This is full support build. Monk will have Champion as its Transcendent Second Class and Shura as its Third Class. Revo-Classic Monk Guide. Should always be up. Allows you to heal yourself when you start to get overwhelmed at the lower levels. Zen will cast all 5 spirits at once. 3. Most Monks invest in this skill only as a prerequisite to Snap. Int for effective of heal and max sp. Helps the Player recover HP and SP under Critical Explosion. Gives extra strength while under Critical Explosion. Strength is the biggest influencer of this, so you want to invest quite a lot. However, others who opt for PvP/WoE builds using active skills such as Finger Offensive and Asura Strike may ignore this stat completely. Ragnarok: Eternal Love Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Needed for maximum Finger Offensive output. Not particularly useful as one has to sit down in order to benefit from this skill, which is not practical in maps with aggressive monsters as well as PvP/WoE. Headgear: +11 Illusion Hot Blooded Headband (Vit) [1] Headgear(2): Magical Booster (Atk%) [0] Headgear(3): Rosary in Mouth [0] Armor: +9 Str Soutane (Vit) [1] Combo Monks would also need a decent amount of Dexterity in order to make every hit count as it also increase one's accuracy. [Go to top]← Rogue | Monk | Soul Linker →, From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki, Description: A much streamlined version of the combo monk.Lower lvls of iron hand and triple attack may mean less regular damage but the prospect of … If this skill is put into auto skill battle slot, after using [Monk-Triple Attack] will auto cast skill [Chain Combo] & [Combo Finish]. Finger Offensive has a huge cast time and relies on the user's hit rate, thus high Dex is advised to make this skill effective. Version 2.4 May 15, 2004 (05/15/04) Modified the guide and added some info from RO~Universe. Increased agility gives increased attack speed. Instead, the only hold for the Player is how quickly they can cast Finger Offensive which will be the Player's main combat skill. This skill randomly lands 3 consecutive hits on the target during normal melee attacks with a 1.3 second delay(decreases as amount of Agility increase) that occurs right after activation, during which one can activate Raging Quadruple Blow. Each spirit sphere lasts for 10 minutes or until they are used up by skills, and also adds 3 damage to the Monk's ATK. Monks who use Fury to increase their chances of scoring critical hits may invest in Luck to further increase it. Very useful for survivability. These are the skills to invest for the Monk tier. The faster you attack, the more damage you can do per second. It is said that the faith of the acolyte is not only for the mind, but the path one walks must also be for the body. You simply have to start the quest at the Monk Temple that is all the way east from Prontera, by talking to Master and then Elder Wuhai. Added new builds and a How to be a monk section submitted by "Louise Stevens Cabarles" Version 2.5 May 23, 2004 (05/23/04) Modified the MVP weapons … Ragnarok Online/Skills/Raging Quadruple Blow. They are mostly known for their powerful skill 'Asura Strike' which has the highest damage in-game a second class can deliver. “In woe, it’s… Hammafall! Sometimes you can steal rare item like clip[1] by auto steal. Plan your characters' skills in Ragnarok Online ahead of time with this easy to use RO Skill Simulator and Planner. Specialized Monk builds can be very efficient for MVP and WoEpurposes. Ragnarok M Eternal Love Monk Ashura Skill Build Stats: Strength Intelligence Dexterity 3:3:1 First Class: Acolyte It is said that the faith of the acolyte is not only for the mind, but the path one walks must also be for the body. Use this until you hit Champion. Set 7: 3x Blue Herb, 5x Iron Ore, 20x Yoyo Tail. Highly reccommended for higher tier play. Deal % physical damage to single target. This skill, when activated, increase critical rate for 3 minutes. This skill is activated when the Monk is sitting. It takes more than just the mind, but it also takes confidence, and the time and effort, along with self discipline to be able to change jobs. This is a Monk Job Quest Guide of Ragnarok Online. Help us expand it, and you get a cookie. Until then, it will take much time and effort. A Champion is the Transcendent variant of Monk. Bare minimum needed to unlock Finger Offensive. 2. As you know Rogue can steal items from monsters by skill Gank. This build can’t leveling by yourself. For the faith, one must be good until they achieve a disciplined body. Can also be used on monsters, with a 20% to steal 2*level of monster's SP. Regenerates HP and SP every 10 seconds (every 20 seconds if the Monk is overweight). When you've reached Lv40 in both base and job level, you can change from Acolyte into a Monk as your second class. Ragnarok Online AGI Monk/Champion Guide Final - ragnaroknike. This is my personal build. This is a choice. Thus his body and spirit are not yet in harmony. Can be used on other Monks/Champions in PvP/WoE, thus rendering them unable to use some of their skills until they re-cast Summon Spirit Sphere/Zen. Has an uninterruptable base cast time of 1.5 seconds, which can be reduced by Dex. As the percentage of the skill activating decreases as the skill level increases, it is advisable to leave Raging Trifecta Blow at Level 5 so that more combos can be chained. TataQueen’s Builds. Each spirit sphere lasts for 10 minutes or until they are used up by skills, and also adds 3 damage to the Monk's ATK. I have three: (1) Judex (2) Adoramus (3) Dark Shadow Slaughter. Judex Build. Version 1.1 This FAQ can now also be found on and Vit for max hp that make you survive. Online Builds and Ragnarok Online Active Servers. Great for Finger Offensive. Talk (0) Share. They are most known for the powerful Asura Strike skill, which has uses in MVP, PVP and WoE scenarios. Is it sound good? Tank Lovers. This build for Battle Priest or Combo Monk. After giving the needed items, head out and speak to Touha in Monk … On pre-renewal servers, I could just sit in the middle of the PVP room and feel like a Knight or Crusader unafraid of Monks’ Asura Strike. You should leeching your friend. Most Monks get 5 levels of this as a prerequisite to other skills, but is otherwise quite useless as the flee added per level does not justify using up 10 skill points on. Edit. Needed for survivability. Stat at Lv.55 : Vit 40 Int 63 Dex 20 Luk 9. Build pages focus on the underlying theories behind builds so a Player can make changes as they see fit. This skill never misses no matter how much flee the target has. With combo and separate attacks, the mysterious pow… Champions are even deadlier in close range co… Ragnarok Online Game. Developed a Combo-Asura Monk Skills build. Wear the club that you looted from a fabre that kept hitting your for 1 damage from novice training grounds. The Monk has several skill builds, namely: Pure Tank build, DPS-Tank (Hybrid) build, and the pure DPS build. Can get you out from the middle of a mob if you need it. It’s mean 1 monster get 2 item. This skill converts all remaining spirit spheres on a Monk into SP, for 7 SP per spirit sphere. 99): Str 93 Agi 1 Vit 21 Int 43 Dex 86 Luk 9 Skills(at Job Lvl. Monks with builds centered around Asura Strike would want some Intelligence to boost the damage of the aforementioned skill as Intelligence increases one's SP, the latter being a factor in damage calculation of Asura Strike. I recommend this class for everyone who starts play RO. Some players choose not to invest any, but you want to make sure you can always cast Finger Offensive. Set 6: 5x Jellopy, 10x Worm Peeling, 30x Stem. They were looked down upon as "Power Mongers," but these Monks offered no excuses for their actions. Specialized Monk builds … PVP: 5/5; MVP: 3/5; WoE: 4/5; Recommended for: People With Slow Reflexes like me. Restores some HP and increases Flee. Hammafall! Use a concentration potion. Asura-Skill-Build. The more Attack (Atk) you have, the higher the damage. This build is mainly for increasing Tiger Cannon Damage. Passive Skills This section is a stub. Only problem with it is that there is a slight delay in casting Judex. Monks are a versatile class that can deal damage in several ways unique to themselves. Archer and Mage class is your best freind for you. Agility increases your Flee Rate and how fast you attack. At this point in leveling, the utility of heal is vastly lowered. A very useful skill that, with the right weapon, can kill a wide variety of monsters with a single Level 5 shot, and also very threatening to players with low HP such as Wizards in PvP/WoE, and thus it is advisable for Monks who have sufficient skill points left over to max out this skill. Ranged skill which fire spirit sphere(s) at the target. Find here how to play, leveling, get equipment, Play and customize woe, bg, pvp and how to defeat mvps. Summons a spirit sphere, which revolves around the Monk. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This build pretty much functions like agi crit sinx, except that champions have a very massive burst damage thanks to their skill asura strike. Most builds are damage-dealers, focusing on maximizing damage via skills such as Occult Impaction and their Combo abilities. Though the force of his punches are feared far and wide, the Monk realizes that he has neglected something very important—his spirit remains unsatisfied. But they never forgot their roots and continue to use their power for righteous deeds calling themselves Suras- also known … Summons a spirit sphere, which revolves around the Monk. This is a Skill Simulator and Planner for Monk. Necessary in all builds but due to other stats taking priority in most generic Monk builds, Vitality is usually kept at between 40-60. Blessing helps increase all the points needed for great Finger Offensive. They are most known for the powerful Guillotine Fist skill, which has uses in MVP, PVP and WoE scenarios. If the Player gets overwhelmed at this stage, heal will only hasten their death through CD. This is a fundamental skill and must be maxed out by all Monks as it unlocks up the rest of the skill tree, and spirit spheres are used in many of the Monk's skills. These Monks fare poorly in PvP, where you need good amount of Dex as well as Vit, neither of which this Monk has. Most Monks would get 5 levels of this in order to unlock the combo part of the skill tree. This build focuses on single target damage with enough survivability to move and play on your own. Monk is the alternate class of priests but unlike them, monks are built to destroy. Hammafall!… In PVP it’s… LET’S DUEL… FADE!… 11111111111111111” My favorite build. would you recommend this guide? Buy a Chain[2] from the church where you changed into an acolyte and equip it only level 14.If you are that poor, the just club it until you reach Job Level 11. Agi Crit champion is an emerging build in the world of ragnarok mobile, with the improvement of card and equipment effects, creating an agi crit build champion is now possible. Great for increasing how much damage Finger Offensive does. Purged the Asura Stat Build. Set 5: 5x Bear's Footskin, 10x Tooth of Bat, 20x Poison Spore. For the faith, one must be good until they achieve a disciplined body. Set 4: 5x Sticky Mucus, 10x Earthworm Peeling, 20x Green Herb. The formula for calculating Occult Impaction damage is [ATK x (1 + 0.75*SkillLvl) x (Enemy Armour + Enemy Vit)/50] x Card effect. Agi-Str-Dex. This skill deals physical damage with a range of 2 cells. Today I will show you how to play Rogue farmer build. Heirloom gear scales with your current level, so its a lot easier to keep your alt's leveling gear updated! Others have come to fear and respect those who a… Stats(at Base Lvl. Skill Builds . Its a Judex build built around one-shotting Zipper Bears. This skill increases damage while bare-handed or using knuckle-type weapons. The attributes the player should focus on are: These are the skills reccommended to follow. 1. Help us expand it, and you get a cookie. This page was last edited on 14 May 2010, at 23:16. Helps increase damage output. The other option is Body Relocation. One of the monks' most important stats as most of their skills are offensive and depend on physical damage, having Strength is necessary to inflict damage effectively, be it combos or skills such as Finger Offensive, Occult Impaction and Asura Strike. Increases Attack and physical damage. After breakthrough, Kyrie Eleison can be used to increase speed and defense through Aesir runes. Monks who choose to go with the combo build would need a lot of Agility in order to deal damage quickly via melee attacks as well as activating Raging Trifecta Blow. Others have come to fear and respect those who are called Monks.
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