Though she's not a main character in the Attack On Titan anime, plenty of cosplayers endeavored to recreate the lovely heroine Sasha Blouse. A debate begins over who should receive Eren's Titan powers in five years and Sasha volunteers along with the others, arguing back and forth with Conny over who is more intelligent. [3], Four years after reclaiming Wall Maria, she had proven to be very proficient in using bolt action rifles, fatally sniping down multiple Marleyan soldiers from a rooftop in only a couple of seconds and sniping a gunner through a narrow opening in the middle of a firefight.[7][49]. As she loses consciousness, Sasha is carried away from the battle by a panicked Conny. Everyone is knocked off the Wall and Sasha manages to save Samuel Linke-Jackson from falling to the ground. Sasha and the rest of Squad Levi avoid being captured, and camp out in the woods outside of Stohess. Instagram user @miikhydeafening is a cosplayer hailing from Italy with a clear love for all things anime. Attack on Titan Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. [45] Later, she rejoins the other Scouts to be exonerated with a medal for her role in the recent battle. He admits she tried to convince him of the benefits of staying in the Military Police, claiming that he had been forced to tell her off for her selfish behavior. Jean orders the team to get on Eren to save gas as they move to the river, where Eren unsuccessfully tries to draw Bertholdt's attention from the rest of the Scouts. Sasha and Conny attempt to use their Thunder Spears to blow open Reiner's mouth, but Sasha is severely injured when Reiner uses debris from nearby houses to defend himself and her Thunder Spear misses its mark. She joins the North Squad to help evacuate the villagers in the northern part. Birthplace The animation, the ODM VS Titan action sequences, the soundtrack, the story, and, perhaps the anime's strongest suit, it's characters. Following the battle, Dimo Reeves agrees to help Levi's squad and tricks two Military Police of the First Interior Squad to come with him to a remote cabin, where Squad Levi takes them hostage at gunpoint. One of the earliest characters to join Eren in his journey, Sasha's death is … Her bangs were parted slightly on the right cascading down each side of her face and stopping around the middle of her neck. Enraged, the Titan charges at her, but Sasha escapes as Jean and the other soldiers fire a barrage of Thunder Spears at it. Sasha and Conny block off one of the traveling roads, forcing the thieves to opt for a narrower path. The squad pursues the kidnappers to their hideout, where Sasha helps rescue the two of them. As well as physical abilities, Sasha has good knowledge of wild animals and utilizing her hunter experience (shown when the Female Titan screamed), she knew exactly what the scream meant (a distress cry; danger) and that they should be wary of it. Here's Sasha's exit story from the Attack On Titan manga explained. 0. Over time she becomes acquainted with one of the captured Marleyan soldiers, Niccolo, bonding with him over her love of his cooking. Titan kills [13], She successfully reaches the headquarters, where Armin devises a plan to clear the supply room of Titans. On some occasions, she even wore a sleeveless vest over her blouse. 850 Sasha Braus is a member of the Scout Regiment, ranking 9th among the 104th Cadet Corps. She decides to buy time by blinding the Titan and climbs a short incline for a better shot. [47], A year later Sasha assists Conny, Jean, Armin, Mikasa, and Eren in building a railway line. One such character is Sasha Blouse. Gender Other spellings Like many of her fellow cadets, Sasha gradually begins to slack off during training exercises that will not go towards helping her graduate in the top 10. Sasha is in a team for the drill, namely with Conny Springer and Reiner Braun. [31] To the entire squad's delight, it is Hange, who informs them that the Scout Regiment has been exonerated, and that they have a lead on Eren and Historia's whereabouts.[32]. Chan puts in Titan blood, sweat, and tears with her efforts when cosplaying Sasha. French cosplayer @naako.o17 has recreated a diverse number of various characters from various anime, including Naruto, Cells at Work, and, of course, Sasha from Attack on Titan. 9th[3] Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. From the first time we're introduced to her after she shows up a military drill chomping down on a potato to the time we learn about her life as a member of a small hunting community, Sasha is a delight. [3] She enthusiastically predicts that after they retake Wall Maria, they will be able to keep cows and sheep. On missions, she wore the standard Scout Regiment uniform with a light gray shirt underneath. She shoots barrels full of gunpowder and oil with gas canisters attached with fire arrows, making them explode and creating a smokescreen that hides the squad. Her Sasha cosplay is truly one of love, effort, and time, and it comes with her own ODM gear and Titan-slaying blades. It is Jean's turn next, and he presents an omelet to Pyxis. [22], Sasha and Armin blown away by the Colossal and Armored Titans' transformation, When Reiner and Bertholdt reveal their true identities atop Wall Rose, Sasha is nearly thrown from the Wall by their transformations. To Sasha's shock, Levi kills a soldier pursuing him and orders the squad to chase the wagon and kill their opponents, given the chance. [8] She is later shown to be able to disarm a person without any injury to the said person with archery alone. Seeing the meat, Sasha goes crazy and tries to eat it all by herself. Sasha is ranked one of the top 10 cadets of her squad, implying good physical abilities. Expecting Levi to retaliate, the squad is surprised when he reacts by smiling and thanking them.[36]. after stealing a potato and absent-mindedly explaining herself when her superior caught her. Sasha physically shields Armin from the resulting blast. What if Gabi and Falco switched rolls where Falco killed Sasha and Gabi was the one who realized the people of Paradis weren't devils? When not on missions, she wore a simple long sleeved blouse with a skirt that slightly covers her boots. Also, did we mention how awesome her makeshift ODM gear is? was a member of the Scout Regiment and one of the few former members of the 104th Cadet Corps, of which she was ranked 9th out of the top 10. In the year 854, Sasha had grown taller and her hair was cut shorter with longer bangs, exposing more of her face. He fails to stop her, and as she devours the meat he wearily explains to her why it is important to keep the food: after the fall of Wall Maria, many refugees have come to Wall Rose's lands, which has resulted in a food shortage due to the extra mouths to feed. Deceased Having missed two shots, Sasha scores a direct hit in the Titan's eye with her third arrow. [12], Sasha later graduates in the ninth position among the top ten cadets. From her costume, hair, makeup, editing, props, and locations used, @manu_grimm_ goes all the way with her cosplay efforts, especially when she dons her Sasha cosplay. Sasha tries to convince the remaining cadets to try retaking the headquarters together, but is unable to convince them. You gotta love the expression on her face in the photograph with the potato; if that doesn't scream Sasha, then we don't know what does. She realizes that they should be much more careful than before and warns Mikasa, who is about to run into the fray, about it. [1] As punishment, she is made to choose between skipping dinner, or run around the premises until she is on the brink of death. Acting Information He finally states that he wants to live with his clan, even if it means to change their way of life. She was also commented to have a better sense of balance than some of the other cadets. During the entire meeting, Sasha keeps her distance from Keith, traumatized by the numerous times he disciplined her during her time as a cadet.[37]. [8] She was rather simple-minded and eccentric, but, surprisingly, her intuition was very sharp, surprisingly courageous, and she had been considered a wise judge of circumstances and danger.[3][9]. "Blouse" (Brauss) comes from the German saying "in Sauß und Brauss leben," meaning "to live off the fat of the land," a phrase she herself quotes. Lisa Chan is another cosplayer who truly deserves more followers. She only cared about herself and her village, and was very aggravated by all of the people from Wall Maria coming in and hunting all the game they once hunted. Late in the night, Sasha and her group are ambushed by thieves who take Christa Lenz away as hostage, along with their ODM gear. Yū Kobayashi (Japanese)Ashly Burch (English)Megan Shipman (English, Final Season). [46], Sasha is a member of a group of Scouts sent to defend the Paradis coastline from ships sent from Marley. Ymir confronts Sasha about the abnormally polite way Sasha speaks to her fellow cadets, guessing that Sasha is ashamed of the dialect used by the people of her village and criticizing her aimless way of living. 142 images (& sounds) of the Attack on Titan cast of characters. Soldier In response, Sasha, Jean, and Conny begin cheering with them. Sasha and Conny show off their victory by parading through Trost with the boar. Attack on Titan (Japanese: 進撃の巨人 Hepburn: Shingeki no Kyojin, lit. Jean offers her a hand and the two make amends. She later falls asleep, only to be woken by Mikasa. Species She had a slender figure and was of average height. Together with Conny, she is seen killing several armed combatants entering the internment zone with her rifle, and setting up light markers throughout the city. As she drifts in and out of consciousness, she asks for some meat. 16 (850)[5] 20 (854) @sanet.cosplay has cosplayed everyone from Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch, Nezuko, Leone from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and, of course, Sasha Blause. She is positioned on Line 2 and File 3 in the enemy detection formation and is on relay duty. Now, she has passed on after being shot by … She even goes as far as to include some special effects on her potatoes. Attack On Titan has grown into a giant - pun intended - franchise since the manga debuted in 2009. [3] Suddenly, the Colossal Titan appears out of nowhere and breaks the gate of Trost with its foot. [28] She is proven to be a skilled thief, as she often manages to steal food from the infantry storage without getting caught. She witnesses Eren beaching a ship with his Titan form and the resulting exchange between Hange and Yelena. [8], Her father admits to having considered giving the forest to them so that they can make fields, while the hunter's tribe starts taking care of horses, but Sasha objects, arguing that they should not stop living like they do just because of the newcomers. "Potato Girl" (芋女 Imo-onna? Her Sasha cosplay efforts are sweet, endearing, and truly capture the sweeter side of Sasha. [6], After Reiner is defeated with the help of Hange, Sasha's unconscious body is attended to by Conny. Sasha Braus サシャ・ブラウスSasha Burausu Photos of the Attack on Titan (Show) voice actors. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. She becomes a bit afraid and starts crying when Erwin Smith gives his daunting speech about the Scouts' missions. The Scouts arrive at the ocean and Sasha playfully experiences it with her friends. Sasha and Conny do not stop crying but the three are left stunned when Reiner's Titan form suddenly begins to roar. [8], In 848, Sasha is assigned to Marco Bodt's group for a wilderness exercise. Debut Later, she is assigned to guard the border of the Titan Forest, after the middle flank successfully lures the Female Titan in. Across three seasons, with a fourth fast approaching, Attack on Titan has taken the anime world by storm. Additionally, she refused to change their traditions for the greater good. [7], Sasha was a friendly, fun-loving girl. Residence As the squad retrieves Eren, Sasha and Conny find an exit out of the cavern, and Sasha apologizes to Eren for doubting him. [3], She is later assigned to guard the middle of Trost from incoming Titans, and is among the cadets that are left stranded and unable to retreat to from battle due to running out of gas for their omni-directional mobility gear. 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The squad tries to talk her down, but she punches the captain as soon as she sees him. Voice actor Hearing something over the commotion in the ship, Sasha turns to see a girl aiming a rifle at her. Film, television, video games and comics. Sasha was a young woman with light brown eyes and reddish brown hair kept in a ponytail that reaches the base of her neck. [28] Shortly after, Sasha and the others hear gunshots and go to investigate. A true fan of One Piece and Attack on Titan, @mushitsujo_chisai loves cosplaying Sasha from Attack on Titan and has also cosplayed Vice Admiral Smoker, Vivi, and several other characters from One Piece. [38], After arriving in Shiganshina, Sasha watches Eren seal the hole in Wall Maria alongside her fellow scouts. RELATED: Attack On Titan: 10 Erwin Cosplay That Are Too Good. When the two are through, Sasha and the others are informed that Eren and Historia are likely being held near Rod Reiss. Her Sasha cosplay hits the nail on the nape; she even gets the hair right, down to the length and ponytail, and how could we forget her French loaf? [14], After escaping the headquarters, they reunite with their fellow cadets and are placed on standby. Lloyd Newkirk is a writer, digital marketer, actor, presenter, voice artist, gamer, music enthusiast and an honest to Cthulu geek. [49], Eventually, Sasha regroups with the other Scouts aboard the airship. She gets off the Armored Titan when Erwin brings in Titans to attack. Attack on Titan is lauded for many reasons. Sasha is one of seven soldiers that are selected to kill the Titans in the supply room, once they have been drawn in and blinded with gunfire. Sasha Braus is a member of the Scout Regiment, ranking 9th among the 104th Cadet Corps. Her father acknowledges her point, but disagrees, saying that it is more important to take care of the people, rather than live all alone. Taking a bow and a handful of arrows, Sasha runs for the main road with the girl. [18] After the Female Titan's capture, she recognizes her scream to be similar to that of a cornered animal screaming for help. Beloved, popular characters include Eren, Captain Levi, Mikasa, Armin, and Sonny, but several side-characters have captured the hearts of fans. Jean formulates a plan in which he, Sasha, and Conny will act as a diversion while Mikasa fires a Thunder Spear at the Colossal Titan's nape. From there they witness Reiner's emergence from within Wall Maria, and the appearance of the Beast Titan and his army. Despite the efforts made by the other soldiers, Sasha bleeds out and dies next to Mikasa and Armin who were visibly distraught. Her Sasha cosplay efforts take the cake (or potato), her costume for the beloved character is the real deal, and it's evident from her feed that a lot of time and love goes into recreating her favorite characters. The squad tries to cut the flying pieces in order to kill the main body. [48], In the year 854, Sasha takes part in the Scout Regiment's attack on Liberio. Female During the execution of the plan, she messes up, not cutting deeply enough through her assigned Titan's neck. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. [17] Being on the left flank, she does not encounter the Female Titan. Solo: 0In Team: 1[4]Total: 1 Commander Pyxis overhears their conversation and instead declares a cooking contest between Sasha and Jean. In the year 849, Sasha and the rest of the cadets head to Trost District to practice mock drills using their omni-directional mobility gear. Sasha ensures her victory by killing the boar first. Her props are slick, her ODM gear even comes with cabling, and her ability to capture action is what makes her Sasha cosplay so awesome. Yes, it's no potato, but true Sasha fans know that the small hunting town's character's love for food is diverse and relentless. That Day: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 2 Scout RegimentSpecial Operations Squad Sasha notes that they should find a vantage point to locate the thieves. [1] In shock, he wonders why she was eating a potato during training, and she says it is natural for humans to eat potatoes. Their recreations of Captain Levi and Sasha are of a notably high-caliber, from their slick, stylish photography, editing, and props—their nape-busting blades are nothing short of awesome! @swordsandblueberries tastes in geek culture vary from video games, anime, and even TV series, including the beloved Mando & Grogu from The Mandalorian, her gender-swapping version of Valka from Assassins Creed Valhalla, Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn, and Sasha from Attack on Titan. [30] After Marlo and Hitch have led them to a nearby MP checkpoint, Sasha, along with Conny and Jean, charges at the MP checkpoint in a carriage, breaking down the roadblocks they have erected. She's cosplayed characters including Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackermann, and, of course, everyone's favorite potato thief, Sasha Blouse. Dauper Attack on Titan is lauded for many reasons. Armin later catches her attempting to steal a loaf of bread, and her friends confront her.[27]. When it is crippled and loses balance, Eren takes the opportunity to transform into a Titan and shoves gunpowder into its mouth, causing the steam to ignite it and explode Rod. [25], Sasha and the others on their way back to Wall Rose, When the team catches up with the Armored Titan, Bertholdt and Ymir, Sasha and her friends attempt to persuade Bertholdt to give Eren back. The animation, the ODM VS Titan action sequences, the soundtrack, the story, and, perhaps the anime's strongest suit, it's characters. Escaping to the drawbridge, Sasha sends the girl ahead to find help while she fends off the Titan. Eren tells them all that he values their friendship too much to choose any of them, and resolves to select someone else. She's covered characters from anime including Hatsune Miku, Darling In The Franxx, and her very own version of Sasha, complete with potato, ODM gear, and Titan-slaying blades. She throws her bow away, taking her last arrow and stabbing it directly in the Titan's other eye. As Eren and Reiner fight in their Titan forms, Sasha and her squad surround the two and prepare to help Eren. During the fight she saves Conny's life by firing an arrow at the soldier who was about to shoot him. [50], Raised as an animal hunter, Sasha specializes in archery, horseback riding, and tracking. Professional Information The following day, Sasha is ready to go to Shiganshina District, along with the rest of the Scouts. Occupation As they are discussing a plan to rescue Eren and Historia, Sasha tells her comrades that she hears people approaching. Although both Sasha and Conny find themselves unwilling to kill Reiner, Jean manages to convince them to carry on with their mission. Sasha Braus Attack on Titan Part 1: Guren no Yumiya [1], Christa Lenz sneaks in some bread from the dining hall to help Sasha out after she passes out from the exercise, and Sasha greedily steals it.[1]. A Sudden Visitor: The Torturous Curse of Adolescence is the second OVA of the Attack on Titan anime series, which corresponds to episode 3.25 of the Attack on Titan anime. Her love of good and desire to do her father proud made Sasha one of the most relatable people in Attack on Titan. A Sudden Visitor: The Torturous Curse of Adolescence. Sasha is among the Scouts to lead an Expedition beyond Wall Maria, and finds a Titan whose limbs were so small that it could only crawl. “The Attack Titan”) is a Japanese manga series both written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama. In the morning, Sasha accompanies the rest of her squad to visit their old commandant Keith Sadies and question him about his relationship with Eren's father. In order to spare Eren from getting in trouble for starting a fight, Mikasa Ackermann claims that the commotion was caused by Sasha passing gas, a lie which she atones for by giving Sasha her loaf of bread after Keith has left. 1. [42], After Reiner's return to the battle, Sasha participates in Squad Levi's attack to keep him from reaching Eren and Armin. [3], Sasha, along with Eren and the others, is assigned to maintain the cannons on top of Wall Rose in Trost. Biological Information A graduate of City Varsity Cape Town and Red & Yellow Creative School of Business, he set out as an actor in 2010, jumped to marketing and writing as a secondary career path in 2016 and has now found himself back on a cosmically aligned path, writing about the things he loves. She's also a firm favorite among the cosplay community, so let's check out ten of the best Sasha cosplay. Sasha, angered, enlists in the Military in retaliation. Ymir still thinks of Sasha as annoying, and Christa reminds Ymir that not all people as are insensitive as her. A devout fan of all things anime, Lisa has a clear love for Naruto, Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon, and, of course, Attack on Titan. Sasha is eventually restrained by Conny and Eren, but not before punching Marlo and Mikasa. The Titan attempts to grab her, but Sasha manages to escape its grip. [9], Later, she returns back to Calaneth District with the Scout Regiment, worn and broken. As it turns to eat her, Mikasa kills it and Sasha is immediately grateful to her. The squad scatters as Eren begins a direct attack to Bertholdt's ankle, but Bertholdt kicks Eren into the top of the Wall. On the way, she is attacked by a Titan, which was unassumingly hiding behind a building. Mitzi is a cosplay from Israel who also has an undeniable love for anime cosplay. This puts everyone into high moods as they accept the meat and get back to work. This lack of motivation among the cadets leads to a confrontation between Eren Jaeger and Jean Kirschtein over the way the Cadet Corps operates, which garners Keith's attention. [1] During training sessions, it is observed that she had uncanny intuition and followed unconventional practices, which makes her inappropriate for group activities. Sasha and the rest of the squad listen uncomfortably to the screams as Levi and Hange conduct their interrogation. The squad travels to Orvud District, where they plan to fight Rod. Before she matured and entered the military, Sasha was shown to be rather intolerant and close-minded. [40] As Sasha and Conny cry over Reiner's apparent death, Jean tries to convince them not to mourn for him. [31], After crippling most of the personnel in the outpost, Levi and his squad escape with a hostage. [7], As the Jaw, Cart and Beast Titans arrive to the battle, Sasha and her allies regroup and prepare to face off with their enemies. While in Marley, she wore the black Scout Regiment uniform with support belts for her omni-directional mobility gear, as well as a brown bandolier carrying clips of ammunition for her rifle.
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