When Lupin started Hogwarts, his condition was kept secret, but James Potter, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew deduced the truth in their second year. See what Remus Lupin (sydneylee1999) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. Her kindness, bravery, selflessness, her wit beyond her age and her determination to fulfill any task. David Thewlis, Actor: Naked. His parents did everything that they could in order to try to find a cure for him, but there was no cure. Sirius Black, called "Padfoot" amongst the other Marauders. Preston moves to Africa shortly after this revelation causing Remus to believe that he told his parents and feared for his life. He takes part in the Order's retrieval of Harry from Privet Drive and just prior to their departure, Tonks reveals that she and Remus were married recently. He first appears in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. Remus would admire her from behind the large piles of books that he was putting away. This spell takes place when a shivering light fills the room and the beholder is holding a handful of flames as crackling noises are going. See more ideas about remus, remus lupin, harry potter. Parents. These transformations became less severe in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, when the Wolfsbane Potion provided by Snape allowed him to have some control over them, and to retain his mind. Sirius became a large black dog, James changed into a fierce majestic stag, and Peter a fat garden rat. 1971 did Remus attendg at Hogwarts to his surprise and got sorted into Gryffindor. A letter from James finds him in Canada at an opportune time, asking him to come home to meet his soon-to-be-born son. Lyall was the only one at court to realise that Greyback was a werewolf, as Greyback pretended t… ~ Remus Lupin's soul advising Harry about his and Tonks' newborn son. Remus planned on purchasing a biography on every founding member of Hogwarts. The transformation from human to werewolf is difficult and painful, and if the creature is isolated, it will become frustrated and harm itself if unable to attack. ▪ Defense Against the Dark Arts: Remus specialty in Defense against Dark Creatures.Remus is also capable of performing a highly advance Patronus charm, having mastered it at a relatively young age.Remus's Patronus takes the form of a wolf, a reflection of his condition, but he can disguise it into a non-corporeal form to hide that fact. Wikifamouspeople has ranked Remus Lupin as of the popular celebs list. [4] His students, excepting a few from Slytherin, held him in extremely high regard and loved his hands-on teaching style. He some times gains a few grey hairs or scars that result from the great deal of stress his body under goes from each full moon. At an early age of 6 years old, Remus was bitten by the werewolf Fenrir Greyback and he became a werewolf himself. His first name, "Remus," is an allusion to Romulus and Remus,[7] the legendary twin founders of Rome, who as infants were cared for by a she-wolf. He rose to prominence starring in the film Naked (1993), for which he won the Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Actor.His most commercially successful roles to date have been Remus Lupin in the Harry Potter film series (2004–2011) … When James learned what Sirius did, he stopped Snape before he reached the Shrieking Shack, saving his life. In Half-Blood Prince, he is working undercover as a spy amongst his fellow werewolves, who are under the leadership of the werewolf Fenrir Greyback, who bit Lupin as a child, and joined forces with Voldemort. He loves to feel free with his friends, whenever they run or play like not a care in the world. His last name, "Lupin," recalls the English word "lupine" (meaning "characteristic of or relating to wolves"), which in turn is derived from Latin lupus ("wolf"). Animagus forms are said to portray ones character. He also is weaker when it gets close to the full moon as his body starts to fight the change. Remus learns of Doe's break up from Carter not from his friends or even Doe herself but from the last person he expected Carter Lawson himself. There will be the actual actor (he was perfect as Remus after all) as well as fancasting for him, depending on age (he will look older due to being a werewolf and the damage his body has underwent). During his tenure, he gave Harry private lessons in casting the Patronus Charm, the only known means of defence against Dementors. Little is known about his life as a human. They disappear when Harry drops the Resurrection Stone as he goes to face the Dark Lord. Girls often refer to her as the girl Marauder. He grew up in Warwickshire,England and would often visit Shakespeare's house and the Historic house and garden of Warwickshire in the summer. Remus Lupin, also known as Professor Lupin, is a Harry Potter Minifigure introduced in 2004 where he appears prominently with sets based on The Prisoner of Azkaban. At least 9-A, likely 8-C with magic | At least 9-A, likely 8-C. Name: Remus Lupin Origin: Harry Potter. Emmeline and her mother Bethany began to visit Remus and Ann in their home after every full moon. ▪ Dueling: Remus was a highly talented duelist At the end of the book, it is revealed that Nymphadora Tonks has fallen in love with Remus (Remus is 13 years older than Tonks). But most importantly he was nervous about fitting in with his peers and being accepted by others. Remus and Dorcas spent the rest of the time comparing books before Anne called him to leave. Remus has the best sense of smell out of the Marauders . Remus noticed that Sirius seemed distracted as he stared out of James' bedroom window, almost as if his mind was somewhere else. In the films, he is portrayed by David Thewlis as an adult, and James Utechin as a teenager.[1]. Lupin joins the newly reformed Order of the Phoenix in the fifth book and is part of the advance guard who escorts Harry from the Dursley family home in the book's opening chapters. Late in the year, Tonks gives birth to a healthy baby boy named Teddy Remus Lupin, who demonstrates Metamorphmagus tendencies instead of lycanthropy. Remus is a very perceptive person and has the uncanny ability to guess the thoughts of those around him. A house was built in Hogsmeade with a secret passage leading to it from under the Whomping Willow. remus and y/n get hired by dumbledore last minute to teach at hogwarts, defense against the dark arts and charms respectively. Remus wanted to brush away her tears but kept his hand at bay as he thought about Carter her boyfriend last time he checked. Emmeline smiled and said "okay, then can I be a scary goblin?" Remus temper often changes depending on the moon calendar as he tends to get moody closer to full moons. There is evidence to suggest that Lupin is a more powerful wizard than he lets on. As of 2018 Remus Lupin is 38 years (age at death) years old. set in the prisoner of azkaban, including its major plot points. Actor David Thewlis was Prisoner of Azkaban director Alfonso Cuaron's first choice to play the role of Lupin. Remus is vary forgiving. Her father worked at the Ministry of Magic and encountered the werewolf Fenrir Greyback, who was on trial for killing two children. Above. (see JK Rowling interview). As Hogwarts start date came approaching, Remus told Emmeline he understood of she left her to make more normal friends. Remus was shocked by Carters words and gave him a blank stare. Lupin was smuggled into and confined in this house for his monthly transformations. Jo and the boys became close friends and she even formed a crush on James during fourth year, which she later out grew after realizing his obsession for housemate Lily Evans. In Order of the Phoenix, he has a pale face with premature lines. The fact that he's a werewolf and needs to take a potion to avoid hurting people for the rest of his life makes him a symbol of the consequences of prejudice and segregation, as well as society's often negative reaction to the ill and the disabled. Accidentally in love James Potter Lily Evans, Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, https://harry-potter-mischief.fandom.com/wiki/Remus_Lupin?oldid=24081. In ‘Remus Lupin’, J.K. Rowling detailed how Lupin and Tonks first met: Remus, so often melancholy and lonely, was first amused, then impressed, then seriously smitten by the young witch. Lupin attacks Harry with his wand, smashing him into a wall, and leaves in a rage. Remus John Lupin (March 10, 1960 - present) is a Half-blood wizard and werewolf, who was born to John and Anne Lupin. Remus also has an excellent sense of humor and is part of the Marauders. Remus and James became friends on the first day at Hogwarts when they were both sorted into Gryffindor and then further were dormmates. ", - Remus Lupin to Harry Potter about his transformations While in School. Lupin commands a group of defenders on the school grounds during the Battle of Hogwarts and is last mentioned to be duelling Antonin Dolohov. Even though the four boys formed a close friendship, he still kept his status as a werewolf a secret from them, along with the rest of his peers at Hogwarts. [4] He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry between 1971-1978 and was sorted into Gryffindor house. Together they made the Marauder's Map, spelled with multiple complex charms. Johanna Shacklebolt met the Marauders during their third year at Study Hall . He enjoys the craziness of life, and the crazy people in his life. Remus and his mother would always learn something new from the book during each reading, and they would talk about ceiling's setting during Remus' sorting ceremony. And sometimes the duo would be joined by a beautiful blonde. The map can also identify people in each room and is not fooled by animagus charms, Polyjuice potion, and invisibility cloaks. Remus John2 Lupin, parfois surnommé Lunard3 (Moony en anglais), est Remus hates the form of his patronus as it takes the shape of a wolf. He is first seen on the Hogwarts Express, asleep, and "looked as if one good curse would be able to finish him off". He has enhanced vision, hearing, agility, and stamina. March 10, 1960) is a half-blood wizard and werewolf born in England. Remus would occasionally head to the Rustik to have lunch with Sirius. Emmeline told Remus ,that he was stuck with her for the next seven years give or take. The Marauders Map is a map is a document that can reveal every class, hallway, secret passage and inch of the Hogwarts school grounds. On the morning of the first day of school, the boys were all gathered at James' house, so they could go to the train station together. [5] He could also open locks and chests and relight candles with just the wave of his hand. Narcissa Black. Harry apologizes to them all for their deaths, most especially to Lupin, for he would no longer have a chance to raise his son. This could be due to all the practice he has from his own self inficted injuries. Remus thought the girls frown was cute and wondered what her smile looked like. He did not become Head Boy, however. Anne could tell there was an inner battle going on within her son, and stopped their walking before entering Platform 9 and 3/4. Anne quit her job after her son was bitten by Fenrir Greyback and spent all of her time teaching and bonding with Remus. During the summer, Remus got a job at Flourish and Bolts. He was bitten by the vicious werewolf Fenrir Greyback when he was a small child, and became infected with lycanthropy; the condition being incurable, he was doomed to live his life as a werewolf. Lupin remains active in the Order of the Phoenix throughout the year, while their increasingly desperate situation drives members such as Aberforth Dumbledore to quit. ▪ Charms: Remus appears to have been talented with Charms from a young age, since he, James Potter,Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew managed to create the magically complex Marauders' Map as teenagers. Remus could not be more delighted but confused at a tear eye Dorcas seeking him out for help. This was the tragedy of Tonks and Lupin. In the folklore of northern France, lupin is also the term used to refer to a type of werewolf, noted for its shyness (in contrast to the more aggressive and violent loup-garou). Remus: "I read the rules before I break them!". There are three things I look for … The highlight of his summer would often be when Dorcas stopped by the book store. David Thewlis was born David Wheeler in 1963 in Blackpool, Lancashire, to Maureen (Thewlis) and Alec Raymond Wheeler, and lived with his parents above their combination wallpaper and toy shop during his childhood. Remus was also murdered by Death Eater, Antonin Dolohov, during the same battle in 1998. [5] He was also able to cast a corporeal Patronus (form of a wolf), which is regarded as very advanced magic and a sign of superior magical ability. It is shown that Lupin wears brown colored New & Lingwood brand shoes in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban when packing. He is incredible loyal to the marauders in wolf form as he considers them is pack mates. It's been six years since Remus Lupin, age 25, left England after the death of his father and the slow dissolving of his friendship with the Marauders. Against Remus wishes his three best friends start the adventure and work to become Animagus. Carter waited for Remus outside the Chess club practice when he new that he could get him alone. Later, in Order of the Phoenix, he is the only fighter besides Dumbledore who was not wounded, killed or knocked unconscious in the battle at the Department of Mysteries. ▪ Transfiguration: Remus, along with Sirius Black, are able to perform Untransfiguration to force Peter Pettigrew to change into his human form (Pettigrew's Animagus form was a rat). Together the four of them created the Marauders map. Rowling also stated that it was Antonin Dolohov who killed him.[5]. "[2] In Order of the Phoenix, Sirius said Lupin was the "good boy," and Rowling says he was the "mature" one. The four spectres ward off Dementors as they travel through the forest, much like Patronuses, and are invisible to all but Harry. In contrast to Sirius' more competitive and combative nature, Remus was far more peaceable, reserved, and prone to negotiation despite his nature as a werewolf. Remus J. Lupin is a character in the Harry Potter book series written by J. K. Rowling.In the Harry Potter movies, he is played by actor David Thewlis.. Remus John Lupin was an only son of Lyall and Hope Lupin (née Howell). Lyall Lupin was a very clever, rather shy young man who, by the time he was thirty, had become a world-renowned authority on Non-Human Spiritous Apparitions. During Remus' Fifth year at Hogwarts he was made a Prefect this becoming one of his greatest accomplishments in his academic career over all the other impressive spells he could master over his peers such as the Patrons charm at a young age. Remus can be described as having a pale face with a few fading scars that appear some times after the full moon. Tags. The map had a simple password and closing spell only the four of them knew. All of the Marauders, including Lupin, die resisting Voldemort (even Peter Pettigrew). "Lupin" is also the name of a genus of flowering plant. Private and Public. However, when Dementors appeared in the train, Lupin finally wakes up "holding what seemed to be a handful of flames". Remus Lupin estimated Net Worth, Biography, Age, Height, Dating, Relationship Records, Salary, Income, Cars, Lifestyles & many more details have been updated below.Let’s check, How Rich is Remus Lupin in 2019-2020? Tier: 9-B physically. Daisy was born on 20th April, 1961 to Lyall and Hope Lupin. However, when Dementors appeared in the train, Lupin finally wakes up "holding what seemed to be a handful of flames". "My transformations in those days were — were terrible. not wanting the students to know they … Remus chose to ignore his feelings in the beginning because he felt he was too dangerous for her. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This could be an indication of controlled wandless magic, something very few characters have been seen to do in the Harry Potter universe. She advised Remus to relax and be himself, because anyone would be crazy not to like him. Jo and the boys hit it off instantly and where reprimanded for laughing during study hall and spent the night in detention. Loyalists with the wizarding wireless hear him run the casualty reports section on the pirate radio station Potterwatch under the pseudonym of Romulus (a tribute to the twins Romulus and Remus who were raised by wolves). Harry Potter Mischief Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. While Harry, Ron, and Hermione were distracted by Lupin, Peter assumed his Animagus form and escaped. His friends nicknamed him "Moony" for his condition. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Remus Lupin/Reader; Remus Lupin/You; Remus Lupin & Reader; Remus Lupin; Reader; Summary. As the first day of school came around the corner, Remus was both excited and nervous to leave his mother and attend school far away. When he is hurt he is not very vocal, but when he does choose to talk about it he is completely honest about the situation. He resisted becoming involved with her because of the risks from his being a werewolf, and he said he is, "too old, too poor, and too dangerous," for her. Lupin lives in Grimmauld Place, the Order of the Phoenix headquarters with Sirius Black, but does not stay there often as he is usually sent on secret tasks for the Order. This fear stems from the time when he nearly bit Severus Snape, after a foolish prank by his friend Sirius. Remus told Carter that he would never steal another mans girlfriend to which Carter responded its over between us. The house was dubbed "the Shrieking Shack" and became known as the most haunted building in Britain. Remus was terrified that the three boys would desert him once they found out the truth about him. James eventually tosses a pillow at Sirius' head to regain his attention as the boys discuss the upcoming school year. Currently Hunter Jan 16, 2021 - Explore Jasmine Perkins's board "remus lupin", followed by 122 people on Pinterest. He was also excited about the possibility of seeing Doe again, and spending more time with kids his age. Carter then went on to encouraged Remus to go for it if the rumors where not true. Remus was born on March 10, 1960 to John Lupin a Pureblood wizard and Anne Lupin a muggle-born witch. Lupin is also mentioned briefly in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire when Dumbledore tells Sirius to 'lie low at Lupin's'. His mother's kind words soothed his nerves greatly. She later on shares with him during one of their study sessions that she was embarrassed of her failure and that she is also grateful for his patience with her and Diana when he tutors them. When Harry uses the Resurrection Stone, a younger-looking Lupin, along with Sirius, James, and Lily accompany Harry through the Forbidden Forest as he approaches Voldemort and an apparently imminent death. See more ideas about remus, remus lupin, andrew garfield. Lupin's main failing is, "he's always so pleased to have friends, so he cuts them an awful lot of slack. Age in Rollovers: 66: Pups Bred: 0 pups bred: Last Bred: Never Fertility: N/A : Heat Cycle: N/A Items Applied: None! Valuing their friendship the boys remain close despite the dangers. He was excited to finally see Hogwarts, and to see if the things he read about where true. Remus Lupin is the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher during Harry’s third year at Hogwarts, the year when Harry discovers Sirius Black is his Godfather. In their fourth year, the boys became animagi to join Remus on his transformations. Snape never forgave Sirius and believed James' only motive in foiling the plan was to avoid expulsion from Hogwarts. Below. Remus could not help but chuckle at the interaction between the three gossiping away. Feb 13, 2016 - How I see Remus in my fics. None equipped! [8] Lupin is often listed as one of the best characters in the Harry Potter lore. The bite was a response to an insult from young Remus' father. Although it was never actually haunted, Dumbledore promoted this rumour to discourage curious villagers from exploring. While in school he and his three best friends formed a group called the Marauders: along with Remus were Sirius Black, James Potter, and Peter Pettigrew. Remus knows how to perform a nonverbal flame spell. Son of Lyall Lupin and Hope Lupin. Also during his time in school Remus began to form an attraction and fall in love with Alice Fortescue. Doe made him promise to keep their new study time a secret. 1 Description 1.1 In the video games 2 Background 3 Notes 4 Appearances 4.1 Other Physical Appearances 4.2 Video Game Appearances 5 Gallery of Variants 6 Gallery 7 See also 8 External Links In his first variation, Lupin … Emmeline began to visit Remus more often in the month and the pair would play outside or board games when he was on bed rest. No matter how someone hurts him though, he feels it is pointless to hold a grudge, life is already too short and full of darkness, why make it darker. Remus become a full fledge member of the Order of the Phoenix. When Remus and Tonks got in an argument one time during sixth year,Remus struck her with a silent spell so quickly that she barely had time to deflect it with her own wand. Inevitably, he recognizes the truth in Harry's words and returns to Tonks' side. Remus is a werewolf. From 1971 to 1978 he attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and was sorted into Gryffindor. ▪ Healing magic: Remus is very handy when it comes to casting healing spells and tending injuries. IGN ranked Lupin as the 14th best character in the franchise stating, "An old friend of Harry's parents, he was able to give Harry personal, intimate insight into who they were that no one else had been able to provide. Professor Lupin first appeared in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, in which he taught Defence Against the Dark Arts at HogwartsSchool of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is possible that Remus' body may sometimes bear more scars across his chest from self inflicted pain during the transformations. The closer he got to King's Cross Station, the more butterflies fluttered in his stomach about the possibility of someone learning his secret and trying to harm him at school. Gender: Male Age: 38 at time of death Classification: Werewolf, Wizard Later on in life he falls in love again and marries Nymphadora Tonks. The father-in-law to Victoire Weasley. A teenaged version of Lupin briefly appears in Order of the Phoenix played by James Utechin during Snape's memories. Remus J. Lupin is a character in the Harry Potter book series written by J. K. Rowling.In the Harry Potter movies, he is played by actor David Thewlis.. Remus John Lupin was bitten by Fenrir Greyback at the age of 4 when his father-Lyall Lupin- insulted all werewolves. He is also one of the co-creators of the Marauder's Map, which later falls into Harry Potter's ownership. It is very painful to turn into a werewolf. Lupin appears in Deathly Hallows as even more tired-looking and anxious than before. James and Sirius tried to get info out of the young girl on Doe and Lily in exchange for info on Remus. Carter told Remus that he heard the rumors about him and Doe and that he wanted to give him his blessing. When Remus was around the age of four he got bitten by Fenir Greyback (werewolf) and became a werewolf. However, on various occasions he does not appear to be happy but rather tense. Studio Tour London – The Making of Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, Hermione Granger and the Quarter Life Crisis, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Remus_Lupin&oldid=1008603003, Articles using Infobox character with multiple unlabeled fields, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 24 February 2021, at 03:54. The lines on his face and his greying hair were the results of the … Remus asked Emmeline if she was afraid of him now as he was a werewolf. James and Sirius asked the young girl if she was related to Doe and if her sister was the one looking for him. Remus could not wait to tell his mother about his new friend Dorcas, or for school to start. [10][11][12], Fictional character from the Harry Potter universe, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, "Rumours: Professor Lupin has a twin," February 18, 2004, J.K. Rowling Official Site, "What Jo says about... Remus Lupin (aka "Moony")", "JK Rowling apologises for killing off Remus Lupin in Harry Potter", "10 Characters From Harry Potter That Deserved Better", "Why Remus Lupin Is The Best Harry Potter Character", Lupin's entry at the Harry Potter Lexicon, Lupin's entry in Mugglenet's Harry Potter Encyclopedia, Hogwarts: An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide, Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power, Politics and Pesky Poltergeists, Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure, Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts, Warner Bros. The blonde peaked Remus' interest as she was the only women that joined them all summer. As in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Lupin's role is small when compared to that in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Doe informed Remus that she needed him to be her white knight so to speak as she was at risk of failing Defense Against the Dark Arts.
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