout 4. This will most certainly lead to prior issues. To do so, click on the hyperlink that reads “Not working? Whether this is a good idea depends on the mod and whether the provided plugins are mutually exclusive (several options where you only want to pick one), optional add-ons for the main plugin (in that case it would be safe to enable all of them depending on your preferences), or patches for other mods (in which case you only want to enable them if you are actually using those other mods). Ever since the Special Edition of Skyrim was released, one more addition can be added to that list: modding. The differences? It is with great pleasure to announce that the highly anticipated Skyrim Romance mod for Special Edition has been officially released on Nexus! Required to pick up unhooded Archmage's Robes from Archmage's Quarters. Not Actually needed, but the mod might pop a harmless error without it. Should be in your load order by default anyway. I am using the ropes from heretical resources for this. Falskaar, Ordinator, and the Unofficial Patches are just a few iconic mods that the community has made. Also adds an in-game mod configuration menu several other mods rely on. I mean, it's the Unofficial Patch, I think this should be a requirement for most mods. Using USSEP is really really recommended! Go to and click Mods > Get Vortex in the top navigation. Vortex will automatically switch to that game mode and a tile representing Skyrim Special Edition will appear in the top left. Solo per Pandorable's NPCs - Dawnguard SE ITA - USSEP, Solo per Pandorable's NPCs - Dragonborn SE ITA USSEP, Solo per Pandorable's NPCs SE ITA - USSEP, Solo per Pandorable's NPCs - Males SE ITA - USSEP, Recommended, includes Whiterun Duplicate Texture Fix, Engine fixes required to avoid audio problems. This mod does just what you’d expect. To do so, go to the Vortex Dashboard and click the refresh button () on the starter dashlet. And that’s it! In your mod configuration menu, you should now see Immersive Armors where you will be able to e.g. Contains some fixes that I included in my mod. You should be using USSEP anyway regardless. Hopefully, following this guide you are now equipped with the knowledge to add many more mods to your game - if you so desire. Once your game appears in the “Discovered” tab, put your mouse over the game tile and click “Manage”. If you followed the above steps and extracted SKSE64 to the correct folder, Vortex should be able to find SKSE64 and fill in the previously greyed out tool. Only required for the optional USSEP consistency patches. If you think you've found an issue with a fix, please report it to us. Not necessary for the mod to work, though it comes HIGHLY recommended. These steps will walk you through downloading, installing, and setting up both Sky UI and SKSE64. Very good! Okay, the first thing I have to say, is wait. It is commonplace for players to mod Skyrim prior to playing, with "playing the vanilla game" described as "a little subversive" due to the game's outdated mechanics. Most, but not all mods contain one or several plugins (usually esp files). Your plugin view should now look like this: Congratulations! The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition; New to modding xbox one; User Info: WereFurbs. This interface replacer makes Skyrim feel like it was designed for mouse controls, and lets you filter and sort inventory based on weight, value, damage and the like. (optional) contains an important mesh fix that's relevant for this mod. Required as master for both this patch and RND. On the other hand, some mods consist of just a plugin file (simple patches or bugfixes that require no additional files), and no other files. Open up the mod page by clicking the mod tile. With an updated 64 bit engine (basically just an outdated Fallout 4 engine) and DX 11 so the game can stop crashing every 10 minutes. That’s what my Skyrim Special Edition modding guides are here for. Wait for LOOT 0.10 and the new mod manager by Nexus. Vortex will now display another notification where you can choose to enable the installed mod by clicking the “Enable” button: Clicking the “Enable” button will do the following: Note: While many mods for Skyrim Special Edition (as well as other Bethesda games) come with a plugin, not every mod does. Since Sky UI has a pre-requisite (SKSE64) it will open up another module informing you of the requirement: For now, let us focus on downloading Sky UI (we will download and install SKSE64 after that). Most mods are downloaded via the “Download: Vortex” button in the top right corner on a given mod page. Not really needed, but kinda useless without. Sky UI is a mod that primarily overhauls the interface for Skyrim Special Edition, but more than that it is required for many other mods and adds a user-friendly mod menu (MCM - Mod Configuration Menu) to the game. Mod master. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - Russian Localisation, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - Traduzione Italiana, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch PL (spolszczenie), Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch Czech, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - TURKISH TRANSLATION, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - Brazilian Portuguese Translation, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch 4.2.4b DV, Chinese Localisation of Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch by WOK Studios, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch e Skyrim Special Edition Traducao em PT-BR, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch Spanish, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch FRENCH_Traduction Francaise, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - Spanish, Unofficial Skyrim SE patch - russian translation, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - Vietnamese Patch, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch Hungarian translation, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch UA, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - German - Deutsch, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch Translation PT BR 4.2.3, Chinese Translation for Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - ITA Traduzione, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - Turkish Translation (v4.2.0), Unofficial Skyrim SE Patch - SPANISH TRADUCCION, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch Translation Turkish, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - translation brazilian portuguese PT-BR -Version 4.1.3b, Traducao Completa PT-BR Skyrim Special Edition e Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch Turkish Translation, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - Turkish Translate, Russian Translation (only text) for Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch - Spanish-, 100 Resistance Cap AND NO Stacking Enchantments or Alchemy, A Rose in the Snow - Skyrim Ladies Overhaul, Aetherial Crown by Saerileth - Plugin Replacer (WACCF Compatibility and ESL), AI Overhaul - Diversity and A Rose In The Snow Patch, Akaviri Edge - Blades' Sword and Akaviri Sword Replacers, All Thieves Guild Jobs Concurrently - spolszczenie (polish translation), Alternate Dragon Priest Masks Armour Types, Alternate Location - Beyond Skyrim Wares of Tamriel and Haafingar Expanded Patch, Alternate Start - Live Another Life - SSE, Ambient Lighting Combined - ELFX with Shadows, aMidianBorn Content Addon - Chinese Translation, aMidianBorn Content Addon - Traduzione Italiana, ARGO - Armor Related Gameplay Overhaul by Pumpkin, Authentic Legion - USSEP and WACCF Patches, AZ's Lydia Replacer or Ama Standalone Follower SE, Basic save files for Skyrim Special Edition, BD's Armor and Clothes Standalone - CBBE 3BBB, Beards of Power - Sons of Skyrim - Npc replacer, BeastHHBB - Beast Hair Horn Beard and Brow - Vanilla based character creation options and NPC replacer for Khajiit and Argonians, Berserker Mode - Boss - Follower - Transformation - Spells, Berserker Warrior LITE for those who prefer more realism and difficulty, Better Start Timing for Dawnguard and Dragonborn, Beyond Skyrim Equipment Variant Names (BSEVN), Bijin All-In-One - Hair Physics Patch (KS Hairdos - HDT SMP), Bijin Warmaidens SE - Italian Translation, Bounty Hunter (Radiant quest reward perk point), Bribing Brynjolf - Alternative MQ Progression, Bring Out Your Dead - Spanish - Translations Of Franky - TOF, Build Your Own Unique. for SE players wanting a fast ready to mod setup. Once the download is finished, open the *.exe file to run the installation. If you followed the steps outlined above, your plugin list in Vortex (Sidemenu / navigation area > Plugins) should now look like this:  Congratulations! Immersive Armors and Immersive Weapons are two mods that add plenty of lore-friendly armours and weapons to the base game in a seamless way. Skyrim Special Edition's base offering of armors will see you unlocking quite a few on your way the badass looking Daedric Armor, however, even so, their numbers are fairly limited. USSEP changes something on LItem: "meat pie". It gives every merchant in the game 10,000 gold so they can finally be able to afford all the junk you’re selling. Log in to view your list of favourite games. This MOD's Facegen is based on USEEP. This is because we have installed SKSE64 manually by extracting its contents directly into the game folder, rather than using Vortex to do that. * Assets such as mesh files (.nif), textures, scripts, audio files, and other things found in the BSA may be freely used as the basis for your own work in order to help prevent fixes from being lost due to work starting from broken vanilla assets instead. Unlike other guides out there that hold your hand and treat you as a child through every minute decision, this one will focus on turning you into an intelligent and well-informed modder. Solo per The Ordinary Women SSE ITA USSEP. You have just installed and enabled your first five mods! If your search is sorted by endorsements (default), the “Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch” should appear as the first mod in the list for results. a more or less involved (depending on the mod) installation menus with several options to pick and choose from. In order to pick the version of the mod that you want, click on the “Files” tab on the mod page to show the various main files: Once you have decided on the version you want, click the “Mod Manager Download” button on that file. Once that is done, click on the three dots next to the newly added tool and select “Make primary”: Vortex will indicate a tool that has been set as primary by adding a little banner next to its icon on the starter dashlet. Of course, this is nowhere near an exhaustive list. Immersive Armors comes with something that is often referred to as a “scripted installer” or “FOMOD”, which is, essentially, a little mod installation menu that allows you to pick and choose various options. All of these mods are available for Skyrim Special Edition on the PC, but mods available on other platforms are listed as well. Hard requirement, always useful anyway. the position of a mod-added rock in the world). Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch. If you want to disable the mod, you need to navigate to your mod list (not plugin list) and disable the mod from there. * Altering fixes is specifically prohibited as this tends to lead to serious problems. We hope you will enjoy it! This mod allows you to use ENB shaders and presets to bring Skyrim’s visuals inline with … That being said, Vortex does not just automatically take over mod management for a particular game - in case you would rather manage it yourself or with another tool. There are also some things that you might (optionally) want to customise to your liking. Navigate to the Skyrim Special Edition section on the website. Skyrim 2020 Version 3.5 is 5.4GB in size and overhauls numerous textures. (Alternatively, you can type “Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch” in the search bar at the top right or use this link to get to the mod page directly: While you can download the mod the same way you downloaded the others (via the Download: Vortex button in the top right) note that this will grab the main file which the author has set as the main Vortex file. Will fix bugs with how the two perks work. Lastly - and this is the case with Immersive Armors’ plugins - some mods may come with multiple plugins where one plugin is the main plugin for the mod, and other plugins adding additional, optional features. a blue and a red version of an armour) go to the “Files” tab and click the button that reads  “Mod manager download” on a given file to have Vortex download that file. Unlike the Unofficial Patch, Immersive Armors is a big mod (1 GB) so it might take a while to finish downloading. This will deploy your mod(s) to the game folder (provided that “Deploy mods when Enabled” in your settings is active, which is the case by default). Originally released in 2011, the game has seen several re-releases on different platforms and even a remaster in 2016 with Skyrim: Special Edition.Combined with its active modding community, there is a multitude of ways to enhance and improve Skyrim for a new playthrough. Enderal's creators have moved on to a new project, but fans of the mod have created a version that will work with Skyrim Special Edition if you're avoiding going back to oldrim for your modding needs.. Enderal's creators SureAI released the final update to their huge Skyrim … Not needed for optional file (no-USSEP version), Required to forward certain fixes to certain enemy encounters in RotE 2016 Modified. for Morrowloot Miscellania - Item Distribution, Daedric Crafting Requirements, Ancient Nord Hero Weapons, Highly Recommended, not a hard requirement, Not needed but I forwarded bug fixes from the unofficial patch. It's 2019 I have no idea why you still don't use it. Author of the original mod says in the file description that USSEP is necessary. Exploring Skyrim - A RP-Friendly Modlist for LOTD. Similar complementary mods are included below a mod if one exists. Other than Sky UI and the Unofficial Patch, however, Immersive Armors comes with multiple plugin files and Vortex will, therefore, now ask you whether you want to enable them all: Whether it is safe to enable all plugins on a given mod or not, cannot be answered in general. Only required for the Enhanced Landscapes - Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch Patch, Required for most files and always good to have in general. Vortex will install on C: (note that this is just Vortex and the files it requires to function which amount to around 70 MB). Start by reading the Quickstart.html in the Standalone download. This is a requirement. Click the hyperlink to download the 7z archive for the Current SE build: Open the 7z archive you have just downloaded with your preferred application (e.g. Please see our readme in the download. Open Vortex and click the red icon in the top right corner. Required for fixes to the quest status of the Attunement Sphere and Runed Lexicon. Jump to: navigation, search. The installation process for most mods is straightforward: click “Install” when prompted by Vortex and wait for the mod to be extracted. The remastered special edition of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim launched at midnight Friday morning, and it represents a unique opportunity for console players to … It got refined and has grown ever since and became a resource… for LE players to make an easy move to SE with a ready to mod setup. Many, though not all, mods will come with a mod specific sub-menu within the MCM that will allow you to tweak certain aspects of a given mod. Sometimes mods come with several plugins and Vortex will ask you whether you want to enable all of them after installation. Room bounds and stuff added by USLEEP, had to be changed so it would work right. Not technically required, but strongly suggested. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Special Edition) The Special Edition includes the critically acclaimed game and add-ons with all-new features like remastered art and effects, volumetric god rays, dynamic depth of field, screen-space reflections, and more. 7-zip). the file archives) to be stored. Note: some misconfigured anti virus programs might rename the *.exe to something else, in that case, rename the downloaded file to *.exe and open it to run the installation. Yes, you understood correctly... this is the new version of Lady Body v.3 replacer exclusively for the Skyrim Special Edition version of the game. If you want to pick and choose a main file (when a mod has more than one e.g. Skyrim is known for its robust modding community, a group that has even gone so far as … Skyrim Special Edition also brings the … Please make sure that enough disk space is available and remain patient, as your mods will be copied over. Thank you everyone for your patience and endless support. All credits must be properly maintained, and you are responsible for making sure the updates are taken care of on the site it's uploaded to. The good news is, Skyrim Special Edition is a (marginally) improved version of the now 6 year old game. Skyrim: Special Edition requires some considerable PC specifications for a smooth experience, especially if you plan on modding. As for Immersive Armors, if you navigate to your plugins view, you will find two different plugins (Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp and Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp) which are currently disabled (and, therefore, not sorted): image. Please Endorse and vote for us <3. Skyrim comes in 3 flavors - Oldrim (Original Skyrim with, or without, the DLC), Legendary Edition (Skyrim with all DLC already installed), and Skyrim Special Edition. It is, therefore, highly recommended. Skyrim Special Edition: best mods on PS4 and Xbox One. DynDOLOD beta for Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim VR and Enderal SE | Skyrim/Enderal | What is DynDOLOD? For a recap on how to install SKSE64 manually, as well as for instructions on how to install it via Vortex, please consult our wiki: Tool Setup: Script Extenders. Setting SKSE64 as primary will instruct Vortex to always run SKSE64 whenever you launch the game via Vortex from the play button in the top left corner: It is required to launch the game with this setting in order for SKSE64 to be active, which is a requirement for many mods including Sky UI, which is a. Some esps specify this file as master and it cannot be cleaned, suggesting USSEP is likely a requirement of one of the original mods. A comprehensive bugfixing mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition. I cant support people who dont use USSEP. And earlier this week, modder ‘Pfuscher’ released a brand new version of his HD Texture Pack for Skyrim Special Edition. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch) Structure … From Nexus Mods Wiki. Due to how the Bethesda games work (including Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition), the Mod Staging Folder must be on the same partition as the game. Required for USSEP, WACCF and MLU versions. Some mods will provide several plugins in order to give players options. Managed - Games currently handled by Vortex. The Special Edition includes the critically acclaimed game and add-ons with all-new features like remastered art and effects, volumetric god rays, dynamic depth of field, screen-space reflections, and more. The game has a large adult modding scene. BigBizkit: Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. Use patch for this INSTEAD OF the BaseGame patch. Carries over race adjustments from USSEP. Go to the page for Immersive Armors ( and click the “Download: Vortex” button to trigger the download. Unlike Immersive Armors, Immersive Weapons does not come with a scripted installer or multiple plugins, so it installs similarly to e.g. Once that is done, you can enable the mod by clicking “Enable”. Purpose is to give the mod users the option to restore these objects after cleaning their saves for mod version update. Please try to be sure any changes to things which have been fixed do not cause further problems as we will not be able to provide support under those conditions. * The Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch may not be included in any "mod packs" under any circumstances. Once it is done, enable the mod by clicking “Enable” in the following notification: Go back to your tab with the download module opened (or bring it up again by clicking the “Download: Vortex” button). Enderal's creators have moved on to a new project, but fans of the mod have created a version that will work with Skyrim Special Edition if you're avoiding going back to oldrim for your modding needs.. Enderal's creators SureAI released the final update to their huge Skyrim … True Skyrim - Cold and Harsh. Note: if authorising via the website fails, you can try to log in manually. Summary: Skyrim Special Edition brings the epic fantasy to life in detail. While Vortex will always install the files it needs in order to work to your C drive, you are free to choose the location where you want your downloaded mods (i.e. Enchanting and Disenchanting, BUVARP SE - Barely Used Vanilla Actors Recycle Project for SE, Certainly Less Annoying Wildlife Spawns - CLAWS, Children of Skyrim - Warriors in Training SE Enhanced, Chinese Localisation of College of Winterhold The Missing Apprentices Quest Fix, Chinese Localisation of Unplayable Faction Armors SSE, Chinese Translation for Cutting Room Floor, CiceReal Placer - Cicero Replacer (CBBE-UNP-UUNP-Vanilla), Cities of the North - Dawnstar - TRADUZIONE ITALIANA - SKI, Cities of the North - Morthal - Polish Translation, Cities of the North - Morthal - TRADUZIONE ITALIANA - SKI, Cities of the North - Winterhold - Polish Translation, Civil War Faction Variety and Gear Overhaul, Classic RPG Archtypes AND FULL NPC Perks GAME OVERHAUL, Cleric RolePlay...Dungeons and Dragons Inspired, Coins of Tamriel - Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch Bugfix, College of Winterhold The Missing Apprentices Quest Fix - ITA, Combat Gameplay Overhaul Personal Patches, Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade LEGACY - Patch and Instructions, Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered - Traduzione Italiana, Consistent Older People - Russian translation, Consistent Older People - Spanish - Translations Of Franky - TOF, Containers and Leveled Lists Fixes - Complete Loot Overhaul, Cooking Facilities in Inns (and Kynesgrove), Curse of the Dragonborn -- A Vampire and Werewolf Hybrid Mod, Curse of the Undying - Undead Resurrect - Spell Perk Item Distributor Addon, Cutting Room Floor - Alteration Armor Shield Spell Fix - SPANISH, Cutting Room Floor - Russian Localisation, Cutting Room Floor - Traducao PT-BR - 3.1.8a, Daedric and Dragonbone Weapons and Armor Revised, Dark Brotherhood Reborn - Patch Collection, DARK's xEdit Compatibility Patches For Various Mods, Dawnguard - Tweaks and Enhancements - Traduzione Italiana, DEAL - Dragonsreach Entrance Aquatic Life, Destroy the Thieves Guild - Special Edition, Distinct Interiors - Immersive Citizens Patch, Diversified Horses - Improved Vanilla Horses Speed and Stats, DMT's All Dogs Go To Sovngarde V3 Pet Overhaul, DMT's Hircine's Secret Cow Level Hunting Grounds, DMT's No More Motion Sickness or Epileptic shock, DMT's Skyhaven Temple Extreme Restoration (Blades Overhaul), Dragon Aspect - Remove Ancient Dragonborn, Dungeons and Dovahs - Standalone Movement, DWcool Ladies of Whiterun NPC Replacer SSE - Default Body and Textures, Dynamic Immersive Seriously Dark Dungeons - SE, Dynamic Outfits (UNP Version) - NPCs Change Clothes Based on the Situation, Eating animations - My HD version - No double sounds - And patches SE, Eating Animations and Sounds SE Creation Club Survival Patch, Economy Overhaul and Speechcraft Improvements, Economy Overhaul and Speechcraft Improvements - PORTUGUES BR, EEK's Belethors General Goods Overhaul SSE, Elemental Dragons And Deadly Dragons (PATCH), elwaps' Guides and Enhanced Landscapes Patches, Enchantable Dawnguard Rune Hammer and Rune Shield, Enchanting Adjustments and Price-Charge Bug Fix, Enchanting Adjustments and Price-Charge Bug Fix - Czech, Enchanting Adjustments and Price-Charge Bug Fix - PORTUGUES BR, Enchantments and Potions Work for NPCs - EPW4NPCs (SKSE64) (SPID Plugin ini), Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - Special Edition, Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE) - Special Edition - Polish Translation (2020), Enhanced Slightly Mighty Dragons V4 by Sands of Time Team, Even Better Quest Objectives - EBQO - TRADUZIONE ITALIANA -SKI-, Even Better Quest Objectives SE - EBQO SE, EVW SE - Female Argonian And Khajiit Beast Race Followers, Extra Guards SE - Kaptain's Cut - Polish Translation, Faces of Skyrim - CBBE SMP CBPC 3BBB NeverNude, Fangs of Oblivion - A Daedric Artifact Overhaul, Finding Helgi... and Laelette - A Laid to Rest Overhaul, Fix - Missing in Action - General Tullius now gives the Imperial Order (SSE Conversion), Fluff's Hybrid Khajiit and Argonian Patches, Forgotten Artifacts and Unique Items - SE, Further Skyrim Sewers - Outlaws Refuges - Patch, Gman749's Ladies of Riften NPC Replacer SSE - Default Body - CBBE or UNP Textures, Guards Armor Replacer SSE Civil War Patch, Hamlets Of The Pale - Spanish Translation, Harvest Overhaul Redone - It's a full release after all, Hearthfire No Material Requirements - USSEP Patch, High Poly NPC Overhaul - Skyrim Special Edition, High Poly NPC Overhaul - Skyrim Special Edition 2.0 (All Vanilla NPCs), Hoarder - Completed Save Files for Skyrim Special Edition, Hold Guard Armour (HGA) - Guard Diversity Configuration, Holy Weapons (Turn Undead Enchantment) do xtra Damage vs Undead, Humanized Beast Races - Argonian and Khajiit Race Replacer, I'm Glad You're Here - a follower and spouse appreciation mod - SSE, Immersive Armors and Unplayable Faction Armors Fix, Immersive College of Winterhold - Chinese Translation, Immersive College of Winterhold - Deutsch, Immersive College of Winterhold - TRADUZIONE ITALIANA -SKI-, Immersive College Skyrim 3D Trees Compatibility Fix, Immersive Fort Dawnguard - Polish Translation, Immersive Ingestibles Reborn - a Food and Cooking Overhaul, Improved Closefaced helmets with Circlets - SSE, JK Skyrim The Great City of Dawnstar Patch, Khajiit Speak - Complete Dialogue Overhaul (Special Edition), Kip Ahrk Bahlok - Food and Hunger - A Survival Mode Overhaul, Kireina Skyrim SE - Human and Elf Facegen Overhaul, Know Your Enemy - Trait-based resistances and weaknesses, KSHair FaceGen Export Rig - Modder's Resource, Legacy of the Dragonborn Patch - Immersive College of Winterhold, lilebonymace's patches xEdit scripts and stuff, Longer Lasting (and increased number of) Dead Bodies and Corpses, LOTD Museum Dress-Up for Blue Palace Terrace, Marigwen's Recipes (for Requiem 3.4.0 SSE), Marsha - Follower and Elisif Jordis Replacers SE, MBWS Male Housecarl NPC Replacer SSE - Default body - UNP or CBBE textures, MBWS NPC Replacer Karliah and Vex SSE - Default Body with UUNP or CBBE textures, Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Quests, MisterB's Treasures and Artifacts - Chinese Translation, Modular Blue Palace Terrace and Solitude Patches, Modular PatchXPress - Repository Of Patches And Novel Creations, More Horses (Foals Herds Saddles and More), More Tavern Idles for Realistic Room Rental Enhanced, MorrowLoot Ultimate and Complete Crafting Overhaul Remastered Patch, Nether's Follower Framework - Spanish Translation (FULL MOD), Nether's Follower Framework- Traduzione Italiana, New Beginnings - Live Another Life Extension SSE, New Fruit for Realistic Needs and Diseases, Not Quite Vanilla NPC Overhaul - Argonians, NPCs Protected Redux - Russian translation (SE), NPCs Protected Redux - Spanish - Translations Of Franky - TOF, Opulent Outfits - Mage Robes of Winterhold 2020-SSE, Opulent Outfits - Mage Robes of Winterhold 2020-SSE - RU, Ordinator - Buffed Frenzy and Fear Poisons, OregonPete's Forsworn Makeover --Female Edition--, OregonPete's NPC Makeover --Female Edition--, Pandorable's NPCs - Dawnguard - Italian Translation, Pandorable's NPCs - Dragonborn - Italian Translation, Pandorable's NPCs - Dragonborn Spanish by xlwarrior, Pandorable's NPCs - Males - Italian Translation, Patches for Diversity - A Character Overhaul, Patches for nerad137's Minimalistic Modding Guide, Penitus Oculatas Hostile when provoked-crimes, Penitus Oculatus Outpost Overhaul Upgraded, Perseids Inns and Taverns - Realistic Room Rental Enhanced, Practical Pirate Outfit Distribution and Pirate Mini-Overhaul, Pride of Skyrim 10 - Falkreath Riverwood Whiterun Male NPC Overhaul, Pride of Skyrim 2 - Men of the Thieves Guild NPC Overhaul, Pride of Skyrim 3 - Men of the Companions NPC Overhaul, Pride of Skyrim 4 - Men of Riften NPC Overhaul, Pride of Skyrim 5 - Men of the Reach NPC Overhaul, Pride of Skyrim 6 - Men of Winterhold NPC Overhaul, Pride of Skyrim 7 - Men of Windhelm NPC Overhaul, Pride of Skyrim 8 - Men of Solitude NPC Overhaul, Pride of Skyrim 9 - Small Town Men NPC Overhaul, Proudspire Manor Remodel - Bourgeois Apartment - SE, QUARK - Qwinn's Ultimate Amulet Restoration Kit, QUASIPC - Qwinn's Unified Automated Self Installing Patch Compendium, Realistic Needs and Diseases - Food and Healing Patch, Realistic Needs and Diseases - Frostfall patch, Realistic Needs and Diseases Patch for Tamrielic Culture, Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO - Deutsche Sprachausgabe, Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - Update and MCM, Relighting Skyrim - SSE - German Translation (2020), Relighting Skyrim - SSE - Italian Translation, Relighting Skyrim - SSE - Polish Translation, Relighting Skyrim - SSE PL (Polish Translation), Remove Text Spoilers Of Vanilla Loading Screens, Requiem - 3Tweaks plus Community Additions and Patches, Requiem - Guards Armor Replacer Patch for 4.0.1, Requiem for a Knave - Gameplay Tweaks and Patch Collection for Requiem, Respectable Inventory -- Well-Stocked Alchemists, Restoration is a Valid School - Healing Change, Revenge Of the Enemies Legacy Version 1.95 Modified SE, Revenge of the Enemies Rescaled Immunities Patch, Revert Fortify loop and Caravan Chests(hidden chests) from USSEP, Royal Armory - New Artifacts Plugin Replacer, Serana Dialogue Edit - Skyrim Special Edition, Serana Dialogue Edit - Skyrim Special Edition (Voces y Textos), Shezarrine - The Fate of Tamriel - Prologue, Simple Better Difficulty Modes - PROJECT K.I.S.S, Simple Children - USSEP Aventus Aretino Patch (Fixes Infinite Loading Screen problem), Simple weight change of some items SE (EN_RU), Sindora's Morthal Blacksmith (Medieval Style), Skills of the Wild - New Campfire Survival Skill Trees, Skyrim Beautiful Followers - SBF - USSEP Patch, Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes Ab 5.9 Deutsch (german), Skyrim Modesty Mod SSE - Standalone Version with Integration, Skyrim Realistic Conquering - Robber's Gorge, Skyrim Realistic Conquering - White River Watch, Skyrim Realistic Conquering - Bannermist Tower, Skyrim Realistic Conquering - Cracked Tusk Keep, Skyrim Realistic Conquering - Embershard Mine, Skyrim Realistic Conquering - Peak's Shade Tower and Pinewatch Checkpoint, Skyrim Realistic Conquering - Rift Watchtower, Skyrim Realistic Conquering - Riverside Shack, Skyrim Realistic Conquering - Shor's Watchtower, Skyrim Realistic Conquering - Skybound Watch, Skyrim Realistic Conquering - Snowpoint Beacon, Skyrim Realistic Conquering - Swindler's Den, Skyrim Realistic Conquering - Traitor's Post, Skyrim Witcher Experience Enhanced - SSE Port, Smithing Reforged - Resource Gathering in Skyrim, Solitude Museum - Unique Artifacts and Item Displays, Staff of Magnus Single Shot (Projectile Change), Tamriel Master Lights - Polish Translation, Thanedom of Heljarchen - Spanish Translation, The Child Of Darkness Followers SSE - Physics - CBBE UNP UNPB 7BB, The courrier is now a Giant FrostBite spider....I'm sorry, The Ordinary Women - Hair Physics Version, The Ordinary Women SSE - Italian Translation, The Pale Lord - Scripted Vampire Follower, The People Of Skyrim Complete SSE - Spanish Translation, The People of Skyrim Complete SSE - TRADUZIONE ITALIANA -SKI-, The Seaside Library for Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE, The Wandering Dead of Angarvunde SE - A Miscellaneous to Side Quest Transformation, The Woodcutter Revised - Craft (Almost) Everything, Torch Particle System Renewal And Lighting Refinement, True Hunter - fewer animals per square meter, TUCOGUIDE - Modlist guide and tutorial for Mod Organizer 2, Unique Grimsever and Stormfang 2K retexture, Unique Items Tweaks - Improved Miscellaneous Artifacts, Unique Uniques - Plugin Replacer (WACCF Compatibility and ESL), Unleveled Leveled Lists and Maxed-out NPCs, Unlimited Training Per Level AND Slower Skill Usage Leveling, Unofficial Skyrim Creation Club Content Patches, Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Audio Files, USSEP - Improved Bards - AI Overhaul Patch, USSEP - Inhabitants of Skyrim - AI Overhaul Patch, USSEP - Male NPC Overhaul for SAM Light - AI Overhaul Patch, USSEP - Metalsabers Beautiful Orcs of Skyrim - AI Overhaul Patch, USSEP - Northbourne NPCs - AI Overhaul Patches' Compendium, USSEP - The Ordinary Women - AI Overhaul Patch, USSEP bugfix incorporation to SSoB Deutsch (german), Vampire Lord Drain and Normal Drain is a Destruction spell SSE, Vampiric Thirst Reborn (Vampire Overhaul Mod), Vaultman30's Armor Extended - Unofficial SSE Port, Warm Drinks SSE - Simple Tea And Coffee Recipes - for Campfire, Warm Drinks SSE - Simple Tea And Coffee Recipes - for Campfire (Russian translation), Waterwalking Enchantment - Disenchantable, Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes - PORTUGUES BR, Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes - Ukrainian, Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes French, Well Fed - Vanilla Plus Food Overhaul (Survival Compatible), Wind's Rest Estate SE - Hearthfire Compatibility Patch, Window Shadows by HHaleyy - German Translation (2021), Window Shadows by HHaleyy - Polish Translation, Window Shadows de HHaleyy SPANISH 7.4 by xlwarrior, Window Shadows USSEP Patch - Polish Translation, Wolf Queen Awakened - Shorter Start Delay, Wulftur's Lodge - Mistress Kira's Fine Adornments Merged SE, Yet another Ordinator tweak with a side of Vokrii, YOT - Your Own Thoughts SE - First Person Messages, Your Soul Is Mine - Soul Gem Relinquishment, USSEP's threads on the AFK Mods forum here, Frequently Asked Questions - About the Project, Bug Fixes Recommended in Addition to the Unofficial Patch, Female follower(s) with sultry voice won't have all dialogue options without this, HARD REQUIREMENT- the game will crash on startup without this mod.
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