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If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Check out Clandestino song lyrics in English and listen to Clandestino song sung by Shakira on Gaana.com Luckily I'm a dependable guy. 11 jaar geleden toegevoegd door onbekend. Clandestino è il primo album ufficiale di Master Sina, pubblicato nel 2018 da indipendente Vanta numerose collaborazioni importanti come : Laioung, Reda Taliani, Akram Mag, Kader Info. 33 ... Clandestino est le quatrième album studio de Lartiste, sorti le 9 décembre 2016. Based on your geographical location [US] we, on request of our licencer, unfortunately can't give you access to the lyrics. Rennen is mijn toekomst. Ich bin allein mit meinem Schmerz, alleine steht meine Überzeugung. Para burlar la ley. Copy link. Watch later. She looks rather sad. NL:clandestino. (feat. Watch later. Lila Downs Lyrics. Correr es mi destino. Manu Chao Lyrics "Clandestino" Solo voy con mi pena Sola va mi condena Correr es mi destino Para burlar la ley Perdido en el corazón De la grande Babylon Me dicen el clandestino Por no llevar papel Pa' una ciudad del norte Yo me fui a trabajar All Clandistino lyrics sorted by popularity, with video and meanings. The lyrics of the song are sung in Spanish and deal with the issue of immigration: "I wrote it about the border between Europe and those coming from poorer nations. Last.fm's Current Most Loved Pop Tracks. You're signed out. Correr es mi destino. Nach einer Stadt im Norden machte ich mich auf, um zu arbeiten. Shakira Lyrics. Op basis van je geografische locatie [US] mogen we je van onze licentieverstrekker helaas geen toegang geven tot de teksten. "Clandestino" is the second single and the title track from Manu Chao's first album, Clandestino. Perdido en el corazón. Shakira, Maluma - Clandestino Lyrics English and Spanish - Translation / Meaning - YouTube. (More fire) [Verse 1: Shakira, Maluma] Sabes que no nos conviene Que la gente sepa lo que ambos tenemos Sie nennen mich den Schwarzen, da ich keine Papiere habe. Thanks! English translation of lyrics for Clandestino by Francesco Gabbani. Ze noemen me illegaal. She's a child of war, hiding her feelings thousands of feet beneath the ground. "En San Valentín no necesito más flores" Please review your translation. Translation of 'Clandestino' by Shakira from Spanish to Dutch. Get all the lyrics to songs on Clandestino and join the Genius community of music scholars to learn the meaning behind the lyrics. Verloren im Innersten des großen Babylon. The source lyrics have wrong text. Contributions: 815 translations, 11129 thanks received, 166 translation requests fulfilled for 95 members, 4 transcription requests fulfilled, added 1 idiom, explained 2 idioms, left 287 comments Share. Sola va mi condena. Shopping. Vertaling van: Manu Chao - Clandestino. [I offer her] a bit of comfort. Ik zoek problemen waar er geen zijn, er geen zijn, er geen zijn. SCHWARZER. Translation of 'Clandestino' by Manu Chao from Spanish to Dutch Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 The lyrics of the song are sung in Spanish and deal with the issue of immigration: "I wrote it about the border between Europe and those coming from poorer nations. Manu Chao - Clandestino. Mijnwoordenboek.nl is een onafhankelijk privé-initiatief, gestart in 2004. Yes, I thought so, but my Spanish is not perfect, ... Yeah, since these are fairly common languages - ... Sabrina Claudio - Truth Is (Spanish Version). Lyrics to Clandestino by Lila Downs from the Al Chile album - including song video, artist biography, translations and more! Die de deur voor me opendoet als ik aankom in een restaurant, Ik heb geen behoefte aan meer bloemen op Valentijnsdag, Wat we hebben is illegaal en ik zal niet ontkennen, Dat ik de boete betaal voor het zoenen met je (muah), Ik weet dat hetzelfde met jou gebeurt en je kunt het niet ontkennen, Ik heb al de fout gemaakt om verliefd te worden (ja, ja), Ik kwam je bezoeken, om mezelf te vermaken, En je stal een kus van me waar je niet aan denkt om hem terug te geven, Het voelde alsof ik vloog, alsof ik ontsnapte, Toen ik het het minste verwachte, omhelsde je mij al, Zoek geen problemen waar er geen zijn, er geen zijn, er geen zijn, Ik zoek problemen waar er geen zijn, er geen zijn, er geen zijn, Vertel het me, schat, want ik snap niet waarom we het nodig hebben, Om elkaar alleen te zien en onszelf in het donker te vermoorden*, Je gaat weg en mijn lichaam hier vraagt om meer, De onze is illegaal en ik zal je niet ontkennen, Dat ik de boete betaal voor het kussen van je (muack), Ik weet dat hetzelfde met je gebeurt en je kunt me niet ontkennen. That open the door when I arrive at a restaurant, I don't need more flowers on Valentine's Day, That I pay the penalty for kissing you (muack), I know that the same thing happens to you and you can't deny me, I already made the mistake of falling in love (yeah, yeah), And you stole a kiss from me that you still don't think about giving me back, At least I thought you were already hugging me, Don't look for problems where there aren't, there aren't, there aren't, I look for problems where there aren't, there aren't, there aren't, Tell me, baby, because I can't understand what you need, To see each other alone and kill us in the dark, You leave, and my body here keeps asking for more, With a couple of kisses in the mouth (muack). Shakira and Maluma's "Clandestino" lyrics, translated to English. Lyrics submitted by Nelly, edited by meaning600. Не исключено, что, скажем, Игорь, Брат... مرررسی برای حس زیباتون Wegrennen ist meine Bestimmung, um das Gesetz auszutricksen. Nos encanta y lo sabemos, jajaja. (feat. ** Letterlijke vertaling is om elkaar te vermoorden, maar het betekent meer zoiets als 'in het donker aan elkaar te vergrijpen', ofwel seks hebben. "Clandestino" as written by Jose Manuel Chao. Manu Chao - Clandestino Lyrics. … * Don Juan = rokkenjager Clandestino is the first full-length solo album by Manu Chao, released in 1998. Translation of 'Clandestino' by Shakira from Spanish to English. Share. Que comemos de una fruta prohibida. И наоборот. Sola va mi condena. Verloren in het hart. Perdida en el corazón. * Don Juan = rokkenjager ** Letterlijke vertaling is om elkaar te vermoorden, maar het betekent meer zoiets als 'in het donker aan elkaar te vergrijpen', ofwel seks hebben. Eenzaam ga ik met mijn verdriet. Lyrics to Clandestino by Adriana Calcanhotto from the Publico album - including song video, artist biography, translations and more! Clandestino Lyrics- Get Clandestino Clandestino song Lyrics in Spanish. Yo soy el quiebra ley. You know it’s not convenient for us. Eenzaam is mijn veroordeling. I talk to her and hear about all she went through. That people know what we both have The album contains many soundbites throughout, two of which are bits of a speech by Subcomandante Marcos and, like Chao's subsequent albums, was mostly recorded by the musician himself in various locations around the world, using a small laptop—which is referred to in the liner notes as Estudio Clandestino. "Clandestino". Maluma) (More fire) Sabes que no nos conviene. Well-known songs are 'Me Gustas Tu', 'Bongo Bong', 'Clandestino', 'Mr Bobby', and 'Je Ne'taime Plus'. "Clandestino" is the second single and the title track from Manu Chao's first album, Clandestino. as if hanging in the air. Info. Om de wet te misleiden. Para burlar la ley. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Clandestino Songtext von Manu Chao mit Lyrics, deutscher Übersetzung, Musik-Videos und Liedtexten kostenlos auf Songtexte.com Manu Chao lyrics - 118 song lyrics sorted by album, including "Bienvenida A Tijuana", "Clandestino", "Todo Llegará". About Clandestino. Bekijk de songteksten voor de toptracks van Clandistino. Ana Wiyak Lyrics: {HOOK} / Clandistino & Numidia / On est bien ensemble / Ana wiyak / On seras l’exemple / Ana wiyak / La confiance est simple / Ana wiyak, eh dima nkoun m3ak (2x) / {VERSE * Clandestino means that this guy is an "illegal immigrant", coming "privately" (=clandestine) into a country; ** "Mano Negra" was (allegedly) an anarchist group in Spain in the late 19th century and also the name of Manu Chao's former band; Maluma. X. Solo voy con mi pena. Lyrics to 'Clandestino' by Shakira. Soleil Lyrics. "Clandestino". Manu Chao (⋆ 21 June 1961 in Paris, France) is a French/Spanish rock, reggae, punk and ska artist; well-known in the Paris alternative music scene before his international success with the band Mano Negra (active 1988-95). 22.7K 2. Tap to unmute. Translation of 'Clandestino' by Manu Chao from Spanish to English. Que la gente sepa lo que ambos tenemos. Ontdek de beste playlists en videoclips van je favoriete artiesten op Shazam! Intro Clandestino Lyrics. Omdat ik geen papieren bij me draag. La cocaïna, la cocaïna took her family away. Translation for 'clandestino' in the free Spanish-English dictionary and many other English translations. Online vertaalwoordenboek. van het grote Babylon. Look around — maybe 30% of the people in this street are clandestino [illegal]." مررسی برای محبت و ... Asma Lmnawar - يا أغلى من نفسي (Ya Aghla Min Nefsi). English translation of lyrics for Clandestino by Shakira feat. Shopping. You're signed out. "Clandestino" lyrics. Due to merging of duplicates, the source lyrics might have been updated. Tap to unmute. Please review your translation. (Como una raya en el mar) Oh my gosh (Lai-larai-la-lai-lai) I am in pain (Lai-larai-lai-lai) Prr (Lai-larai-la-lai-lai) (Larai-larai-lai-lai) Edit Lyrics. Joker Lyrics. Grupo Kual) Sola voy con mi pena. 34.2K 3. Clandestino Lyrics Übersetzung. Copy link.
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